Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 65: Everlight

"My King, what are we going to do?"

An Elf in battle robes asked the man sitting on the throne. He had gray hair and a gray beard. The man looked tired and aged as he lifted his head slowly and looked at the elf.

"How much time does Commander Ken need?"

Hearing the man on the throne the elf shook his head

"My King, pardon me but I don't think the machine would work we already tried at least a hundred times before"

The man let out a tired smile as the castle began to tremble

"We don't have a choice Mervan if it doesn't work, this is the end of the world "

"Come out come out my little nephew"

A flirtatious feminine voice echoed through the hall as the king looked at the direction of the voice.


"Don't fail me princess kill the people but I want the descendants of the founders alive"

"Yes my queen you can be assured that this is the day, the great empire of Everlight falls "

A hunched woman speaking to herself while looking at the magnificent castle before her which is covered with a blue energy bubble.

"Are you seeing this my dear brother, I'm going to destroy everything you've built"

As she said an evil grin appeared on her face.


In the middle of the battlefield, a woman and a dragon stood facing each other. The battlefield was painted in golden-red blood as countless claws wings and dragon heads laid on the ground. One could never see as many dead dragons in one place like this. The sky almost turned red and gave the horrible battlefield a hellish look.

"Why are you still fighting you filthy reptile?"

"Till Everlight stands you can't win Aathreya"

The Dragon had so many wounds on its body as golden red blood flowing through them and bathed the dragon in its own blood.

"Everlight huh from today it will be Everdark"

As the woman said a sword made of dark energy appeared in her hand

"I miss killing dragons in future"

"I've failed you, ancestors"

The dragon closed its eyes expecting death as a sharp pain emerged on its neck

"Is this the mightiest Dragon Army of the Everlight? Pathetic"

Standing on the Dragon's body the woman laughed as she looked at the dead dragons and sneered

"Don't fail me princess kill the people but I want the descendants of the founders alive " the woman said.


"Please help us"

At the moment a woman knelt before a group of statues and cried. Many statues before her were damaged as some of them missed their head while some missed their upper body. Only two statues stood completely intact belonging to a man and a winged lion.

"How can you cry like this when you have the blood of Great Amaryll flowing through your veins, Farryn? "

The woman suddenly stopped crying when she noticed a muscular green-skinned woman walking towards her.

"Glasha" Farryn knew Glasha don't like people crying because she thought of crying as a weakness and disgrace. However, Farryn couldn't hold her tears back when she saw her orc friend

"How can you not Glasha?" Farryn asked while the tears started to wet her rosy cheeks.

"Why do I want to cry? My brothers and sisters died on the battlefield for our proud empire and I will do the sa" but before Glasha could finish what she was saying Farryn leaped towards her and embraced her tightly

"No you can't go Glasha, you are the last one of your kind"

Glasha felt her chest becoming wet due to Farryn's tears as she looked at the broken statues and sighed

"If the founders chose not to go to the battlefield we wouldn't be standing here Farryn, we failed them but at least we can try to make them proud by dying a warrior's death "

"Come out come out my little nephew"

"Its seems time's up Farryn"

Hearing the voice, Glasha let go of Farryn and wiped the tears away from her friend's face

"May our great protector Arrora give us the strength to fight the evil"

Farryn and Glasha said looking at a broken statue of a woman holding a sword behind the man's and lion's statue.


"Grandpa Ken how much more time do we need?"

A young woman in glasses asked the gray-haired man working on a human-sized machine.

"Just a few more minutes Maya a few more minutes " the Oldman said.

"Are the energy stones in place? Check the target time"

"Everything in place grandpa just like the last time and before that time"

Maya smile but Ken could see the tears forming in her eyes

"It will work it will work it must work" Ken tried his best not to shake and show his fears before his granddaughter

"Grandpa, do you think the king made the wrong decisions?"

Hearing Maya, Ken's eyes went wide in shock but soon he shook his head

"We don't question the king, Maya"

"Do you think it matters anymore grandpa? look at us the last settlement in the entire world"

Ken heavily sighed

"I think yes the king made wrong decisions especially opening our borders to the whole world but everything he has done is to bring peace to the world he wanted to unite the world through peace, not war "

"Look where it got us, the founder's left us the rules for a reason, he neglected them and Everlight paid the price for it"

Ken didn't say anything because deep down in his heart he knew King Daniel's peaceful nature let the Everlight be invaded by spies and enemies which compromised their defense. The moment King Daniel decided to open their borders to the outside world and let their technologies be used by the whole world Ken almost begged him not to.

However, the King said he wanted his empire to help people and the technologies could help millions of lives other than his citizens. Ken knew King Daniel was a good man with a stubborn attitude to help people but his ways ultimately failed the empire.

"With this machine, we could fix everything Maya we have to find him he's the only one could stop this"

"I hope it works this time grandpa"


"Great mother I've failed you I've failed all of you "

The gray-haired old man the king was standing before a young woman in pearl white dress with the Elf Mervan.

Hearing King Daniel, the woman shook her head and let out a beautiful smile but Daniel could see the sadness behind her smile

"If it's the fate that Everlight must fall, it will fall you know what we say right?"

"We rise and fall together " Daniel said as a crowd of people slowly entered the throne hall and knelt before him.No matter what race they were everyone had tears forming in their eyes.

Seeing the people Daniel turned his gaze towards them and sighed

"I know many of you think I made the wrong decisions, ignored what the founders said however the things I've done, I did for the world I wanted everyone to prosper and thrive just like our greatest empire Everlight but I failed I failed all of you and I'm ashamed to call my self the descendent of the greatest emperor"

"Emperor Don"

The people started to chant the name Don before Daniel could speak as the castle started to tremble more violently

"STOP!! STOP SAYING HIS NAME" the old woman's voice reverberated in the castle

"Ken I hope everything is ready" Daniel said to Ken through his Khal

"Almost just a couple of minutes" Ken said.

"Your shield can't protect you forever my little nephew" the previous rage in the old woman's voice disappeared and now she sounded like a sweet old grandmother

"Take care of them Daniel" as the woman in white said she stepped forward just to be stopped by Daniel.

"No Great mother its all my fault it's me she wants if I go now at least I can buy some time for Ken take this as my last order Great mother"

"My King let me come with you" Hearing King Daniel, Mervan put his hand on his chest and knelt before the King.

However, Daniel just gently placed his hand on Mervin's shoulder and let out a small smile

"You've done enough for me Mervan now it's time for your King to do something he should have done a long time ago"

Mervan lifted his head to see the gentle smile on Daniel's face as his figure blurred and disappeared from the hall.

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