(Resumed) Solstice

Chapter 15.5 – Temptation of the Princess

This chapter contains basically is a sex scene that does NOT go/end well. It is also hetero as far as you can tell with confirmed info. If you are disturbed by the idea of such imagery, you are heavily encouraged to SKIP this Chapter. Chapter 16 is released and does not require reading this chapter beforehand.

I have checked both the Content Guidelines and the Terms of Service for any language I would have to worry about:

"All creators are expected to include warnings (gore, sexual content, strong language, etc...) if the intended audience is 17 and up but if for some reason the story has not been labeled as such, please report it and we will fix it."

I have CW'd for Sex from the fucking beginning. Ditto for language. There are NO surprises here.

"The following guidelines list content that are not allowed. We reserve the right to remove any content we deem to be inappropriate."

I have isolated this scene for ease of removal while preserving the rest should it come to this.

"Pornographic stories - These are content that are basically porn without a plot. This is referring to the whole story, not a chapter or 50% of your story."

Literally 15 Chapters before any smut at all, and the clarification literally says "not a chapter". This checks.

"Age of Consent - The age of consent is 18+. This is referring to the real age of the character. Any sexual content between characters must abide by this age of consent."

Emmett is of age. So is Jessica. This checks. Years in Solstice are also larger than years on Earth, so fuck off on.

"Encouraging Non-Consensual Sexual Content - These are stories that are encouraging non-consensual sexual acts.  Your story cannot be encouraging non-consensual sex acts."

I honestly think I'm in the clear here. This scene is being written not as a triumphant moment: for fuck's sake Emmett has negative emotion throughout. There's also that I'm writing it from Emmett's perspective and NOT Jessica's. Finally, the guidelines say "encourage", not "depict". I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to recreate this sex scene after having read it.

"Illegal Sex Acts - These are content which encourages illegal sexual acts including but not limited to bestiality (real-world animals) or necrophilia."

See above. This scene is not positive from Emmett's point of view. Emmett is allowed to draw some positive emotions from the experience, and he does, but the overall experience is pretty bad and impacts him for multiple chapters after.

"Prohibited Media"

Media in this case refers to images, videos, and MAYBE sound (but probably not) - As there is no media anywhere in Solstice, I am in the clear.

Preview Chapters

As the chapter is being posted here, none of this applies.


And now the ToS


"Contains any information or content that we deem to be unlawful, harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, harassing, humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), libelous, threatening, or otherwise objectionable;"

So this says SH is the final decider of what is and isn't bad. Therefore all I can do is read the rules and make a good-faith effort to abide them. Since I'm not a cuntbag, this should be easy, and I'm further separating my risqué material in case I erred.

"May create a risk of any other loss or damage to any person or property;"
"May create a risk of harm, loss, physical or mental injury, emotional distress, death, disability, disfigurement, or physical or mental illness to you, to any other person, or to any animal;"
"May constitute or contribute to a crime or tort;"

As all of the above are influenced by other people's actions, this is out of my control. I am not a Goddess. I have, however, taken caution to advise readers of upcoming subject matter by means of Content Warnings, I have not written in any dangerous instructions to do anything, nor instructions to do anything dangerous, and I have displayed additional diligence in this announcement. If you do not like hetero(-presenting) sex acts of dubious and/or nonexistent consent, you have been advised to SKIP to Chapter 16 where you don't need to know details. I further instruct you to not attempt to recreate this scene.

"Contains any information or content that is illegal;"

This should not be an issue.

"Contains any information or content that you know is not correct and current; or"

Fictional World. I'm the author. Starting Parameter Changes Noted in Prologue Announcement. Literally I declare what is correct and current in my works. And if I somehow can't, I do some research anyway.

"Contains any information or content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships; or"

Pretty sure I'm not violating any copyrights.

"Constitutes “Spam”, advertising, or business related communications."


To be clear, I'm not shitting on the ToS or anything like that. This is me showing my work of making sure what I'm about to write is in bounds. Without further ado, let us begin.


Jessica turned around, her tanned skin shimmering under the candlelights strewn about the room. "Catch the door and lock it, would you kindly?"

My heart pounded. I should not be here, yet I was.

Who was this woman? Why was the room decorated with candles? What was that smokey aroma in the air?

"Please?" The gentleness of the request melted something in me. I felt my body step back, on its own accord, and pull the door closed. My fingers moved to the chain on the wall, and set it into the bracket mounted on the door frame. My shaking hand hovered toward a latch on the doorknob and twisted that too, to complete the job.

