Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 10: Protect (Part 3)

This place was utterly, and chaotically a mess. With me were the few knights we can hope to spare in helping those that were stuck under the debris. We were currently on the third floor, but might as well call it also the second, considering that everywhere was pretty wrecked already.

I heard a groan from nearby, and I rushed towards it, traversing the rough landscape this palace has become. At least the second floor was, for the most part, intact. With my Physical Enhancement technique, I removed the large heavy debris from the servant. Once he was free, he looked at me with widened eyes as relief washed all over him.

“P-Princess?! Thank you for saving me!”

He tried to get up, but he flinched in pain. He was terribly wounded, his leg in a bad condition. He wouldn’t be able to walk. Hey, at least we don’t have to cut it off or anything. I cast healing magic on his leg, the goal was only to heal it to the point that he could properly walk and run again. Don’t have to heal it intensively.

As I did that, Rogan rejoined me after saving another servant.

“Princess, don’t overdo it,” he said.

“I know. A healing spell is a minor thing to cast.”

We have been searching and helping people for a while now. It’s a bit hard to find people in this mess. Plus, I heard that the small path we were supposed to use to sneak out of the palace grounds was destroyed, or rather, collapsed. The knights were currently working on it, but I haven’t heard news about it. It shouldn’t even take that long to remove debris, so perhaps they’re already done, and I just didn’t know it.

The biggest time consumer here was the searching and helping. We should just get out of here already. But my family members want to help people first. Dammit. Let other people do the helping. But I suppose that would reduce the manpower, have to defend the place and got to give guards for the royal family’s escape after all. Truth be told, I only care about my family and my home. So it was a bit annoying that we’re getting delayed because of people. Father’s not letting me fight anyway…

It would have been better for me to fight. I would feel a bit better. I can give a lot. True, it would cost me a bit of vitality, sort of say, but that doesn't matter.

I stopped the healing magic and told the man to stand up. He was able to, and I pointed in the direction of where he should go.

Rogan looked around. “We counted, but can’t tell whether the ones missing are dead or still alive.”

“We have already saved plenty. I think it’s time to just leave.”

“... I guess. But there could still be people buried out here.”

I groaned in annoyance. “Let’s get back to everyone. It’s time to get moving.”

Rogan seemed to hesitate for a moment before faintly nodding. “Alright, you’re my utmost responsibility anyway.”

Yeah, and no one else, so you should care about my safety more.

We made our move back to the main lobby. However, I paused when I saw balls of fire streaking to the air.

What the fuck?!

Those balls of fire were coming for us, and they were fired not far from the palace. I was shocked, they got here already? Did those guys just march through the city without a regard for anyone that might get in their way? Dammit, I knew we shouldn’t have wasted so much time on saving people.

“Princess.” Rogan stepped in front of me, anticipating the incoming firework bombs.

But then, a wide golden barrier appeared above the palace, covering the parts necessary. They must be from the church members. To have a shield over our heads was a bit of a relief.

The fireworks exploded upon making contact with the shield. After the initial explosions, several smaller explosions came and lit up the surroundings in various colors, loud booming sounds echoed throughout the night. Given that they were exploding on the other side of the barrier, they were a sight to behold, if not for the fact that they were meant to kill. I have a dislike for fireworks now.

“Let’s go onward.”

Considering that it was practically safe, we continued towards the lobby. In the lobby, a little more than a couple of dozen people have gathered, with a lot of them injured, but should survive well enough. They consisted of maids, manservants, the kitchen staff, and some others with miscellaneous jobs. I glanced at the maids in particular, the two close friends of Mera were fine, they’ll live unless they get killed. The group was scared, of course, flinching and yelping at the explosions, utter fear written in their eyes.

Macey in particular was such a case, clinging to Ellie with tears crawling on her cheeks. Ellie, on the other hand, looked scared, but she was handling it braver than anyone. They were daughters of nobility, I imagine none of them were even ever in this kind of conflict or danger. First it was the surprise attack on the palace, and now a siege. We have had it hard these past weeks.

