Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 19: Hugo Greenwood, A New Demon Lord?

The ogre chiefs gave me their names right away. It wasn't just them though. Their retainers and attendants that were there also did the same, kneeling in the process as well. Unfortunately, since I was never really good at names, I could only remember at most four or five of them.

"Now, to our next discussion…"

I called out Aria, telling her in my mind to create an earthen throne for me to sit on. With the usual soft pop, the sprite manifested herself in her maid form and created the throne, just the way I had trained her to.

Yep, I had trained myself to act like a Demon Lord would, even if just for a little. I knew some of the ogres would not fully trust me and my strength. As such, appearances were important as well.

I sat on the throne, resting my staff near my left leg, letting it lean on the earthen chair. Smiling, I began my speech.

“So, for starters, I have to ask, what makes you all agree to gather under my banner? I was under the impression that you ogres had a pact with the Demon Lord.”

“Ha! Ain’t it obvious? We like ya’ better than that snob, kid!”

The one to answer was none other than the chief of the Menet clan, that being Orluk’s father. He lifted his face, speaking with a grin towards me.

"Oh?" My smile widened as I scratched my chin. "And why is that?"

"Because that man much prefers those Altra weaklings over us." The one who answered was the ogre kneeling beside him—a rough-looking middle-aged man with a scarred left eye. "It would be too long to list all of our disputes. But suffice to say, our alliance today is merely one out of convenience, not loyalty."

The other ogre chiefs nodded in agreement, all of them now looking at me with a serious look.

"Myrilla?" I glanced at the demoness. She now stood beside me, acting as my advisor. I, of course, had discussed the idea beforehand and she agreed.

"They’re telling the truth." Her gaze rested on the ogres. "Though, I have to warn you, some of them do still harbor doubts about your strength."

“Really now?”

A smirk grew on my lips. Well, time for a demonstration.

"How about this? I'll take all seven of you without even standing up from this throne."

"T-there's no need for that, Lord Hugo!" Orluk looked up, sweat trailing down his forehead. "We might not see your prowess with our own two eyes but—"

"Sounds perfect! I always want to try my hands on a Demon Lord!"

He was interrupted by none other than his own father, who was now standing straight up; his hand gripping the handle of the axe he carried behind him.

All with a happy grin on his face.

"Just so ye' know, I'm the strongest ogre around here. Took down a thousand orcs on my own back in my youth. So don't expect me to go easy on ye, Milord."

The other ogres looked at him as if he had gone mad, especially Orluk.

"Father! You can't—"

"That's fine." I interrupted. "He deserves a taste of my strength."

"Thank you." He pulled the axe off its sheath. "Then, if you don't mind, haaa!"

Without waiting for my permission, he dashed forward, his axe swinging low to take my head off. And since the distance between us was so short, my head would've flown off before I could even blink.

Too bad I already readied a delayed spell beforehand. When you might ask? Why, as I was talking to the ogre chiefs, of course. After you got the knack for it, it was surprisingly easy to hide a spell. Two spells, in fact, since one was the time magic.


And so, before the axe could connect, I pushed him away with my wind spell, sending his axe flying, landing mere inches from one of the ogre chiefs who sat there and watched.

The ogre was sent flying to the far wall, making an ogre-shaped hole on impact.

Yes, I just sent him outside like in a gag manga.

That was a modified Boom Cannon by the way, designed to push and not kill. So he should be fine. I hoped.

When the dust settled, I didn't need Myrilla to tell me what the other ogres were thinking.

Whatever doubt they had—I had just crushed it into pieces.

The meeting continued after that little display, since we needed to decide on our strategy and all. Thankfully, Orluk’s father was completely fine, despite his bruises. And he had only praises to say to my name.

Once it finished, outside the meeting room after the orc chiefs and their retainers had left, I asked Myrilla about the succubus princess.

"She's with Fia. Not to worry. I've transferred her ownership to her."

"Eh? You can do that? I thought—"

"I can. Because I was the one weaving the binding rune. I added a clause that allowed me to change the owner of a slave without the consent of the owner."

"I see…"

We then decided to pay them a visit. Though not before Myrilla offered me to meet up with the now imprisoned mayor of the town.

“Oh yeah, her.” I scratched my chin. “Technically, she’s another hostage we can use against the Demon Lord. Just like that succubus. She’s also his daughter, right?”

“Correct. Her name is Yurla Naturia. She’s the first daughter of Balthazar’s first wife.”

“So… a one-eyed lamia as well like her mother?”

Myrilla shook her head. “No. She’s a normal lamia. The mutation did not manage to carry over.”

“Huh. That’s… unfortunate.”

Heh, I could just imagine Balthazar being all disappointed when she was born. Her mother’s mutation made her extremely strong after all.

