Reverend Rizzsanity


Heavy snow layers the once-lush Qing Mao Mountain, subduing the thick branches and capping wide canopies. Shrubs and other minor foliage are dry, waiting for the spring’s breath. The afternoon sun hides behind greyish clouds, leaving the Gu Masters of Qing Mao under its unnecessarily cool shade.

A Night Sparrow flies once it senses the nearest disturbance, casting its ruby-red eyes upon a group of Gu Masters traveling through the snow-capped fields. The group of eight Gu Masters is divided into 5 males and three females. They wear the same combat uniform consisting of navy blue, fur-lined robes, bamboo boots, a blue headband, and red belts around their waist with a bracket stating the number ‘2.’

Snow crushes under their feet as they travel concisely, soon reaching the northern entrance. The group walks to the Mission Hall, a well-built pavilion with a healthy traffic of Faction Leaders through their gates.

“Wow, Lo Jik!” One of the slim girls smiles. “You didn’t get caught in any traps, and your speed was amazing, too.”

“Exactly,” a burly man clasps Lo Jik’s shoulder, beaming, “We chose a simple mission to let you slowly adapt to the snowy wilds. Your instincts are quite good.”

“Hmph!” Another girl snorts. “He was lucky. Even if he didn’t slow us down, how many snow roses did he find? 4!”

Others frown at the woman’s words, while Lo Jik calmly accepts everything. His silence makes the girl more annoyed. However, before she can speak any further, their team’s faux leader arrives with a smile.

“Good Job, everyone. As usual, the mission’s reward was increased by three times since it was Lo Jik’s first task. Here, Lo Jik.” The leader hands Lo Jik the pouch worth 6 Stones. “It’s Mo Faction’s tradition to let the newbie retain their first earning.”

Lo Jik accepts it with a word of thanks. The previous girl huffs, complaining about how they can take a real mission after this as the vice-leader disperses everyone. Lo Jik doesn’t linger and moves toward the bazaar.

‘That girl, Gu Yue Fan Hi—’ Lo Jik narrows his eyes, recalling the thin woman with small hair and a petite body. ‘She wants to suck Mo Bei off. The team led by Mo Yan is the cream of the crop. Meanwhile, the team under Gu Yue Jin Shu is the backup.’ He feels the pouch around his waist, smirking. ‘What a tradition. First, they try to stump the newbies in the rough climate. Since hunters cannot convey all the trap’s locations, Qing Mao Mountain is especially dangerous for careless Gu Masters. However, I know all these traps and their tell. Yet, the group didn’t stop there. They wanted to show off and suppress me by completing the task quicker.’

He lacked in this department, but he wasn’t much worse. He could also keep up with the team’s speed due to the two Boar Strength Gu.

Although the Gu Worms strengthened his body, Boars are known for their explosive speeds. Anyone who refines and uses the Boar Strength Gu may notice a slight increase in explosive speed within and outside combat!

Lo Jik feels unpleasant despite his skills. He is no longer an academy student. He can be called for dangerous combat at any moment.

Wolf Tide!

‘I refuse to rely on this team system,’ He scoffs internally. It would be a different matter if he didn’t have his Trait.

Why should Lo Jik squander his talents?

Hundreds and thousands of wolves will soon invade the village after being forced out of their valley. Lo Jik must possess different skills to safeguard his life!

Moonglow Gu only covers his attack alongside the strength of two Boars.

But what about the rest—Defense, Movement, Investigation, Healing, and Support/Storage.

‘I can refine the White Jade Gu for my defense. But it’s a rare Rank 2 Gu. How will I explain its origin? It’s also hard to feed. The current Jade Skin Gu is almost through with my savings of Jade Stones. Healing Gu is also crucial. That bitch Fan Hi is the team’s healer. I’ll bite off my balls before expecting her to heal me until the leader interjects,’ Lo Jik frowns.

He doesn’t want to repeat Cao’s disaster.

Even though he wants to push some individuals, he now tries to actively learn about them and predict how his actions will affect his target’s surroundings.

‘The main issue is still feeding the Gu,’ Lo Jik frowns. ‘The best Gu worms display outstanding results and simple feeding requirements. The Blood Python Gu may fall into this category since it feeds on blood and can be found at different locations.

