Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 50: Singing Cat Tavern

"When?" Don looked surprised at her speed of cultivation but when he thought about what the Dragon King said about life energy started to replenish in the world it made sense of her speed.

"Just yesterday"

If she was just a master level magi Don would have left her here without even considering but having a great master by his side is another story.

Seeing Knight's opened mouth Arrora tried her best not to laugh as Don looked serious

"Wait here"

As Don said he walked towards the hallway leaving Knight and Arrora behind.

"So how do you feel?" Knight asked

"I feel like I wanted to kill them" Knight raised his brows in shock when he heard Arrora, he could see the killing intent in Arrora's eyes.

"Kill who?"

"The people killed my parents, the people who captured me and those filthy servants of Bryan"

Arrora had engraved their faces in her heart, when the time comes she pledged to herself that she would destroy all of them.

"Remember this Arrora revenge is not the purest motivator nor is it the most stable, living with that kind of raw emotion can leave your mind clouded and burn you however when you channel it properly revenge can make a fine, fiery, fuel"

Arrora felt like Knight was talking with his own experience.

"I will remember your words Knight "

Knight didn't say anything as he just nodded his head. Just when he talked about the revenge he remembered about the unfinished business he and Don left behind in the Divine Continent but before he could think further he saw Don walking towards them.

Seeing the man coming towards her Arrora instinctively went for her sword but when she looked closer she was able to recognize the gait, it was Don. Arrora was surprised to see his new tanned face, he had a square jaw and clean-shaven, unlike the real Don who had a thin beard as he had red short neck length hair and blue eyes.

"Here wear this" Don threw a black cloth towards Arrora as she caught and unfolded it. The cloth she had in her hands is a hooded long coat with a sword embroidered on the chest side.

When she wore the long coat she felt like it was made for her as it fitted perfectly.

"Knight increase the training difficulty I want everyone ready when I return"

Arrora couldn't help but open her eyes wide in shock, she had already seen the devilish training Knight put through the elves and dwarves but now he was asked to increase the difficulty. They were talking like playing a game but she sighed heavily when she realized she was not trained by Knight.

Knight turned to leave with an evil grin on his face

"But try not to kill them Knight" As said Don started to walk in the opposite direction followed by Arrora

"Yeah yeah you try not to kill yourself" Arrora heard Knight giggle while she was walking away from Knight. When she and Don finally reached the portal that leads to the outside world she heard Knight's devilish trainer voice

"Alright beauties to the training hall now!!"

"Don what's the plan?"

After Arrora stepped out the dark portal into the outer lands she asked Don, the late morning sun already let his rays penetrate through the dark forest around her

"We stay the night at Virnam and continue the journey to Emir in the morning"

Don made a gesture with his fingers as Arrora felt an invisible force taking her up with him. Unlike the previous times, Arrora didn't ask for support from Don and looked very calm and relaxed.

Eventually, after a long flight Arrora and Don saw the natural walls made of stone and tall mountains. Don knew people would notice them if they flew too close to the city as he landed on a faraway secluded place to avoid people noticing them.

Just with a few minutes of walk Don and Arrora saw the tracks of carriages and footprints of people. Because he was with Uncle Dior before Don didn't take much time as he directly walked towards the guard near the gate.

"What's your purpose of coming to Virnam?" the bulky bearded guard asked them without even looking at them properly as he was busy with writing something on his big notepad.

"Just to buy somethings"

Before the guard response, Don took out a gold coin and placed them on top of the notepad. At the moment the guard saw the youth placing a gold coin on his notepad his eyes started to sparkle with joy as he finally looked at the youth and the girl behind him.

"Of course of course, guard open the main gate for our guests"

The guard guessed that the youth before him must be from an extremely wealthy family otherwise he wouldn't have tipped him with a gold coin like it was nothing. With a gold coin, he could have a comfortable life for a year even have a child with his wife as he was thinking about the possibilities he couldn't control his joy but had an ear to ear smile on his face.

"Oh guard where is this singing cat tavern?" when the moment the guard heard the youth his smile froze on his face

"Young master it's not a place for people like you if you need room to have fun I can recommend some high-end Inns"

Arrora was slightly disgusted when she noticed the look the guard gave her when he said fun

"I want to have a look around places like that the cheap taverns where the fun happens man"

Hearing the youth the guard realized he's a stubborn spoiled brat so without having a choice he decided to give this youth the direction.

"Awesome see ya"

Don did a slight two-finger salute towards the guard and walked in the direction he gave to the tavern followed by Arrora.

"Don why do you want to go to this singing bat tavern?"

Arrora asked Don in a husky voice while walking beside him

"Its singing cat if we get lucky we can have some fun and from now on I'm Joseph you are Maria"

If some other guy told this to a girl either she would have blushed or slapped him senseless but it was not the case for Don and Arrora.Arrora knew he was not that kind of a guy but she still couldn't figure out what he meant by those words or why he was going to this tavern.

