Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

New Chapter 22 – First Day In UA!

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Waking up to the alarm clock ringing. I change into my school uniform and headed to UA. Today was the first day of school. Walking there I started to imagine what was going to happen. He already knew people were going to ask him questions, if he revealed who he is. Luckily no one knows how he looks like, which gave him a bit of relief but he knew he would be revealed by Aizawa. It's not like he didn't want attention, he did. But getting too much attention to the point where they keep bothering him was a bit annoying.

My class is Class-1A which was were people from the anime are going to be. Well the important side characters, I should say. Other students from other classes weren't really brought up in the anime , apart from Mirio's friends and the students from Class-1B. They didn't really have much importance as Class-1A. They did take part in finding and helping Eri which was very interesting.

Getting back to where I am. I had just gotten to the school. I'm still surprised it was this big. Even in the inside, it looked way smaller in the anime. They didn't really capture everything that was inside. The anime only showed the class, the gym, and cafeteria.

I hadn't notice I was standing still on the front door and I already started to get attention from people. Whispers were going throughout the entrance. Sigh I should probably consider getting a mask, i don't know how much longer I can take this. This would always happened. Wherever he went there would always be someone who point at him and compliment him.

"Wow! he's hot"

"Yeah who is he?"

"Isn't he a first year?"

"No way! Gosh! It wouldn't hurt trying to talk to him right?"

"Have you heard of the first year who dominated the practical exams? Do you think that's him?!"

Many gasps and more people were starting to look at him.

Ignoring them I had opened the door and searched for my class. After a couple minutes of searching, I had finally found it.


The door was closed but I could hear people inside talking. A creak was heard as i opened the door. It was suddenly all quiet. No one spoke. Everyone that was inside the class glance at the pretty dark-haired boy that had just enter the class. The girls of course had blushes on their face except for a girl who had a ponytail. While some of the guys glare at me muttering "Pretty boy.....bad" Mostly from a short purple-haired boy who had sticky balls on his head.

"Hey is that dude who score 200 villain points!!" A red-spiky haired guy said as everyone in the class widen their eyes, their mouths open.

"You're right it's him!!" A pink-skinned girl exclaimed as she jumps in front of Cain.

"Oi!! Cain!! How did you get 200 points on the practical exam!! You cheated didn't you!! You fucker!!" A ashen-blond boy said as his palms spark with explosion.

"Hey! You can't use your quirks! It's against the law! I'd refrain from using them in class!" Iida said as he speaks with authority.

Cain internally sighed. This wasn't what he had imagine it was going to be. 'Cheat? Why would I need to cheat?' I think to myself as I stare at Bakugo.

"Kacchan, Cain-San wouldn't cheat." A green-haired boy said as he looks at his friend. Bakugo then glares at Izuku causing a shriek to come out of the boy.

"Ne ne is it true??!" The pink-skin girl said as she gets closer to Cain. Cain glanced at her once and shrugged , he then looked for an empty seat.

Finding a empty seat next to the window, he walks towards there and sits down. The protagonist seat.

Everyone was still staring at him. Especially one girl who was invisible was looking at Cain.

"Oi! Speak! Can't you speak?! Have you forgotten!?" Bakugo said causing most of the girls to glare at him.

Cain let out a sigh and look at Bakugo straight in the eyes. "Shut up you buffoon" Silence. The class went silent as Cain spoked for the first time in class. Cain putting up his hand on his cheek he looked at the sky.

"You!!! What did you say!!" Bakugo screamed as he was about rush at Cain. But he was stopped, as his quirk had deactivated.

"If you're here to make friends or fight then I'd suggest you leave" a lazy voice was heard. Everyone turn to look at who this was and confusing was filled in their faces. A man-centipede? Was on the ground worming his way to the front. "Sigh it took you 8 seconds for all you to be quiet.... time is precious. Rational students would understand that" A man said as he stands up, everyone could see that it was a giant sleeping bag that he was on.

