Reset: DPS to Support?!

Chapter 195: Return (3)

Walking by over to a quiet area away from prying eyes and ears, Hikari as well as Crowelin who Hikari had abruptly woken up followed behind Shinto.

"...well, this should be a good spot, right?" Hikari tilted her head whilst slightly lighting up the area with one of her spells—[ Enlight ].

[ Enlight Lv 4 ] [ 5 MP/Second ] [ Cooldown: 1 Minute ]

The user casts out a soft light that lights up the surrounding area within a 3m radius of the user. Whilst doing so, the spell will continually drain mana until it the spell is cancelled or the user's mana runs out.


"...this place should be fine I guess?" Shinto replied listlessly whilst glancing around the area. "I was planning on telling you when we get back to the catacombs but, are you really that impatient on having me tell you now?"

"Yawn... Hikari woke me up, so it's now or I'll murder you," Crowelin stated whilst stretching her arms. "Can we get on with it? Otherwise, I'll bother you as I do with my brother."

"...Crowelin," Shinto sighed helplessly whilst opening up his status window. "Well never mind that. Just give me a second, alright?"

[ Player Profile ]

Player Name: Shinto

Level: 41

Rank: N/A

Class: Shadow Diviner (???-Unknown Rarity)

-Class Attribute-

*You are the diviner of light and shadow. Thus, you will receive certain class bonuses when in different environments.

-Under the night skies or in darkness, you will gain a boost to your vision and

your stats relating to that of mobility and support will be increased by 25%.

-Under the sunlight or within bright lights, you will gain a boost to defence and

your stats relating to that of combat and defence will be increased by 25%.


[Altric's Discoverer]

*You are now eligible to find the meaning of 'truth'

[ Slime Shopping (Area Title) ]

For buying an item in the [Sleras's Slime Den], all purchases in any stores will be -5% off from now on!

*There are 6 titles in total to obtain within the Slera and Farchu Catacomb. If you obtain them all, all of these titles will be transformed into one whole one.


HP: 1284/1284 | MP: 1136/1136 (+20)

Strength: 50 | Stamina: 82 (+4)

Intelligence: 136 (+21) | Agility: 88 (+8)

Shadow: 43 | Divinity: 29

Wisdom: 7

Stats Point: 91


"...well, to begin, let's clear up the mystery on what level I am shall we?" Whilst scrutinizing his status window, Shinto nodded his head as he then took a deep breath. "My current level is... 41."

"...uh, can you repeat that again?" Crowelin blinked at the statement by Shinto. "...41? 41?! What the hell! How many times did you die? Huh?! That's not possible! No clearly not. Unless you're throwing... This is just—"

"...calm down Crowelin," Hikari gently patted on Crowelin's back. "I'm sure Zay has an explanation for it. But, I'm assuming it's because of a quest that you're in this sort of state?"

"No, not because of a quest," Shinto shook his head. "It's due to my class. Well... My new class at least."

" class? What kind of class penalizes the user and puts them at level 41?!" Crowelin cried out in a loud voice, no longer drowsy like earlier. "Is that the reason why you're booted off the rankings? What??"

"Well, in actuality, it penalizes me and placed mat level one," Shinto stated.

"L-level one?" Crowelin's breath became heavy at the shocking words uttered by Shinto. "No way! Level one?! From level 201?! The hell! Is this why you're in such a sorry state with those trash gear and... And... Unfashionable get-up?!"

"Crowelin, take deep breaths," Hikari gently stated. "Your Arceus side is really showing right now and um... You might get a heart attack if you don't calm down..."

"How can I calm down when I'm hearing that Shinto! Hasegawa Zayden! Is in this miserable state and... He didn't contact anyone about it? Not even you? Not even Kaisus?" In disbelief, her words began mumbling.

"C-Crowelin, just takes deep breaths," Hikari continued to calm Crowelin down. "I don't think... It's that bad?"

Crowelin took a deep breath. "Y-Yeah... I should take a deep breath... Hah... Okay, calm down, Crowelin," she muttered. "It's definitely not that bad. Shinto is just pranking... He's not actually level 41, right? Clearly... It's just a prank..."

" It's not a prank," Shinto muttered. "I'm actually level 41."

"I-It's not a prank?" Crowelin's eyes twitched. "...It's not a prank?"

"...cough," Hikari slightly coughed. "Zay... How about you continue explaining things instead of giving Crowelin more shock than she can handle?"

