Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 63: The Army

"If you want us to cook dinner like yesterday you should kidnap some more cooks Don"

Don saw the elf girl looking very tired as she had black lines under her eyes showing her lack of sleep yesterday but Arrora's cheeks were rosy as ever there was no exhaustion on her face.

"Don't worry you can take many helpers as you want"

While he was saying that the slaves from yesterday walked into the hall led by Gael and his friends. The slaves in front of him and the slaves he saw yesterday were two completely different people. After a lavish dinner cooked by Arrora and Amaryll, their skin glowed with vitality and they looked full of energy.

Everything seemed like a dream to the slaves, and they felt that they were losing their judgment. As they were made a slave and dragged out of the cage-like cattle with chains around their neck and legs and hands, they were thought they would soon be starting their life as slaves. However, after coming out of the cage, they saw their masters getting brutally killed and found themselves in a magnificent hall before a youth. Then, a bunch of elven girls and dwarven women flooded their table with various delicacies and foods as they(slaves) left not an inch of empty space in their stomach.

"Are you willing to get your freedom back or ?"

Don didn't finish what he was saying but looked at the slaves before him for their answer especially he was eyeing the blonde hair youth in front of the crowd.

"We are willing..."

Finally, a group of beastmen stepped forward and looked at Don and awkwardly said as they didn't know how to address him

"Its Lord, lord Don"

Seeing the three beastmen awkwardly standing before Don without knowing his name Arrora let them know his name.

The three beastmen before Don were a man with wolf-like features as he had a bushy side beard and eyes of a wolf, besides the wolfman stood a man with a tiger head and long-tail behind him. If Don didn't see him standing on his two feet like a human he would mistake him for a tiger as he had black stripes on his golden fur.

The last one standing between the wolf and the tiger was a cute girl with long bunny ears, aside from her bunny ears Don couldn't see any animalistic features on the girl. Seeing the youth's gaze the bunny girl didn't dare to lift her head.

"Hey bunny girl we won't eat you"

While standing before the youth the slaves heard a calm male voice, the bunny girl was startled when she heard the voice and she nervously lifted her head to see a majestic white lion with feathery wings like an angel descending beside the youth on the throne.

As a beast himself, Knight felt more intrigued towards the beastmen standing before him and felt some kind of connection between them. Seeing the Lion standing near the throne, everyone was shocked especially the beastmen.

The wolfman and the tiger's legs wanted to kneel before the lion without their control but they fought against the feeling with all their strength.

"A grandmaster"

Hearing the lion speaking the slave's mistaken Knight as a Grandmaster level beast. Knight had a grin on his face when he heard the crowd mumbling 'grandmaster' in a low pitched voice.

"How did you become slaves?"

Watching the three beastmen looking at him Knight asked them and he could see the wolf and tiger clutching their fist and their eyes turning red in anger when he asked them

Since the youth on the throne and people beside him looking at them the wold gritted his teeth and decided to tell his story

"We ar were from a faraway little village, the only thing we did is hunt and look after the village we never left our village or fought with other villages our lives were very peaceful and happy until"

Don could see his canine teeth growing and coming out of his mouth as the bunny girl grabbing his big hand with her small hands

"Until the green-robed men come to our village, they wanted us to fight for them but we were peace-loving village so we refused then it happened"

While he was speaking tears started to form in his eyes and the tiger placed his hand on the wolf's shoulder to reassure him

"That night I've heard the screams of my people and when I went out of my hut there was blood all over the place they slaughtered my people they didn't even show mercy to our children I can still hear them, their cries"

At that moment the wolf couldn't stand straight as he dropped on his knees, tears were coming out of his eyes like a fountain. Seeing his friend like that the bunny girl also couldn't hold back her tears however the tiger didn't cry, he turned his gaze towards Don to continue the story

"our leader Morgi's father gave his life to let the three of us escape but before we could escape they caught us we fought but we were not a match for them and when we opened our eyes we were chained and put into a cage "

The hall went deadly silent when they heard their story. Only the cries and weeping of the wolf and the bunny broke the silence. Knight couldn't stand still when he saw the wolf crying as he leaped from his place and landed before the three of them.

"Don't cry, tears make your anger disappear don't let that happen"

Knight put his paw on the wolf's shoulder as the wolf slowly lifted his head

"We can't resurrect your village but we can avenge your people and make sure what happened to you would never happen to someone else"

"I know every one of you has a story like this, you've lost everything but if you are willing to follow me I promise you will get what you want, it might be revenge or peaceful life"

Seeing the anger in many of the slaves' eyes he guessed they would go for revenge, only an army that driven by ambition would be a deadly and an effective force.

Don knew this very well if he wanted just an army he could have bought slaves from all over the empire with just the wealth the dragon king left behind for him. What he wanted was an army that fights for them, fights for their future and fights for Don without feeling forced, with that he can have his revenge as well as expand his army and empire, one stone two birds.

"What do you want?"




The chorus of the slaves echoed through the halls when Don finished, of course he could see some women and men standing there without shouting for revenge and they can do other works in the Kingdom as far as Don concerned because he knew a kingdom needs other workers too, other than a strong military to thrive and be prosperous.

Watching the slaves shouting Arrora knew with the help of the device Don and Knight going to be an unstoppable force and with their help she could have her own revenge as well besides that rescuing the slaves, seeing their smile, killing those scumbags slave traders made Arrora wanted to do it more.

"Gael, Amaryll"

The two elves stepped forward when they heard Don and faced the slaves

"The ones joining the army follow me"

"Others follow me"

Just after Gael and Amaryll gave the instructions the slaves separated into two groups. One group which mostly had beastmen and human males followed Gael towards the training hall while most of the human females and the female beastmen followed Amaryll leaving behind the three beastmen and the blonde hair youth

"We want to fight but we barely survived our last fight"

The tiger said as the wolfman stood up and wiped his tears away while the bunny girl stood between them.

"You don't need to worry about that when I'm done you two will be an unstoppable force"

"I...I want to fight too"

Knight almost coughed up blood when he heard the cute bunny as she tried to look brave. Knight looked top to bottom at the bunny girl, no matter how he sees her he couldn't find a suitable position for her in the army.

"She's cute Knight, that can be used as a deadly weapon like any other"

The bunny blushed a little when she heard the Don and looked at Don coming towards them with the half-elf woman.

"Hmm I will turn you into an assassin yes that's it follow me"

Arrora could see the evil grin on Knight's face, the same evil grin he makes before starting a devilish training. Seeing Knight leaving the hall with the three of them Don turned his gaze towards the blonde hair youth.

"You are a spy, aren't you?"

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