Reverend Rizzsanity

The Demon Within

The Clan Leader’s Pavilion’s Hall witnesses somber silence as every Rank 3 Elder can be seen inside. Grave expression flickers on everyone’s faces as Gu Yue Bo begins, “The collection of Wolf Packs dispersed from the mountain foot when a Rank 5 Wild Gu—River Swallowing Toad—appeared. The scouts confirmed that the Wild Gu’s presence calmed the unrestful beasts for now, making them fearful. However, it’s been 3 days since that event. The Gu must have accidentally entered Yellow Dragon River’s tributary and let itself wash down our Mountain.”

Rank 5 Gu!

Rank 5 Gu equates to Rank 5 Gu Master’s combat prowess. Who here can defend against such might? Gu Yue Bo is a Rank 4 Gu Master. It’s rare for Gu Masters to deal beyond their weight class due to the natural limits of Primeval Essence and hard caps related to Gu Worms.

“River Swallowing Toad is sleeping,” begins Chi Lian as he strokes his red beard. Anxiousness is evident in his gaze as he mutters. “We must deal with this situation quickly. What is the Rank 5 Gu attack the village?”

“Indeed,” Mo Chen agrees. These two rivals are capable of sidelining their competition for Village’s survival. “River Swallowing Toad is a rare Rank 5 Gu capable of destroying our village. What if the other two Clans misguide the Gu to attack us? This Gu can release river from its mouth and submerge our village, destroying us!”

Other slightly ignorant Elders about the matter cannot help but panic as Gu Yue Bo’s frown deepens.

“Wouldn’t Bai and Xiong Clan be in trouble after us? This concerns Qing Mao Mountain. Let’s request their assistance.”

Gu Yue Bo shakes his head.

“Did you forget? A Rank 5 Blood River Python attacked the village when the First Gen Gu Yue Leader set our roots. He killed one of the fiercest Rank 5 Gu Worms. This Toad is almost cute compared to that Python. No, we won’t request assistance yet. It’s too soon for that.”

The Clan Leader placates several elders by continuing, “Actually, the previous Clan Leader spoke of this Gu. Rank 5 River Swallowing Toad is gentle and peaceful. It consumes the river and spits out the aquatic creatures, unwilling to harm a single soul. This Gu will move on as long as we push and wake it up.”

“So it’s like this.”

“Let’s do as the Clan Leader suggests!”

“We have several Strength-Raising Gu. Let’s use them.”

“No,” Gu Yue Bo notes sharply. “A Gu’s aura might agitate River Swallowing Toad. We must use brute force to awaken it! Besides, I have never seen a River Swallowing Toad before, and I only know these things from the previous Leader. The consequences of things going awry will be disastrous.”

“Let me test things, Lord Clan Leader,” Gu Yue Chi Shan offers solemnly. He is a man of few words, allowing others to realize that Chi Shan is not speaking to kiss anyone’s ass but sincerely volunteering. The red-haired, perpetually half-naked Gu Master continues.

“I was born with divine might. I’m willing to undertake this task.”

Chi Lian frowns. He would also vote for Chi Shan had he been a Rank 2 Gu Master. However, a Rank 3 Gu Master’s life is too valuable to test the waters. Knowing this, Gu Yue Bo shakes his head again.

Gu Yue Yao Ji conveniently allows an alternative. She glances at Qing Shu, smiling gently, “Didn’t you purchase the two Boar Strength Gu, Elder Qing? There are already Rank 2 Gu Masters with similar strengths willing to volunteer for the clan.”

Qing Shu nods slightly.

“Oh? I heard about this matter. But I don’t know the details.”

“Hmph, it’s those two rascals,” one of the Mission Hall Elders snorts. “Gu Yue Fang Yuan and Gu Yue Lo Jik. Both rarely do any work and spend their time fooling around. Gu Yue Fang Yuan’s team died in the first Beast Tide, and he refused to take any more teammates. Meanwhile, Lo Jik was uncooperative and was removed from his team. He’s refused to enter other teams since then.”

‘Didn’t they remove him because he offered the Boar Gu to the Clan Leader? How did the Clan reward him?’ Mo Yan snorts internally. ‘These slandering cunts!’

Slightly vicious, Mo Yan pretends to smile sincerely. “Then don’t we already have a better option?”

Mo Chen frowns at his Granddaughter’s words.

“Those two scoundrels you speak of may do something wrong and doom us all,” Mo Yan snorts. “Besides, they possessed a White Boar Strength Gu and Black Boar Strength Gu. However, there is a Gu Master in our clan who has the strength of both these Gu! Not only that, this Gu Master’s record is top-notch.”

Gu Yue Bo thins his lips with displeasure as Mo Chen silently fumes!

