Reverend Rizzsanity

Hydro Cannon

[Mo Yan’s Hydro Cannon (Silver): Made Mo Yan Orgasm For The First Time. Parties Involved—Host, Gu Yue Mo Yan. Rewards Stored.]

[A Taboo Makeout (Bronze/Repeatable): Made out with Mo Yan. Parties Involved—Host, Gu Yue Mo Yan. Rewards Stored.]

Lo Jik exhales heartily. Unlike other achievements, the ones related to orgasm are only one-time things. However, there’s also the benefit that it doesn’t matter if Mo Yan touched herself before. If Lo Jik makes someone orgasm the first time in their relationship, it counts as an achievement.

He sits cross-legged on his mattress, recalling Mo Yan’s fervency. ‘I won’t benefit from trying my best to make Mo Yan feel good since I got this achievement. However, that’s a stupid way to see things. Anyway. I got the Rank 1 Green Copper Relic Stone as my first silver-ranked gift. I wonder what I’ll get this time.’

He retrieves the bronze-ranked reward, invoking a soft, white glow inches from his forehead as he observes the silhouette of something similar forming. It’s not a journal. It doesn’t look like a Gu Worm, either. He watches in amazement as a glimmering, fist-sized azure crystal with an uneven surface drops on his lap. It’s lightweight and has a warm touch to its surface.

Lo Jik knows of this item. He didn’t just go to the academy to waste his time. It’s the only source of knowledge he has for now.

‘An Azure Moonshard,’ he identifies the crystal. ‘It’s formed on the highest peak of certain mountains when the moon experiences a celestial activity, releasing an azure tint for a fraction of a second! Gu Yue Village is situated at the waist of the mountain to stay near the peak compared to other clans and mine these shards. It’s a rare material worth 400 Primeval Stones! Wow!’ He snarks sarcastically. ‘It’s fucking useless since I can't sell it or use it!’

He sighs deeply.

‘I can store it till next year’s caravan and sell it discreetly. That checks it. I must refurbish my cabin and be secure since I can’t carry the crystal around. Or I take the risk and store it inside my shelf. Everybody knows I’m piss poor with a roof that gives up on existence whenever the rain gets harsher. Nobody will expect me to possess such a shard.’

Licking his dry lips, Lo Jik retrieves his second silver-ranked gift.

His expectations curb when he watches the silhouette of a familiar creature form and drop on his lap.

A Green Copper Relic Gu!

Yet, Lo Jik isn’t overly happy. His expression turns contemplative after he refines the Gu worm and stores it in his Second Aperture.

‘Hmm. If I’m not wrong, the reward types are based on my partners and their situations. Meanwhile, its ‘intensity’ is based on my situation. In simpler terms, my partners dictate the catalog of rewards my Trait will work on, while my own rank dictates what level of gift I receive. My partners represent the horizontal side, while I determine the vertical peak. Why else would I still get a Rank 1 Gu Worm worth some Rank 2 Gu Worm’s cost instead? A Rank 1 Gu Worm’s cost is between 300 and 1000 stones. However, special Gu Worms like the Relic Gu are worth more than what their rank dictates since they increase cultivation by a minor realm.’

‘It also means that there aren’t many options as a Rank 1. If there were more options, chances are my gift wouldn’t be the same.’

Of course, all of this is his conjecture and not cold facts.

‘I would strife to reach Rank 2 as quickly as possible. However, I may not get Silver Achievements if Mo Yan remains the same. She’s littered with responsibilities and missions, while she values her Family’s name more. Can I nudge her into some sense of individualism? I still have 6 months before I graduate and can delay other Silver Achievements like the penetration one until then. I can also slowly make her more selfish for herself. The chances of me getting a Silver Achievement as a Rank 2 Gu Master are high if Mo Yan happens to be a Peak Stage Rank 2 Gu Master because, despite slightly closer cultivation, she’s still from a better family and has better aptitude.’

Lo Jik quietly plans things out before focusing on two individuals.

‘Fang Zheng and Mo Bei. One needs to be as focused on cultivation as possible, and the other has to be as frustrated as possible to make him lash out at others, especially loved ones.’

Lo Jik’s gaze glimmers as he glances at his second aperture. A copper relic Gu slowly floats under his command before releasing a piercing green light that nourishes the Aperture walls at a pace visible to the naked eye!

The flowing white light shudders and expands. Its speed increases as the aperture wall thickens. Under the Gu Worm’s effects, the expanding flowing light within the water wall slowly merges with each other, leaving no spot unchecked before its speed slows down. The thick wall and the milky-white surface without dancing shadows or flickering, moving light give it the feeling of an actual wall!