‘Moonglow is only easy to feed since we are in Gu Yue Clan—else the Gu would not be feasible.’ The Moon Orchid’s petals don’t have long shelf value unless stored in peculiar means.

‘The rare Rank 3 evolution of the Moonglow Gu is the Crescent Bow. I need to find a Rank 2 Light Arrow Gu for that,’ he considers his long-ranged option before mulling over his close-ranged tactics.

‘My body is definitely weird,’ He gulps. ‘First, I die and somehow return to life? My vital Gu advances with my cultivation. And… while an ordinary Gu Master must refine and enhance their bodies after assimilating two Rank 1 Beast Strength Gu, I can accommodate two more!’

He doesn’t know whether to feel happy or not. At most, it means that his body is simply built differently.

A Gu Master cannot endlessly absorb a Beast’s strength since their flesh has limits. However, there are Gu that strengthen the body and increase these limits.

Meanwhile, Lo Jik’s limits are double that of an ordinary Gu Master.

‘There’s also the matter of Instinct Gu. Consecutive use of the Gu exhausts the mind. However, the Rank 2 Gu Battle Instincts Gu has reduced negative consequences. I can also step back and use Instinct Gu to refine a rare One Breath Intuition Gu.’

He has many options, but the issue is how he will sustain them. Battle Instincts Gu is valuable to him, given the predicted battles. However, feeding One Breath Intuition Gu is simple since it consumes any emotion.

A stifling pressure envelops Lo Jik.

What to do?

What to do?

He sighs.

‘Still, the Jade Skin Gu is useless to the current me. I should refine it to the White Jade Gu since I have the means. As for movement Gu, I can buy the Boar Hoof Gu and fuse it with the Black Boar Strength Gu to form the Rank 2 Boar Charge Gu. I must take risks to feed them—especially the White Jade Gu. Maybe I can ask Mo Yan? But how will I explain it to her?’

He rejects the idea. Despite being unable to solve the issue of feeding the Gu, Lo Jik feels better. He will feel more secure once he covers his other two basics—defense and movement. It will allow him to enter a battle and retreat at his pace.

He sniffs.

He already reached the bazaar. His expression eases as he looks through the produce, finding his day’s meal.


Shen Cui is at a loss. She wasn’t the first to have modest aspirations of tying herself to a Gu Master and living a peaceful life. A servant’s social circle expands into the hamlets under the Gu Village alongside other servants who chat in public locations like the Bazaar or the washing pit. So, Shen Cui knows several mistresses who like singing their lovers’ ‘praises.’

Praises like—Ah! He was so rough last night!

Or—Mmgh! Hmph, that’s nothing. The way he grasps my neck.

Shen Cui admits all that scared her. Why would they enjoy such rough treatments?

Yet, she’s been accompanying Fang Zheng the last few nights. She understood he wasn’t ready for intimacy the day the competition ended due to those disastrous results. However, Fang Zheng became a different beast these few days. He does get ready down there and climbs atop her.

‘Hmph,’ she thinks. ‘Young Master Fang Zheng is also blessed down there.’ {A/N: It’s Canon since Fang Zheng is FY’s twin, and the little Beast King possesses a Big Beast.}

‘But,’ she hesitates. ‘Is it supposed to end so fast?’

Shen Cui idly shifts through the vegetables. Her delicate fingers grasp a melon cucumber’s fat end. ‘If only Young Master stayed this hard for a few minutes.’ She loses in her thoughts, unconsciously stroking the base until a meaningful chuckle snaps her out.

“What’s the matter, Little Cui?” The Stall Owner, a Middle-Aged woman, wags her brows. “Do you want a big one or a small one?” Her words leave little to the imagination as Shen Cui gasps, losing her composure and quickly stepping back—


She runs into someone, knocking the youth almost as short as her. The middle-aged woman pales as she hurriedly enters her home without caring for the vegetables, while Shen Cui blinks in surprise.


She turns to look at the youth in the snow.

Blue outfit and headband, a red belt, and a steel bracket—

Lord Gu Master!

She pales and kneels to the red-haired, pockmarked youth.

“Please forgive me, Lord Gu Master! I—”

“Shut up! You ruined my belt!” He yells shrilly as the entire bazaar descends into silence. “You insolent wench!”

Shen Cui’s body trembles.

What should she do?

