Reverend Rizzsanity

It is Known

What’s a good mission?

Something low-risk, high reward?

Such thinking won’t let you last in the harsh world, Junior.

Lo Jik believes the best missions deal with high risks, minuscule rewards, and a general mockery for whoever is left with such objectives. After all, a team can only choose one mission at a time, and they form their preferences. Most missions are similar to farming spots in a video game. Gu Yue Clan keeps a clear record of their natural resources and commissions Rank 2 Gu Masters to harvest materials from these spots in a strict schedule.

So, missions unwanted by others, like the Boar King’s Dung’s collection, are randomly assigned to a team by the village since others don’t choose it. The selected group is often made fun of. Of course, it’s not a random selection. But the External Affair Hall also rarely assigns these missions to popular factions to retain their mask of fairness.

Fang Yuan and Lo Jik received similar missions several times. The Higher-Ups wanted to suppress the duo’s roguish natures by threatening their future evaluations. Unfortunately, the duo never gave a damn about these evaluations.

These evaluations never made anyone an Elder.


Rank 3 Cultivation did.

How could they care about meager evaluations?

Both had their reasons and pretenses to ignore the missions.

Lo Jik earned a small fortune by selling the Rare Gu to Qing Shu, and Fang Yuan regained his familial inheritance.

The difference between Lo Jik and Fang Yuan was that the latter’s excuse continues to exist. Fang Yuan possesses the Nine Leaf Vitality Grass Gu. Everyone knows Fang Yuan is making a killing from it, apparently saving enough to advance to Rank 2 Upper Stage! As the Wolf Tide turns severe, others predict Fang Yuan will earn more profits by increasing the Vitality Leaf’s price.

Meanwhile, Lo Jik returned to completing the missions.

He would take whatever is left. Lo Jik’s record displays how he still avoids a few fatal missions incapable of completion without a team. However, other teams are no less envious of Lo Jik.

Everyone hates his arrogant attitude AND his skills to get the job done. Since he gets the job done, he earns the compensation alone! Sometimes, he encounters rare materials and sells them before retreating from missions and continuing his extravagant lifestyle. Other teams also have these fortunes. However, they have to share the compensation between 5-6 individuals. How can they not envy Lo Jik?

But the crucial point is not his earnings—the mission RNG!

Lo Jik displayed a pattern. He only stops completing the missions when he earns big and desperately completes the missions he can after ‘spending’ his wealth. Such a pattern let the higher-ups sigh in relief since they could use it!

As expected, Lo Jik received a high-risk, low-reward mission. The Clan values his skill and won’t assign him fatal missions needing more than 8 Gu Masters. He had to sneak into a Bear King’s cave and collect its piss.

Lo Jik almost skipped while walking when he received the mission!

He spent a lot of effort to build that pattern. He specifically gave the External Hall fake reigns, letting them delude they control him—


A loud screech socks the spacious hall. Other Group Leaders can be seen entering and exiting the pavilion as they stop and glance at the row of counters where a Gu Master files the mission details into the Clan’s records. The middle-aged Rank 2 Gu Master stares at Lo Jik with unconcealed envy, purposely raising his voice. “You found a Red Steel Relic Gu?!”

A commotion spreads within the hall as everyone focuses on Lo Jik. Yet, isn’t this what he wanted?

However, he pretends to get angry and scowls at the recording Gu Master. “Do your damn job!” He grabs the Gu Master’s head before slamming it down on the wooden counter as he yelps in pain. Blood leaks from his bruised nostrils as the Gu Master nods fearfully, not expecting Lo Jik to retaliate like this. How can he, a Support Gu Master, tackle a combat beast like Lo Jik?

Yet, the Gu Master thinks sinisterly.

‘He must have gotten lucky in the wilds, allowing his combat strength to surge and complete several missions. Hmph! He wouldn’t have to report personal gains. However, a Gu Master must truthfully iterate the mission’s proceedings even if it fails. He had to expose his Red Steel Relic Gu. Hahaha! Others won’t let him leave peacefully.’

“Serves you right,” Lo Jik sneers as he watches the man covering his nose. He turns around to leave, finding a few Gu Masters ‘ inadvertently’ blocking him.

“Junior Brother Lo Jik, will you sell that Relic Gu?” One of the Gu Masters questions as others observe.

Reciprocating the warm smile, Lo Jik nods. “Of course, Senior Brother. It will be 20000 Primeval Stones.”


“Are you crazy?!”

“A Red Steel Relic Gu is worth 8000 stones at best!”

“Are you mocking me, Junior Brother?”

“Mocking you?” Lo Jik cocks his head sideways. “The Wolf Tide is almost upon us! The price of this Gu will undoubtedly be several times more! Don’t want it? Step aside. I will use it and increase my cultivation.”

