Resequencing DNA

Chapter 28

Ashleigh slowly made her way out of the hallway and out onto the landing, where she could hear the hustle and bustle of the last few wedding preparations taking place. She continued on her way towards the stairway, glancing down into the main hall as she did so. There, she could see many people, dressed in smart, black trousers with crisp white jackets, all scurrying around carrying a variety of different items.

“Are they also employed by the Ashton-Burns Family…or are they with a catering company?” Ashleigh thought to herself, as she continued on her way.

That was when she noticed, standing at the foot of the stairs, deep in conversation Alistair, Vivian and James.

“Oh, shit…there he is,” thought Ashleigh, feeling her heart skip a beat as she gazed upon him. “He looks so handsome,” she said to herself, observing his attire, a sharp, dark blue suit, with a matching tie and a crisp white shirt. A white handkerchief was folded neatly in a manner that was visible in the breast pocket of his jacket.

As she approached the stairway, James looked up and noticed her, a smile appearing on his face as he set his eyes on her. Ashleigh quickly diverted her eyes away from him, pretending not to notice him watching her. That was until she got to the top of the stairs, she looked down to where he was standing and no longer could she hide her smile, especially, when her eyes met his.

“Don’t do anything stupid…don’t stumble…don’t trip…holy shit… my heart feels like it’s going to explode,” thought Ashleigh as she delicately placed her hand on the bannister, to begin her descent.

“See…I can do this…gracefully…elegantly,” Ashleigh thought as she began to make her way down to the main hall. Then, before she had the chance to go down any further than two steps, James quickly walked up to where she was and took her hand in his, carefully guiding her down the staircase. Ashleigh gazed into his eyes as she followed his lead, smiling as she did so, but became so distracted that she stumbled on the very last step, only to find herself safely in James’ arms, who chuckled as he caught her.

“Wow…almost,” giggled Ashleigh, feeling herself beginning to blush, yet trying to laugh it off.

“Yes…quite right,” chuckled James, once again staring into her eyes as he smiled warmly at her.

“Oh you two kids,” stated Vivian, quickly interrupting the moment they shared together, prompting James to release Ashleigh from his embrace, much to her disgruntlement.  “Don’t they both look stunning Alistair?”

“Yes…yes indeed…” replied Alistair, “To be that young again,” he added with a chuckle.

“Oh…excuse me, honey…” stated Vivian, as she quickly began to chase after a member of the catering staff.

Alistair stood awkwardly in front of Ashleigh and James before clearing his throat and racing off to make himself look busy.

“I erm…” started Ashleigh,

“Ashleigh you erm…” started James, as both of them spoke at the same time.

“Oh…I’m sorry…you were saying?” asked Ashleigh with a giggle.

“Oh…no honestly…you first…I insist,” stated James with a smile.

“Oh…I was just gonna say…I needed to… take five minutes…it’s been…well…a kind of intense morning,” replied Ashleigh, nervously pointing towards the sitting room.

“Oh yes…of course…shall we?” said James, linking arms with Ashleigh. “I can only imagine…Rose is a…erm…I mean this in the nicest possible way…a rather intense kind of lady,” chuckled James as the pair made their way, arm in arm, towards the sitting room.

Ashleigh simply giggled in a rather reserved manner as she nodded before the pair fell awkwardly silent once more as they walked.

As they arrived at the sitting room door, James promptly stepped ahead, holding the door open for Ashleigh to enter. As she stepped inside, Ashleigh turned back to look at James,

“You…you don’t have to escort me everywhere…James” mumbled Ashleigh.

“No…it’s fine…I mean…look around,” stated James, pointing out the fact the sitting room was completely empty on this rare occasion. “A beautiful woman like you…shouldn’t be sat alone,” he added with a smile, linking arms with Ashleigh once more, leading her across the room towards the chairs.

“Oh…that is so sweet of you James,” replied Ashleigh with a smile,  as she gracefully perched herself on the sofa by the fireplace before foraging in her handbag for her pack of cigarettes and lighter.

“You’re more than welcome Ashleigh,” replied James as he took a seat on the sofa beside her.

Ashleigh sat silently while lighting up a cigarette, whilst she proceeded to stare into the flickering flames of the fireplace. The silence that had been enveloping the room was soon to be broken, however, as James spoke up once again.

 “I…erm…I haven’t really dated…well anyone really since I began to work for Mr Ashton-Burns,” stated James.

“Why is he talking about dating… he was asked to be my plus one after that whole thing…with Wes… besides…didn’t Alistair say this wasn’t romantic or anything?” thought Ashleigh as she continued to stare into the crackling flames.

