Return of Salazar Slytherin

40- Mana Control?

"Huh... ha..."

The mist rolled in again, bringing Daphne, who was still in shock, back into the secret chamber.

After her feet landed on the solid marble floor, Daphne's legs softened and she collapsed directly onto the ground.

After taking a breath, she touched the hem of her robe and found that it was very dry and showed no sign of being wet by the seawater. She gradually regained her composure.

The scene just now was actually Slytherin's memory?! What kind of monster was he fighting back then?

At this moment, Daphne's respect for Slytherin, the founder of her house, reached its peak.

According to the last fragment in the memory, Slytherin won the battle, which is outrageous!

Anyway, Daphne felt that if she were in such a condition, she would be able to boast about it for the rest of her life if she could escape alive.

'What are the other three founders doing at the time? Was it because Slytherin hadn't met them yet?'

A small doubt flashed through her mind, and then was thrown away by Daphne, because Rhys asked her what she thought after reading/watching that memory.

'Of course, it was extremely shocking!'

For the first time, Daphne saw what "the ultimate magic" is. A wizard who can practice magic to the extreme can be called a "moving natural disaster."

"He changed my understanding of magic." Daphne said, "Before this, I never knew that magic could be so powerful."

Rhys nodded with satisfaction: This is the purpose of what he did, to open Daphne's eyes and let her understand where the upper limit of magic is. Before teaching students, you have to let them know what this industry is really like, right? Especially students like Daphne who can choose their own "major".

"So what type of spell do you want to learn?" After laying the groundwork, Rhys asked Daphne what type of spell she wanted to learn.

"You can teach me anything?"

"Yes, there are almost no spells I can't teach."

"I want to learn how to refine the Philosepher's stone. If I can refine that magic stone, my sister's illness may be cured."

Rhys: "…"

The little girl slapped him in the face and silenced him with just one reply.

If he could refine the magic stone, why would he need to use the time-consuming and laborious method of sleeping and molting to rejuvenate his youth?

"I don't know either." Rhys was thick-skinned and said without blushing that he didn't know how to make the magic stone.

Daphne looked a little disappointed, but she also understood that what she had just requested was unreasonable. If Rhys hadn't shown such amazing abilities, she would definitely not have asked such a question.

"The curse on your sister is quite special. It needs to be adjusted slowly. You can take a bad luck removing fruit first and see how it goes. If it doesn't work, I will mix some magic potions for her to suppress the curse." Rhys felt that the blood curse on Daphne's sister Astoria was quite troublesome, and even he was not sure of curing it through simple means.

If he wants to heal her, Rhys needs to purify the curse attached to Astoria's soul or cut off the contaminated soul, which is extremely difficult.

It would be nice if Helga was here. She is the better healer among the four of us, but it's a pity that she's not here, Rhys couldn't help but think this way.

Daphne didn't answer, she just pursed her lips, and after a while, she took the initiative to change the topic.

"I want to learn how to fly. Lord Slytherin was floating in the air when fighting the big snake." Daphne carefully recalled the scene in her memory and then realized that there were too many things she wanted to learn - the magic to defeat the big snake. Formations, powerful attack magic, the power to control seawater, etc, she wanted to learn, so why not start with the most basic and inconspicuous ones?

Rhys raised his eyebrows: Of course, you can learn how to fly, but this requires high control of magic power.

"No problem. In fact, the way we get in here is by flying. The principle is not difficult. Control the mana, gather the magic power on your feet and generate upward thrust to float. Then you can change the direction of the magic power and fly as you like—— How about it? It's very simple. You just need to practice hard."

A confused look flashed across Daphne's face.

'Control my mana around me?'

This was the first time she had heard of the concept.

Um? Rhys suddenly realized something was wrong. It was as if a Muggle teacher was talking about the changes in chemical bonds in redox reactions on the podium, and then the students from the audience asked what oxidation reactions were.

"Have you never heard of mana control?" he asked cautiously.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Rhys's eyes darkened: he finally understood the problem of the modern magic world.

In the course of the previous week, the professors had never mentioned this concept. He thought it was basic common sense, so the professors were too lazy to talk about it. It turned out that there was no such concept at all!

Compared with a thousand years ago, the modern magic world has made great progress in wand-making and magic spells, so much so that some seemingly outdated concepts have been eliminated.

Such as mana control.

Just as the emergence of calculators in the non-magical world has swept calculations and abacus into the garbage heap of history, the improvement of wands and spells has also made mana control no longer a required course for wizards. Wizards hadn't even heard of the concept.

Why use your brain when you can simply follow a formula? You only need to follow specific gestures, intonations, and sentence fragments to cast a charm or curse.

And after a long time, no one will think deeply about why after he/she waves and shakes his/her hands and chants "Wingardium Levi-O-sa" it makes the feathers float.

Knowing what to chant and how to move, but not knowing why such movements and chants are done is a common problem in the modern magic world. It is also the reason why in such a large modern magic world, very few wizards can fly without a broom. The one who is best at flying is actually the Dark Lord Voldemort! Well, Rhys doesn't know this.

Think more, wizards.

So they just follow the formulas, Rhys sighed: "I think we should start practicing by controlling your magic power first."

Fearing that Daphne would be impatient, he also explained: "If you don't understand mana control or the principles of magic, you can't become a wizard like Slytherin even if you master 10,000 spells."

Then he began to explain to Daphne how to mobilize the magic power in her body and release it.

Because the content he talked about was too basic, Rhys was quite awkward when talking about it - he really didn't expect that one day he would talk about something this basic to a young witch from a pure-blood family.

Fortunately, he had listened to a few enlightenment lessons about patience from Helga Hufflepuff, otherwise, he would have been in trouble.

With Rhys's guidance, Daphne succeeded after a few tries.

A tingling warmth flowed in her left arm, eventually gathering at the fingertips of her palm, and then——


A small cyclone was born from Daphne's palm and then dissipated.

"Congratulations, you have learned how to release your magic power." Rhys praised her from the side.


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