“Lord Hugo, if you don’t mind, I shall take my leave.”

Our conversation was then interrupted by Orluk, who had stayed behind along with Karla. He unfortunately couldn't stay with us as he had to prepare his clan for the attack tomorrow.

"Send Fia my regards. And, if you would, Milord, tell her… to go easy on the succubus," he added with a worried smile.

He then gave one last bow before making his way outside, leaving only Karla behind.

“That was some good actin’, kiddo!” Karla grinned, her hands resting on her hips. “You really sold the Demon Lord act there! Unfortunately, I gotta go as well. Gotta prepare for tomorrow and all that too, as the old man’s right hand woman.”

Unlike Orluk, she was still part of her father’s clan. As such, she was still his general of war as well.

She waved her hand before leaving, forgoing the bow entirely. Heh, she really doesn’t see me as a Demon Lord, does she?

“Now that’s over with…” Myrilla said with an annoyed look. “Follow me. “I’ll lead you to the prisons down below.”

At the mansion’s basement lay a small dungeon, made out of cold steel and stone. I wondered why a private house would have its own prison but I soon decided I didn’t really care. At the very least, I didn’t see any torture devices around so I could at least conclude that it wasn’t that kind of dungeon.

Dimly lit by the shimmering magic lanterns on the wall, we passed through a series of empty cells.

Our steps ended in front of a large prison cell, at least twice the size of the others we had passed. Most likely, it was designed to hold larger than normal prisoners, like ogres for example.

"Oh? What's this? A visit from the illustrious Hugo Greenwood himself?"

And inside was a lamia woman, wielding a smirk on her face as she slithered closer to the bars, allowing the light to shine on her features.

She was dressed like a noblewoman—a dress with puffy sleeves as her top. The only difference was that she didn’t wear a skirt. Lamias never did, having a large serpent-like tail instead of legs, so there was no need in covering them up.

“What an honor.” Her voice was positively drowning in sarcasm. “I would offer you the best wine in my cellar but I imagine all those filthy ogres would have drank all my bottles to the last drop.”

“I’ll pass. I’m not much of a drinker myself.”

I walked forward, closer to the bars separating us both. She was certainly beautiful, possessing a refined, proud beauty that was typical of women belonging to high birth.

“What do you want? I already surrendered my city to your pets. If you wish to use me as a bargaining chip against Father, it won’t work. He belongs to the Naturia race of demons. And one of the perks of being one is the lack of emotions. He always think rationally without any of those pesky human sentiments. As such, he will know the best course of action is to slaughter you and all those that follow you to the last man, even if it means sacrificing my life.”

Wow. She says it without even a hint of fear on her face. This chick's kinda hardcore.

"Oh, but your mother would be sad, would she not?" I asked with a provocative smile.

To my surprise, her haughty look instantly turned into a frown.

"...No. No, she won't."

That pause… and that look on her face… they're definitely not getting along.

Well, not my place to prod.

"Alright, another question. If you're so loyal to your father, why did you surrender your city so easily?”

She narrowed her eyes. “That brat of yours actually managed to beat my guards. And they were S-rank adventurers too. What a joke. I shouldn’t have paid them that much.” She huffed.

“Really, Theo?” I turned around and smiled at him. “You managed to beat S-rank adventurers on your own?”

“Well…” He rubbed his nose with his finger, bashfully smiling at my direction. “I had Tama on my side as well. And we used the drug Miss Felicia gave to us.”

“Hmph, I think we could’ve won even without the drug!” Tama crossed her arms with a haughty smile. “We’ve become a lot stronger, thanks to all the training we did!” Her tail was swaying back and forth. She really was enjoying the praise.

“It’s all thanks to you, Master Hugo! Your training really helped us a lot!” Theo smiled. It was one of his angelic smiles that could melt the heart of any woman that saw it. Or men, even.

“Hey, don’t forget me sparring with you!” the catgirl protested.

“A-ah, right! Of course! You’re always there to help me train, Tama!”

Smiling at the sight, I turned my attention back at our prisoner, who had stayed quiet for the last few minutes.

“A Human Demon Lord…” She scowled. “What a joke… There can be no such thing… They should call you a Hero instead.”

“They can’t.” I smiled wryly. “I hadn’t exactly been nice to my fellow humans after all.”

“Hmph, the last time someone got called that, it was from him slaughtering Father’s army in the battlefield. I suppose simpletons may think you slaughtering those orcs are the same exact act, ignoring the fact that Father’s soldiers were a lot more trained and well-equipped than a bunch of filthy orcs.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And who might that be?”

“You don’t know? How ignorant you are. Fine. Let me enlighten you of his accursed name. Ciaran Hrothgar. The Sword Demon. Ring any bells in that empty head of yours?”