Her breath hitches while despair grips her fragile heart.

“You’re going to pay for—”

“Batchmate Chi?” A peaceful voice stops the angered Gu Master in his tracks. Shen Cui keeps her head low and only hears the angry Gu Master biting his words and snorting.

“Hmph! Waste of my time!” The Gu Master leaves while the familiar voice snickers.

“Are you alright?”

Powerful hands seize her shoulders, helping her up. A strange warmth and masculine scent tickle her nostrils as she stares at the newcomer’s red belt before looking at his fair features and soft brown hair.

“Would you look at that,” the familiar figure lets go of her, smirking, “You’re wearing my colors today. It looks good on you.”

Shen Cui inadvertently recalls how Lo Jik wanted to buy a hunter’s outfit with the same color scheme as her earthen tones. However, Shen Cui shifts to more bluish hues during winter.

“Here,” He stuffs her basket into her arms, cautioning in a somber tone. “You should look where you’re going. That Chi Cheng is a lustful freak,” lies the shameless womanizer. “Even if I’m Fang Zheng’s rival, I’d hate for him to suffer pain through you.”

His warm palm lands on her head as he beams at her. “That Fang Zheng’s quite lucky, huh?”

She dumbly nods, only coming to be when Lo Jik leaves the bazaar with a small bag in his hands.

“Phew,” the nearby stall vendors sigh in relief, looking at Shen Cui strangely. Realizing how scandalous things may look, she lowers her head and hurriedly leaves.


‘I was lucky to get an excuse to approach her,’ Lo Jik’s gaze glints as he moves southward. The Clan Leader’s faction usually enters and leaves in that direction. ‘Now, how should I use it? It will be weird if I go there only for Fang Zheng. Hehe, actually, that might work. Nobody from the younger generation can advance to Rank 3 because of Qing Shu’s suppression, right? Let’s start from there!’

Devious schemes flicker in his mind. However, he cautions internally to remain alert and avoid making the same mistakes.

The key will be to approach the topic subtly.

East, North, South—The Three locations possessed a tavern near the gates. Lo Jik patiently waits in the southern tavern, eating slightly and warming his body with wine until he hears slight commotion.

“Look! Lord Qing Shu is back!”

“Is that a brown bear? It’s so big! I-It’s a Bear King!”

“So what? Lord Qing Shu can effortlessly deal with Beast Kings! Hmph, he is the top Rank 2 Gu Master of my Gu Yue Clan!”

“They also have the A-grade Talent Fang Zheng! His disposition is heroic. He will learn well from Lord Qing Shu and become Gu Yue’s pillar!”

Loud cheers fill the street as Lo Jik walks out of the tavern to witness the Clan Leader’s faction carry a bear’s corpse slightly larger than an Elephant! Lo Jik has a deep impression of Beast Kings, especially Bear Kings. However, the Bear King Qing Shu’s team carried wasn’t the one that killed Lo Jik.

The grinning Fang Zheng’s expression drastically changes as he identifies Lo Jik in the crowd, smiling and waving back. It’s not hard to miss Lo Jik. He’s one of the few Gu Masters on the street, and his attire makes him stand out. Fang Zheng’s sudden change attracts his other teammates. Noticing Lo Jik, Qing Shu whispers something into his teammate’s ear before breaking off from the group, letting others take the Bear King to the Mission Hall. Meanwhile, Qing Shu and Fang Zheng approach Lo Jik.

“What is it?” Fang Zheng barks without any courtesy, his leg twitching with phantom pain.

“Hehe, I expected a cheery response, Batchmate Fang. We both are Rank 2 Gu Masters, so I won’t need to resort to cheap tricks to beat you again.”

“You—” Fang Zheng seethes as Qing Shu gently places a hand on the former’s shoulder, calming the youth.

“Senior Qing,” Lo Jik bows slightly. “I would like to discuss something. Please,” he sidesteps, inviting Qing Shu into the tavern as the waiters quickly set the table in a discreet corner.

“Hmph!” Fang Zheng snorts, entering the tavern with long strides as Qing Shu walks beside Lo Jik with a polite smile as Jik’s.

Once they sit, Lo Jik orders cheap rice wine, making Fang Zheng frown.

Lo Jik places the cup down for himself and Qing Shu, pouring wine while leaving Fang Zheng’s cup empty, making the latter reveal an ugly expression.