"Aha... But... The next few things will shock her even more," Shinto stated helplessly. "I'm surprised you're taking this quite well, Hikari?"

"No... It's actually a shock for me too. Well... On the note of level one at least," Hikari stated. "As for your hidden class, I do know about it since you hinted to me in discord and it became much clearer that you had one during our fight."

"Right... I did technically hinted you there, huh?" Shinto awkwardly stated.

"Okay, okay. That's beside the point! Hints or not, the heck were you thinking, Shinto?" Crowelin raised her brow. "I know there's 'secrets' and all... But, did you really intend on playing the game as if you started from ground zero?"

"...?" Shinto tilted his head in question.

"You were level one, and it seems you lost all your equipment. Gold too? Probably," Crowelin continued. "But what baffles me the most is... You didn't tell Hikari, Rienla or even Kaisus. Revelen would've been a good choice too... But, what were you even thinking about going solo like that? Wasting all your game time efforts... Heck, you're no longer earning money too, right?"

"..." Shinto kept quiet at Crowelin's question. There was a reason why he had wanted to avoid most discussion and explanations in regards to his new class. It wasn't because he wanted to keep thing's secret, but rather, it was because he just didn't know. "...I have I have ways to go about that I guess. Though, the main reason would be... To try something new?"

"Trying something new?" Crowelin frowned. "...sigh, whatever. What's your class about? Surely... a DPS?"

"...a support," Shinto stated.

"...cough. A support?" Crowelin felt like wanting to cough up blood. "A support?! God... Shinto, if this is really a joke, please say it is. I can't take any more of it!"

"U-Um... No, I've been telling you... It's the truth," Shinto uttered listlessly. "I don't know how to tell you anymore besides saying that it is..."

"Shinto... You have horrible luck... And you still choose to gamble... This is clearly a gambling addiction," Crowelin stated. "I'll get you a therapist, so, get well and get out of this addiction!"

"Crowelin... Now you tell me... Is this a joke?" Shinto sighed.

"I'm serious. You need help," Crowelin firmly stated. "Who in their right mind would change to a support role from DPS when you're such a loner?! You didn't even contact anyone after your reset, even when you're a support! You're mad!"

"I understand your sentiments, Crowelin, but... You know you're talking to Zay here, right?" Hikari chuckled.

"...Hikari?" Shinto blinked at her words. "Am I missing something here...?"

"Never mind!" Hikari coughed. "I was just blurting in true shock. But, seriously. Why a support? I know that it's a hidden class and all... Was it even worth it? Surely, you didn't tell us due to embarrassment, right?"

"..." Shinto thought to himself as he soon replied to Hikari. "I guess I took a risk. I'm not sure if it's a truly worthwhile choice, but... There's that," he stated. "From the weeks I've used this class for, It's quite apparent that's it a mixture of DPS and Support."

"Hmm? A mixture of DPS and Support?" Hikari tilted her head.

"Think of it this way, it's like your class? But the damage for the DPS skills are enhanced to high modifiers," he explained. "As for the supporting side... It's more or less weak? Currently... My DPS potential overwhelms my Support potential."

"I see," Hikari nodded her head. "Then could you show us one of your support skills? Perhaps the details too~!"

"I don't see why not..." Shinto stated as he soon began to chant out a spell. "Kon, I summon you."

[ You have used the skill 'Shadow Recreation' ]

[ You have called out to 'Kon' ]

[ ... ]

[ They have heeded your call with excitement! ]

[ You have successfully summoned a shadow! ]

As a sudden shadow formed in front of the group, Hikari and Crowelin's brows raised in question at the sight of a furball in front of them. Fluffy and huggable, the small furball soon turned into that of a fox.

"Master!" Kon stated excitedly as he jumped towards Shinto in a frantic manner. "You've finally called for me again! Yay!"

"Aha... Kon..." Shinto chuckled. "Your cooldown just got off, so there's that."

"R-Right... It's only been 24 hours..." Kon muttered out. "I almost felt like an eternity though! I thought you might've forgotten about me and-" As he was about to glance around the area to greet the rest of the group, Kon's expression froze. "E-Eep! I'm sorry Master! I was supposed to help you with something instead of idle chatter, right?! Ahhh! I messed up again!"

"Oh. My. God," Crowelin stated. "He... He's... HE'S SO CUTE!"

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