Chapter 43: Jognak The Brutal Monster

Ibro muttered:

"What is the benefit they will get from taking all these risks and pay all these sacrifices?"

Ouly didn't know the answer either as she said:

"No one knows the answer to that question. Although the battle between us and the Pnro world extended to uncountable years, no one has ever entered the Pnro world.

We tried many times to know that reason but we failed. What these monsters do remains a mystery we couldn't solve."

Ibro felt a great surprise when he heard Ouly's words. He thought those Shontians were hiding a lot of info from him. But it seemed now they really didn't know anything at all about Pnroian monsters and their motives.

If you didn't know your enemy well then you wouldn't be able to beat him. How can he understand these monsters' actions and analyze them?

Without info, he would be like the dream walkers. He was like walking in his sleep. His eyes were shut and his senses were numb and his brain was in deep sleep.

Ibro remembered that big black spot in the center of the Apidon world. Was it these monsters' world? Or was it a huge teleportation gate between the two worlds? He needed to know a lot of info, but his only source had just let him down.

"Are you sure Dozier that it was the Auxiliary teleportation gate?"

"Yes, I'm very sure Mr. Governor."

"There was such a strong world once before who managed to destroy the Pnroian Auxiliary teleportation gate. It is logical to think they also destroyed the Main teleportation gate.

The Auxiliary gate only lasted for one day and it was successfully destroyed. Yes, they must have destroyed the Main gate too. That means they had a technique that can be used to destroy these gates."

Then his sound became lower and vague like he was speaking to himself. No one dared to interrupt him. What he was thinking over was the same thing everyone had in their minds.

They trusted Ruliv; he was their governor after all. They kept looking at him waiting for his instructions. Ibro was also deep in his thoughts.

Ruliv had reached a reasonable conclusion, so Ibro was thinking about his next step. Whoever managed to find this tech, he must know it as well.

He looked at Ruliv waiting for his next move. He should stick to this city governor as he would be the only person of those Shontians to own the tech at the end.

"We need to keep this world Identity secret. If anyone knew about it, especially those Foraz traitors, the situation would be very complicated.

For now, we will start a wide range of searches in this area to find any clues that might help us. We need to find out what really happened in this world.

Also, I'm certain that the Main teleportation gate was also destroyed by these world players. We need to find the remains of this Main gate as it might help us too.

We must search widely and with precision in the areas around our three camps. We found these remains near Ronat camp so I guess we will find remains of this Main gate near the other two camps.

But we can't neglect to look here too. Gentlemen and Ouly, we are in front of a moment that will determine the shape of our future and the future of the whole universe.

We must inspect these ruins carefully and try to get as much info as we can."

"But there is a Pnroian monster lying in ambush for us there."

"I know. That monster is the only obstacle between us and the secret behind the destruction of this gate. So we must find a way to dispose of it."

"It is Jognak the brutal, governor."

"What did you say?!!"

"It's Jognak the brutal. Its level exceeded the threshold of lvl350 as stated in our historical records."

"That's impossible, Dozier. If it is really Jognak the brutal then I would have known it. Jognak the brutal is a gigantic monster. If it's here then we should have seen its body tens of miles away!"

"That's not impossible, Modry. This monster now is coiling around the remains of the gate. These remnants are on this monster's body."

Everyone around thought about what Dozier just said. There was only one logical explanation for his words. Ruliv asked with fear and doubt:

"Are you sure that these gate remnants are on Jognak the brutal body?"

"Yes, sir. Although he kept himself hidden well, I noticed his presence. He is lurking under the ground waiting in ambush. Any trial to go near these remains will end without any success."

Ibro was watching this debate without any clue. He needed to just ask one simple question: 'What is this Jognak monster?' But Ruliv was faster than him as he said seriously:

"Jognak monster is a very rare monster. Throughout our history, it didn't appear except on a handful of occasions. This monster is the messenger of destruction and the embodiment of death.

