Rome Must Fall

Chapter 36: The Formation of the Guard Unit

Chapter 36: The Formation of the Guard Unit

After questioning the slaves, Maximus certainly couldnt test them one by one to verify the authenticity of their skills because he had to act quickly to prevent other leaders from realizing what he was doing and trying to take the slaves for themselves. Due to the limited number of spots, he chose slaves who had responded to multiple questions, resulting in most of the 30 individuals he selected being older in age.

Hamilcar, observing the situation, felt something was amiss and asked softly, These people youve chosen seem capable, but they are quite old. Can they properly care for so many wounded soldiers?

Confidently, Maximus replied, Teacher, rest assured. Since Ive promised, I will find a way to handle the treatment of wounded soldiers. However, in the future, you should allocate more young and strong individuals to our logistics team.

Hesitating for a moment, Hamilcar said, Alright, you can choose five more younger individuals to join the logistics team.

Maximus reminded, Teacher, thank you for your help, but if we do that, Crixus and the others might

Interrupting, Hamilcar waved his hand dismissively, Those youve taken are the elderly ones that no other unit wants. They are happy to be chosen, and you have suffered a loss because of it. Naturally, you should receive some compensation, and Crixus and the others shouldnt have any objections to it.

Hearing Hamilcars words, Maximus didnt hold back any longer. He immediately selected five more slaves he deemed suitable, all in their 30s, and with the chosen 35 individuals, he left the camp and returned to the vineyard.

First, he went directly to the kitchen, where he found Agnes busy inside.

As soon as Agnes saw him, she complained, Captain, you informed me earlier that the leaders wanted the soldiers to celebrate the victory tonight and asked us to prepare a more elaborate dinner. You even wanted it ready before sunset. The time is tight, and we are short-staffed. Everyone is working hard, but Im afraid its difficult to finish everything before dusk!

I understand your difficulties, so Ive brought you some help, Maximus said, leading Agnes out of the kitchen and pointing to the 35 individuals he had just brought back. He smiled and said, They were once slaves in the Roman army, and now they are our new brothers in the logistics team. Since the kitchen is short-staffed, Ive asked them to help. However, they are new here, so there might be some

Maximus pointed to his own chest and discreetly gave Agnes a signal.

After spending these days together, Agnes immediately understood Maximus intention. She looked at the newcomers, smiled, and exclaimed, Oh, thats wonderful! Finally, some decent-looking men have joined our logistics team! Welcome to join us! Let me tell you, being in our logistics team is much better than being in other teams. You will eat well, and sleep well, and there are plenty of young ladies around. As long as you work diligently, they will surely notice you! Come, come, come. Hurry and help them in the kitchen!

Agnes words stirred the hearts of some of the younger slaves, and they immediately followed her into the kitchen.

The others, however, did not move and instead looked at the oldest slave among them.

After glancing at Maximus, the old slave calmly said to others, Since were all here, lets do whatever needs to be done. Its better to be here than out there killing people. With that, he walked straight into the kitchen, and the rest of the slaves followed closely behind.

Maximus didnt leave; he quietly stood at the doorway and observed the performance of the new slaves.

Maximus! A voice sounded next to him. He turned around and smiled, Phaselus, welcome, welcome. Ive been looking forward to your arrival!

I didnt want to come, but Spartacus gave the order, saying you specifically requested me to be the captain of this guard unit for the logistics team, Phaselus said, somewhat discontentedly.

Maximus whispered, Dont worry, I didnt bring you here just to be a babysitter for our logistics team. In the future, there will definitely be battles for the guard unit.

Phaselus eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, Are you saying

Well talk about these matters later. At the very least, you should thank me now. Ive promoted you from a decanus to a centurion, and as the captain of the guard, you no longer have to obey that Anatos

Its Anatosian. When he heard that we are leaving because of you, he cursed and said he would make you regret it, Phaselus chuckled with a hint of schadenfreude, then sighed, Now I dont have to listen to his orders anymore, but in the future, Ill have to follow yours.

Dont worry, I wont be as domineering as Anatosian. We can discuss and decide things together in the future, Maximus reassured him. After a few comforting words, he changed the subject and joked, By the way, how many people did you bring?

Phaselus felt relieved by Maximus promise and answered seriously, 50 people. They were personally selected by Commander Spartacus from the First Team. They are all former slaves who joined the rebellion earlier, and none of them are gladiators. However, they all participated in the two battles yesterday, so they wont fear the Romans like they used to. Commander Spartacus also wanted me to tell you that the First Team now has just over 600 soldiers, that he cant spare any more people, and that the shortfall will be filled up later as soon as possible.

I understand, Maximus said, but he felt surprised in his heart.

He was aware of the current situation of the rebellion, but he didnt expect Spartacus to send him so many people so quickly. The efficiency and generosity of his actions were truly admirable, making him think it was worth learning from.

Where are the members of our guard unit now? Maximus looked around and asked.

They are in the front courtyard.

Maximus quickly met the members of the guard unit, and facing them, he changed his rhetoric, saying, Brothers, welcome! Our logistics team has been hoping for a guard of our own! Are you willing to stay with our logistics team, alongside the elderly, children, and so many women, and protect them with all your might?!

YES! PROTECT THEM!! the soldiers of the guard unit shouted excitedly.

Very well, from today onwards, you are all part of the logistics team! Maximus looked at them, his expression becoming serious. The logistics team has its own rules, and you must strictly adhere to them. If you violate them, you will be punished! Those who execute orders diligently and perform exceptionally will receive my rewards, while those who show poor performance and refuse to follow orders will face my strict punishment! Do you all understand?!

W-We understand, the soldiers voices lowered considerably, and their gaze towards Maximus carried a hint of fear. They were different from the slaves in the Roman army and the gladiators. When they were defeated and felt hopeless on the mountain, they heard Maximus miraculous idea of descending from the cliff to the leaders. Later, most of them followed Hamilcar and Maximus to launch a surprise attack on the Roman camp, witnessing his remarkable prowess firsthand. Thus, they couldnt help but hold a sense of awe when they saw him again.

Maximus noticed their expressions and continued, Brothers, the young women are currently busy in the kitchen. Phaselus will take you there to help them.

The soldiers became excited once again. They were all born as slaves, and working was a common occurrence for them. Even if they didnt know how to bake bread, they could still carry water, chop wood, slaughter sheep, skin animals, and so on.

The best way to familiarize and integrate the slaves of the Roman army and the soldiers of the guard unit into the logistics team as quickly as possible was to work together. That was why Maximus had stuffed them all into the kitchen.

Watching the soldiers of the guard unit being led by Phaselus towards the kitchen, Maximus felt secretly excited. As the leader of the logistics team, he could attend the Military Commanders Assembly of the rebel army, but unlike Hamilcar, he only had the power to make suggestions and lacked voting rights. The gladiators only recognized Spartacus, Crixus, Artorix, Oenomaus, and Hamilcar as the leaders of the rebel army. This recognition originated from the five being the initial organizers of the uprising. However, this also showed that Maximus had little prestige among the military officers of the entire rebel army. Now, he finally had a 100-man unit under his command. Perhaps he could do more to elevate his position within the rebel army!

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