After navigating through maze-like narrow streets Don and Arrora came before an old building. On top of the front door, a wooden carving of a cat was hanging. From the outside, it looks cheerful, enchanting and pleasant. Bricks and thick, hard wooden logs make up most of the building's outer structure.

It was difficult to see through the windows, but the hustling and bustling from within can be felt outside.

As Don and Arrora entered into the tavern through the heavy, metallic door, they were welcomed by the smell of fresh brewed beer and ale.

The bartender was working up a sweat, but still he managed to welcome them with a wink.

The tavern was as charming inside as it was on the outside. Several walls supported the upper floor and the chandeliers attached to them.

The tavern itself was packed. Adventures and Mercenaries seemed to be the primary clientele here, which often indicates a great place to get drunk. Several long tables are occupied by separate groups of people, all enjoying themselves, but they keep to themselves. Don could see the other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are singing and dancing, occasionally pulling an unsuspecting waitress amidst their dancing group. Although it seemed most of the stools at the bar are occupied, Don was able to locate an empty table as he walked towards it to occupy the table before anyone could take it.

Seeing the newcomers a waitress in black skirt walked towards them with a happy smile

"Here's the menu my lord" the waitress handed over an old yellow paper to Don.

After looking through the items on the menu Don returned the menu to the waitress

"I'll have vegetable salad and she'll have the special"

"I'll be with your orders in a minute"

Arrora could see Don looking around the tavern like he was searching for someone. While Don was searching the metallic door opened with the creaking sound as a group of people entered the tavern and when Don saw the people Arrora could see Don staring them without even blinking.

The group had three men and two women as one of them was a hunched old woman while the girl beside her looked like she was in her mid-twenties. When the group entered the tavern there were no free tables however the gray-haired men who seemed like the leader went near a table occupied by some young adventurers.

"Brat get out of here" just like the gray-haired men said the young man and his group stood up and walked away from their tables but Don could see the embarrassed look on the young man's face as the newcomers sat on the chairs like they owned the place.

The tavern's hustling and bustling were replaced by a gloomy feel after the group entered, Arrora could even see the waitress walking toward the group was shivering but trying to put up a fake smile on her face.

Seeing the men in the group groping the waitress made Arrora disgust but she didn't do anything that draws their attention towards her and Don. After a while, the waitress that took orders from Don came carrying the plates and bows with salad and chicken breast for Arrora.

"Here you go, my lord, my lady"

The waitress laid the food on the table as she turned to leave

"Can you grab me two bottles of beer?"

Arrora almost coughed the food she just put in her mouth when she heard Don, she very well knew he and Knight won't drink but now he was asking for a beer. Seeing him Arrora was not confused but realized that he was indeed planning something.

Just a few minutes Arrora saw the waitress coming towards them carrying the beers on an oval-shaped tray however when she came across the group of the gray-haired man she tripped and fell on their table making the food they were eating fly all over the place.

The entire tavern went silent seeing this, if they dropped a pin they could clearly hear the sound of it hitting the ground. Before even the waitress stood up the old woman grabbed her hair and threw her away like she was handling a cat. Don could see Arrora trembling in anger and looking at him for his permission to intervene. Coincidently the waitress landed exactly on the floor near Arrora.

However, Arrora still didn't do anything as she was looking at Don. Seeing Arrora and the gray-haired man walking towards the waitress Don nodded his head towards Arrora.

After seeing Don nodding, Arrora gently placed her hands on the shoulder of the waitress and lifted her. The moment Arrora helped her up she saw a palm coming targeting the waitress's face but Arrora grabbed the wrist and stopped it from slapping the waitress.

"It was just a mistake, leave her alone"

Don heard small yelps and gasps when Arrora said as she let go of the hand she stopped.

The man had a small shock when he heard the woman before him. He couldn't see her face because of the dark hood she wore, he also saw a man wearing a small dark hood to cover his face sitting on the table behind the woman. However, being stopped by a woman made him angry, his anger now turned towards the woman in black.

Everyone around the scene knew it was a small mistake but they also knew about the gray-haired man. He had a very short fuse because of that his marriage life was a mess and they also heard he was an abusive husband who likes to hit his wife on a daily basis however no one had the guts to confront him because he was a peak master who is just a nick away from the great master level as no one in the master level was his opponent. Because of his intense experience in dangerous missions, his battle prowess was high as he won a battle with a low-level great master level which brought him fame and fearsome reputation in Virnam.

"You just made the worst mistake in your life bitch!" the old woman had an evil grin on her face as she saw his clenched fist in anger

"You better not touch her "

The man never expected he would be messed up with twice in a single day as he looked at the man standing up.

"What if I do?"

Arrora saw Don slowly walking towards her to stand between him and her.

"Go ahead if you can"

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