Royal Princess of Blood

Prologue – [Edited]

I pressed a hand on the bullet hole in my shoulder, trying to hold back the bleeding. As I gritted my teeth to endure the pain, faint voices shouted from behind me. I panted heavily, running away from those chasing me down. Going through this dark alley should give me a small time of safety. 

I was getting tired, but there was no way I’m going to stop just because of that.


The mission failed. I failed.


I found it hard to believe. But dammit, all just goes to shit. Fortunately, I slipped and escaped before they could completely corner and kill me. A proud achievement, though, I left quite a satisfying amount of bloodshed in my escape. I expected nothing less from myself!

But this did not make up for the fact that I failed to kill my target. Ridiculous. It wasn’t supposed to be hard! And I got shot, terrible fucking performance.

I turned towards a narrower dark alleyway, hoping to lose those chasing me, at least for a little while. A few seconds was better than nothing.

My mesmerizing, smooth, and long unkempt hair rattled in the wind as I sprinted with all the strength I could muster, all in desperation to escape. I gripped my handy pistol in anticipation of what may greet me ahead.

I saw a faint glimpse of a road, but I stopped when I heard the sounds of a vehicle and saw its headlights coming. I stuck close to the wall to hide in the darkness. My dark combat outfit helped me blend in. My beautiful brow knitted in distress. This was damn annoying. The vehicle stopped in the road that I was supposed to cross.

Do I have to take them all head-on? I couldn’t run back. There’s no time. Enemies were also coming from the rear. I imagined they were spreading all over the area, hoping to catch me anywhere. There was no backup. I was alone, no one I could rely on in this.

I snuck a peek from the side of the wall, only one vehicle, four doors. Two men stepped out from the back of the car. Wasting no time, as they came out of the door, I stepped out and aimed out my weapon. Instantly, I had one in my sight, and I pulled the trigger.

With a loud bang, I shot my enemy in the head, his rifle dropping to the ground. I swiftly shifted my weapon towards the other one popping his head out. I fired my weapon and popped his head.

At that moment, the pair at the front exited the car holding their weapons and immediately opened fire at me. At the same time, I stepped back and took cover back to the wall. I could hear their rapid bullets hitting the concrete I was using as cover. And they didn’t stop firing.

I glanced at the alleyway I went through and mentally clicked my tongue.

Dammit, bastards could come out from there at any second.

Taking too long pinned down here was too dangerous. Enemies from behind me could catch up at any moment. Two enemies on both fronts — I’ll die.

My grip tightened around my pistol. I can’t die like this. Not here. I refuse to die. However… if that were to happen… then I’ll rather end it with a bang! No way I’m moping around. If I’m gonna die anyway — even though I didn’t want to — then I’ll do it on my own terms. I won’t make dying easy! At least with that, there’s a chance where I’ll live.

I keenly listened to their firing as I pulled out a dagger tied to my thigh. A moment later, their firing stopped. Either they’re advancing towards me, or were reloading. But both cases were good. I could surprise them.

“This way!”

There was a distant shouting from the alley I came through. Therefore, time has run out. I dashed out of the wall. My pistol extended forward in one hand, with a dagger in the other. The two men were dumbstruck as I suddenly emerged from my cover.

With that opening, I fired my gun, hitting one guy on the neck. I was intending to shoot the head, but because of the pressure, I missed. But that was fine, he’ll still die. Before anything else, I also threw my dagger to the other guy’s chest.

He staggered back, and I quickly pointed my gun at him and shot him two times.

“Ggh!” However, as he fell down, he managed to open fire towards me. Even with his poor accuracy, he hit me in my stomach. I grimaced in pain and covered the bleeding wound with my free hand.


But there was no time to dally, enemies were coming from behind. I pointed my gun behind me as I rushed towards the vehicle. Enemies popped out, but regrettably, I only shot down one. Worst of all, I’ve run out of bullets.