“Oh…really…” she eventually answered, turning to glance at James who was sitting right beside her.

“Yes…really,” scoffed James, “I erm…I haven’t really had the time for anyone else really…you know with travelling all over the place with Mr Ashton-Burns…it wouldn’t really be that easy…or fair on the other person if I’m honest,” he added with a chuckle.

“Oh…I see,” replied Ashleigh, turning back towards the fire as she took a drag of her cigarette. “So…it must have been a little uncomfortable when Alistair asked you to accompany me…huh?” she added with a nervous giggle.

“What on earth are you talking about Ashleigh,” laughed James.

“Well…Alistair said that Vivian had put the idea to him…after the whole Wesley situation,” replied Ashleigh, rather puzzled by James’ response.

"Well, I'll be honest with wasn't Mrs Ashton-Burns' was mine...I proposed to Mrs Ashton-Burns that you shouldn't have to attend alone...just because...because of what happened,” James explained with a nervous smile on his face, an expression of someone who had just told his deepest secret for the first time.

Ashleigh almost broke her own neck as she spun around to look at James, completely astounded by James’ admission.

“It was your idea…but why?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…Ashleigh…ever since I first laid eyes upon you…outside of your apartment…with Miss Pippa…I was absolutely captivated by your beauty…” explained James. “Obviously…I couldn’t say anything…you being with Master Wesley and all… and after what happened…assuming you and Master Wesley are no longer together…I so desperately wanted to ask you…on a date…but then I thought…bad timing James…she has literally split with her boyfriend less than twenty-four hours. So I began to panic…as the chances of seeing you again…after this weekend, they aren’t great and I know that.”

“James…I…” started Ashleigh only to be stopped once more by James, who got to his feet and raised his hand to interrupt her.

“Sorry Miss Ashleigh…I need to explain myself,” stated James. “Then…this morning…you kissed me…and I knew…I knew I wanted more…it was just so…so perfect...and getting to know you that little bit more…being around you these last few days…I pray it never ends…”

Ashleigh sat there in silence once more as she finished off her cigarette, stubbing it out in the ashtray.

“I…I can’t believe he feels that way about me,” thought Ashleigh, looking up at James, his deep, soulful, brown eyes meeting her large, sparkling, ocean-blue eyes as he looked back at her. “I…I can’t do it to him…he deserves more than a one-night stand with someone like me…he deserves…he deserves an actual woman…one who’ll stick around…Damn you Eloise…why do you have to be my conscience,” she thought as Eloise’s words echoed inside her head.

“James…I…I don’t know what to say…” stated Ashleigh as she got to her feet.

“Just…just say what’s on your mind…anything…even if it’s James you’re an idiot…” replied James.

“Oh great…I’ve become one of those…it’s not you, it’s me, kinda girls…who ever thought that would happen,” thought Ashleigh, as she placed her hand delicately on James’ cheek.

“Oh James…” said Ashleigh,

“See…I know where this is going…James you idiot” replied James.

“No…no you aren’t an idiot James…I just…not right now…I can’t do it to you…honestly,” muttered Ashleigh.

James raised his hand to meet hers on his cheek,

“Can’t do what to me Ashleigh?” he asked.

“It’s too soon…” said Ashleigh.

“I can’t believe I’m using breaking it off with Wes as an excuse,” she thought.

“I…I really do like you…but you’re worth a lot more than I can offer right now…you’re so sweet…and trust me…you are gorgeous…I just can’t get too attached…not right now…not after Wes…” she ruefully explained.

The pair stood in rather uncomfortable silence, quietly gazing into the eyes of each other.

“I…I understand…I really do,” muttered James, it was clear to Ashleigh that he was trying hardtop hold back tears, which really tugged at her heartstrings, making her feel somewhat guilty that she couldn’t be the person that he clearly longed for.

“I…I’m sorry James,” Ashleigh said softly, now trying to hold back tears of her own.

“At least we have today,” James whispered softly, trying his best to force a smile.

“I…I guess so…” replied Ashleigh, “But you have to remember…James…that is all it will be…that’s all I can offer you right now…nothing more.”

“I know…” mumbled James, “Maybe…maybe in the future…yes?” he asked.

“I really wish…I really wish I could promise you…but I can’t…I’m sorry,” thought Ashleigh.

Ashleigh nodded meekly, “I can’t promise…” she whispered, “But let’s just focus on today…we have a wedding to attend,” she added with a smile.  

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