Revolt against the Heavens

Chapter 584: The Blood Abyss reacts

Probably because of their ancestry, humans and asura had almost the same soul. At the very least, it was made of the same substance and could be broken apart in the same pieces. Most likely deva also had a very similar soul. Although theirs was supposed to be even more powerful or pure. Since Cao Yun had never met a deva, he didn't really know what it meant or what the right word to describe it was, but the soul of a deva was supposed to be Hun Po, the Perfect Soul of the Three Jade Saints.

The soul was often divided into two parts, the Hun, the Ethereal Soul and the Po, the Corporeal Soul. While the Hun was pushing the person to seek some form of transcendence, the Po was busy dealing with mundane life and material needs and desires. Each soul could be corrupted and become a problem. If the Hun was too strong, it could push someone to abandon every attachment to the physical world to the point where they would let themselves starve to death. On the other hand, if the Po was corrupted, it could lead to extreme desires and uncontrollable emotions.

Through this analysis, Cao Yun had also discovered something about morality. There was no absolute answer to every situation. Thus, some people tried to seek comfort in truths laid out by others, until they followed them blindly without ever questioning them. Such a thing would lead the person to be certain of their righteousness, but they would shirk away from any responsibility. They could proudly announce that they were virtuous but they were just following someone else's orders, most of the time from some dead moralist or theologian. But some people would simply see the absence of absolute answer as a way to justify their own corruption and perversion. If no one could find a perfect answer, then any answer was good after all. In the end, those people would also shirk away from any responsibility.

The young man had understood that, just as it was necessary between Hun and Po, balance was also necessary in morality. Balance didn't mean that the answer was exactly in the middle. It meant that it was to be found somewhere between the various extremes. But the real truth Cao Yun had come to was that he had to take responsibility for his actions, and even his lack of action. He would never be able to affirm that he had found the right answer, but it shouldn't stop him from trying to find a right one even if it wasn't the best.

He had subdued Flying Poison by accepting his rage and anger, not letting it take over himself, but without repressing it either. He had subdued Unclean Evil by accepting that shame was necessary. Living without shame was to be a monster. And now, he had subdued Stinking Lungs by understanding that corruption was throwing away responsibility, or giving it to someone or something else. The next step would be to subdue Corpse Dog, the embodiment of fear and terror. Cao Yun was afraid of many things. Of course, he was afraid for his friends and for his sister. He was also slightly afraid for Xixue and the few demons he had connected with in the Desolate Sepulcher. But most of all, if he had to be honest, he was afraid of total death.

Down in the Blood Abyss, his very soul could have been consumed. Thankfully, he was now in control of the situation. But he needed even more to get out. And to make sure that he could face the consequences of his actions, he first needed the strength to act. He was now extremely close to the Spirit Warrior realm and also the Accomplished Demon realm. However, he couldn't attempt the Lesser Tribulation in this place. In fact, even in the best place possible, he would still need a few months to prepare himself. Indeed, he didn't want to fail even once. He was looking for the most perfect breakthrough he could achieve. The Lesser Tribulation was an essential part of a cultivator's journey and it could not be corrected later on.

With all that in mind, the young man decided to attempt a breakthrough in his blood cultivation. And the best way to achieve it was to use the Blood Abyss. High Mother Qin Xue and all the Sisters were using it for themselves after all. Then, he would use it to cultivate and to end their sacrifices. Just as Xixue had been practicing the 'Devouring Abyssal Embrace' path of the 'Abyssal Blood Veil Art', Cao Yun had prodigiously advanced in 'Crimson Pact of Subjugation' path. He had disregarded both 'Veil of the Blood Moon' and 'Crimson Web of Enslavement' for the time being and had jumped all the way to 'Blood Abyss Manifest'. Indeed, he was within the Blood Abyss so it would be easier for him to master this technique.

