Respawn Condition: Trash Mob

Chapter 273

The angry man and I stand on the edge of the quarry, both of us staring up at the fabricated night-sky that is painted onto the ceiling above our heads. A paper moon hangs there, high up in the air and behind it is a magical crystal set into the rock. It shines through the construction, giving it the appearance that it itself is glowing with the haunting shine of the witching hour. There is a strange chiming in the air. A sharp, crystalline hammering, that sounds very, almost uncomfortably, familiar to me. But I can’t quite place its source. It sounds like the singing of a mechanical voice, like a music box, but it doesn’t play a melody. It simply makes noise.


We stand at the edge of a cliff and below us is the dig-site. A ramped path runs along the side, down into the hole. From here, I can see on the other side where it comes back up on the adjacent wall not too far off in the distance. If I was a betting creature, I’d say that the floor below is a boss arena. Well, was. It doesn’t look like there’s a boss there anymore. It’s just an empty hole which is filled with fake moonlight. I turn my gaze, looking away from the sights before me, as I look at the stranger, who is staring out over the expanse with haunted eyes. The fire in him has burnt down to a smolder, but it burns nonetheless with a heavy intensity. It’s not extinguished. It’s just dormant. Waiting. Biding its time for the clock to strike twelve.


“What is it?” I ask the man. “What do you see?”


His rattling hollow armor creaks as he turns his head to look at me. But he just shakes it and keeps walking without saying anything in response. I skip a few steps, hurrying after him so I can walk at his side. What a cool guy! He’s so mysterious and edgy and I really like how intense his eyes are. They’re literally burning! Ah, I think I’m blushing! I clutch my cheeks, walking next to the mysterious stranger as we stroll down the midnight path together with only the silver light of the moonshine to accompany us. I hope he doesn’t look at me and see how embarrassed I am.


He doesn’t look at me.


I am a little let down, actually. I kind of wanted him to look at me. Oh well. I guess it’s nobody’s fault but my own. Happily, I lower my hands to my side as we keep walking and vacantly, my eyes wander up towards the fake moon. I feel like I’ve seen something like this before. But…


I scratch my head.


I can’t place it. I know it sounds weird, guy. But I don’t really remember too much. Now, I’m not trying to scare you or mess with you or anything, okay? But… I don’t really remember what I was doing an hour ago. Is that bad? Do you think I’m going to be okay? As I walk by his side, I listen to the crunching that comes from the sounds of four metal boots pressing against the loose sediment and rocks beneath us. The sound makes me feel somehow… reassured. I close my eyes as we walk and listen to the sound of four feet moving.


I suppose you could say that my imagination gets the better of me, as I envision a pair of dancing silhouettes, moving to the strange, melodiousness tune in an odd sort of rhythmless waltz. It looks dumb, but it seems like a lot of fun. Ah. I wonder if the stranger will dance with me if I ask him?


No, I couldn’t, we just met, that would be too embare-


A hand clutches my shoulder and I open my eyes, following it back to the man who grips me next to my neck. I feel something move in my chest. Without a word, he lets go and keeps walking and I stand there, somewhat confused and also somewhat let down. Only as I look down, staring at my own feet, do I realize that I stand on the edge of the cliff, having almost stepped right off of it. My eyes wander back and forth, between the ledge that I almost fell off of and to the scorched, ruined armor of the man who walks down along the path without me.




I blink, feeling the odd sensation. What was that? Are you kicking around inside of me, guy? Settle down.


I look around, staring at the hauntingly empty night air all around me, my free hand rising up and pressing itself against the exterior of my breast as I listen for the sound to come again. As I wait to feel that soft vibration, from the inside of my core, come to me again.


It does no such thing however and I stand there, empty, waiting, trying to understand what these strong feelings are that I feel. As I do, my eyes follow the footsteps in the gravel, trailing up the wide back of the man in the purple armor as boundless moonlight reflects off of its damaged and battered surface. It encases his marching silhouette that drags itself forward, step after step with such conviction and certainty, with such self-confidence and purpose. Such intent. Such…


The light of the fire in his body gleams as a wick of damp, dungeon dew forms on his exterior. There is a twinkle, as the light of the moon reflects off of it. Where are you going, stranger? Wait for me!




I run after him, my head turning to look up at the source of the heavenly glow above us and as I quickly stare up at the moon that hangs above the floor, I see a small head peeking out from atop it, a familiar face that doesn’t sway with the odd sound of the chiming crystals of the quarry this time. The witch on the moon isn’t dancing today, she just throws out a hand, releasing a shower of glittering sparkles that drift down through the air, on their way to encase the stranger who walks below it. She winks at me and then ducks away, hiding down on the other side of the moon.


I narrow my eyes in suspicion, trying to figure out what her game is. I think I remember her now. She was also on that other floor a while ago. Hmm. Well, as long as she isn’t doing anything weird, I think I’ll be fine.


I catch up to the stranger, just as the glitter falls down to encase us both.


I think everything will be just fine.



*~+---SPECIAL THANKS---+~*

Henry Morgan,  Shadowsmage, The Grey Mage, Spencer Seidel, Slime girl chapters 4 lyfes, chp2001, Shaoraka, James_is_Playing, Collin Love, Sage, Solarlancer, Diu Lei Lo Mo, Lord DragonRose, MetusZerum, Pike, ItsCool, Beowulf, Yenin, James Nagy, Darastrix, Chymor, Sebastian Viller, Chotley Ferguson, Matthew Forlines, Lasse, Harley Shockley, Halima, Colin Clark, Anna Turner, Dontspam Meho, David G Ross, Steven Lindsay, Missus Mouse, Imran, Indigo, Stefan Mensink, James Panao O'Connor, Igors Zvaigzne, Zikarioa, Dionisio Trigo, Ingo Wiarda, Michael Maddox, Micha, S T, All-In-Vane, Autonomous Spaghetti, Alex, Nick Tinsley, Michael Lau, Mackintackin, Jose, Maximum0428, Peter Jørgensen, Tzucaza, Neil DubeAlexis Lionel, Carlos Ramirez Guerra-librero, Jo Gucoka, Matticide FOWD, Satherian, Matthew Orenstein, Popper369, Boohya, Ryan Gallagher, Enleed, Oliverthms, Novo, Ignatius Colotta, Christian Kenney, Andrew B, Casel002, Raven67854Gaming, Tomas Wood, Chris Meeker, Ivan, Patterson, Daniel Rhodes, Scryde, Krimson Fox, Jacob Imming, Zaire Mudu, Slippery.John, Tom Medda, Zeruke, Joshua Shon, Mark Baitinger, Christie, Vikram Valame, Alex, Pieter, Yates!!, Kris, Benn, Victor, John J Riggan, Chris, Howard Roark, Niraada, Deane L Uptegrove

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