Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Prologue 1

My name is Cain and I am 23 years old. My body is pretty lean with only a bit of muscle showing. I have black hair , fair skin ,and black eyes. I could be considered average if were talking about appearances. I am also an anime weeb, I've watched so many anime's that at this point I can't even count how much time I wasted on them. There is a reason for all of this, like any superhero story there's always something that caused a person to 'change'.
I had a few friends in my elementary school through high school but those friends ended up abandoning me, and betraying me.

I was only 16 when this happened, there was one time me and my 'supposed' friends went to a party and there was a murder. Well, my friend Billy was drunk and got into a fight with a girl. He killed her and ended up r****g her while she was dead. I of course had no idea of this since I was in the bathroom most of the time. I never did like parties so I would alway stay either in the bathroom or outside.

In the end I got blamed for it, my friends covered up for Billy and decided I should take on the blame. I’m not sure why I deserve to get the blame for it. I don’t know what I did to make them hate me.  I was completely shocked about this and I even told them I would go to jail or worse get a death penalty if they blame me. They didn't care, they told the police that I was the one that killed and r**** her.  They even had witnessed say that I was the one who did it. I could immediately tell these were payed actors. As for the real witnesses, I don’t know what happened to them. At this point my world was starting to crumble down. The people who I thought were my friends ended backstabbing me. The saddest thing about this was that I trusted my friends and it hurts knowing they did this to me.

I of course had to say something since I didn't want to go to prison for a murder I didn't do. I didn't like snitching but for this I had to since this is "my life" and I wasn't just gonna throw it away.

But of course the police didn't believe me, since one of the people who I thought was my friend had a father that was the chief of the police. He probably did something to take away my freedom. He was also rich and powerful, having connections with gangs. Paying someone to corrupt this was something he could easily do.

 Billy’s father also had threatened the detectives and their family to erase any evidence about his son. Or else there whole family would die. 

 Not only that most of the police force are corrupted as well.  I was taken to jail and my mom visited me any time she was available. She was the only one that was there for me ,she believed me when no one wouldn't. My father ended up leaving us but I didn't care since most of time he wasn't here. He had an affair and divorced my mom when I was in middle school. He would mostly just stay in me and my mom house since it was "technically" his house. My mom always fought with my father when he would come announce and get drunk in our house. My mother would always tell me to go hide in my room and to keep quiet. The only I could do was cry when I heard the cries of my mom getting punched. I wanted to help her, I wanted to do something to stop my father from beating my mother. But I couldn’t , my body wouldn’t move. I was a coward, no I was more than that.

Anyways today was the day I was supposed to go to court. My mom had hired lawyer, my mom sold a lot of her stuff to do this to try to help me out. I would always tell her to not do this since I was still a minor so I knew I wouldn't get punished to hard. My mom had to get a second job to be able to pay the rest.

I've also told the lawyer what actually happened and he didn't believe me. He said I didn’t have any evidence to prove that Billy did it. They only found my fingerprints and DNA on the girl’s body. I don’t even know how it got there! This is what mostly caused me to go into depression since I knew I would have to go to prison.

The most he could do was to get my sentence lower from 25 years to 7 years if I plead guilty. I decided to take it since if I plead non-guilty it would cause more trouble and could pontentially lengthen my sentence. There was also no proof of me being innocent. I've taken the polygraph test but it all came negative for some reason.

It was like god was playing with me.


As I opened the door to enter the court, I noticed it was quiet and everyone was standing up. I stepped in and immediately spotted the people who betrayed me. They were looking at me with mocking smiles.

I looked at them with raging eyes and that made them shudder a bit before sitting down. I then walked to the table I was supposed to be. I spotted my mom and my lawyer seating there.

I also spotted the family of the girl, they were looking at me with enraged eyes. Their eyes filled with pure hatred, almost tears threatening to fall. I wanted to say that I didn’t kill her, I wanted to say that it was someone else but the words were stuck in my throat.

"You May All Be Seated" The Judge saids as she projects her voice for people to able to hear. ‘The judge was probably corrupted’ I think to myself. Everything is falling down on me. 

I’ve thought of committing suicide. The pain I’m feeling will vanish. I wouldn’t have to suffer for something so stupid. I wanted the pain to disappear......but I couldn’t. I still had my poor mother who’s been with me all this time, I couldn’t just kill myself and leave her to suffer. She had already done enough for me. Imagining the pain she’ll have to go though, made my chest hurt. 

As I sat down I started to sweat, my palms became moist. I kept tapping the floor with my foot.

"calm down" said my lawyer as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

'don't tell me what to do, you didn't even believe me'I thought as I look at his disgusted face.

The judge talked and I talked as well pleading guilty for the change of first degree murder and r***.

"Cain will be sentenced for first degree murder and r*** and will go to prison for 7 years" The Judge said as she brings the small wooden hammer and slamming in it on her desk. The sound of the hammer slamming brought me to reality, it made me realize all of this was real. 

I had tears in my eyes, my mom was also crying and my betrayers were all smiling, some even laughed. Of course they masked it to seem as if the “criminal” is now put behind bars where he belongs. 

I looked at them with a hatred gaze, clenching my fist. I wanted to punish them for making me go through this. I wanted to feel the pain, the pain that I’m going through. I wanted to tear them apart, i want to hear their cries of agony! I want their blood to pour out of their body! I wanted to make them pay! As I was about to go do that my mom hug me from the back.

"*sob *sob* Cain sweetheart I know your mad *sob* but if you do this you will get sentenced longer *sob*" My mom said as she cried in the back of my shirt.

I looked at my mom with complicated eyes, I wasn't just going to let this go. I was gonna make them pay for what they did.

*SIGH* I released a sigh making my mom look at me.

"Ok mom I love you mom" I said as I hug my mom making my mom cry more.

The guards then came and put me into cuffs then as I'm about to leave the court room I looked at my "enemies" one more time.

'when I get out I'll be the judge,jury, and executioner...I will make you all pay for this...soon' I thought to myself as I walked out the room.

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