The Gu Master’s expression changes several times. “Think carefully, Junior Brother. Even if you advance to the Upper Stage, you’re still alone. I will give you a fair price for the Gu. You lack a team, right? Join my team. Our members will welcome you with open arms.”

“Hmph! Are you saying my team is any worse?” Another Gu Master snorts.

“Lo Jik!” a sharp voice disrupts the building argument as Chi Cheng suddenly appears in the hall with an anxious look. “Don’t listen to them! You are from my batch. Who dares take advantage of you? Come, let’s leave!”

Other Gu Masters reluctantly back down as Lo Jik narrows his eyes.

He had other plans involving a Gu Master’s arm snapping in two. But this is a pleasant surprise.

Lo Jik smiles and nods, leaving alongside Chi Cheng under everyone’s jealous gazes.

“Sigh! It’s a good thing I arrived on time. Hehe, you don’t have to say anything, Lo Jik. We have grown from being pissy academy students. Let’s talk— L-Lo Jik?! Where are you going?”

Chi Cheng hurriedly calls out as Lo Jik walks quickly. The latter suddenly chuckles. “Are you blind, Chi Cheng? I’m hurrying home to use my Relic Gu. Why will I sell it to you? Pfft!”

Lo Jik leaves a stunned and speechless Chi Cheng. His face flushes with anger and embarrassment. He looks around, finding other Gu Masters from before. They sneer at Chi Cheng.

News soon spread about how Lo Jik lucked into a Red Steel Gu. Someone from the External Hall leaked that the Bear King attacked the Boar King’s current mate, devouring it. It is known that the threat of Wolf Packs doesn’t allow the Bears to hibernate, leaving them irritated during the winter. The Boar charged the Bear King’s cave. These two beasts did not seem to care for Lo Jik. Their battle turned the cave upside down, revealing the Rank 2 Red Steel Relic Gu.

Some Gu Masters checked the mentioned cave, noting how it was destroyed with frozen patches of blood around it.

Others could only hatefully stare at Lo Jik, who revealed a Rank 2 Upper Stage cultivation the next day. Still, Lo Jik felt slightly complicated. He spent more effort staging the scene than he would need to complete the mission. It took significant time to lure the Boar King’s mate AND children into the Bear Cave.

‘But my peace also ends here,’ Lo Jik narrows his eyes. He knows Mo Yan is getting slightly impatient and frustrated from all the doubt directed at her.

‘Rank 1 Gu Masters are academy students or the dregs of the Gu society left to deal with the menial. Rank 2 Gu Masters are the primary fighting force of small to middle-sized clans like the Gu Yue Village. Rank 3 Gu Masters represent the higher force of power, acting as the Clan’s supporting pillars. Meanwhile, Rank 4 is the King.’

‘There are differences between the Ranks, too. Rank 3 Elders are categorized into those with deep pockets and those without one. Elders Mo Chen/Chi Lian and Elders Mo Yan/Chi Shang are extreme examples of the two sides. The former controls several Elders under their political faction, and the latter can barely support a few corresponding-ranked Gu.’

‘Similarly, Rank 2 has its differences. The Initial and Middle Stages represent the weaker fighting force. They have little career choices and don’t attract any Elders’ attention. Meanwhile, the Upper and Peak Stages receive the Elders’ complete focus—especially the Peak Stage! If it wasn’t for Qing Shu advancing to Rank 3, moved by the losses during the first Beast Tide, the Elders would have kept firm control over the loyal Gu Masters. On the other hand, they will use several ‘righteous’ reasons and the Clan System to suppress and even eradicate disobedient Gu Masters—like me.’

‘That’s not all,’ Lo Jik thinks carefully. ‘My strength represents a ‘Noble’ class amongst the Rank 2 Gu Masters. There aren’t many Upper Stage Rank 2 Gu Masters. Fang Yuan and I are exceptions. Even Fang Zheng’s talent allows him to cultivate unchecked. Now that I’m at Upper Stage, Mo Yan will want to come clean. After all, the next stage for me is achieving the Peak Stage. However, I can’t show such startling cultivation speed! Since it should take a long time to advance into Peak Stage, and the fact that I already have decent combat potential will make Mo Yan want to do away with the pretenses.’

Lo Jik isn’t afraid.

Instead, revealing his relationship with Mo Yan will relieve the pressure on him. After all, Mo Yan isn’t a Rank 2 Gu Master but a bonafide Elder. His intimate relationship with Mo Yan ties him to the Mo Faction. Other Elders will grow wary of the Mo Faction instead of a Lo Jik! Also, Lo Jik has decent qualifications, keeping others from doubting Mo Yan’s choices. Even if they cast doubts, so what? She is an Elder. Others won’t offend her because of this matter.

Gu Yue Lo Jik merely mourns the loss of his peace.