"Your name is Emmett, yes?" I turned back around, slow.

"Emmett.... Emmett.... mmmm..." Hearing her taste my name on her lips burned out my thoughts. I didn't even notice the candlelight dancing on her bare breasts.

Everything was off. Something was wrong. I shouldn't be here.

Why was I here?

"Come on, you get your clothes off too, lovely~"

Emmett what are you doing

My robe hit the floor.

"Damn you're eager," I heard her say, "You just seemed so shy I wasn't sure whether arguing with your teammate put you out of the mood."

Well, considering I was fully convinced she was going to take my life over a misunderstanding, I did not say out loud. I thought about it some more and swallowed my nervousness. If I had no guarantees of surviving the night, then what the fuck ever, right? I really should just enjoy the moment.

I may not get another chance in my life.

I glanced down at... that thing, between my legs. My cheeks felt like they were boiling over. I was shaking.

My breath shortened.

"Is this... your first time?" I heard a voice ask. The same voice, her voice.

I nodded, clutching at my chest. This was so much. Too much, too fast. And that damning straining sensation at my hips. What the fuck was that.

A hand lay on the underside of... whatever that was, and my vision flashed white. a ghostly wind rushed through me.

"Ho fuck, that was close!" Jessica howled out between panting.

"What... happened?" I asked. I saw her shaking in much the same fear as I, and some protective instinct must have kicked in, because my fear went to the side.

"You're... you're a potent Magus, I'll tell you that now," Jessica almost moaned, "If we're going to continue, though, I need you on the bed..."

"Are you okay?" I asked. I could still feel something throbbing beneath my stomach, but that didn't matter right now.

"I'll explain... after I've caught my breath... Don't keep me waiting..."

I nodded slowly. Was Jessica safer on the bed? I knew I did something. Wind didn't just come from nowhere, especially in a closed room.

Was it Magick? Was Jessica a Magus? Did she use a spell on me just then? Did it backfire?

I climbed onto the bed, completely naked and exposed. I could hear some moaning sounds, and I started to turn my head-

"You keep looking up at that ceiling, cutie," she commanded with a rasp, "I want you writhing in excitement a little~"

My body froze at her command. Jacqueline, Patrick, and being in Charade Gin had taught me that if a woman told you to do something, you did it. So that's what I did: I looked at the ceiling.

I could hear some bewitched noises, groaning sounds from my right. Each vocalization seeped into my core. I wanted to hear more, yet I wanted nothing more than to get my clothes back on and run the fuck away.

I could even subdue her too, if I was... "potent" as she said. She didn't seem to be one herself. But she probably was. That burst of wind was Magickal in nature, and I knew for fucking certain I didn't do it.

I was stuck, trapped. It was obvious Jessica wanted something to do with me, and she had the power to kidnap me outright if she wanted. Grace wouldn't even help, not after threatening me. And the other two would probably kill me for trying to force her into something.

I was alone, with my motionless body, the oversized needle poking out of it, and... those heavy moans of her.

Fuck, they scared me. Not with how unnatural they sounded, no -- they scared me in how a part of me wanted to hear more.

Were the noises enchanted?

"Close your eyes," she said, and I did. Each second expanding into a minute, I heard slow, soft footsteps. I felt the bed compress a bit on the right, then the left. There was a warmth over me.

Then something wet touched my lips. My eyes opened in shock. Jessica had straddled herself over me and was now kissing me. Furthermore, the spectral wind returned, and the candlelight was washed out by walls of azure. A low groan escaped me, and I melted.

Jessica parted the kiss softly, and whispered, "Now you're mine."

I pulled at my arms, my legs, but they didn't respond. My heart slammed that much harder in my chest. But that... unnatural growth in my pelvis... grew larger, and my cheeks felt warmer.

Jessica swooped down and pinned my wrists to the bed, licking her lips. "Oh that's right, I do owe you an explanation." She lowered her waist down over mine, and the silkiest touch graced my tip. I felt my hips surge, my needle deflecting off of whatever slick surface was there, the ghostly wind growing fiercer, and the azure brightening.

"When Magi make love, their Magick sings along with them," Jessica cooed, kissing me briefly and destroying whatever words I was about to form, "The women surge with uncontrolled, unleashed Æther, while the men pull it out of them, and force it down into their own seed. This makes it dangerous for a dreamer like me to take you to bed."

