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Chapter 65: Back to Town

Shinto walked on the dirt path within the forest as he made his way to the town of Parm. Whilst doing so, Kon hid within the shadows as they conversed with him.

"So like... everything's over now right?" Kon asked from the shadows.

"It appears to be so. Ethaniel successfully escaped from the predicament, so there shouldn't be too much to worry about now," Shinto said. "Ah, and, good job on using your skills at the right timing earlier."

"Hehe~! A praise! A praise!" Kon happily said as if they were dancing around within the shadows. "Ahem~ Anyways! Is it really okay to leave that guy alone? Wouldn't those people chase after him or something?"

"Nope. That's not needed," Shinto shook his head. "The chances of them chasing after him is slim since he went quite a distance away before my skills wore off," he explained. "Even if they did, he can handle himself just fine, so he'll be safe."

"Oh, then... what about us? They won't go after us right?"

"Not at all. They don't know who we are, so nothing's going to happen."

"Hmm! Okay! So I was worried for nothing huh? So, now all that's left is to head to town?"

"Yeah," he nodded his head.


Entering into the town, Kon excitedly said as he scrutinized his surroundings within the shadow. "Oh! So this is what civilization is like nowadays? Dang! It's so different from what my brother and sister told me!"

" long have you lived for?" Shinto said while moving along the streets.

"Hmm... I guess, 150 Shade Years?" Kon said. "Well, my age is 15 in human... But, if we're speaking technically, then I guess I've lived for 150 years? Give or take. Time in the shadow realm is quite different from the overworld."

"...I see, so you've lived that long?" Shinto asked. He knew that for someone of another race, their age and sense of time would differ from humans. This was no different for Kon's race, 'Shades'.

"Well, it's nothing compared to my brother and sister who lived for more than 500 years... And then there are those people who lived for more than 10,000 years! I can never compare to that!" Kon shouted out. "Now that I think about... How the heck can they live for so long without being bored?"

"I guess they have their own ways to make themselves entertained..." he said. "How do you keep yourself from being bored?"

"I have stuff at home to keep myself entertained! But, nothing is as entertaining and exciting as being together with Master though!" Kon excitedly said. "Anyways- I know it's rude of me to ask... But how old is master?"

"Err... I guess I'm turning 26 this year," he said. Although time flowed differently in the game as compared to real life, he told Kon his age in the real world. If it was in the game, he would be around 29 years.

Even if the time is different in-game versus real life, one wouldn't age at all in-game. From the moment you created your character, your appearance stays the same as the day you started the game. Of course, one could change their appearance to their current one if they so wish, but who wouldn't want to stay young?

"Oh! 26 years old? You're older than me, as expected!"

"...cough, you're 150 years old though..." Shinto let out a cough as Kon spoke out.

"Hey! I said I was 15 years old in human right? So you're older! Hmm... I guess you're also older than my sister too. But my brother is older than you!"

"...I see," Shinto let out a sigh at Kon's reasoning. At the end of the day, they lived far longer than he could ever.

Moving along through the streets of the town whilst ignoring the crowd that gave weird looks to him while he talked to Kon, Shinto made way to the tavern by the alleyway


The doors of the tavern opened, as he was greeted by the empty room. From the back, he could hear the sounds of a kitchen in action. Greld was busily cooking up some meals.

"Oh, have we come to the place you needed to do your business at?" Kon asked. "Is it okay if I come out now?"

"No, stay in there for a little while longer," Shinto said as he walked up to the counter.

"Hmm? Is someone there?" A voice protruded out from the kitchen. "Ah! Shinto, you're back?"

"Yeah, I'm back. Where's Frey?" he asked.

"She's still in that hotel... Though she recently came to pick up some dishes, but that was a little over an hour ago," The voice continued on, as the door of the kitchen opened. There, Greld walked out of it as he made his way to Shinto. "Anyways, how was it? Anything good?"

"Well, things happened I guess. But I got the needed information," Shinto said. "Though... Now that I found out the performance of the equipment, Lavida provides... It'll be hard to get them to stop using the monthly pass." With the gear that he saw first hand in action from the fight between the brawler and Ethaniel as well as from Lucas, he could already tell that the equipment was on par with the rare drops from monsters, if not, better.

However, seeing the equipment and viewing the details were two different things. He could only give his estimate on the quality, but he wasn't sure on the exact performance of the item.

"...ah, so the equipment that Lavida provides does have some worth in them?" Greld sighed. "Then does that mean our plan to get customers from Lavida would be futile?"

"It may be hard to get people on the monthly pass to want to dine or stay here since their money would mostly be spent trying to get those equipment, there is an underlying flaw to it," Shinto said.

"And what is it?"

"If what I think is correct, then that means those people would be paying more than their money's worth. So if we somehow expose the deeds of the hotel, then they would be inclined on cancelling such a scam pass," Shinto shrugged. "Though, I'll need to confirm with Frey on this. You said she's at the hotel right?"

"Yeah," Greld nodded.

"Alright, then that would be perfect," Shinto said as he opened up his friendslist. Soon after, he began to send a whisper over to Frey.

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