I froze.

Wait, that’s… that’s Isolde’s father! And the current leader of the Lancelot Order! One of the most powerful swordsmen in the world!

Why haven’t I known of this already?

“When did that happen? And why?”

“Many years ago while he was still a wandering swordsman. The reason? He fancied one of Father’s wives. Desiring her for his own, he decided to wage war on us. And he succeeded. He kidnapped her and we have never heard about her since.”

Wow, he sounds like a jerk.

Matches Isolde’s description of him though. The guy is a big woman lover. Accompanied by his philosophy of “take whatever you desire with force”, it’s no wonder he’d even challenge a Demon Lord just for a woman.

…No, I’m not doing the same thing with Victoria. The circumstances are completely different!

“Oh well, Father moved on and got another wife, so it didn’t really matter.” She shrugged.

…Hmm, I think that’s all I want to ask from her.

Time to end this interview.

“One last question.”

I took a few steps closer, all the way to the bars, so she could easily choke me with her hand through them.

“Will you not join us?”

“No. Why would I join you, human?”

“Well, you get to sleep in a bed, for starters." I smiled.

"Go away. I don't want to talk to a corpse. Father is going to kill you. No doubt about it."

Sheesh, what a stubborn woman.

If I were a less principled isekai protagonist, this is where I'd r*pe her and make her thirst for my c*ck. Show my dominance to her and all that.

Too bad I have no interest in lamias.

Our next destination was the ogre tents outside of the city. We would have our dinner feast there as well as our room for the night.

Though of course, both would be after we made a visit to Karla.

The camp was bustling with activity, even though the sun was setting down. And every ogre we met would greet us and give us a bow. Heh, I'd lie if I said that didn't make me feel all warm inside.

Orluk was nowhere to be seen. If I had to guess, he was in the command tent, barking out orders on his subordinates. We weren't going there, by the way, since our destination was the private tent of the chief, not the public one.

When we arrived, however, we were granted quite the extraordinary sight.


Fia was, to put it bluntly, riding on top of her newfound succubus slave. Right outside her tent. With a crop on hand.

What in the world…

"P-please, Miss… have mercy…"


Her voice was surprisingly loud. She was drawing the attention of all the other ogres near them. None of them looked like they were in any rush to stop her though.

"Oh? Is that… Sir Hugo! You've come!"

She jumped off the succubus, running to where I stood.

"Welcome! Welcome!" She grabbed my hand and shook it up and down. "How did it go? Did the Demon Lord—"

"He refused." Sherry was the one to answer. "He even tried to capture me. What a creep."

"Ah, that’s a relief!"

"A relief?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"That means I can do whatever I want to that bitch!" She pointed her thumb to the succubus. "Oh, I have to thank you for delivering her to me, Lord Hugo! You have no idea how badly I've been itching to punish the whore that broke my Darling's heart!"

Uh, how can she say such a scary thing with that giant smile?

She walked back to her, lifting her up by the ear.

"You hear that?! No one is going to save you!"

"I-I'm sorry, Mistress! I'm sorry!"

Wow, gone is the cute little girl I rescued. Now, she just reminds me of Felicia. Pretty sure she'd do the same if I had a woman mistreat me in the past.

I paid a glance to the alchemist. Sure enough, she had a satisfied smile on her face.

"Shall I escort you to your tent, Lord Hugo?" Fia said after throwing the succubus to the side, still keeping her uncanny smile.

"Y-yeah, sure!" I nodded.

Women really are scary creatures…

Our tent was not far at all from Fia's. Tents to be more precise, since obviously we couldn’t all sleep inside the same tent. I had the biggest one. It actually had several rooms in them, separated by partitions made out of tanned leather. They even managed to put all sorts of furniture in them, including a soft, fluffy large bed for me, Sherry, and Felicia to sleep on.

Unfortunately, the others didn’t get the same treatment. I guessed to them, it was only natural that I would get the larger tent, and it would be sacrilege if I did not.

Well, I don’t see them complaining so I guess it’s fine.

We separated, with me telling them that I wanted to get some rest before the dinner feast began.

Entering my tent, I immediately threw myself onto the bed, taking a long, deep sigh in the process.

“Finally… some rest…”

I put away my staff and my sword beside the bed. Before I could take off my boots, however, Sherry already threw herself on top of me, pushing me down with her strength.

“Hugo, you have to take responsibility,” she said with a pout and blush, her crotch now resting on top of my own. “Tama could smell my release, you know. She pointed it out immediately.”

“Well…” I smiled, placing my hand on her cheek. “Whatever she thinks, I personally think there’s no shame in that.”

“...Pervert. How would you like it if you walked around with damp pants?”

“What’s this about damp pants?” Felicia stepped closer with an annoyed look, resting her butt right beside my face. “Did you two do something lewd while I was away?”