‘You unfilial Granddaughter! Would your teeth rot if you shut up? Stop talking now!’ Yet he dared not publicly rebuke Mo Yan, fearing a fiercer retaliation since he understands her dissatisfaction.

Even Gu Yua Yao Ji feels pressured. It was her initial idea to use Fang Yuan. She wanted to purchase his Liquor Worm, and he rejected her. He also has the Nine Leaf Vitality Grass Gu, something her faction desires greatly.

Qing Shu sighs. Didn’t he know Fang Zheng had the strength of two Boars? Why did he keep quiet? Because naming one of the trio will inadvertently put focus on Fang Zheng due to his brilliant records.

“Good suggestion, Elder Yao,” The Clan Leader nods, making the aged woman crease her forehead. “Gu Yue Fang Zheng is a determined Gu Master of our noble clan. Call upon him. He must set off immediately!”


‘I was still searching for Bitter Wine at this time,’ Fang Yuan sighs, drinking in a tavern. ‘However, I already have a Four Flavors Liquor Worm once I fished out those Bitter Clams. It’s just like before. Fear spreads like an infection. Everyone in the village fears the Rank 5 Gu. But the River Swallowing Toad is not only gentle. It’s cowardly, too. It flees whenever facing a predator, only attacking if cornered.’

‘Chi Shan tested things before. In this life, Chi Shan is already an Elder. Gu Yue Bo won’t risk his life. So, he will have three options—me, Fang Zheng, or Lo Jik. However, Gu Yue Bo won’t be able to publicly acknowledge that Fang Zheng’s life matters more than mine’s and Lo Jik’s. He must pick Fang Zheng for efficiency’s sake. The truth is, I have two Boar’s strengths, too. I still wasn’t able to budge the Rank 5 Gu.’

Fang Yuan sips his wine.

He inadvertently thinks of the other talent.

‘Time still isn’t ripe. Two Rank 2 Gu Masters follow Zie Qi without his knowledge. If I strike now, I will have to face them. It will leave clues. I would ordinarily opt to kill those guards, but the Divine Investigator is not someone I should underestimate. I must not make the same mistakes as before.’

Fang Yuan’s expression cannot help but darken at the recollection of Divine Investigator.

‘Righteousness and Demonic—Truly, only strength matters the most!’


Lo Jik spreads a tarp atop his mattress before sitting on it.

‘I’m really going to do it,’ he gulps. Lo Jik doesn’t believe a man ‘changes.’ He presumes different situations extract different aspects of a man already present within. For instance, he never blamed Cao when he killed her. No. He understood he always had it inside of him. Another good example is his fertilizing the Eye Gu. He vomited the first few days, but now he barely blinks.

Is it adaption or extraction of one’s worth?

Both can be right. Lo Jik only assumes the latter because it helps him navigate his morality.

If he did something—if he feels something—it’s part of him. It’s what he is! Such is a mentality born from Lo Jik’s inherent dislike for internal confusion.

He struggled with the consequences of breaking families. He saw those tears. He betrayed plenty of women for thrill and sport. Eventually, he stopped feeling a thing for such a struggle.

He did it. He broke their hearts. And he cannot regret it.

‘People call such cases of individualism and mental issues as Demonic Path,’ Lo Jik sneers. He doesn’t consider himself a ‘demon.’ He is a lewd threat to society at best. He doesn’t like needless bloodshed or massacring others for enjoyment.


The word resounds within Lo Jik.

‘If I do it, I’ll be a step closer to that path. Because I will consequently bring about something new within myself.’ Lo Jik gazes at the eyeball in his hand. This Gu’s refinement isn’t its strictest test.

He considers his options before realizing he WILL use this Gu. He would be foolish not to. Such a heaven-defying Gu can save his life countless times.

Not dallying further, Lo Jik positions the eyeball with the kaleidoscopic irides looking away from him. Lo Jik infuses his essence into the Gu. Dark Red mist streams out, making the strange eyeball squirm between his thumb and index.

The Eyeball suddenly reveals a ‘mouth’ from the portion on the other side of the irides.

Sharp, jagged teeth surround the mouth as soft-pink tentacles slowly roll out from its space, flailing around midair. Lo Jik grits his jaw, bringing the devilish eyeball upon his left eye.


The eyeball suddenly chews and tears Lo Jik’s left eyelid off with astonishing force, pouncing onto his exposed eyeball! His other eye widens in pain as he lets go of the eyeball, letting it bite into his left eye and consume the gooey treat. He unconsciously tears up. Blood mixes with his tears, sliding down his left cheek.

He bites on his hand until it bleeds, not letting out a single squeak. His body shudders as he feels the ‘munching’ sound inside his head, drumming into his ears.

This is the price of using Heaven Piercing Eye Gu—Eye for an Eye.

One must replace an Eye with the Gu. This is also a weakness. Lo Jik cannot casually remove the Gu from his face and must protect the left eye! However, the worst has yet to come.

