Return of the Wind Mage: A Regression litrpg

Ch. 49 Loot Boxes For Everyone

He had to scroll through all the kill notifications before he got to what he wanted to see. He had been credited for more kills than he had thought he deserved, either being in the general vicinity where the fight was or doing minimal damage to them. The experience was still good and he was sure there was going to be a level waiting for him at the end, if not two.

You’ve Destroyed a Monster Nest (Minor)

Achievement: First 5 to Destroy a Nest

Reward: Loot Box (Minor)

Achievement:First to Kill an Evolved Monster

Reward: Loot Box (Greater)

Achievement: Slay a Monster 10 Levels Above You

Reward: Loot Box (Lesser)

Achievement:Survive an Acolyte Monster in Combat

Reward: Title Grade Accumulation: 45%

Achievement: First to use Ritual Magic

Reward: Loot Box (Common)

Congratulations, you are now Mage lvl. 19

“I’m level nineteen, now. Also, you might want to look out, loot boxes incoming.” Santi gave his warning as the loot boxes materialized around them.

The minor loot box appeared, the wood the same as the last one he had earned. The girls, and some of the others, were looking at him with wide eyes as the boxes appeared. Most of them likely hadn’t ever seen a loot box before, though his entire team had likely earned at least one box for their efforts in the nest. Everyone who had fought the Acolyte monster had earned one too.

“Go through your notifications. They appear after you open them,” Santi yelled, desperate to get the eyes off of him. The lesser loot box was the wooden one he had already earned, while the minor box was made of crystal.

The common loot box was a long rectangle of silver, about three feet high and two wide. Santi had never earned one of these, only having seen them appear before. The gold chest that materialized right next to it was even more rare. He had only heard of people earning the second highest achievement reward before. If it wasn’t for the information packets the civilization pillars offered, no one would have known there was a reward higher than gold.

The lesser reward box was just more money, the same amount as the last loot box had given him. He dumped the fifty white-wood coins on the ground and watched as the loot box disappeared. Around the room, more and more of the lesser loot boxes were appearing as people claimed their rewards. Chad had managed to claim his own silver reward box, likely from the help with killing the Acolyte hag.

The minor reward box was a long clear crystal case. What little light came into the lobby was refracted off of it. Opening it up he saw a necklace sitting at the bottom of the chest, the links forged of the same crystal that the box was made of. It was heavier than it looked, weighing more than gold did and running Identify got him his answer.

Necklace of Resistance

All Magic Damage is Reduced by 10%

“Well, that would have been useful a few hours ago,” Santi muttered as he slipped it on. Not many monsters or people would be using magic now, but the resistance necklace would come in handy later.

With trembling fingers he opened the silver chest. The heavy lid rose on smooth joints without a sound to reveal its contents. A simple brown leather covered book. The moment he picked it up and opened it his eyes widened. The first few pages had basic ritual magic spells in it. Stuff even he knew, but that was completely foreign to everyone else right now. The rest of the pages had writing, but it was blurry. The longer he looked at it, the worst the scribbles became.

Grimoire Of Ritual Magic (Common)

Santi hurriedly tucked that away as the silver chest dissolved away. The intent was clear, the higher he raised his skill levels and learned more of ritual magic, the more spells would be uncovered for him. He knew he was going to have to branch out from the basic mage work he had done and this was a great first step.

Greed and anxiety melted together in his gut as he stared at the golden chest. Money, protection, and a powerful grimoire. Now there was only the most powerful chest remaining. His hands trembled as he opened it.

A metallic blob.

Similar to a puddle of mercury. He was confused for a moment. Then he ran Identify and struggled to keep his mouth from dropping as all his prayers were answered.

Morph Weapon (Growth Item)

This was on the level of a Champion's weapon. Relatively weak right now, but as he leveled and fed the weapon it would grow. The loss of his saber had been a sore point that he had been struggling with as none of the weapons he could find had matched its quality.

With a touch it was bound. Ice flowed through his veins from his arm to his heart. It was a struggle to breath as the puddle flowed up and over his forearm, wrapping itself around in a wire that sat loosely there. A connection formed as he felt the hunger in the blade, the desire for power and growth. Then the little leach started to suck away his mana and potential.

Nothing extreme. Just a few percentage points and his regeneration was enough to cover the mana. The potential on the other hand was a limited resource and could become a problem if it ate too much. It was likely that it would siphon off some of what he earned for itself so it could evolve in time. For now it needed his reserves.

The chest had not disappeared, sitting there stubbornly as Santi peaked over the edge and saw a little post-it note on the bottom.

“Dear Shit-Head

You’ve attracted attention to yourself and everyone was tired of you using sticks. Don’t break this one.


Santi crumbled up the note and watched as the chest dissolved. It seemed Akthyr was right when he had said they would be attracting attention to themselves. If they had a hand in giving rewards for actions then it was easy to assume someone wanted Santi to succeed. He flashed back to the other presence he had felt on the day he had returned.

Santiago v. Silva

Mage lvl. 19

Strength: 19 (29)

Durability: 16 (26)

Stamina: 16 (26)

Dexterity: 16 (26)

Vitality: 16 (26)

Perception: 15 (25)

Intelligence: 27 (37)

Mana: 26 (36)

Willpower: 28 (38)

Potential: 95%

Title: Cockroach (60% to Upgrade)

He had a hard time staring at those stats. The rate of growth was absolutely ridiculous right now. It had taken him months last time to reach here. Looking around at the group he saw them as they pulled coins confusedly, or found weapons of higher quality. The money would come in handy soon and they’d be thankful for having it.

His potential had likely hit one hundred percent and the leech on his arm was draining it to grow. He wasn’t that worried about it and hoped that the experience from the goblin nest would be enough to push him to his evolution. He would just need a catalyst chamber to do it. Something like the cauldron the hags had used, except with less human remains and murder.

Chloe was holding up an axe of superb quality. A single head with a vicious spike out the back made of a stygian metal. Rayleigh had a spiked mace, bristly points emerging out of it of a red-bronze color. A lot better than the shitty bats she had been using. Santi would have to go and see what Tank had acquired later, right now all he wanted to do was take a nap and get ready for tomorrow.

“I need to get some sleep. Wake me up in a few hours please?” Santi asked, already laying down on his pack.

“No, are you going to explain the fucking loot boxes that just appeared out of nowhere?” Rayleigh sounded hurt. Santi hadn’t told anyone aside from Tank about the boxes even though the geas didn’t bind him on that.

“How bout this, when we get the goblin nest cleared up, I’ll sit down with y’all and we’ll talk about everything that I can talk about?”

“This the best we’re going to get?”

“Yeah. I’m tired and hurting. I just want to sleep for a little bit.”

“Not before I check you over,” Tank interrupted them as he crossed the distance.

“I’m fine,” Santi started but Tank bowled right over him.

“I’m your doctor and I say, no you’re not.” His hand glowed as he ran multiple spells at the same time. His mana had to be scraping the bottom of the barrel by now, but he didn’t hesitate.

“Strained muscles, cuts, low blood pressure, and a bunch of other shit. My spells can’t cover all of this, but I’ll give you the basics. You didn’t get anymore healing potions in all those chests, did you?” The real reason for his visit reared its head.

“No, just weapons and knowledge,”

“Same thing there bud,” Chloe chirped as Tank ran a hand over her head and nodded. He checked Rayleigh and left, done with them for now.

“Again, wake me in a bit.” Santi didn’t ask this time, and just rolled over and passed out.

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