“What is the meaning of this?” Fang Zheng snarls in a low voice.

“Meaning?” Lo Jik sneers. “Why would I pour wine for someone who cannot protect his woman?”

The youth’s expression darkens, and his eyes widen.

“I’m not afraid to tell you that I ran into your precious Cui,” Lo Jik smirks mockingly. “Ah, what lovely skin and body.”

“I’ll kill you—”

“Of course,” Lo Jik snorts. “She learned your manners and walked without looking, running into Chi Cheng.”

Fang Zheng’s anger disappears, his face paling.

“Do you know where she is?” Lo Jik wags his brows. “What kind of man is Chi Cheng? He’s probably done with her, hehehe.”

Life almost fades from Fang Zheng’s gaze as Qing Shu frowns. However, Lo Jik snickers, raising his cup. “You should thank me that I didn’t let the worst occur. You should have seen Batchmate Chi running with his tail tucked in once he saw me. Tsk, tsk, it would be a shame to see a girl like Shen Cui ruin on that little runt…” Lo Jik sips his wine before grinning wickedly. “Or you.”

“Enough!” Enduring a rollercoaster of emotions, Fang Zheng slaps the table with a roar as Lo Jik remains undeterred. “You’re still here? I would be more worried about my lover than a rival, Batchmate Fang. Who cares if you have an A-grade aptitude? I may replace Chi Cheng in your wildest fantasies and give Sweet Cui what she deserves.”

Veins map Fang Zheng’s forehead as he hears such insults, barely controlling himself.

“You should return home and check on Little Cui, Fang Zheng,” Qing Shu gently pats the youth’s back with an encouraging and warm look. Fang Zheng grits his teeth, nodding forcefully before tossing a hateful glare in Lo Jik’s direction.

Other patrons relax again once Fang Zheng leaves the establishment. Yet, they cannot pretend they didn’t hear anything. Crafty and curious glints appear in other patrons’ gazes as they can’t wait to listen to the rest!

“Sigh, why do you antagonize Fang Zheng?” Qing Shu disapprovingly frowns as he sips his wine. The middle-aged green-haired expert is clear Lo Jik wasn’t done, and the main topic will only begin now.

“Why?” Lo Jik’s haughty expression evaporates, allowing a self-mocking look to take place. “It’s envy, Senior Qing. Why did Heaven bless Fang Zheng? Why does he deserve such talent and not me? Such talent is wasted on him!” He snaps before regaining his calm. “I apologize. I spoke out of turn.”

“Envying those better than us is natural,” Qing Shu comforts. “Even I occasionally envy Fang Zheng’s luck. However,” his expression turns somber. “Antagonizing him won’t help either of you. If you’re honest with Fang Zheng…”

He doesn’t finish his words as Lo Jik quietly digests the suggestion.

“Sigh,” Lo Jik exhales loudly. “I don’t know about that, Senior Qing. Let’s just get to business. You’re aware I possess White Boar Gu. I’ve had offers from several Gu Masters, including Mo and Chi Faction.”

“Indeed,” Qing Shu nods peacefully, not expecting Lo Jik’s words.

“I want to sell the White Boar Gu to you.”

“What?” Qing Shu blinks, and other patrons are no different. A grave expression flickers on Qing Shu’s face as he offers, “This isn’t a simple matter, Lo Jik. Consider carefully. You are part of Mo Faction.”

Qing Shu’s intent is clear.

If Lo Jik ignores Mo Faction and sells the White Boar Gu to Qing Shu, it will reveal Lo Jik’s open favor for the Clan Leader’s faction. It will lead to Lo Jik getting heavily ostracized or even removed from the Mo Faction! It will ruin Lo Jik’s budding career! Qing Shu saw how skilled Lo Jik was in combat, and now he advanced to Rank 2, displaying his grit. How can Qing Shu see such a talent ruin his future?

So, Qing Shu speaks more, persuading against his benefits and discouraging Lo Jik. That’s why Lo Jik chose Qing Shu as the breaking point of the current balance. Mo Yan, Chi Shan, and Qing Shu can advance to Rank 3 shortly, with Qing Shu being the closest to the realm. If any of them breaks through, the other Factions will be forced to act and focus on their cultivation. It will give Mo Yan all the incentive from her family’s side to become an Elder. However, Lo Jik found Qing Shu due to his nature!

