Rising up from a Nobleman to Intergalactic Warlord!!

Chapter 25

—Several Days Later—

Reuniting the children with their families, I bowed my head to each of them to apologize for dragging them into our family affairs. Swearing to them that neither Rutart nor Zola would ever be a problem again, I gave each family a small gift of ten thousand dia for their suffering and promised to employ them in my new company. Informing everyone that I would produce numerous items in the Bartfort Territory, all employees would receive substantially higher wages, discounted pricing on goods, and healthcare for their families. Telling everyone that production would kick off in a few months, the entire territory began celebrating their brighter futures.

Once everything was settled down, Lucoa, Roxanne, and I headed out to find the island that Luxion was on. As we moved toward the general location I thought he was in, I asked Roxanne an important question.

“Are you sure you do not want to be freed like the other children?”, I asked Roxanne, as Yamato flew the three of us toward Luxion’s approximate location, “You do not need to stay a slave.”

“I am okay staying like this for now.”, Roxanne answered, looking at her slave mark, “As long as I have it, I can stay by your side and no one will take me away again. It is also proof of our bond.”

Looking over at her, Roxanne immediately turned away with a flushed expression. Finding her reaction adorable, I was about to press her for details when Lucoa chimed in.

“Aww, how cute!”, she giggled playfully, “So Leon, when do I get something to mark our bond? I want something special like her, especially since we will become mistresses to an Honorary Viscount.”

“I will hand-make you something soon, just give me some time to figure it out.”, I promised her, “As for the whole wife and mistress deal, I will not treat you differently from future additions to our group. Thanks to my unique position, I can be much more picky when choosing a wife. They are not wife material if they cannot get along with you both. You do not need to be best friends, but not being stuck-up bitches would go a long way.”

“I know, I am just teasing you.”, Lucoa acknowledged, hugging me, “You are one of only a few noblemen who would think that way. Those other idiots would only think about getting their dick wet and nothing else.”

<Captain, sorry to interrupt your discussion but we have arrived. Shall I begin scanning for gravitational anomalies?>

Acknowledging her request, Yamato began scanning while we sat back and waited. Due to her being a military vessel, Yamato had no idea about Luxion’s existence or the lab where he resided. Having her try to locate the gravitational anomaly that the OG Leon stumbled upon, I knew that the science lab was directly above it. Giving her a few minutes to scan the vicinity, she returned with promising news.

<Captain, I have found signs of an Old Human base nearby. They are faint, but I detect several generators running at minimal output.>

“Take us there immediately.”, I commanded, “See if you can get us access to the lab using your docking codes. Hopefully, you have high enough clearance to enter without any trouble.”

Doing as I requested, ten minutes later, a large island appeared out of the blue as it lowered its optical camouflage for us. Watching two gigantic hidden doors open for Yamato, we slowly sailed into the dock and moored in the only bay that could hold her. As soon as we moored, thousands of small robots flew over to Yamato and began repairing her.

<This is perfect!! The automatic repair systems are still online. I should be fully functional in a day or two.>

“Good to hear, can you please add the three of us to the base’s security system? I want to go find Luxion without fighting Security Bots.”, I chuckled.

Printing us off IDs, the three of us disembarked and went a few bays down to where Luxion’s ship was docked. Scanning our badges at the door, we were immediately greeted by Luxion in his large mecha form. Focusing his cameras on us, Lucoa and Roxanne stepped behind me out of instinctual fear.

<How strange, a New Human and two Demihumans showing up unannounced on a military vessel. Before I eliminate you, what is your reasoning for coming here?>

“I am fifty percent Old Human and I have come to claim what I suppose is my birthright. I want to use the resources of this lab to help take me to the stars like the other Old Humans.”, I stated, “If possible, I would like to be on friendly terms with you and have you help me. Are you willing to allow me a chance to prove I am not lying?”

Looking at both Yamato and my armor, Luxion took a moment to consider my proposal. Stepping aside, the robot motioned for us to enter the ship as it closely monitored our movements. Calmly walking toward the ship’s bridge, I placed my hand on the Captain’s Command Console and let the system do its thing. Scanning my handprint and taking a small drop of my blood, the ship quickly confirmed that my genetic composition was exactly as I had told him. Satisfied that I met the requirements to take ownership of the vessel and facility, Luxion registered me as its owner.

“Alright, Jarvis and Luxion, bring the facility back online one area at a time. I do not want to overload the generators and damage something irreplaceable.”, I commanded.

Following my request, as Luxion brought facilities online Jarvis went behind him to confirm the status of the systems. Browsing through the facility list, Jarvis discovered something crucial that could further my goals.

<Sir, it appears there are several hundred cloning tanks in this facility. I recommend using the Stormtrooper DNA Registry you received from the Guild to clone your military forces.>

<A splendid idea. There are also facilities to accelerate their growth and train them here, Master.>

The registry, and several other items, were among the treasures the Adventurer’s Guild had been holding for the First King’s Party. Now that we had a way to use it, resolving my troop issue would be a breeze. Needing troops to help man and utilize my future starships and starbase, I wanted loyal, obedient troops that would follow me into the fray no matter the odds. Unlike the idiots in the Jedi Order, my soldiers would have actual, real names and not stupid fucking numbers. If I expected them to follow me no matter what, I owed them the fucking decency to give them names.

“Luxion, please make preparations to begin cloning soldiers for me. Based on the resources in this lab, how many soldiers can you clone?”, I inquired.

<Ten thousand normal soldiers, if I am frugal, or five thousand elite soldiers if I allot liberally.>

“Proceed with the elite soldiers, I will secure an island where we can begin to farm organic materials to replenish your stockpile and feed the soldiers. Please prepare the necessary robots to handle the process from end to end. Also, I would like to request five thousand android soldiers as well. I want my forces to be flexible so that we are never without a method of attack.”, I ordered.

<Understood, I will begin preparations immediately. Anything else?>

“Actually…yes.”, I answered, with a big smirk, “I am going to need a large armored mech for future use. There is something called a Gundam that I want you to construct for me using an extremely durable metal called Gundanium. Do you know how to manufacture it?”

<I have never heard of such a metal Master, where is it mined from?>

“It is an alloy made of Lunar Titanium and GND ore, both mined on the moon if I recall correctly.”, I replied.

Scanning the list of materials on-site and in the Matter Fabricator’s memory banks, Luxion confirmed it had never been seen here. Hoping to find a sample of both metals or Gundanium, the Rank 4 and 5 dungeons were my best hope of locating the necessary materials.

“Lastly, we need to look into the production of satellites, starships, and a starbase. I want several constellations of satellites orbiting the planet for surveillance and to eliminate enemies before they even get close. As for the starships and starbase, those can be last on the priority list.”, I said, taking a seat in the captain’s chair, “Between Yamato and you, no one on this planet right now stands a chance in a battle with us. I do not think it will always stay that way, but for the foreseeable future we are safe.”

<Of course, I am excited to begin production on everything you requested. I am looking forward to eliminating as many New Humans as you allow me, Master.>

“While you handle that, I have a BFG-9000 to teardown and repair. If I can crack the method it uses for power, Yamato, Jarvis, and you will get a major power upgrade.”, I chuckled, pulling myself out of the chair, “Alright ladies, let us go look around this place. We will stay here till Yamato is repaired, then proceed to conquer dungeons again.”

Grinning ear to ear at the sound of that, the three of us headed into the warehouse to see what materials we had to work with and upgrade their equipment.

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