Once the Eyeball fits snugly, the thin, flailing tentacles drill into his skin! His body trembles and his vision swims with sheer pain as thick noodle-like tendrils squirm and bulge against the skin of his temples, connecting with his brain and optic nerves as Lo Jik resists with everything he has!

He can endure this!

He has it in him to do so!

How will he ever use better Gu worms with more painful consequences if he cannot endure this?

Lo Jik slowly lets go of his hand and forcefully closes his mouth.

He closes his right eye and schools his expression the second pain starts receding. He is injured. Lo Jik’s left eyelid is torn away!

Gathering his focus, Lo Jik barely summons the Solar Spider.

A golden light shoots out of his body before settling on his face and turning into a six-legged fuzzy spider. Indifferent to the creepy sensation of a spider on his face, Lo Jik wills it to heal his eyelid.

The Spider suddenly turns around before unceremoniously spraying its shimmering Golden Web atop his left eye. Lo Jik senses a loss of 2% Peak Stage essence. The Spider moves down his body and layers its web on his hand.

A warm current of energy courses through the two spots as the silky spider slowly hardens. Once fully solid, losing its healing properties, Lo Jik easily tears the dry golden patch from his hand and crushes it into fine dust. He then turns to pull it away from his left eye, revealing a perfect eyelid with brown lashes covering his Eye Gu.

‘It would have taken me a long time to explain to other Healing Gu Masters if I wanted to use their methods. However, the Solar and Lunar Spiders are worth their price. If others knew the recipe in my hand, their price would effortlessly multiply!’

Lo Jik slowly moves from his mattress, cleaning things up. His head continues to bang inside. After all, he must sleep and let his body adjust to the Eye Gu. However, he wants to try it.

He didn’t go through all that for shit and giggles.

Sucking in a breath of cold air, Lo Jik infuses the Gu with his essence.

After connecting with his body, the Eye Gu’s irides turned brown. Now, under his intent, they only reveal a Kaleidoscopic glint. Lo Jik’s vision changes as he can see through his house. However, it’s a weird sensation.

First, the range of this Gu is the same as his eyesight. He can enhance it using Spy Glass Gu or something similar. Second, this Gu changes the way his brain perceives visual information. Right now, Lo Jik’s brain maps an overlaid area of a see-through world in a greyscale under the colorful world blocked by different things captured by his right eye.

‘It’s like I’m in those FPS shooter games where I can map the arena’s blueprints. However, this Gu cannot look through the earth.’

He shakes his head, stopping the Gu. He’s on the brink of unconsciousness.

As usual, he lets out the Blood Python Gu to guard and wake him up should someone try anything funny. While Lo Jik’s will is inside the Gu, it’s capable of slight autonomy. The Rank 1 Gu remains one of the more casual/handy Gu.

‘Mid/Long-Range with Moonglow, Close-Quarters with a mix of my physique and Black Mane/White Jade Gu, Spider Gu for Healing, Heaven Piercing Eye for Investigation, Earth Hole Gu for Storage, Smell Lock/Stealth Scales for supporting investigation, Blood Rousing Incense/Battle Instinct for combat support, and the Feathered Boots Gu for as a trump card. I cover almost all aspects except Movement Gu. However, Stealth Scale’s convenience can substitute it for a while. I may also get it from MoYan’s rewards. The crucial thing is that I must learn to use these Gu fluidly. Many of these Gu will stay with me even when I reach Rank 3.’

He contently smiles before plopping back, losing consciousness the second his head touches the pillow.



Lo Jik’s eyes snap open as his vision turns dizzy.


What is that croak?

He was too tired, forcefully staying up to clean everything and try the Gu. He can barely recall what happened hours ago.

The Blood Python Gu lies paralyzed on the wooden floor before shifting its weight. Its head suddenly presses into the floor as if wanting to dig past and pierce within the mountain. Lo Jik doesn’t notice this strange behavior as he calls the Gu back, nursing his head with a groan.

The pain is slightly better.

Memories resurface as Lo Jik breathes deeply.

‘Was that the River Swallowing Toad that washed up three days ago? Is it already awake?’

Lo Jik forces himself to leave his house and make inquiries.

‘Oh,’ Lo Jik sighs, drinking wine in a tavern. ‘They sent Fang Zheng to push it. However, he failed, and mortals in the nearby hamlet fled to Gu Yue’s outskirts to plead for mercy and allow them to enter the Gu Yue Village. Intended to continue, the Clan Leader sent Fang Yuan to give it a shot. It was a sensible choice. Fang Zheng hates my guts and may use a Gu in my presence, alerting the Rank 5 Toad. That croak before means the Rank 5 Gu is awake. The fact our village isn’t drowned is that the twins succeeded.’