"My name is Aizawa and I'll be your homeroom teacher." Said Aizawa in a impassive tone. Many students wonder who this was. And if this person really was going to be their homeroom teacher. While one green-haired boy was muttering causing students to look at him with weird look.

Aizawa then pulled uniforms from his sleeping bag and threw it to the class. "Wear these uniforms. Then meet me at the P.E grounds" Aizawa said with a dispassionate tone.

Everyone was able to catch one. Cain then pulled the uniform to his nose and sniffed it. *sniff* *sniff* 'Hmm it doesn't smell bad, I've always wonder how he manages to keep it clean under his sleeping bag' Cain thinks to himself as students start walking out the class and going towards the locker rooms.

As he stands up Aizawa was staring at him intensely. But as soon as Cain had looked at him, his intense gaze had turn normal. "Cain, was it?" Aizawa said causing Cain to slightly narrow his eyes. Cain nodded and Aizawa hummed.

"It's going to be an interesting year, Cain." Aizawa said only getting a "Hn" from Cain.

Cain then started walking to the locker rooms. He was spaced out, he was thinking what Aizawa had said. Going inside a locker room, he smelled perfume. Cain didn't pay much attention to it since he was still spaced out. Walking inside he heard screams, feminine screams to be exact.


"C-Cain-San!! What are you doing here?!"


Cain was brought out of his thoughts as he hears girls scream at him. His eyes then focus on what was happening and his eyes widen as he sees where he's at. 'Holy shit' was the only thing that Cain could think. Cain wasn't a pervert by any means, but getting in to this situation. He could only thank the gods for such a blessing.

The girls had deep blushes on their faces. Some girls were mad, while other girls were amused. The girls were on their panties. They weren't wearing anything other than that. They didn't even have a bra on, leaving them bare chested on opened view. Some girls had covered them while some didn't. A girl with dark-purple hair stomped towards Cain and pushed him out of the locker room. "Pervert" The dark-purple hair girl muttered as she slammed the door shut.

Cain didn't know what to say, nor did he know what to do. He wasn't embarrassed but it was still awkward. Cain having a small blush on his face walked towards the men locker room. As he enters he hears the guys saying how he went inside the girls locker room. And asking if he saw them naked. Cain didn't really say anything since it was stupid. While a purple-haired midget was mad that he didn't get this opportunity.


"Quirk Apprehension Test?!" The students say getting confused on what's happening. The students of Class-IA were wearing their uniforms that were given by Aizawa.

"But orientation...we're going to miss it" Uraraka said causing the students to nod.

"Sigh if you really want to be a pro hero, then you can't just waste time on a pointless ceremony." Aizawa said in his usual tone. Most of the students were getting bothered by this.

"Here at UA, we aren't hold by traditions. That means I can get to run my class however I see fit" Aizawa said putting students on edge.

Cain didn't really mind since Aizawa was right. Ceremonies and other activities will only hold him back. So Cain didn't really complain, he could only keep his stoic face and listen to Aizawa.

"You were taking standard test for most of your life. But you never used your quirks. Cain what was your farthest throw with a softball in junior high" Aizawa said as the student stare Cain.

Cain feeling the eyes on him, he sighed. Most of the girls were still embarrassed by what had happened on the locker room. Some of the girls were still mad but some didn't care anymore.

"150 meters" Cain spoked as Aizawa nodded and looked back the students.

"Right now use your quirk and throw it" Aizawa said as he throws a softball at Cain. Cain looked at the ball and closed his eyes. And soon his Rinnegan activated. Most of the students had perplexed faces, and the teacher was intensely staring at him.

Cain then threw the ball to the air and the students looked at the ball. 'He just threw to the sky' Many students were thinking the same as the softball was about to drop the ground. But as soon as the softball got near Cain's face, Cain had raised his hand.

"Almighty Push" Cain said causing the students to have goosebumps. Even the teacher was affected by this. A strong gushed pushed the softball going at super speed breaking the speed of light.


And soon the softball was out of everyone's sights causing the students to gasped.

