Road to the Crown

Chapter 56: Details of the plan

8th march 1574 (forgot to add date last chapter, sorry)


While our talks about marriage were limited so far to the loving whispers after the deed was finished and back then, when we enjoyed ourselves with more than a single cup of beer, I suddenly came out and announced that I was going to invite one of the major players on Commonwealth political table to our wedding?

"You don't like the idea? While we might not be the greatest nobles, my lineage comes directly from the Jan Tarnowski heritage! What's more, I do believe that your beauty deserves to be graced with such grand guests at our wedding!"

Adding small praise to my sentence was as much a true statement as much my silly attempt to subjugate Elia's surprise before it would turn into anger prompted by the fact that I didn't bother to ask her about her opinion, or even informed her about the fact!

"It's not I don't like it… But rather, it's all too sudden for me!"

It was quite funny to hear those words coming out from the lips that just last night were greedily latching onto the sides of my penis! But it wasn't an argument I could ever bring out, even if my dear companion Al was far enough to miss the conversation!

"Look. Our entire relationship is sudden. We suddenly met, we suddenly came to an agreement, we suddenly realised that this fake ruse turned into something real. If I were to be completely honest, seeing a Frenchman sitting on a Polish throne doesn't fill me with confidence about the stability of his rule. With how our entire world could collapse at any given moment, why not just marry as soon as possible, while using it to make sure no one would be left to meddle with our affairs?"

Quite obviously, I couldn't tell them how our beloved king would simply run away from this country as soon as French throne would turn vacant, but that didn't stop me from hinting how unstable his rule was.

"You are right, sir."

As if he didn't understand that the current conversation was between me and Elia alone, Al suddenly hurried his horse to level himself up with the two of us and butted into the discussion.

"If we ignore all the bullshit about feelings and love, marriage is a powerful tool for the nobles. If there is a chance to use it for the best of our interests, hesitating because of feelings would only prove how unqualified one is to wield the noble title!"

While I couldn't disagree with what he just said, I could only praise him if he said that in private, with no additional pair of ears receiving this message! After all, I might be from the future, I might be unaccustomed to the reality of this times yet, but I wasn't as stupid to congratulate him those words when Elia was riding just beside me!

"Hey, Al… Did anyone ever told you to shut your fucking crap?"

Only this response saved me from the vicious stare that Elia instantly send towards the two of us.

"While purely practical aspect of what you said might be to some degree a truth, disregarding the part about feelings is just as stupid as not concerning oneself with the realism of the situation, don't you think, dear?"

Turning my head towards my girl, I reached with my hand and grabbed hers, allowing myself to enjoy the pleasant feeling of her fingers locking with mine for a short moment before the unstable pace of our horses forced us to separate.

"But then, what does the sole invite do for us? It's not like the governor will bring his army with him that will help us repel Peter out of Pilzno!"

To be honest, Elia's doubt was pretty warranted. Just like my entire plan was based on buying ourselves into the governor's favour with the smart use of bits of beer and MGS spice, I couldn't make him do all the job for us!

"Don't worry about it, but think deeper. What would happen if the governor accepts our invitation? Let's say, the date of the wedding would be set for one month from now."

Instead of explaining my plan right away, I allowed both Elia and Al follow my guidance to realise the idea hidden behind openly stupid moves.

"He will depart from his place of residence in about three weeks and in order to calmly reach Pilzno in time with his retinue and gifts. Isn't that obvious?"

Just like in future, marriage ceremony consisted of the proper marriage at the Sunday's mess, and grand festival for both the nobles and the commoners of the marrying parties. And just like in the future, all the guests were supposed to present the newlyweds with a gift befitting the status of the guest and the scale of the entire ceremony.

"And what would happen if, upon arrival, the governor will learn that both the husband and wife-to-be were kidnapped just a few days ago by a warlord who didn't like the idea?"

With the grand title of governor, the gifts would most likely require at least a single carriage to be even brought to the Pilzno in the first place. With that, the time that it would take him to travel the distance would turn from two days that we could take to arrive there, to at least an entire week!

And just like in any other country, such an important person as Governor didn't really have that much free time to spare!

"Wait, are you going to let Peter catch us? He will kill you right away!"

At first, I wanted to reply with the quote from one of the greatest animations I have ever watched in my future life - this is the risk that I'm willing to take - but sadly, it wasn't entirely true!

"First, we will give him a hint that since he raided Pilzno, we will raid his own home. And no, I won't let him catch the both of you. While he will be enjoying his victory by imprisoning me in the basement of his palace in Ropian, you will be safely hidden in Tarnow, so that he won't be able to kill me right away!"

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