Return of Salazar Slytherin

45- Detention

After hearing Professor McGonagall's punishment for him, the look on Malfoy's face became ugly.

Professor McGonagall was famous, and of course, he had heard how unkind this professor was. She will never favor students, she always treats her House equally with other houses, and will not consider their family background when punishing students. In other words, it is useless to think of fewer consequences because of his father's name, he can only accept the punishment obediently.

Malfoy was simply depressed, but Harry's face was pale.

He felt like he was going to be expelled. He had been at Hogwarts for less than two weeks, and he would be packing up and leaving in ten minutes. He didn't know what the Dursleys would say when they saw him appear at the gate, but it certainly will not be anything cheery.

Daphne was also a little uneasy, but after thinking that Malfoy and Harry had made much more serious mistakes than herself, she immediately regained her composure.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, since you seriously violated the teaching rules during the flying lesson, I will punish you with detention at Mrs. Hooch's place. Do you have anything to say?"

After hearing that he had only been detained and not expelled from school, Harry nodded repeatedly and expressed that he had no objection. Malfoy wanted to defend himself, but he knew that it was useless and he could only admit that he was unlucky.

After dealing with Harry and Malfoy, Professor McGonagall looked at Daphne.

"Miss Greengrass, can you explain how you did it just now?"

Malfoy and Harry also pricked up their ears. They were also curious about how Daphne could fly.

"That's flying magic." Daphne's answer had a sense of déjà vu in nonsense literature.

Although Rhys never told her to keep his secret, Daphne still consciously covered up for him. This may be due to her selfishness, she wants to monopolize the knowledge in Rhys's mind, or she does not want to cause trouble to Rhys.

"Where did you learn it from?" Professor McGonagall couldn't help but ask. Her instinct told her that Daphne would not tell her the truth, but flying magic was too rare, and she wanted to find out the source as much as possible.

After hearing the word "flying magic", Malfoy's expression suddenly changed. He had heard from his father that the Dark Lord had a unique secret method called flying magic. He was an extremely rare wizard in the magic world who could fly without a broomstick.

Today Daphne suddenly said that she can do fly magic.

'Could it be that the Greengrass family...

But their stance in the previous Wizarding War was clearly neutral?'

Young Malfoy couldn't figure it out.

Professor McGonagall has the same worries. She is worried that Daphne's flying magic comes from the Dark Lord, which is not a good sign.

However, in the face of Professor McGonagall's questioning, Daphne just remained silent.

Professor McGonagall stared at her seriously for a while, and finally shook her head, letting her go on this issue - the ancient Greengrass family might actually have flying magic stored in the family treasury, but no matter what, Professor Dumbledore needs to know what's going on.

"Okay, you two can go. Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Hooch will contact you regarding matters related to the detention." Professor McGonagall sent Malfoy and Daphne away but kept Harry.

This couldn't help but make Harry's heart lift again.

"Ha! That Potter is finished, I dare say he will be expelled." After the backs of Professor McGonagall and Harry disappeared from their sight, Malfoy immediately said with joy.

"You - the one who started it - didn't get expelled, how could he?" Daphne glanced at him and replied coldly. She had seen everything that happened, and who was the "culprit" in Daphne's mind.

Daphne was right. At dinner time, Harry showed up in the great hall on time, and Malfoy looked as if someone had punched him.

Judging from the speed of the detention content being issued, Madam Hooch's inner anger seemed to not have dissipated. During dinner, an owl brought her punishment for Harry and Malfoy: tonight they need to go to her place to repair and maintain the school's broomsticks.

After arriving at the hut where the brooms were stored, Madam Hooch divided the brooms used in today's class into two piles and then threw a "Broomstick Care Manual", two cans of handle polisher, and two pairs of gardening scissors to the two of them.

"Your task is to wax the broom handle and build the messy broom tail branches." Madam Hooch's voice was quite cold. After briefly explaining the task, she left the broom hut and warned the two of them before leaving. : If the maintenance work fails, she will apply for additional detention hours, so the two of them had better not do any funny business.

Harry and Malfoy sat in opposite corners of the room, as far away from each other as possible.

It can be seen that Malfoy did not ask the house elves to maintain his broom for him when he was a child. His movements were so skillful that by the time Harry finished one broom, Malfoy had already maintained three.

"Can you hurry up? I still want to go back early." After looking up at Harry's progress, Malfoy couldn't help but darken his face.

If Malfoy took the initiative to take a few brooms from Harry to repair them and try to apologize to him, then the bad relationship between the two might be repaired.

It's a pity that Malfoy is not such a person.

Right now, he only cares about whether he can return to the common room early. Repair part of Harry's broom? Not even if he is his father's illegitimate son!

"Don't worry, you can leave straight away after you finish your work and go back to have fun with your animal-looking friends!" Harry rolled his eyes and sped up the speed of pruning the broom branches.

"I'm not leaving. What if I leave and someone stains my broom again? Do you think I can't see your thoughts?"

"Stop it Malfoy!" Harry slammed the broom in his hand on the ground, "Do you think everyone is the same as you?"

"You.." Malfoy shut his mouth and went to maintain the broom in silence. But with his mouth closed, his thoughts became more and more active.

"Potter, have you ever heard of wizard duels?" After getting the last broom fixed, Malfoy started the conversation again.

Harry lowered his head and silently applied polish to the broom. He had never heard of wizard duels, but it was not difficult to understand literally. He just simply didn't want to deal with Malfoy.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. You can go back and ask that Weasley, and he will tell you what a 'wizard's duel' is. In short, if you two are brave, then come to the trophy room at twelve o'clock tomorrow night. We can have a fair duel to decide the winner - today's game has not yet been decided. "

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