No time to reload, I entered the driver’s seat as bullets rained towards me. I stepped on the pedal all the way down. The tires screeched as my car moved.

Hah! With this car, I might escape. Jokes on you, you bastards!

As my vehicle went, I saw other cars coming towards me. They opened fire, and I ducked to take cover. I could not see what was ahead, but that was fine. I already saw the road, so going straight was just alright. 

I headed for a bridge. Pieces of glass from the car shattered as more hail of bullets came at me.

Shit, can’t they be gentle with a pretty girl like me? Damn!

I may sound a little sarcastic, but this was truly a serious situation. And I was taking it as one. But I was used to danger. That’s why I could act casual here and there.

Ultimately, I have hope that I could live.

But, amidst that thought of hope, an explosion erupted from behind my car. I became frantic for a moment and glanced behind me. My eyes widened.

A fucking grenade launcher?! Bullshit!

I tried not to drive in a straight line and evaded explosions twice, thankfully.

The bridge was within reach, and the river beneath it flowed vigorously. I was about to reach its center, but at that moment, an explosion erupted in front of me. In reflex, I turned the wheel. But instead of staying on the road, my car went straight to the edge of the bridge.

And I fell into the dark cold water, bathed in darkness. As the car fell deeper along with the water current, I climbed out through the window. It was a struggle, but I successfully made my way out. The powerful water current dragged me with it.

I couldn’t see anything, and thus I crashed against some obstacles on the way. My wounds, my bullet wounds throbbed in pain, as blood bled out, mixing with the water. That said, with this, I might escape and survive. Truthfully, if there were no other options, I intended to dive into the river.

I’m a genius, right?

Now, here I went, hoping I won’t drown. I swam with all my strength towards the surface. When I reached above, I looked around. The river current seemed to have brought me to safety, seeing that there were no enemies in sight.

I was getting cold and weak, roughly breathing. Losing a lot of blood. I quickly swam to the river bank. I barely held onto the concrete, but I managed to climb up. Extremely tired, I collapsed to the floor. My hands shivered… no, it was my entire body. My eyes were getting heavier. A puddle of blood began forming on the floor.

I don’t like this, not at all… The pain, the blood, the cold… I don’t like it. I was dying.

No… I can’t die like this…

There’s still more to see in this world… to taste.

There was still too much to experience in this world, despite my restrained life. I wanted to at least have a carefree life, even for just a glimpse.

My life had always been in shackles, bound to an unmoving boulder. Unable to do everything I wanted, to only do things what I was told. How I often envy the lives of others, the lives of normal people.

They could go wherever they wish. They could go to malls with their friends, shopping and all. Laugh together, eat with each other’s company. I even envy those that go to normal schools. Even though normal people stress about it, it looked fun. A life so carefree, not a chain to tie them down.

And now, here I was, reaching the end of the line.


There was still hope to survive.

I forced myself to stand up, my body trembling. I never felt so heavy before, so unpleasant. Nothing was pleasant here. Dying… sucks.

I need immediate medical attention.

Yes, if I were to survive this, I need it. Hope. I placed a hand on the hole in my stomach as I lifted my feet, slowly moving forward. I was somewhat familiar with this location, but hospitals or anything were totally not close by. It’s impossible to reach one.

Maybe some person will come across and help me.

Yes, if someone came, I might be saved.

As I walked a little more, leaning on the wall, I came across a road. There was a headlight coming towards me. Surely it’s not an enemy.

The vehicle stopped, and its door opened. With squinted eyes, the person became clearer.

“You look miserable.”

It was a familiar man’s voice. A faint smile formed on my lips. He stepped forward. The man was in his mid-twenties. He had golden blonde hair and blue eyes. He was beautiful. He could charm just about any woman he came across or desired.

But I felt nothing. I never felt infatuated with him. Not even to my same gender. I feel nothing special towards anyone, no butterflies. What? Could this mean I’m sort of a monster? No way… I’m human as one can be. Perhaps that was just the way I am…

The man flashed me a soft and charming smile.