'Blood Abyss Manifest' consisted in summoning the strength of the Blood Abyss. In fact, it was about manifesting some of the blood essence of the Weaver of Souls. In this Blood Abyss corrupted by all the sacrifices meant to preserve his blood, it was a bit more difficult to find his blood essence. By attempting to safeguard their god's blood, the Sisters had completely corrupted it. Thankfully, Cao Yun had mastered enough of 'Sealing the Seven Demons in the Nine Peaks' that he was familiar with the Weaver of Souls' intent. As such, he had been slowly absorbing more and more of the Blood Abyss. With the Drop of Wrath and his Black Heart Flame, he was burning away every trace of corruption. His Stinking Lungs was even helping with that, alongside the Rune of Fire.

Bits by bits, Cao Yun was gathering some of the blood essence he needed. In the end, he reached a proficient level in 'Blood Abyss Manifest'. But he had no way of reaching the pinnacle. It would probably take him centuries to refine pure blood essence from the Blood Abyss. Even with all his efforts, there were still impurities within the tiny drop of blood essence he had obtained. But he simply waited for it to be enough for his cultivation.

Finally, Cao Yun decided to practice the last chapter of 'Abyssal Blood Veil Art', 'Eternal Weaver’s Ascendancy'. Once again, this was a chapter unknown to even High Mother Qin Xue. In this chapter, one would use the blood essence from 'Blood Abyss Manifest' in order to merge with the intent of the Weaver of Souls. After that, one should theoretically be able to control the entire Blood Abyss. Of course, that control would also depend on the individual's strength. But what High Mother Qin Xue was able to achieve by mobilizing her entire cultivation could be achieved much more easily.

In fact, what the young man had in mind was to use this partial blood essence and 'Eternal Weaver’s Ascendancy' in order to break through. Currently, he was practicing 'Celestial Palace Accepts the Offering' as a 9th-grade Golden Blood Child. Within 'Eternal Weaver’s Ascendancy', he had found a way to send his Golden Blood temper his mind. By adding the Weaver of Souls' blood essence, his breakthrough would be both easier and stronger. In theory, he might even be able to strengthen his mind cultivation since the Weaver of Souls was the asura behind his mind cultivation manual.

Circulating the blood essence, Cao Yun prepared for around forty days before sending it through his Fengfu the Palace Gate. By doing so, his entire spine served as a column for his Golden Blood to reach his Upper Dantian. The flow became stronger and stronger. Although blood was in his skull, it was having little impact on his mind. His own Upper Dantian was in fact protecting himself from this intrusion, but this was exactly what Cao Yun didn't want to happen. He would need to break through this barrier without damaging his Upper Dantian. Thus, he circulated his mind cultivation, also trying to replicate the calligraphy he had read. In his sea of consciousness, there was now a vast tapestry made out of blood. It looked extremely similar to the calligraphy that was still in the spatial ring given to Hongyu.

This tapestry of blood was resonating with the blood essence, helping it cross the barrier of Cao Yun's Upper Dantian. As soon as contact was made, the blood essence was absorbed directly into Cao Yun's sea of consciousness and his Golden Blood flooded his brain.

Several bright white flashes blinded him. This white light, with golden hues, permeated through his entire sea of consciousness. He could even feel his three subdued Turbid Demons. They were both frightful and reverential.

Cao Yun's mind was shaking. His entire world was now this intense bright light. All of his senses were completely overtaken. He couldn't see, hear or feel anything else but this bright sensation. Even the pulsation of his heart and the blood in his veins had disappeared from his cognition. At first, fear almost settled in as he was not ready for such a phenomenon. But this sensation of fear soon gave way to pure bliss. The boundaries of his body dissolved and his mind spread all around his surroundings. It lasted for several hours.

When the light dispersed, the young man could finally sensed that the world around him had completely changed. He was seeing things with his very soul and not his senses. Of course, it was similar to what he had done with his pseudo-spiritual senses, but it was much more. It wasn't just a difference of degree but a difference of nature. There was no word to explain it. It would be like explaining what the color red was to a man born blind. Yes, it was as if Cao Yun had obtained a completely new sense.

