Road to the Crown

Chapter 59: Governor

9th march 1574

"It seems that today's hunt went well."

Looking at the long line of mounted nobles and their servants marching right beside their horses, I instantly saw the thing that made my new friend come to such a conclusion. Somewhere in the middle of the entire group, three pairs of servants were carrying a long stick with dead boars hanging from it, while even greater group followed them with all sorts of rabbits, partridges and other small game.

"That's great. The governor should be in good mood for introductions then, am I right?"

As our journey came to an end as well, with some other servants taking the reins of our horses before letting them in inside a grazing field surrounded by a makeshift fence. While we still had to carry the stuff that our horses used to carry for us, being free to go around the camp without worrying about dirtying it was still beneficial.

By the time we were finally done with our matters, the group of the hunters finally fully emerged from the woods and started settling back in the camp. In one instant, one of the boar was moved away to one of the bigger tents placed at the outer rim of the camp, while the other two joined the rest of the hunted game in what looked like a kitchen.

"Let's go introduce ourselves then."

Nodding to the noble and excusing ourselves from his company, for now, I sent Al to organise two tents, one for me and Elia, and one for himself. While sleeping with merely a fiancee wasn't the most catholic way of going about it, just like everywhere and always, the official laws had almost nothing to do with the cultural reality.

"Greetings, Your Governorship."

After approaching now dismounted Jan Bone, I waited for him to notice our presence before covering the remaining distance and bowing my head. While as nobles we were equal, the position he was holding was that of a crown representative, deserving this minimal respect.

"Greetings, brother. I don't recall you or the lady beside you coming with us for the hunt, so may I ask who do I have the pleasure to talk with?"

While the history remembered this man - at least, as far as my system enhanced memory could tell - as a stern and strict father, just from his initial response to my greeting, I got vibes of a rather kind man. Maybe just like with Elisabeth Bathory, the kin of the very next King of Commonwealth that would be elected after one and a half year of interregnum that followed the escape of our current king, what people said in the future about Jan had little to do with what he really was.

"I'm Mike of Tarnow, of the Leliwa crest, and this beautiful girl is my fiancee and soon to be wife. Just like your lordship noticed, we joined the camp as we were travelling to the Sandomir to pay our due respects to you."

Raising my head properly, I unpinned the small barrel from the net of the stuff that I took from my horse and presented it to the to hands of one of the servants on the Governor's side.

"This small barrel is our greeting gift. It contains the finest of the beers that my land managed to produce after a long process of trial and error. If your governorship will find it to his tastes, I will make sure to make haste with setting up the proper brewing that will result in enough supply to cover the demands!"

In such a situation, giving out the greeting gift was also a great chance for me to promote my beer a bit. As long as the Governor would taste it openly, amongst other nobles, I could be sure that in just a few moments, the entire camp would strive to get some for themselves!

"A beer you say? Ha!"

Instantly snatching up the barrel from the hands of his servant, the surprisingly slim noble took out a knife and with a single hit, carved out a hole in the opening of the small barrel. As soon as the content from the inside got revealed to the outside world, he raised it to his mouth, stopping only to add a few words.

"This is the right way to greet someone after a long hunt, that I said, HA!"

Just as the aroma of the rich content entered his nostrils, Jan Bone angled the barrel as he raised it to his mouth, taking a mouthful inside his throat. While his movements betrayed that he initially only wanted to have a taste to show his friendliness to me by receiving my gift right away, as soon as his tastebuds got caressed by the insanity that my beer was, the barrel in his hands angled a bit higher, as more and more bulges appeared on the governor's throat.

"That…. How come you call this a beer? Isn't that a royal mead?!"

After finally taking the barrel out of his lips, the Governor looked at me sternly, as if accusing me of a lie, yet the sparks in his eyes told me that I had nothing to fear.

"Sir, I wouldn't dare to escape to such tricks! I also have a new spice on me, that might show its proves if you allow me to pass it to the cooks. I think this is the only way for me to prove that no product of my great ancestor's lands could ever be faked!"

Flaunting the sack with the MSG in the air, I managed to regain the attention of the governor that was constantly shifting to the barrel, and put a wide smile on his lips.

"A new spice you say? Fine! Not only I will allow you to use it to enhance our today's feast, but I will also grant you a right to sit on my left at the table today!"

For someone not well versed with the Polish culture, being able to sit on someone's direct left or right, was both a great honour, but also a great responsibility. In this case, I could already tell that outside of rewarding me for such royal gifts, Jan also managed to corner me if I wanted to poison him, by forcing me to eat the same stuff that he would eat at the feast! Truly, a great politician he was!

Well, that was only to be expected from someone who almost managed to become a King in the first free elections in the civilised world after the fall of antiquity!

"Also, since you decided to travel such a long distance, you ought to have some other business with me. Why don't you reveal your cards now, instead of potentially souring our mood during the feast?"

With his expression turning from one of a generous, amiable father, his eyes suddenly turned cold, as he gazed at me with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Truly, a great politician he was!

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