Right Here Waiting For You

Chapter 53 - Your Mom Says Puppy Love Isn’t Allowed

Chapter 53: Your Mom Says Puppy Love Isn’t Allowed

When it was noon, Ning Tiantian went to the sixth floor to find Li Yanmo for lunch, along with Cookie.

Just as she reached the classroom, she saw Li Yanmo being surrounded by a large group of girls, who lined up from the podium to the hallway.

With a blush on their cheeks, these girls would present Li Yanmo with their bento or exquisite gift boxes, hoping he would accept them.

Ning Tiantian was about to approach him but was stopped by a girl standing next to her. “Go join the back of the line. How ridiculous. I can’t believe that even a first grader is here to join in the fun.”

Tiantian was furious.

“Your hubby seems to be very popular with the girls,” mused Cookie, as she winked at Ning Tiantian.

Ning Tiantian said with gritted teeth and clenched fists, “My hubby’s so handsome. Of course, he’d be popular!”

Last time it was just one girl, but this time, there were hordes of them! Indeed, she had so many love rivals lying in ambush.

Cookie could sense the murderous intentions in Tiantian’s voice.

True enough, Ning Tiantian barged into the classroom and broke through the crowd, saying loudly to him, “Li Yanmo, your mom says that puppy love isn’t allowed!”

Li Yanmo froze for a second when he first saw her, then was momentarily stunned when Tiantian spoke. He was speechless.

In the past, she relied on her position as ‘fiancée’, but now she was even bringing his mom into the picture.

That’s because Ning Tiantian had now realized that parents have more authority, and their words hold more weight, then a fiancée!

Sure enough, after what Tiantian said, these blushing girls started panicking.

“Who’s this little girl?”

“Don’t know. Probably the class monitor’s younger sister.”

“Little girl, this isn’t puppy love. We just wanted to give presents to the class monitor.”

Ning Tiantian crossed her arms and looked at them with disdain. “Don’t think I’m easy to fool just because I’m younger. At any rate, I’ll be reporting this to Mom tonight!”

“See if Mom will give Li Yanmo a thrashing tonight! Oh, no, I need to tell the teacher as well!”

She added as if what she had said earlier hadn’t sufficed.

This time around, the girls really did blanch. “Little girl, don’t tell his mom or the teacher. The class monitor really isn’t involved in any puppy love…”


Worried that Tiantian would make good on her promise, these girls vanished in the blinked of an eye. After all, kids this age were still fearful of parents and teachers.

Su Yi was doubled over in laughter, as he pounded the table. Pinching his nose, he then imitated Tiantian, ” Li Yanmo, your mom says that you’re not allowed to have puppy love, and she’s going to give you a beating tonight… that’s freaking hilarious. Are you trying to kill me with laughter, so that you may take over my legacy?”

Ning Tiantian glared at him, before grabbing Li Yanmo’s hand. The fierce expression had already disappeared from her face, replaced by a sweet smile. “C’mon, Inky. Let’s go for lunch!”

Li Yanmo smirked. “My mom’s about to thrash me. Do you think I am still in the mood for lunch?”

“Well…” Ning Tiantian scratched her head awkwardly, “I was just trying to help you get rid of those annoying admirers…”

“Who said I was annoyed?”

“Yeah, you’re not annoyed. You’re super annoyed…” Ning Tiantian glanced at him with a naive expression on her face.

Feeling resigned, Li Yanmo simply made his way out of the classroom.

“Wait for me, Inky!” Ning Tiantian quickly followed after him.

“Wow. Love over friendship!” Cookie couldn’t help roasting Tiantian.

Su Yi slung his arm over her shoulders and reassured her, “Don’t worry. You still have me!”

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