"He rubbed my crotch while he was carrying me." Sherry’s blush deepened. "And made me come…" She averted her gaze.

"Carrying you? Ah, you drank my potion. I remember you saying that before."

With a smirk, after putting away her staff and taking off her heels, Felicia swung her legs up the bed before snuggling into me, pressing her breasts into my right arm.

"You know, if you're fond of making your cute wives come in public, I have a toy you can use. It vibrates a girl's most sensitive spot and you can control it from a distance, meaning, you'll get to enjoy her lewd and embarrassed expressions as much as you want."

That's just a remote vibrator!

"And I, for one, would be very happy to be that woman," she whispered sultrily, pressing her soft, lovely mounds even further into my body.

"Oh?" I smirked, turning to face her and giving her left breast a squeeze. "Are you sure? I can be quite ruthless, you know."

"Anything for you, Darling." She leaned in for a kiss, which I readily accepted.

As our tongues played with each other, and my hands squeezed and fondled Felicia’s melons, Sherry gritted her teeth. Not wanting to lose to Felicia, she hugged the other side of my body. Unfortunately for her, her flat chest just couldn't have the same effect as Felicia’s milk jugs.

It didn't take long until our clothes were off. Sherry insisted on getting the first turn, which Felicia reluctantly gave her. As the former bounced up and down on my member, the latter was teasing my earlobe with her lips.

With that much stimulation, it didn't take long until I reached my limit.


Curse those ogres! Why must our tents be so close?

Myrilla gritted her teeth as she sat on her bed, her palm gripping her staff tightly.

Once again, the mindreader was overwhelmed by the lewd thoughts Hugo and his harem were broadcasting to the air.

This was why she left Alan and Renee once they hooked up. They wouldn’t stop giving off lovey-dovey, lewd thoughts towards each other. And it wasn’t just Alan with his breast obsession. Renee practically worshipped Alan’s muscles and manly body. And they didn’t spare a single thought for her.

And now, it was happening all over again with his kid.



It was the one word that perfectly encapsulated her mind right now.

She was jealous that yet again, she was left out of the festivities.

Alan never saw her as a woman. And now, his kid, who resembled him a lot, didn’t see her as a woman either.

It was selfish. She knew that very well. She was merely projecting his love for Alan to him. He might resemble him but he was clearly his own different person, even ignoring his supposedly reincarnating soul from a different world.

But, she just couldn’t bear it. She just couldn’t bear being this… lonely. She had lived for more than a hundred years yet she had failed to find any man she’d like to settle with.

And when she found one, he was quickly swept away by another.

She knew it was her own fault. She was never an attractive woman. She was thin and lanky, with no breasts whatsoever to speak of. Not to mention her being a mindreader. How many men would be comfortable having their thoughts read every single minute by their wives? Her somber and moody personality didn’t help either.

If only she were born a human. At least that way, she would be dead from old age by now.

She stood up, shaking the thoughts off her head.

She’d take a walk. She couldn’t rest here. Not now when they were having their fun.

Avenging Alan, and making sure his son was safe.

Once she accomplished that, she would leave.

And maybe, just maybe, she’d finally stop being such a prude, just enough to try out those pleasure houses for the female folk she saw.

She’d lose her virginity to a male prostitute, but it would be better than not losing it at all.

I have no place here. He won't need me once he settles down.

She exited her tent, her legs carrying her to the edge of the camp where she could find some peace and quiet. The guards did notice her leaving but they decided not to say anything. Seeing her frown, they had a hunch that they would not want to disturb her.

…But, there's that Goddess.

If the Ancients can't take her down, what can we do? That administrator woman said that we should just rely on Hugo’s offspring. That would mean we would have to endure many, many years of her schemes. And I have to be there to help.

Unless, of course, he can take care of his family by himself.

Tch. Your son is giving me a headache, Alan. You just had to have the nerve to die.

"What’s with the glum face? And why are you out here instead of having fun with the kid?"

Myrilla’s heart skipped a beat, turning around in an instant to face the voice.

It was Karla.

"Don't tell me he kicked ya out or something." The ogress grinned, one hand resting on her hip, the other casually holding her club behind her back.

"...I'm not his lover," Myrilla hissed.

"Really? You sure stared at him like one."

Myrilla gave her a deathly glare before walking away.

"If you want him to bed you, then just say it to him! Don’t sulk around like this! It's pathetic, you know!"

Myrilla did not answer. She merely pretended she didn't just hear her outrageous suggestion.

Karla sighed, shaking her head. "Well, I guess I could talk to the kid about it…"

"...Nah.” She shrugged with a lazy smile. “This is their problem. Not mine. I ain't getting involved in his marital affairs!"

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