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Chapter 225: Catacombs' Reward (2)

The Catacombs, Slera's Castle—Throne Room [ Early Morning ].

With the doors of the Throne Room opened and the group stepping forward to head into the area—Shinto and the others quickly heard the sounds of the guard's loud roars from the side of them.

"And so, they who have liberated our village from the curse—" In the language of the Slera's, Erith along with another guard shouted out. "—we welcome, the heroes of the catacombs!"

Following the announcement, the group continued down the red carpet laid out before them—where they were soon greeted by the sight of Madam Ru, who was sitting on a seat beside the throne.

"Ah, so you've arrived, good, good," Madam Ru slightly jiggled her body in satisfaction upon noting the arrival of the group. "Before we begin..." Soon after, she turned her head over towards the guards by the doors. "Guards, you may take your leave now."

"A-Ah, yes, Madam!" Seemingly saluting and bowing to the madam, the two guards quickly took their leave from the throne room. Now, leaving the group together with Madam Ru and the ones beside her: Renryth, Rustly and Reru.

"W-Wow..." Raina muttered out in amazement. "I honestly never expected for the innkeeper to hold such a high position in the castle," she said. "Is she the queen? Because typically... The queen would sit there, right?"

"Ugh... I don't care if she's a queen or not," Ethaniel clicked his tongue. "Can we just get this over with? Let's end this already."

"Jee. Why is this guy so cranky?" Kon whimpered. "Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"Hey, I heard that," he glared at the small fox on Shinto's shoulder. "And for your information, I'm not cranky. I woke up on the RIGHT side of my bed, ABRUPTLY."

"E-Eep...!" Kon's body slightly shook. "I didn't say anything!"

"Ethaniel..." Shinto sighed helplessly. " know you dragged us all the way here, right? If that isn't cranky"

"Bah. So what? I'm not going to wait around for Frey who might take an hour!" he frowned. "But anyway, can we get on with this and not delay it any longer?"

Ending the small conversation among the group, the three swiftly reached towards the front of the throne room, where the throne rested. However, empty and voided of a king, the group instead turned to the Madam, where they soon bowed to pay their respects.

"Please raise your heads. I am not someone who is worthy of such gestures. I am but just a fill-in for his majesty," Madam Ru stated. "Ahem... Now, I hope you've gotten a good night's sleep in the guest room?"

"Yes," Shinto, who was at the forefront of the group—nodded his head. "The guest room was comfortable. However... It would've been great if we could have gotten a little bit more sleep in before coming here."

"Aha..." Madam Ru chuckled. "Well, I figured as you all may want to return to town sooner than later, it would be best to call you here now," she said. "But... Hmm? I remember that there were four of you. Where's the other?"

"Ah... Well," Shinto muttered out as Madam Ru pointed out the missing Frey. "...there was a slight problem earlier in the morning. Frey had returned to the other world to handle some things and unfortunately, she has yet returned. Thus... We ended up coming here first in order to prevent any delay." 

"Ah... I see," she nodded. "Well, we do have our hands full as it is with getting order back to the village and alongside that, there's the issue with the Farchu side too. However, that's not what I called you here for," gesturing over towards the two slimes beside her. "I won't keep you here for long, so—"

However, with the signal from Madam Ru, the two slimes—Reru and Rustly swiftly made their way forward to the group. Whilst doing so, they had brought over a few things which caught the attention of the group.

"—here are your rewards for aiding us," Madam Ru said.

"...?" With the items all laid out across the room for the eyes of the group to see, their brows raised. "T-This is...?" In front of them, the rewards were simple. Two gloves, two weapons, a key and other miscellaneous things which the system had notified them on.

[ The instance dungeon 'Catacombs of the Deserted Sanke' has been distributed! ]

[ A list of rewards has been distributed. ]

[ Instance Dungeon Clear #1 Rewards ]

[ Individual ]

-Gloopius Sabre (Sword-type)

-Gloves of the Slera

-Sticky Gauntlet

-Staff of Etheral Flame

[ Group ]

-Level +1

-+10 Stat Points

-Access to 'Forbidden Area (Level 250+)' is now available.