Many eyes will follow him once Mo Yan comes clean. Heck! Lo Jik will have to marry her soon, too, or it will reduce her prestige as an Elder. Others will also try to reason Lo Jik’s combat prowess with Mo Yan’s connection, imagining if she had a hand in his growth—reducing suspicion around Lo Jik.

‘It’s just that… I’ve never married before.’ He smiles wryly.

A knock on his door snaps Lo Jik from his thoughts as he calms his expression and walks out to meet a bundle of excitement unbefitting her rank—Mo Yan.

She stares at him brightly. It’s already September, and the days are no longer sunny. However, Mo Yan cannot help but feel emotional. Her eyes slightly redden as she feels unburdened. Mo Yan no longer has to sneak around to visit her lover! How can she not be excited?

Lo Jik smiles warmly, making her feel it’s summer again. He strokes her cheek, gently touching the jade studs pierced into her earlobes.

“How are you so beautiful?” Lo Jik sighs.

“Liar!” she pounces in his embrace, unable to control her excitement. “I look the same!”

He wraps his arms around her waist, spinning as she curls her legs upward and giggles.

“No,” Lo Jik laughs. “You’re too beautiful. And I get to take the most beautiful woman of the Gu Yue Village into a tavern for some delicious Bamboo Wine!”

“During the day,” she adds, grinning toothily as Lo Jik places her down, seizing her lips. He only pulls back after a familiar notification sound, snickering, “Yes. We can do what we were supposed to do from the beginning. We will enjoy each other’s company during the day. Hehe. And we will REALLY enjoy each other during the night.”

“Rascal!” she blushes while leaning on his chest and exhaling hotly, muttering. “You turned me into a bad girl. I can’t help wanting to try the opposite.”

She bites her bottom lip as he boldly squeezes her ass in broad daylight.

“Hush, girl,” he whispers. “What will others think? At least marry me and become my wife before thinking of fucking me under the tavern’s table.”

Mo Yan blinks in surprise, quickly looking at him. Lo Jik meets her gaze with comforting fondness as her expression brightens.

“Come,” Lo Jik smiles. “I can’t wait to share drinks with you.”

“Yes~!” She mewls, quickly hugging his arms as they leave the grove, shocking everyone who stumbles across them.


“What?!” Mo Bei yells in shock. He stands from his seat, almost leaving the room when Mo Chen’s cold shout stops him.

“Where are you going?! Sit!” The Elder slaps his table. “Mo Yan is already frustrated with the family. She is young but not naive. Do you think she won’t act against you if you continue your foolishness? How will you inherit the family if you can’t see Mo Yan is Mo Family’s asset, and now Lo Jik is our asset, too?!”

Tongue-tied, Mo Bei stares at his Grandfather. Vicious hatred flashes in the boy’s eyes as he recalls those demeaning descriptions Mo Yan laid for him.

‘She did that with Lo Jik?! How dare he touch my sister? My Mo Yan!’

A look of resignation appears on Mo Chen’s face. How can he not see Mo Bei’s emotions? It isn’t weird in this world for siblings to live together. However, Mo Yan never once considered Mo Bei in a similar fashion.

“Sit down,” Mo Chen repeats. “Bei’er, you must learn how to control your emotions. You and Lo Jik already have some history. Isn’t it already evident? Mo Yan spoke against the family, rapidly cultivating against my advice—all for Lo Jik. Trying to hurt one is enranging the other. Besides, you will eventually reach Rank 3. Meanwhile, a C-grade Gu Master like Lo Jik will take years to surpass you. However, he is a qualified man for Mo Yan.”

Mo Chen can understand political notions well. If Mo Bei intrudes on Mo Yan’s peace, she may as well defect to Chi Lian’s side, exposing everything she knows about the Mo Family.

It’s one of the reasons why Elders don’t like seeing others enter their domain!

The three new Battle Elders represent the ‘disobedient’ faction amongst their rank, feeling suppression from every side. However, others don’t dare pressure them too much because the trio knows too many things about their respective factions.


‘Sharing fortune and misfortune.’

These words emerge in Fang Yuan’s mind as he quirks his lips and sips his Bamboo Wine, recalling the couple in the tavern.

‘What would their expressions be if they knew Mo Yan was betrothed to me in my previous life?’ Fang Yuan strolls at a casual pace. ‘Those two must have been going at it for a while. After all, they revealed their relationship the second Lo Jik advanced to the Upper Stage. Hahaha! Too funny! I wonder what Mo Bei is feeling. After all, Mo Bei forced Mo Yan to marry him right before I left the village. Their marriage wouldn’t have lasted long, given Qing Mao Mountain’s fate.’

Fang Yuan returns to his inn.

He remains largely unaffected by these changes.


‘Elder Mo Yan?’

Shen Cui cannot help but feel shocked in her heart. She also feels depressed. Was Lo Jik playing with her?

