Reverse World of Magic

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Demons are the stuff of nightmares, born from the pits of the underworld to spread terror and destruction. They are cunning and malevolent and will stop at nothing to achieve their twisted goals. Some demons can hide among humans, disguised in the guise of flesh and blood. But their true nature is revealed in their monstrous appearances and the destruction they leave in their wake. They are immune to physical harm and wield formidable magical powers. The most powerful demons, such as demon queens and demon goddesses, command nearly limitless power and can bend reality to their will. Do not dare to cross the path of a demoness. They are to be feared and avoided at all costs, for they are the embodiment of darkness and malevolence, and will stop at nothing to claim your soul are the things told by magic associations to warn magicians.

The hatred between humans and demons runs deep, etched into the very fabric of the world. Demons are malevolent supernatural beings that dwell in the shadows, waiting to strike at the unsuspecting. They are driven by greed, power, and an all-consuming hatred of humanity. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, manipulating, deceiving, and even betraying their kind in pursuit of wealth, territory, and magical artifacts. Some may even seek to become demon queens or demon gods, commanding nearly limitless power and bending reality to their will.

But the true horrors of demonesses lie in their desire to inflict suffering on humans. They seek to cause chaos and destruction, relishing in the misery of their mortal enemies. These demonesses are the embodiment of darkness and malevolence and should be feared and avoided at all costs.

The hatred between humans and demons is unyielding, and it is important to remember that demons are not to be underestimated. They are cunning, powerful, and highly dangerous, and those who seek to oppose them must be well-prepared and cautious. Do not dare to cross the path of a demon, for they will stop at nothing to claim your soul and plunge the world into darkness.

The war between humans and demons has raged for centuries, with both sides suffering countless casualties. Humans have fought bravely against the demonic threat, using their courage, resourcefulness, and technology to hold their own against powerful supernatural beings. Many humans have dedicated their lives to studying demons, seeking to understand their motivations and weaknesses to defend against them.

But despite their best efforts, humans have not been able to fully defeat the demons. They continue to lurk in the shadows, waiting for their chance to strike. Some demons have even infiltrated human society, disguised as ordinary people and working towards their agendas.

The hatred between humans and demons is deep and unyielding, and it is important to remember that demons cannot be trusted.

There have been many different strategies used to combat the ns over the years. Some humans have sought to negotiate with the demons, offering them concessions in exchange for peace. Others have attempted to use magic or technology to seal the demons away or banish them back to their ut no matter what approach is taken, the demons always seem to find a way to return.

Human magicians who specialize in killing demons are highly trained and skilled in the art of demon hunting. They spend years studying the behavior, motivations, and weaknesses of demons, learning how to track and defeat them. These magicians are highly respected within human society and often are called upon to protect communities from demonic threats.

The work of a demon hunter is dangerous and demanding, and not everyone is cut out for it. It requires a strong will, quick reflexes, and a deep understanding of magic. Demon hunters must also be willing to confront their own s and face the horrors of the demon world head-on.

Despite the risks, many human magicians are drawn to the life of a demon hunter. They are motivated by a desire to protect others and to rid the world of the demonic threat. They are willing to put their own lives on the line in top their communities safe and are respected and admired for their bravery and dedication.

Demon hunters use a variety of tactics and weapons to take down demons, including enchanted blades, magical traps, and powerful spells. They are experts at adapting to different situations and are always on the lookout for new ways to improve their skills.

Demons are also divided on the level of how much threat they pose:

Weak demon: A demon with very little power and easily defeated.

Low-level demon: A demon with more power than a weak demon, but still relatively weak.

Intermediate demon: A demon with a significant level of power, but not yet a major threat.

Dreaded demon: A demon with a high level of power and a formidable opponent.

Major demon: A powerful demon that poses a significant threat to demons and humans.

High-level demon: A demon with a very high level of power and a formidable opponent.

Elite demon: A demon with exceptional power and a respected rank among other demons.

Demoness supreme: A demon with a high level of power and a commanding presence among other demons.

Demon Princess: A demon with almost god-like power and a high rank in the demon hierarchy.

Demon Queen: The highest rank in the demon hierarchy, a demon queen is a being of immense power and authority.

These corresponds to the 10 levels of magicians if noticed carefully showing how strong a demon or demoness here can become, even demons weren't spared from the dominance of female sex.

The population of demoness were way more than demons and considering how fast they reproduced, demoness were often infamous for their high sex drives, they were almost like sex fiends or beasts in heat when aroused.

Demoness might show some gentle attitude or carefulness with a demon but to a human male, they were ruthless, they treated human males as their breeding cattles.

Human males were often treated as the best and expensive sex comodities among the demonesses.

Most of the demonesses were aroused almost all the time, the stronger the demoness the more needs they develop and with their power, it was often easy for them to get human males to satisfy their sadistic and sick sexual fantasies.

A human male once captured has little hope to make it out alive after sex and even if they made it out somehow, they would become sex slaves to these vile creations of universe satisfying their sexual desires for the rest of their lives while being treated worse than dogs.

I was stressed out after reading these memories in my mind.

But it was a world of magic….

In a world where demons are a constant threat, magic associations that specialize in demon hunting play a crucial role in protecting society.

Magic associations that specialize in demon hunting play a crucial role in protecting society from demonic threats. These associations are typically made up of highly skilled and powerful magic users, who are trained to detect and defeat demons using a variety of magical techniques. The members of these associations are often highly respected and feared within society, as they risk their lives to daily protect the public.


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