Qing Shu is a Rank 2 Peak Stage Gu Master willing to sacrifice his future for the clan. After all, he should have advanced to Rank 3 three years ago. However, a short-lived A-grader appeared in that batch, prompting Qing Shu to stop his growth and allow the A-grader to enter the limelight! However, the Gu Master died recently before the Clan unearthed Fang Zheng.

That is the kind of man Qing Shu is.

The green-haired expert continues for a while when Lo Jik raises his cup.

“Fang Zheng isn’t the only one I envy, Senior,” Lo Jik stares at Qing Shu meaningfully as the man grows silent.

“I wish I had your talent. I’m not selfless. I can’t be. However, I know my growth is linked with the Clan’s growth. I wish I were a Rank 3, no, Rank 4 Gu Master! I want to sweep those other two clans away and establish Gu Yue’s hegemony! What Bai Ning Bing?! Gu Yue Clan is the rightful Monarch of Qing Mao Mountain. How dare the Bai Clan and their whores think they have a chance against us?”

Others suck in a breath of cold air while Qing Shu quietly drinks.

‘Is he badmouthing Bai Ning Bing? That wench?’

‘Is Lo Jik not afraid of death? She’s a terrifying beast!’

‘Too fierce! Too fierce! To actually call Bai Ning Bing a whore!’

Lo Jik ignores others, staring fiercely at Qing Shu. “I envy you! So, you must have it! My little luck can make you grow stronger. I can make Fang Zheng grow stronger! Take it! You need it more than me! Since I envy you, you’re the only one I remotely trust!”

Qing Shu’s gaze slightly shudders as he reveals a complicated gaze.

‘If he had mine or Zheng’s talent,’ Qing Shu wonders. ‘Would he let the Elders dictate his cultivation?’ He sighs. ‘No. He is not only a combat genius but also wildly ambitious! Alas, Heaven is unfair.’

Truthfully, Qing Shu almost grew a distaste for Lo Jik during his earlier insults against Fang Zheng. However, now everything makes sense.

‘He… can’t have his dreams. So he is willing to sacrifice it so someone else can step up and accomplish his ambitions,’ Qing Shu places his cup down. ‘Someone like me.’

Qing Shu’s blood is not cold. His heart is not made of stone.

It thumps and beats, raging in his tightening chest as Qing Shu cannot help but chastise himself.

Wasted talent.

That’s what he’s becoming!

Briefly, Qing Shu could not meet Lo Jik’s intense glare. Slowly, Qing Shu fills Lo Jik’s cup before offering a complicated smile. “I understand your intentions, Lo Jik. They are well-received.”

“Hmph!” Lo Jik snorts. “Just make sure that Fang Zheng gets his head out of his ass. A White Boar Gu doesn’t make him stronger than me!”

Qing Shu’s smile slightly brightens, and he shakes his head, “Oh, Lo Jik. Learn to be honest.”

Lo Jik narrows his eyes but doesn’t speak.

“Alright,” Qing Shu nods. “Let’s conduct business. How much for the White Boar Gu?”

“For our generation’s talent? 1000 Primeval Stones!”

Qing Shu completely relaxes now. As Lo Jik said before, he is not selfless.

“Be reasonable, Lo Jik. We can also purchase such Gu from the caravan. 540 Stones.”

“Hahahaha! Why don’t you spit at my face, Senior Qing? 999 Stones!”

Others watch speechlessly as their negotiations feel more like a banter to others.

Yet, Lo Jik’s words and claims soon spread throughout the village.


Alternate Title: The New Team; Relying on Oneself; Silent Pressure; Forming Plans; Feeding Gu is a Headache!; The Aspects of Gu; Sweet Cui; Chi Cheng’s Sudden Appearance; Saving The Damsel; Ruining Chi Cheng’s Reputation; Fang Zheng Cannot Catch a Break; A Breaking Point; Using Qing Shu; An Elaborate Plan; Fang Zheng Almost Got Cucked?; The Envious Cunt; Bearing Guilt; Sudden Friendship; Renowned Far and Wide; Ruining Future; Complicated Acceptance; Respecting the Selfish and the Selfless; Selling The White Boar Gu; Shen Cui Runs into Someone Better

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