I stepped forward, leaning my back on the wall, and shrugged.

“Indeed. I’m a m-miserable beautiful twenty-year-old girl, v-vulnerable. So what are you standing a-around for? Help me.”

He was a colleague of mine, after all. Therefore, everything’s alright.

“Ah, h-how did you find me, anyway?”

“The tracker.”

“... What?”

Somewhere embedded in the back of my neck was a tracker. All assassins of the organization had them. But hearing that surprised me.

“How come you have access to my tracker’s location?”

“Before the mission, I was, well, you could say, promoted.”

“I see.” I frowned and warily watched him. “Why are you still standing there? I’m dying here. Where’s my first aid?”

He heaved a deep sigh before moving his hand to his back.

“Your face was seen, you know. You were exposed, and caused all that trouble.”

My body grew tense. “... So what?”

“You have exposed the mission and yourself. And look at you, dying, in the middle of a dreary street.”

Hearing his words, I already knew where this was heading. I glared at him. “You…”

We stared at each in hostility. However…

I lowered my gaze, taking a deep breath.

So this is where it ends, huh…

Trying to fight back was pointless. I was terribly wounded and weak. I didn’t even have any weapons. Yes, this was the end of the line. This kind of occurrence was not so shocking. They always discard those who no longer have any uses, or have failed miserably.

And here I would be thrown away. Disposed of.

I lifted my gaze back to him. We had worked together for a long time. A few years now. He showed no sympathy as he was about to kill me. That was to be expected. Some people just didn’t have a heart.

They can kill like leisurely drinking tea. Taking a life was trivial, even if they were to kill a long-time colleague. I suppose I’m the same way as him.

My eyes sharped. “Go ahead t-then. But don’t think I won’t fight back.”

He smiled, as if amused. “You’ll die of blood loss anyway. But, it appears it will take some time. So I’ll end it myself.”

He pulled out a dagger, ready to throw it. It seemed he didn't want to engage in a direct fight with me. Well, of course, he felt threatened by me even in this state. Or he just didn’t want to dirty his clothes.

“You’re an ugly man, you k-know that?”

I rushed my feet forward. If I could hit him just once, I’ll be satisfied.

But before I knew it, his dagger had already pierced my heart. As I tried to keep on my feet, I staggered back, before leaning back on the wall and collapsed. Gotta say, it’s painful. I clutched the dagger stuck to my chest, but I had no strength left to pull it out and throw it back at him.

I felt sleepy.

He walked a little closer. “You really are a hard girl to kill.”

As I stared at his eyes, I saw a glimpse of hesitation within them. Pain. His mask slipped a little. 

I smiled at him as I felt my life draining away. “Just… the way things are.”

He bit his lip for a moment before answering me. “... Indeed. So please, don’t bear any grudges towards me in the afterlife.”

Of course, there would be no grudges. I knew this could happen to me at some point. But, honestly, I have some regrets. I didn’t want to die, but I was already dying. No escaping from death… No, perhaps, dying would be a blessing in this kind of life.

“Y-You’ll be fine…”

He blinked and lowered his eyes.

“Hey.” I called him, and he raised his eyes back at me.

And I said my last words.

“Have a good life, my friend.”

His eyes widened.

Even if he killed me, we were still colleagues once. We were raised in the same organization. So, despite how we treated each other here, we still had respect for each other. We still somewhat have a relationship. The word I could think of to describe it was friendship, or perhaps kinship?

He answered me back. “Friend? Yes, we are indeed friends, in the end.” A faint smile appeared on his face. “I hope something good will happen to you… if souls do exist and end up somewhere.”

My eyes gradually closed, hearing the last words I could hear from him.

“Farewell, our angel.”

That was the moment my life faded away. My corpse laid on the cold hard street, with a dead heart full of regret.


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