She remembers the news of Mo Yan wearing Jade studs. The timing is too coincidental not to believe Mo Yan’s mystery lover was Lo Jik.

So, Lo Jik was with Mo Yan WHILE he touched her there, whispered into her ears, taking her aside and revealing his bold intentions for her. She clenches her fists, feeling hurt. Did he only do that for power?

Such thoughts appear in Shen Cui’s mind because she did the same.

‘I have nothing to offer,’ her emotions slightly stabilize. ‘So, why would Lo Jik want me? He must like me for me.’

Her heart shudders.

It’s too ironic.

Shen Cui believes Lo Jik is doing the same thing as her—forming a relationship above his weight class.

‘Wait!’ Shen Cui blinks. ‘If Young Master knows Lo Jik is with someone else, he won’t have any worries.’ Her heart longs to leave this house. She dared not stroll in the village after the last time. Shen Cui realized how coincidental it was for Fang Zheng to appear during her most compromising state.

Too coincidental!

Gu Yue Chi Hua!

Shen Cui curses that wench.

It’s also been stressful these few months. Fang Zheng remains too stressed. She doesn’t expect Fang Zheng to shower her with praises while vying for the top position. Can she not understand the basic premise of letting her man achieve her ambitions? However, when they DO share a rare few nights together, he often finishes quickly and sleeps, leaving Shen Cui to deal with her urges.

Not all is without hope.

There are days when Fang Zheng rests, returning to his more caring side. Shen Cui is sure Fang Zheng intends to marry her instead of taking her as a concubine.

How can that be possible? Shen Cui smirks derisively.

‘The Clan Leader will never let Fang Zheng marry a mortal servant. It’s fine. Being a concubine is fine.’

A stuffy feeling suppresses her chest.

‘We’re both no longer near each other,’ she fishes out a pair of red clips from her drawers, staring at them until her vision clouds.


A tear falls atop the clips.

‘He will marry an Elder, and I will be an Elder’s concubine. Why am I crying? It’s good. I can move around freely again. When I see him… there won’t be much to say.’

Her tears flow unceasingly since she genuinely enjoyed Lo Jik’s company.


Fang Zheng’s body feels light despite returning from a mission. He heard Lo Jik advancing to the Upper Stage before someone rushed into the southern tavern, revealing Lo Jik’s and Mo Yan’s relationship.

The thought of Lo Jik advancing to the Upper Stage left Fang Zheng feeling pressured until he connected the dots.

His scowl deepens as he almost crushes the wooden mug in his hand.

‘That Bastard wasn’t interested in Cui and was playing with me!’ Fang Zheng rages. He feels guilty about how coldly he treated Cui these last few weeks. He must make amends. However, Fang Zheng also feels relieved. Despite being the Clan’s rising talent, Fang Zheng always felt insecure around Shen Cui.

Shen Cui was originally his Elder Brother’s servant. She would bathe Fang Yuan and spend time with him. Fang Zheng could only watch from a distance, feeling envious. When their fates changed, Fang Zheng was eager to enjoy Shen Cui’s company.

His insecurity around Shen Cui stems from Fang Yuan and Lo Jik. The former is proclaimed Gu Yue’s Hero, and the latter resoundingly defeated Fang Zheng during the graduation. Frustratingly so, Shen Cui met those two men. She knew Fang Yuan from before, and she met Lo Jik later. What does Shen Cui think of the two men who outshine him—wondered Fang Zheng.

Such concerns don’t eclipse his thoughts anymore.

Mo Yan and Lo Jik?

They deserve each other.

Mo Yan has always been unnecessarily vicious to Fang Zheng. Now he knows why.

‘Someone like Mo Yan will never stand to have her man looking at another woman,’ Fang Zheng smiles internally. ‘Lo Jik must have paid a painful price messing with me using my Cui.’

If only Fang Zheng knew…


Alternate Title: Using the Best Mission To Reveal Gains; Finally Lucky; Exposed?; Getting Too Close To The Sun; Things Go Right For Once; Even Bad Luck Cannot Overcome Solid Preparations; Chi Cheng To The Rescue!; And There Lo Jik Goes; How To Reveal Wealth 101; Preparing for Troubled Times; Rank 2 Upper Stage; Excited Mo Yan; Mo Yan Wants Opposite Day; Mo Bei’s Anger; Helpless; Not Wanting to Offend The New Elders; Delicate Balance; Mo Yan Changing Men Every New Timeline!; The Eldritch Timeline Where Mo Yan and Fang Zheng Get Together?; The Mystery Lover; A Whole New Meaning of Sharing Fortune and Misfortune; Drinking Publicly; Shen Cui’s Complicated Emotions; Finally Free?; Ironic Relationship; Mo Yan’s Backing… and Back are Spectacular; Relaxed Fang Zheng; Guilt; Insecurities

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