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Chapter 231: White Priest (2)

The Town of Parm—East Alleyway [ Afternoon ]

With a tired sigh, a young man who wore a shabby appearance of a leaf cloak and other miscellaneous items—slowly made his way out of the tavern whilst stretching his arms.

"...well that's over with," letting out a yawn, Shinto slowly averted his gaze away from the unclean alleyway walls and over towards his status window, soon checking up on its details. "—now then, onto the next business."


[ Player Profile ]

Player Name: Shinto

Level: 43

Rank: N/A

Class: Shadow Diviner (???-Unknown Rarity)

-Class Attribute-





HP: 1284/1284 | MP: 1136/1136 (+20)

Strength: 50 | Stamina: 82 (+4)

Intelligence: 136 (+21) | Agility: 88 (+8)

Shadow: 43 | Divinity: 29

Wisdom: 7

Stats Point: 121


"...level 43 now, huh?" he continued to yawn. "Hmm... I'm slacking a bit."

From when he was in the catacombs to now, Shinto had levelled up a total of 27 times from level 16. In just a week in-game since his reset, he had reached level 43. For a normal player, this would've been great progress. However, for Shinto—by comparison to when he had first started Spiritual Warriors, this was rather slow-paced for him.

Within the same time frame, he had reached level 60 back when he was a swordsman. Though granted, he had the help of a class that had solo capabilities—thus allowing him to push through each and every dungeon and quest that the game had thrown at him. Regardless of whether he was in a party or not.

"...I've only done a few quests and some dungeons, so I guess that's the reason for my slow progress," he thought to himself. "But, it's relaxing in a way."

Reaching level 60 in a week was no easy feat for normal or casual players. However, those that were currently on the unified rankings had reached the level easily due to their competitive spirit. This was the same for Shinto and the rest of his guildmates like Kaisus, Hikari and Rienla.

For them, levelling up to 60 was of high importance as all sorts of sub-classes became available for them. At that specific level range, the game had brought much variety to combats and opened a far wider world for the users. Not only that but the [ Crystality ] game mode also was unlocked.

But now, that sort of 'high importance' was no longer there. He need not worry about his level nor did he had to grind in the most efficient way possible to beat others. Shinto now had a breather. Released from his wariness of the high rankings.

"..." he closed his eyes as he thought about it further. "...why did I even aimed for the top rankings?"

Despite being relaxed and casual now, a question still plagued his mind—even though reaching level 60 was of 'high importance' judged by the meta in itself, he knew nought of the reason as to why he himself had rushed to such level.

Was it for the benefits? For the rankings? More options? Or for the sake of it?

He couldn't pinpoint a reason. He had no idea why he kept his title for so long.


In a hazy distance of the past, when Shinto was that of a swordsman—he along with Hikari and Kaisus sauntered through the streets of a quiet city under the moonlit skies. At that point in time, Shinto and Kaisus had just reached level 60.

"...hah, that was a tiring grind," Kaisus tiredly stretched his arms. "But, we've finally got to level 60! Woohoo! No more grinding!"

"No more grinding?" Hikari thought to herself. "If you two are going to stay on the unified rankings then... Shouldn't there be more grinding to do? After all, you and Zay are 3rd and 1st respectively!"

"Aha... More grinding?" Shinto awkwardly laughed. "We just finished the day by reaching level 60, so give us a break will you?"

"Yeah! Besides' when are you going to reach 60?" Kaisus glared at Hikari.

"Soon, alright? I'm level 52 right now. Levelling up as a priest... It's hard!" she pouted. "Especially when all the players in the level bracket are solo players! Jee... Maybe I should've gone a mage?"

Within the game of Spiritual Warriors, there were two rankings. One for classes and the other a universal one where all players were in, the unified rankings. To be ranked upon such rankings, one's placement is judged upon their level and overall power in terms of progression on their own story as well as their combative ability.

"Well, that kind of begs the question. Why did you choose to be a priest of all the available classes?" Kaisus asked. "Weren't you dreaming of the day where you can shoot out explosions and explode a castle or something? This game does provide that opportunity."

"Huh? Did I say that?" Hikari slightly blinked. "No way. Why would I say that? Are you mixing me with Sanae or something? Surely you are, right?"

"Sanae... Well, she would be the type to want to do something like that," Shinto was deep in thought. "But... I'm pretty sure you said that about a year and a half ago. When news of the game first came out?"

"R-Really? Maybe it was just a phase!" Hikari flusteredly said. "I don't remember any of it!

"Probably," Shinto shrugged. "But it's been so long, so I'm not sure."

"Jee! If you don't remember, then you shouldn't have blurted it out!" she pouted.

"Aha... My bad," he chuckled as he then turned to Kaisus. "But for real, what now? We reached level 60 as you said and unlocked the Crystality game mode. Do we try that out tomorrow? Or do we just continue grinding to ensure our placings?"

After the level of 60, the growth rate of a player would slowly decline as the experience needed would become twice as much compared to the previous level. For many, this was the first step to see who would truly take their place in the rankings.

"Hmm well, should we continue with being on the unified rankings?" Kaisus asked. "What do you think?"

"...hmm...?" Shinto thought to himself at Kaisus' words. Then, he soon replied. "Well, I guess it depends on you. I'm fine with anything."


Quietly walking through bustling streets of Parm, Shinto who had exited out of the alleyway with only the default clothing of that of a newbie, hurriedly made his way towards the north—where his next destination was: the Temple of Viera.

"...Kon, just a question," he discretely muttered out whilst speaking towards Kon, who was hidden within the shadows. "'re race is with the alignment of darkness, right?"

"Uhh... M-Maybe? That's what my brother said..." at the sudden question from Shinto, Kon abruptly answered. "B-But... We're not evil! N-Not at all! But... Why are you suddenly asking this?"

"...well, I'm just worried for you. We're going to a holy place, after all," Shinto helplessly said. "So, you might want to stay around the tavern instead. I don't want to risk you being hurt or well... Captured? The Holy Order as far as I know does not really treat the dark race well. Regardless of whether they're good or bad."

"W-Well, it's fine if I just stay near you in close proximity, right? I just won't enter the building!" Kon stated. "So I'll be fine! Don't worry about me, master!"

"Well if you say so," Shinto nodded his head.

Soon after, he and Kon reached towards the large building by the north—the holy structure built within the town of Parm, the Temple of Viera. At the sight, Shinto was slightly surprised by the grandeur of the building.

"...what?" he raised his brow in slight confusion. "When did this place get bigger?"

A week ago, he wasn't as focused on the exterior of the building as he was caught up with having to buy some gear for himself after his class change. But now, with his focus elsewhere, he noticed the changes before him.

"Hmm? Master, is there something wrong?" Kon asked.

" know what, never mind," Shinto shook his head of the thought. "Stay outside and wait for me, alright? Don't go too far and... Don't get yourself caught."

"You can count on me! Don't worry!"

After confirming that Kon wasn't going to follow him into the building, Shinto soon entered the temple.


Upon opening the doors of the holy temple, Shinto was greeted by an atmosphere, unlike that of a sacred place. It wasn't at all due to the noisy newbie players that one could hear from a mile away, instead—before him, the pope was seemingly in a celebratory mood—causing the entire place to be in a festive environment.

"...a revelation! A revelation!" The pope shouted out in a drunken tone. "Oh dear White Priest, we praise you for your magnificence! The town of Parm will forever strive and—the Temple of Viera will forever remember the grace that you've brought upon us!"

"...what the?" he blinked at the scene before him. "...did I come into the right place?"

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