Upper Stage Rank 1 Cultivation!




Lo Jik munches on his rations as he glances within his second Aperture. It’s completely different from how he started. The Hope Gu doesn’t give any light and hides the Aperture within his heart while the round and cute-looking Black Boar Gu flies as if nothing can bring it down from its perpetual high. The significant difference is not the lack of two Green Copper Relic Gu Worms but the state of his aperture wall.

It’s still solid but no longer has a milky, smooth surface. Instead, Lo Jik observes a slightly glowing crystal wall, reflecting upon the inky, Black-Green Primeval Essence! The slight reflection reveals a copper-like luster on the sea’s surface.

Jade, Light, Dark, and Black!

A Rank 1 Gu Master’s essence experiences such changes.

Peak Stage Rank 1 Gu Master!

Unwilling to squander his growth, Lo Jik naturally used the Gu Worms to advance his cultivation.

It’s been another week since his meeting with Mo Yan. However, Lo Jik hasn’t been free. He’s built a ‘new’ reputation for himself. He purposely looks for trouble with others, especially Mo Bei and Fang Zheng. But he isn’t kicked in the head. Wouldn’t his relationship with Mo Yan ruin if he fucks around with her brother?

That’s why he chooses to antagonize Mo Bei indirectly and Fang Zheng directly. However, Lo Jik understands that doing so risks his partnership with Fang Yuan and their entire extortion business. After all, they terrorized the students’ hearts to make them give up without a fight. Antagonizing them is the opposite of that.

However, being a Peak Stage Gu Master, his needs to cultivate his first Aperture are no longer proportional to others. He’s already saving his Primeval Stones instead of using them to nurture his First Aperture since using the Essence of Peak Stage Aperture is 4 times as effective!

One session of cultivation for Lo Jik is similar to four rounds!

His weekly costs have instead fallen to eight stones, allowing him to net a profit of 28 stones per week!

“If it isn’t the Class President,” Lo Jik snickers sarcastically. “Lead the class with your mighty example and pay up.”

Mo Bei’s features scrunch in anger, his eyes flickering with indignant rage. He never intended to give up since he always goes down with a fight. However, when Lo Jik puts things like this, it makes others feel he plans to give up.

Mo Bei’s respect in the Classroom is at an all-time low! It’s not just his sarcastic remarks. Lo Jik made his ambition to destroy propaganda AND show Mo Bei up. Whenever the Academy Elder has any questions for the students in the classroom, Lo Jik will answer the quickest before making some quiet remark about how the President should be the one to answer such questions. Of course, his ‘quiet’ comments will resound in the classroom, leaving Mo Bei with unwarranted anger.

And if Mo Bei is angry, then Fang Zhen is LIVID!

As expected, Lo Jik glances at Fang Zheng, sneering while making an indecent hand gesture and mouthing Shen Cui’s name.

That’s all.

That’s all it took for Lo Jik to make a focused and committed man out of Fang Zheng.

‘Hmph, he is still a kid,’ Fang Yuan snorts internally. Unlike Lo Jik's beliefs, Fang Yuan isn’t discontented by such a shift of events. ‘Gu Yue Lo Jik is showing more and more of his previous life’s nature. He wastes money on lavish meals every weekend, openly jeering others for their poverty after extorting them, and feels superior to Fang Zheng and Mo Bei. Fang Zheng because he has an A-grade Aptitude, and Mo Bei because he’s the Class President. After winning many times, his ego cannot handle others being superior.’

He narrows his eyes.

‘If I didn’t display my skills, his fangs would turn on me, too. Humans die for wealth and fame, and Lo Jik is no different. Of course, he will become a dangerous beast when he curbs this side of him and matures. However, it’s better to work together. If I turn on him now, the balance will crumble, renewing the student’s hope to battle me. Hope is always dangerous.’

How could Fang Yuan know that Lo Jik is doing all that to motivate Mo Yan to become an individual by isolating Mo Bei to make him lash out at his loved ones?

“Bastard!” Mo Bei shouts as Lo Jik snickers, effortlessly catching his fist with a hand and sweeping the legs from under him.

“Ugh!” Mo Bei groans. However, Lo Jik ignores the recuperating Mo Bei before avoiding Fang Zheng’s sucker punch, kneeing him in the stomach before tossing the sacrifice to Fang Yuan, who plants his foot atop his Twin’s face, kicking him on the ground.

A chill spreads down Chi Cheng’s spine as he watches Lo Jik and Fang Yuan simultaneously staring at him. His expression turns ugly since he’s the only one out of the trio who hasn’t fought. If he doesn’t fight, others will consider him a coward, and his social standing, compared to Mo Bei and Fang Zheng, will decline.