Now, he could let a large part of his soul out of his mind. Because of his Upper Dantian, it wasn't as much as what other demons or asura could do, but it was very close. He would need to become a full-fledged Spirit Warrior though. Otherwise, forcing more of his soul out of his Upper Dantian could damage it. Nevertheless, he had officially obtained true spiritual senses. Along with them, he should also have obtained the ability to fly. But he was still contemplating the changes.

Around him, the Blood Abyss was boiling. It was reacting to him and more of the blood from it was going directly within Cao Yun. This blood was both nourishing his body and his soul as most of it was now outside of his body. He could feel the familiarity he had felt in the burning sand of the Desolate Dune Desert. The Blood Abyss was usually calm. But even though it was incredibly heavy and dense, it was reacting fiercely to Cao Yun's breakthrough.

If he had been outside, a powerful aura of vitality and a thick scent of blood would had spread several li all around him. But since he was trapped under the Blood Abyss, almost nothing happened outside.

Still exhilarated, Cao Yun tried to finally fly. Some magical thing happened around him. It was as if his body had lost all weight. Suddenly, Cao Yun began to rise a little without moving his limbs at all. The Blood Abyss was still impeding his movements but he was definitely moving up. Besides, he had not tried to use 'Eternal Weaver’s Ascendancy' to control the Blood Abyss. In theory, he should be able to connect with it. Indeed, he could absolutely feel a tiny part of the intent of the Weaver of Souls within his mind. Thus, he had to be able to, at the very least, influence the Blood Abyss.

While he was rising up, Cao Yun realized that he wasn't even a 1st-grade Accomplished Demon. No, because he had already subdued three Turbid Demons, he was in fact a 4th-grade Accomplished Demon. Demons were subduing their Turbid Demons in another matter. Unlike Cao Yun, they were actively pushing them to become true Turbid Demons while the young man was just subduing them as aspects of his Po, before they really turned. For demons, it was more dangerous but the results were faster and more powerful. On the other hand, Cao Yun's way of cultivating his Turbid Demons was much more stable. He had not really turned his own Po into Turbid Demons. Instead, he had pushed each aspect toward that direction to subdue the Turbid Demons before they could really be created.

While Cao Yun was slowly rising upward as he was getting used to his new cultivation, Sister Lisha had been called by the Sisters who were watching the Blood Abyss. The woman had been on various missions recently so for the time being, she had decided to stay within the Monastery of Bliss and Repose. Moreover, she was sincerely worried about her disciple Yinlü. And she wanted to be there when the sacrifice of her sister would happen.

Suddenly, the surface of the Blood Abyss began to move. The tumult wasn't even violent, but this caught everyone's attention. Indeed, it had never happened before.

Seeing this phenomenon, Sister Lisha's beliefs were shaken. For several months now, she had doubted High Mother Qin Xue. She had thought that she was going too far with all the sacrifices. But clearly, they had worked!

Guilt submerged Sister Lisha. She never should have doubted the High Mother. Yes, it would be difficult for Yinlü, but her sister could become part of the foundation of something much larger than she could ever imagine. They might really bring the Weaver of Souls back from the dead.

As that thought emerged, Sister Lisha regained all of her faith. She literally began to chant the holy verses of the 'Abyssal Blood Veil Art'. Those had been added later on by the Sisters of the Abyss. The Weaver of Souls had never written anything even slightly similar to such verses. But they were now considered holy scripture throughout the Desolate Sepulcher. Besides, they were written in Antique Sixian so almost no one really understood them, adding to their mysticism.

While she prayed to her god, Sister Lisha saw that the phenomenon increased. There was now a powerful aura of blood and vitality permeating the underground chamber. She could even feel the distinct intent of the Weaver of Souls. She had to warn High Mother Qin Xue immediately!

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