-Title [Saviour of the Catacombs]


[ Saviour of the Catacombs ]

A title in honour of the liberators who aided in the cause to free the Slera's and Farchu's of their curse of control.

*When the user is within an area classified as [Catacombs]: Curse effects inflicted by enemies onto user is decreased by 5% whilst overall stats are increased by 7.

*The Slera and Farchu are less hostile to you and you will have an easier time interacting with them.


"T-That's quite a lot of rewards..." Raina muttered out. "And... We've also got a level and stats increase?"

"Considering what we've gone through, it's only worth it," Ethaniel nodded his head. "Now they say that four of these are individual, right? Then, I'm taking the sword no doubt."

"Hmm, right, it is a sword," Raina nodded her head. "But... These rewards sure seem quite specific for us, isn't it?"

"Why yes," Madam Ru answered Raina's question. "These items are quite specifically chosen based on what Reru, Rustly and Renryth had told me about you," she said. "So, I've given you those four items as thank you. And as you for your fox over there..." she shook her head helplessly whilst speaking in an accent different from just now. "Sadly, there aren't any items that I could give. But... If he wants a ball made of slime to play around with, then he can have that."

"...a ball?" The black fox's eyes shone brightly. "Can I?!" he turned towards Shinto.

"I guess?" he blurted out.

"Yay!" Kon cheered.

"Jee... Wearn't you supposed to be asleep?" Ethaniel questioned as he saw the excited Kon wagging his tail.

"I was supposed to until you left me hanging for my life when you dragged master!" Kon grumbled. "But wait a minute—Did Madan Ru just speak gloop? And I could understand it?!"

"Oh... You're right," Raina tilted her head.

"Ah, so you've caught on," Madam Ru stated. "Besides the items that I've given you, you've also been given the ability to speak and understand our language. It's the same case for when Renryth and the other had first arrived."

"...I see, so we've got that many rewards, huh?" Shinto nodded his head as he turned to look at the other notifications in front of him. "...and, it seems that Kon has received all the group rewards as well."

[ The language proficiency [Slera] and [Farchu] skills have been unlocked. ]

[ Current level: 1 ]


"This is our gesture of thanks to you all for helping us," Madam Ru said. "Now... As for the ball that the fox would want, It'll have to be given at a later date since it was unprepared—besides that, you may freely leave the village now and return back to the surface if you'd like."

"We're done here?" Raina asked as she turned towards Renryth who had a solemn look on his face. "But... There is something I want to ask before we leave."

"What?" Ethaniel frowned at Raina's sudden question. "You don't mean to ask..."

"What is it?" Madam Ru interrupted Ethaniel.

"Well... It's kind of the troubles in regards to this situation," she asked. "For one..." As she was about to continue with her sentence—loud murmurs protruded out from behind the doors of the throne room.

"H-Hey...! Frey, calm down a bit!" A female's voice protruded out. "I don't think it's any good to just barge into a throne room like that...!"

"No way am I waiting for them to come out!" Another voice protruded out, seemingly in anger. "Let me in, let me in!!" Following the shout—the doors of the throne room opened widely in an abrupt manner and, standing by the entrance was a woman who was in a brawler's attire with a tired breath.

"Hah... Hah..." Taking a deep breath, the brawler—Frey, shouted out. "YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS ABANDONED ME?!" crying out, she stormed into the room as she then approached the group by the front.

"F-Frey...?!" Ethaniel raised his brow at the sight of the angered Frey. However, that wasn't the end of his confusion. Following up from behind Frey—Hikari and Crowelin had entered into the Throne Room as well.

"F-Frey! Just wait a minute!" With a surprised expression, Hikari hurriedly attempted to grab onto Frey's hand, however, she had failed to do so as she had already walked up towards the group. "A-Argh..."

"So, tell me!" Frey pouted. "Who was the one who suggested it?!"

"...cough," Shinto let out a slight cough at the scene before him. However, his eyes soon averted to Raina's and they soon made eye contact. With a silent nod, the two instantly pointed over towards Ethaniel. "Him."

"ETHANIELLL!!" Frey roared.

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