“You soulless villains!” He shouts as he clenches his clammy fists. “Today is the day you meet defeat!”

All Fang Yuan and Lo Jik met that day was the students lowering their heads and paying their tolls with peaceful looks on their faces.



Mo Bei growls. His fists no longer pound a wooden puppet. Instead, Mo Bei keeps punching a mortal servant till he breaks his nose and jaw at the cost of his bloodied and torn knuckles. He snarls and raises both his fists to end the worthless servant’s life as other servants and guards watch fearfully.

“Little Brother!”

“Stop this instant!”

Two shouts erupt in the garden as Mo Chen and Mo Yan appear, quickly separating Mo Bei from the unconscious servant as the Elder snaps at the guards, “Take him to a healer! All of you, leave!”

Others disappear from their sight as the guards carry the servant to a healer, leaving the Mo Family in the garden.

“Brother,” Mo Yan smiles comfortingly. “Winning and losing are part of—”

“Shut up!” Mo Bei snaps, shoving Mo Yan’s hand away from his shoulder as Mo Chen frowns. The boy snorts, unwilling to look at his family as he exits the garden.

“Grandfather, if this continues,” a complicated look appears on Mo Yan’s face as Mo Chen narrows his eyes.

“No, it’s good.”

Mo Chen’s word surprises Mo Yan. Noticing her surprise, Mo Chen scoffs. “Don’t think I forgot your temper, Lass. Mo Bei is your brother. Now look at you? You take missions seriously and have stopped your temper tantrums. It won’t be long before you advance again.”

“As for Mo Bei, he is facing defeat in martial arts and academics, too. Will his anger help him in learning and memorizing information? Our Mo Family has several different journals and records. We also have compiled all the knowledge taught in the Academy. Now. Mo Bei focuses on all three aspects—mind, body, and spirit.”

Mo Yan frowns with worry.

“Leave it, Mo Yan. Interfering now will only make him angrier.”


“Why don’t you talk to him?” Lo Jik makes a show of gulping as Mo Yan’s eyes flare in anger as she points at the kneeling boy, “I’m not finished!” Her soft hiss barely fill the small clearing within the grove.

“I stopped hurting him,” Lo Jik frowns, interrupting, “for you. What else do you want? You don’t see me throwing a tantrum when I have difficulties, too. But suddenly, things change if Mo Bei cannot handle his anger?”

Mo Yan purses her lips. Her answer would have been a ‘Yes’ if it were anyone else. However, she can’t effortlessly act like her usual self. She likes her brother and Lo Jik. Sure. Her love for her brother comes nothing close to her feeling for Lo Jik. However, they are two different spectrums of emotions.

“Do you want me to not excel?” Lo Jik questions as Mo Yan snaps, “That’s not it!”

“Mo Bei is already the President and has the class’ admiration,” Lo Jik sighs. “And while I don’t show it, he has many admirable qualities. He has B-grade aptitude, never gives up, and when focused, he can challenge me and Fang Yuan.”

Mo Yan’s eyelids jump in surprise as Lo Jik continues. “He even gets to be with you longer than I can imagine. He has it all. But I cannot stop, Mo Yan. How can I ever be worth your gaze and time if I don’t improve myself?”

Mo Yan’s anger evaporates as she crosses her arms, indignantly taps her feet, and looks away.

“Hmph, glib tongue will get you nowhere!” She snorts.

“Can we…” Lo Jik clears his throat, “look at the stars?”

“Hmph, no! That’s your punishment!” She promptly turns around without giving him a chance to say anything. Her lower lips twitch in anticipation as she mourns in her heart, ‘To think I even cleaned myself down there. Tch.’

Being her team’s leader and scout, she carefully moves so nobody can follow her behind Lo Jik’s cabin. She slips into her room in darkness while recalling Lo Jik’s words.

‘It’s true. Lo Jik has many reasons to admire Mo Bei.’ She desires for her brother to get along with Lo Jik. ‘If I can help Mo Bei see that…’

She frowns.

‘However, Grandfather said not to interfere. Last time I did that… No, it’s not like last time. I’m not attacking anybody. I’m allowed to talk with my brother, right?’

Still, a slightly selfish thought enters her mind.

‘I couldn’t spend time with Lo Jik at all. He was right. I can only meet him once every week so as not to raise any suspicions. Things would have been different if Mo Bei wasn’t so angry. I still have three days until the next mission. Let’s find brother tomorrow.’

The Next Day.

“Are you busy, Mo Bei?”