Each time it appeared, it was accompanied by brutal massacres and massive losses to our forces. So we named it 'The Brutal". The old records considered him as the general of Pnroian monsters armies in Apidon.

What brought such massive existence to this world? Its presence as a keeper for these remnants of the gate is something stranger than the destruction of the gate itself. What the hell happened in this world?"

He then became silent as he was thinking about the gravity of this situation, after a few moments of deep serious thinking he ordered:

"We must never let Jognak the brutal monster wake up. This monster has the ability to control other Pnroian monsters in this world.

If we gave it any chance he won't hesitate to wake up all the Pnroian monsters here in Renalt. That would be our doomsday gentlemen."

"What should we do then sir?"

"Go and bring enough men to guard this pit from the outside. We must not let anyone get near this place at any cost."

"Consider it done, sir."

"I will go back to Apidon now. This time we are facing a threat we can't deal with ourselves. This Jognak the brutal monster is a huge catastrophe.

We don't have any other option but to kill him if we wanted to unveil this world's secrets. I will go to Apidon Mythic City and convene with other city leaders there.

It's time to regroup Apidon armies again. We are on the edge of discovering a world-shattering secret that will change the war course."

His words fell on everyone like thunder. Last time these armies were rallied, they faced total annihilation and failed to free any Apidon village. This old painful memory wasn't an easy memory to be forgotten.

Although no one here had lived that moment, the records of Apidon history told them front of them was a golden opportunity to obtain a new weapon that would turn their losing side to emerge victoriously.

Behind them was the humiliating defeat their ancestors tasted. Ibro felt he was about to witness an epic battle he never dreamed of.

He was as excited as everyone else to return to Ronat ruined city camp and wait for these armies to arrive. Ruliv knew better than anyone their deep feelings, he was their leader. After a few minutes he said:

"Let's go back. Move at high speed and complete silence."

They understood the reason behind his caution. He didn't want to wake that horrible monster.

They started moving at their highest speed to stop suddenly after a few moments. They looked backward in surprise while Ruliv asked with concern:

"Why didn't you move with us Ibro?"

They knew Ibro was lower than them in level, so his speed was slower. But there, in front of them, Ibro stood motionless like a dead stone.

Ibro wasn't aware of all that was happening around him. The last thing he heard was Ruliv words. When he wanted to take one step backward, he discovered he couldn't move an inch of his body.

He felt his body was like a wooden stick, frozen in place and he couldn't move. He felt deep sudden panic when he began to lose control over his body.

The old anxious feeling that he first felt when he left Ronat camp attacked him again ferociously. His panic urged him to try to move his body with all his might to fail.

Suddenly, he felt a huge strength hitting him so hard that his body rushed flying in the air and everything around him disappeared. He flew with a very crazy speed losing control completely over his body.

The sound of friction between his body and the air during this crazy flight was so intense that it nearly made his ears deaf. He lost his sensation with time.

He didn't know how long he kept flying with this speed in the air to find himself stopped flying in a sudden move. He heard a very loud voice of massive collision to lose his consciousness out of severe pain he felt after this tough landing.

He didn't know how long he lost consciousness. Once he woke up, he felt severe pain in every inch of his body. He tried to open his eyes to close them immediately with pain.

There was a very harmful bright light in the place around him. He felt more panic when he tried to move his right hand to discover there was something holding it from moving.

He tried the other hand to feel the same. He tried to move his body in vain. It was like he was tied strongly with some thick strong ropes. If his guess was right, then there were people here near him.

His mind tried to remember what happened. Last thing he remembered that tremendous power that drove him in the air. After that everything was blurry. He thought of the possibility of being held captive here.

The people who found him tied his body to prevent him from escaping. Were they afraid of him? He was in the Renalt world.

If there were any humans out there, then they must have discovered their intrusion in this world a long time ago. Shonty's men weren't that secretive in building their camps and their search in the areas around the camps.

If he couldn't see then he could hear. He listened with attention for a few minutes. He didn't hear any sound at all! He had no idea about his kidnappers' identity.