He shakes his head.

‘I’m still sleepy.’ Lo Jik pays for the wine and returns to his house, employing the Rank 1 Gu again.

Blood Python does not act strange this time and hides itself, instinctively protecting its host from enemies.





Lo Jik’s body moves fluidly without using Battle Instinct Gu as he slams his worn dagger into a wolf’s head, ‘breaking’ it. His dagger has grown dull and is like a slab of metal that he stabs into the enemies with the strength of two bears.

He temporarily lets go of the handle, flicking his wrist and cutting four wolf heads with an accurate moonblade. Warm blood spatters on his face as he quietly stares at the remaining wolves.

These wolves were injured before they met him. The early Beast Tides involve crippled wolves driven out from their lairs by the healthier kind. However, these surviving wolves are cunning and cannot be underestimated!

As expected, the last seven wolves give up, quickly escaping with pitiful yelps.

Lo Jik snorts quietly, retrieving his dagger and sheathing it against his waist. His eyes quietly reveal a kaleidoscopic glint as he sweeps the area with his gaze before crouching and using a new dagger to gently scoop out the wolf’s eye. He brings the slimy eyeball to his left eye.

His ‘eyeball’ suddenly opens a round mouth filled with jagged teeth around its rims. Thin tentacles fly out, clutching the eye and dragging it ‘into’ Lo Jik’s eyeball, consuming it without leaking any goo.

He sighs, not feeding the Gu anymore and instead collecting items worth selling.

‘It’s only been a few days, but I can understand how to be more efficient.’

Lo Jik can maximize his left eye’s benefit by using a Smoke Ball Gu to restrict the enemy’s sight. Rank 2 Smoke Ball Gu creates consumable Rank 1 Smoke Bomb Gu. It’s used to hide immediate tracks but isn’t used against the wolves due to how the smoke clouds the beasts from long-range Gu Masters, and it also places closed-range Gu Masters at immediate risk. Besides, the wolves can run out of the small range.

Ordinary Gu Masters won’t spend several smoke bombs restricting a mid-sized pack.

However, it’s a good match for Lo Jik.

Can he take it?

Fuck no!

He has too many Gu and refuses to sacrifice what he has for Smoke Ball Gu. The Gu he will consider nurturing are the ones earned from his Trait.

Currently, Lo Jik is testing his efficiency.

‘I can hand wolf packs with 20 crippled wolves. I had to use traps last time,’ he shakes his head. ‘I should be able to handle 50-60 crippled wolves if I play it smart. However, Moonglow Gu is insufficient against a Wolf King with a Gu. A Gu Master must ascertain the Gu on a Wolf King before deciding if the battle is worth undertaking. Moonglow’s attack power is acceptable, but its range isn’t.’

He continues assessing the situation as he hurriedly extracts the items and leaves before more wolves arrive.

‘This result is without the Battle Instinct’s use. If I add Blood Rousing Incense, the controlled adrenaline rush under the Battle Instinct should raise my combat potential by twice. If I ignore the essence consumption and use White Jade Gu or Stealth Scales Gu in the mix…’

He suspects he should be able to deal with a Beast King.

A Beast King usually requires 4-5 Rank 2 Gu Masters, each controlling one aspect. However, Lo Jik is training to refine his control and produce similar results.

He returns to the clan, barely attracting any attention. People are talking about Fang Yuan these days. He did what Fang Zheng, with the strength of two boars, could not! He saved the village from the Rank 5 River Swallowing Toad.

Naturally, Fang Zheng acted as if someone fucked him with a 19-inch monster cock.

Lo Jik?

He is peaceful.

He experiences a rare respite where the forest doesn’t throw its meanest creatures at him. The roof of his cottage doesn’t tumble at every fierce gust, and he can cultivate peacefully.

The same cannot be said for Mo Bei.


Alternate Title: River Swallowing Toad; Discussion; A Plan; Wanting to Suppress Two Loafers; Mo Yan: You Dare?; Fang Zheng Tests The Toad; Hidden Pressure from the Divine Investigator; Not Demonic or Righteous—Powerful; One’s Heart; The Sacrifice; Devilish Will; An Eye for an Eye; Bootleg Hyuga; Painful Procedure; Nerve Operation; Amazing Healing Gu; Exhausted; Covering Basics; Too Many Gu; Python’s Strange Reaction; The Loyal Guard—SNEK!; Fang Yuan The Hero; Annoyed Fang Zheng; Lost Glory; Lo Jik Living FPS Life; The Loud Croak; Testing Gu Worms; Noticing Flaws; Working on Skills; The Wolf Count; The Eye Eater; Creepy Eye Gu; Feeding Eye The EYE!; At Peace; Steady Growth; Top 5 Rank 2 Gu Master; Smoke Bombs; Is There a Rasengan Gu?

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