Mo Bei frowns at his Sister’s arrival. He opens the door to his room as she smirks at him and steps in, giggling, “Hehe~! See? Your Sister knocked this time.”

Mo Bei instantly flushes as he recalls how Mo Yan caught him in the ‘act’ before.

“What are you doing?” Mo Yan questions as she sits on his bed while he returns to his desk, grunting, “Studying.”

“You might be the most studious in our line,” Mo Yan snickers. “Can I help you with anything?”

“No,” Mo Bei mutters, “I’m fine. Why are you here, Sister?”

Mo Yan sighs as she watches Mo Bei keep his head low and study without sparing her a glance. She can’t help but recall Lo Jik’s words. She spends little time with him, but he values it. Meanwhile, Mo Bei refuses to spare her any look. Studies are important. However, does Lo Jik not study and revise? How else does he memorize things?

“You shouldn’t feel so pressured, Mo Bei,” Mo Yan whispers. “You are your batch’s President. You beat an A-grade student in Cultivation. Think about it. Does Fang Zheng possess your martial skills? He always gets folded like a wet noodle. But you improve and present a challenge. You will eventually grow stronger!”

Mo Bei quietly clenches his fist and grits his jaw. A wave of warmth appears in his heart as he feels guilty for treating his sister and Grandfather so coldly these days.

“As for Gu Yue Lo Jik,” she scoffs. “What does he have over you? He is poor and struggles in life to the point he has to extort his peers, making his life difficult once he graduates.”

‘And he’s an arrogant piece of shit,’ Mo Bei snarls internally.

“But does he not train and study?” Mo Yan’s stuns Mo Bei. “He cultivates. He was the quickest among the C-grade students to advance, and he didn’t let his living situation affect his diligence. If you ignore everything and focus—”

“Get out,” Mo Bei whispers.

“Hmm?” Mo Yan blinks in surprise.

“I said get out!” Mo Bei yells, turning around with red eyes. “Leave my room! Now!”

Mo Yan’s eyes widen. Surprise and anger appear in her gaze as she stands up, staring her brother down. “What did you say?”

“Hmph!” Mo Bei snorts. “If you like praising that poor son of a bitch, go to his broken hut! Leave my room!”

Mo Yan gapes before she snorts furiously and stomps out, smashing the door away.

“Wank off with your door open!” She shouts back as embarrassment and fury fill Mo Bei’s veins.

The Next Day.

“I said I’m sorry, Mo Bei! Open the door!”

Mo Yan frowns before she gives up with a snort.

‘Fine! Be that way! Can’t you have a bigger heart?’

The Next Day.

“I’m leaving for my mission, Mo Bei… Do well in your studies,” Mo Yan sighs as she still doesn’t hear a response. She knows Mo Bei is awake and getting ready for the Academy. “Today is the day you get to pick your second Gu Worm, right? Choose something that complements your goals and path.”

For once, Mo Yan wishes she could shower Lo Jik with such concern. Mo Bei won’t even look at her. Why is she wasting time on someone who refuses to understand simple things? Mo Yan understands anger. Isn’t Mo Yan quick to anger, too? But it never honestly blinded her, or she wouldn’t be a scout. Scouting terrain and looking for enemies is a meticulous task that doesn’t rely on Gu Worms alone but on observing tracks and calm intuition, too.

She chews her lips in frustration, adding gently, “All the best, Mo Bei.”


“Lord Clan Leader,” Fang Zheng cups his fist and greets Gu Yue Bo. While nights in Qing Mao Mountain are still chilly, the arrival of summer removes the need to wear heavy, warm clothing. Fang Zheng is dressed in brown robes with a black belt around his waist. Despite his setbacks, the boy reveals a determined look.

Gu Yue Bo nods and smiles, “The students picked their second Gu Worm today. Which one did you choose?”

“Reporting to Sir, I chose the Bronze Skin Gu!”

“Hmm.” Gu Yue Bo strokes his beard. “Your first Gu Worm was the Moonlight Gu. And your second one is the Bronze Skin Gu. Now, you can attack and defend. It’s the orthodox path. Two pursue two complements reveal your pure and steadfast nature. To attack the enemies and protect the innocents, similar to Yin-Yang, Hot-Cold, Up-Down.”

Embarrassed, Fang Zheng flushes and looks down at his boots, laughing awkwardly, “I just picked it out without much thought, Sir.”

“You believe I’m praising you for no reason?” Gu Yue Bo smiles. “Fang Zheng, one’s actions reveal their nature. As you grow, you will come across individuals who say one thing and do another. It is through their actions you will determine the truth.”

Stunned, Fang Zheng couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s like that?!”