Aizawa then raised his hand showing the students the score that Cain got.

"1500 meters!!" The students exclaimed as they see the score. Bakugo then made a tch sound seeing this.

"That looks so cool!!"

"I want to be next!!"

"That looks so fun!"

"This is what I'm talking about! We can use our quirks for fun as much as we want!"

"So this is fun" an emotionless voice sounded. This person was Aizawa who's bang was covering his eyes. "You have three years to become a hero. If you thinks it's going to games and playtime? Ha idiots. Today you'll compete in 8 physical test to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last will be expelled immediately." Aizawa had announced causing the students to get scared.

"Huh?!!" The students say.

"Like I said, I get to run who I run this class. If you have any problems then you can leave. Understand!" Aizawa said causing the students to shudder.

"You can't do this! This is the first day of school! This isn't fair!" Uraraka said.

"And you think natural disasters is fair? Or power hungry villains? Our accidents that wipe whole cities? No! This world is full of unfairness. It's our job to compete with that! Go beyond! Plus Ultra style. Prove to me you can do that." Aizawa said giving the student some motivation.

Cain hearing this could only nod. Aizawa was being realistic. That was something Cain could agree on.

"Now then let's do this" Aizawa said.
Everyone took a turn to throwing the soft ball. It mostly went the same but when Bakugo threw his softball and saw that he was below Cain, he had gotten mad. Then there was Midorya who had used his quirk but was soon deactivated by Aizawa. Momo who used a canon to shoot the softball. Cain was a bit interest on how Momo void worked since the void that he was seeing was that of a box. A box with endless objects.

The students were looking at the track where they were going to do this. Some of the students were ready, while some were nervous. "Alright Tenya Iida and Uraraka go over there and wait until the robot starts, and then you could run" Aizawa said as he points towards the track.

Tenya and Uraraka walked towards their and got into position.

"Ready? Start!" The robot said as Tenya used his quirk to get a high score.

"Incredible" The students muttered as they see Tenya run and get there in 2 seconds.

Everything went the same as the anime except for Cain that had easily aced it. Getting the highest score on the 50-meter dash, getting there in less than a second causing Iida to glare at Cain with jealousy. Then the jump test and strength test, he had pass them all with flying colors.

Many of the students were shocked to say the least. They thought that Cain was a monster, and already strong enough to be a pro hero. Little do they know that Cain had only used 10 percent of his power.


"Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results." Aizawa said as he sighs and projects the screen for everyone to see. Midoryia was shaking with anticipation.

"N-no!" Midorya said as he falls to his knees. Many students were looking at him with pity.

[Quirk Apprehension Test
RANK 1st: Cain
RANK 2nd: Momo Yaoyorozu
RANK 3rd: Shoto Todoroki
RANK 4th: Yenya Iida
RANK 5th: Tokoyami
RANK 6th: Kirishima
RANK 7th: Mina Ashido
RANK 8th: Ochaco Uraraka
RANK 9th: Asui
RANK 10th: Kaminari Denki
RANK 11th: Jiro
RANK 12th: Toru Hagakure
RANK 13th: Mineta Minorou
RANK 14th: Izuko Midorya ]

(A/N: I had missed some)

"Midorya" Ochaco says as she looks at Midorya with worried eyes. Even the student Iida was feeling bad.

Cain already knew what was going to happened but this was still funny.

"Midorya you are now expelled...just kidding" Aizawa said as he form a malicious smile.

"What?!!" Many of the students say as the hear their teacher.

"I lied. I was never going to expelled anyone. I only did that to get you to do your best" Aizawa said as the ponytail girl stood up.

"I knew it!...I thought you guys knew." The ponytailed girl said. This was no other than Momo. Momo then looked at Cain who was looking at her. She then had a light blush and sit back down.

Midorya sigh in relief seeing that he wasn't going to get expelled.

After class had ended, Cain walked back to the house meeting up with Toga. He then talked to her about what had happen in school and she laughed hearing that a green-haired boy was crying.

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