"You're... a..."

"Yes, Emmett." My hips bucked a few times at my name, "I don't have Magick, else I'd have saved Jacob myself. This Magick, the blue light? This is all you, darling."

I took some time to glance about, turning my head as far as Jessica would let me. Amidst the circular wall of Æther around us, I saw some wisps a little closer, if I squinted and tried to separate the two.

With the knowledge that I was doing this somehow, I dared not use my Æthervision.

"I knew about the dangers going in," Jessica said, "So I built a Spell Circle to let Magi mate with whoever they wished without fear. No, what took me by surprise is that I've never seen a man react like that to being touched."

I blinked. The way she had emphasized "man" in that sentence...

"And yet, you have the signature feature of a man right here, just aching to bury himself inside me~"

I pulled in breath, trying to gasp. Was she going to-

She squeezed harder on my wrists, and pushed her lips down, snaking her tongue into mine. I closed my eyes, the sensations of it all overwhelming. I felt her moaning into my lungs, and against all rational sense, my body did the same.

I didn't even notice how muffled my screams were, when that wet, hot flesh touched down to the tip again. This time, however, she slid one of her hands back, to touch that overly-sensitive part of me, and the bucking of my hips kicked it someplace feverish and constricting.

I felt I was losing myself. Whatever was happening, felt... I didn't even have the words to describe it. I wanted it, but I didn't want it. If I could only move, I might have been able to throw her off me and run. But another part wanted to stay, to push in more.

She kept her lips firmly pressed on mine, my screams pushing straight into her mouth. My pelvis twitched uncontrollably. The wind in the room grew even stronger.

If she hadn't been muffling my screams with a kiss, everyone would have been woken up by now.

I didn't know why, but thinking about it made my noises, and hers apparently, much more feral.

Then I felt something bubble through that part of me. Our screams had peaked and were now in decrescendo.

I opened my eyes. The azure had died down significantly, but was still flowing.

Jessica parted the kiss open with a loud pop, and audibly swallowed. "Ooooh, fuck that felt great~"

I was too busy catching my breath to respond.

"What about you?"

I blinked up at her. I didn't feel great. I felt drained, I felt empty in a way. I felt something happened and I didn't know what, and it angered me but I didn't have enough energy to handle it.

But Jessica was smiling, beaming in fact. She was the most relaxed I'd ever seen her.

She was happy.

Whatever she did to me, it made her happy, and I was still alive.

I could take solace in that. "I'm... glad you're feeling great. It... makes me happy."

She tilted her head and her smile faded. "You... don't feel the same?"

"How do you mean?"

"The sex, did it not pleasure you?"

"Um." I didn't know how to respond to this. I took a moment to think of how to respond in a way that didn't hurt her. This was supposed to be a delicate, intimate moment.

"Did... I go too far?"

Alright Emmett, save the moment. "N-no!" I lied, course-correcting with a technical truth, "Not... that I think of, anyway. I... I just don't know what to feel. It's... my first time, after all, and so much was new. I'm still in awe over a great many things."

Jessica cooed and kissed my lips softly. "You are definitely a man, but you open yourself up like a woman. You even activated the Spell Circle like a woman. That's why you couldn't move by the way: womanly Magi are deadly partners for dreamer men, much more than the reverse."

I took a few breaths, eyes threatening to close.

"If such a pair were to mate, the woman would have to bind herself completely, lest she kill the man. That's why you were restrained; the Circle activated the pattern for women, and, well, your Magick did behave like a woman's when I teased you earlier."

Some part of that sounded awfully coercive, but I couldn't argue. I was too tired, and I was just glad Jessica's okay. Plus, if what she said is true, and I did have power as a Magus... "I'm... grateful." I wasn't sure how much sincerity I put into those words. I just wanted to sleep. "Thank heavens... you weren't hurt..."

"You're sweet, but thank me later: you're gonna overburn and pass the fuck out." Jessica climbed up off of me and smiled. "Good night, love, and thank you."

I tried to look at her getting dressed, watching for signs of danger, but she only had it about halfway done when my eyes closed for the night.

If you felt uncomfortable here, then yay, I did the scene right! If you got horny to this, you're a fucking degenerate... I hope you had fun, and you better be fucking respectful of your sex partners.

And before anyone gets gets cocky and says I didn't warn anyone: Yes I Fucking Did. Twice. I also formatted the work to make this scene entirely optional.

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