“Gu Yue Mo Bei chose Yellow Camel Longhorn Beetle Gu, allowing him to increase his endurance. It reveals his nature to never back down from challenges. Gu Yue Chi Cheng chose Dragonpill Cricket Gu, increasing his jumping power. It indicates his behavior of avoiding confrontations. Do you understand now?”

Fang Zheng gapes slightly before frowning deep in thought and questioning, “What about my Elder Brother and Lo Jik? What Gu did they choose?”

Gu Yue Bo sighs internally. As a Clan Leader, his actions cannot be partial to anyone. He explained Mo Bei and Chi Cheng’s ability to let Fang Zheng analyze them since they are his close rivals. However, Fang Zheng’s heart and mind cannot look past the two C-grade battle geniuses.

‘Ordinarily, it would be a bad thing. However, it can be the break Fang Zheng needs.’

Gu Yue Bo glances at Fang Zheng meaningfully, replying, “Your brother chose the Little Star Gu to increase his Moonblade’s potency and distance. It shows his extreme and aggressive nature.”

Fang Yuan nods. That sounds like the Fang Yuan in his mind.

“And Lo Jik,” Gu Yue Bo smiles. “He chose the Iron Skin Gu.”

Fang Zheng’s expression freezes. Moonblade and Iron Skin Gu?

‘Bronze Skin, Iron Skin, Rock Skin, and Beast Skin Gu are of the same family and increase a Gu Master’s defensive power. However, the Beast Skin Gu is the weakest and cheapest. Compared to my Bronze Skin, Lo Jik’s Iron Skin Gu is weaker! It’s as the Clan Leader said before. I’m better at Cultivation. I can use my talent to accumulate more rewards from the Academy. Meanwhile, Lo Jik and Elder Brother will continue falling short!’

Observing the look on his face, Gu Yue Bo nods.

“Look at this, Fang Zheng,” Gu Yue Bo reveals a Gu Worm in his hand, dazzling Fang Zheng with its appearance.

The Gu looks beautiful at night, emitting a faint jade glow, its oval body flat and wide. Meanwhile, its head is small, and its back mimics jade carvings!

Rank 1 Jade Skin Gu.

Fang Zheng stares with wide eyes. Jade Skin Gu is a rare Gu Worm, similar to Black Boar, White Boar, and Liquor Worm Gu. In some scenarios, due to its life-saving nature, it’s valued more than the rest! And in the family of Gu Worms like Bronze Skin and Iron Skin, this Gu boasts the most robust defense at the Rank 1 stage!

“I’m willing to give this Gu to you. But it’s not a gift, Fang Zheng. There are no free lunches in the world. I want you to do one thing for me.”


“I want you to advance to Rank 2 before your graduation.”

“That might be…” Fang Zheng looks unsure as Gu Yue Bo smirks. “I can always give it to someone else.”

“I’ll do it!”

Gu Yue Bo fondly smiles as he watches Fang Zheng refine the Gu Worm with an excited look.

‘Oh, Fang Zheng. I hope you will broaden your mind. But, understandably, your brother and Lo Jik left a deep shadow in your heart. The only way to surpass their image in your heart and regain confidence is to win. Small victories will accumulate into significant successes! Use this Jade Skin Gu to ‘feel’ confident. Now you have something better. Even if you lose to Lo Jik and Fang Yuan, you will feel assured in your heart that you are secretly better. That feeling will assist you in focusing on your cultivation instead of worrying about the future.’


“This is a—”

In a dim tunnel surrounded by glowing red soil, Fang Yuan quietly picks a round white ladybug with a cute appearance. Near him is an ‘open’ flower with a pool of oily-yellow liquid slowly absorbing into the soil.

‘A White Boar Gu!’


Alternate Title: Understanding Trait; Rewards; Rare Material; Planning Ahead; Peak Stage!; Another Copper Gu; Needs More Variety; Cooking The Shit Out of Mo Bei and Fang Zheng; Fooling The World; The Arrogant Jerk; Gaslighting and Manipulative: The Perfect Boyfriend; Angry Mo Bei; Sowing the Seeds of Discord; Valued Time; Steering Mo Yan; Love is Blind; Mo Bei Needs to Have a Bigger Heart! (Since Mo Yan Saw Caught Him Beating Him, She Agrees That He Also Needs a Bigger Cock); Burns; Conflict; Anger Management; Someone Now Keeps Mo Yan’s Anger In Check; Acting The Hurt Boyfriend; Students Just Accepted Their Fates; Fang Zheng’s Sugar Daddy; Gu Yue Bo: I Need You To Do One Thing *Quietly Unzips His Pants*; Under The Tunnel; A White Boar Gu

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