He didn't think more and decided to accommodate this bright light first. He needed to see the truth of everything around him and get as many clues as he could.

After a long time, he managed to open his eyes fully. He looked around him with astonishment. His guess and severe worry had no base at all. He was in a very huge cave.

This cave ceiling was very high up from him. This ceiling was very smooth like a mirror. It reflected the bright light that harmed Ibro's eyes.

This light was coming from a source no doubt, but Ibro couldn't determine its original place from his strange position. This made Ibro think he was inside a very huge orb of bright light.

The floor of this huge cave was filled with huge protrusions and depressions. His body was stuck in one of these depressions. His body was fixed firmly to this depression so he couldn't move.

He noticed faint green color pulsations coming from the ground that surrounded him. This pulse had the same green color as the color that was filling this cave.

This time he tried to move his right hand very slowly and patiently from the deep groove it was in. Once his hand was freed, that groove suddenly bulged and then returned to be like the ground around it.

If Ibro wasn't focusing on it, he would face a hard time trying to figure out what happened to it. He touched with the care of that place to feel a very strange spongy feeling. 'It was really a very strange place' he thought to himself.

He decided to set himself free first then think later. The first step was always the hardest step. He freed his left hand more easily than his right. Then he freed his legs and finally, he freed his whole body.

Once he was out of this depression, he began to check the place around him with caution. He noticed that the depression which held his body had already returned to be like any other depression around him.

He was in a very strange place. The sky was a smooth mirror-like dome that reflected bright light. The ground was full of long endless protrusions and depressions.

These protrusions and depressions extended in a zigzag way like a massive number of snakes towards the horizon with no stop like they had no end.

He turned around himself a couple of times to find a big issue: he was like being lost in a great desert in an alien world. He checked his body especially the areas with severe pain. He found multiple bruises all over his body.

There was no wound at all. He felt relieved. These bruises he could adapt to their pain with time, but if he was wounded then his fighting power would decrease.

He remembered his staff so he took it out from his Inventory. He didn't know the nature of this strange place. This place wasn't free from any danger.

He still remembered that huge strike that brought him here. Whoever did this to him was still here lurking in the shadows watching him. This creature must be a very strong creature.

He might be the person behind the destruction of this gate. It also explained the presence of Jognak the brutal here. This brutal monster wasn't keeping watch to the remnants of the gate; it was keeping watch on this creature.

He looked around in a daze. If this creature brought him here, why didn't he contact himself yet?

With his low level and weak power compared to either this creature or that brutal monster, he decided to neglect this issue for now. This creature would contact him when it wished to do so.

If this creature wanted him dead he wouldn't carry the burden of bringing him here or wait for him to wake up. The next important issue was:

"Where am I?"

He was confused about this issue. Was he still at the pit near the gate? Or was he transported to another place by this force? Although it was so bright around him, he couldn't see a clue at all.

Everything looked exactly the same in monotony. He was really in a great desert of protrusions and depressions. He walked slowly with caution for a long time without finding any new scene.

He felt bored and looked at one of these depressions. These long depressions extended endlessly to the horizon and deep horizontally till it ended with darkness.

Although the width of each depression was no more than one meter, he always felt afraid each time he jumped over it. The protrusion width was nearly five meters which made him prefer to walk on it instead.

These protrusions felt like small islands in between narrow rivers on both sides. He kept going onward without stopping. At first, he was worried about falling in ambush so he moved slowly.

But after a period of time, he began to travel at his highest speed. Seconds, minutes and hours passed on him while he was traveling nonstop.

He didn't feel the passage of time, but when he was about to lose hope, he found something different in the far horizon. There was a change in the green light. From his spot, he couldn't see it clearly, but he was very excited when he saw it.

Finally, there was something new in this strange place. He started to run with eagerness for long minutes. He couldn't get near this spot at all.

He felt like it was a mirage in this desert. He didn't lose hope, as this far spot was his only hope here. After nearly one hour he noticed he got closer to that spot. The closer he got the fader the bright green light became.

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