My eldest brother and mother were tending to the servants. As I approached Mother, I glanced outside. At the front of the palace were guys in dark robes, masks attached to their faces — the church. From what I can see, there seemed to be almost two dozen out there, with half of that casting the shield, their hands raised.

“Mother, we should get moving before we lose any chance of escaping.”

Mother turned back at me with a soft, hesitating look. “... Estelia… Ver—”

“Hold it!”

“It’s too strong!”

I immediately turned towards the shouting and frantic priests outside. They looked like they were struggling. To figure out what’s going on, I quickly rushed outside. Looking up, there was an arrow bursting with mana clashing against the barrier. From the looks of it, it didn’t look good, and as expected, the barrier completely shattered.

An arrow dropped to the ground.

And then, immediately, another round of projectiles was fired at us.

“Take cover!” I shouted towards the lobby.

And fire rained upon us. The people cried and whimpered as explosions erupted above us, shaking the very palace on each impact. An explosion shredded the ceiling above the lobby, and the knights present quickly cast their shields for the crowd as violent lights spread out all over. Releasing shockwaves and flames, and debris falling.

Rogan rushed to my side and cast his shield to protect us both from the scattering crackers. I covered my eyes from the bright lights. During all that, I heard the old high bishop shouting at his men.

“The lot of you! Follow me and engage the enemy directly! Destroy their siege weapons!”

I glanced at them from the corner of my eyes and saw them jump over the wall. That’s one bold and risky move, might as well call it a suicide charge. But I guess their main goal was just to destroy the siege weapons, not a direct combat with the enemy army. But that was still an incredibly risky move.

When the attacks had ceased, must be because they were under attack by the church, the knights checked on the servants and the royal family. My family was completely alright, Vernon tending to my mother in particular. As for the normal people, they were pretty shaken, traumatized even. But they were for the most part unharmed by the firework barrage. They’ll live.

However, the building, on the other hand, was even more of a wreck. The hallways around us have mostly collapsed, there’s a risk that the ceiling would even fall. Fire was spreading, white smoldering substances scattered all around. Reminds me of white phosphorus or some shit, nasty stuff. I’m shocked they got something like that, that damn empire was more advanced than I hoped.

I approached my brother and mother. “We need to get going, now.”

We don’t know how long the church can distract the enemy. We’ll be lucky if they manage to destroy all of whatever siege weapons the Empire had. Mother glanced at the people with us for a moment before nodding.


She must be concerned for whoever was left behind in the rubble, especially those that may still be alive. However, we have no luxury to worry about them now.

“Eleden,” I called my brother. “Lead everyone.”

With a strong gaze, he nodded. “Right.”

With that, Eleden stood at the head of the crowd and called out to them. With the knight’s guidance, everyone began heading out of the door. It was risky to use the damaged hallways in the palace, they could collapse, not to mention the obstacles we could face. It was faster to just run around the palace then to the rear.

I watched everyone from the side as they began their move. I turned towards the front wall, and then, I saw my father looking at me from the top.

“Princess? We should move,” said Rogan.

I was a bit hesitant. “... You know, I think I could strike the enemy from here.”

“Do that and you won’t get far, considering your condition.”

Indeed, depending on how I strain myself, I might start getting dizzy if I do it too much. However, I can help reduce the enemy forces. Or I could at least go for their weapons.


I sighed. “Alright, let’s move.”

Just as when I made the move to follow the fleeing crowd, explosions roared from the wall. I paused as small debris was thrown in the air and the floor shook. But the wall was still intact, they were sturdy and reliable. However, that was not all, as more catapult projectiles came raining down again, some aiming for the other parts of the walls, and the knights tried defending themselves. A couple fell upon the palace.

Sparks spread all over, the fleeing crowd cried as fireworks lit up close to them. But they were safe with the knights. However, the damage we’ll suffer here… At this rate, we’ll lose our defenses before even the direct confrontation.

I paused and clenched my fists.


You punch me, I punch you back.

I stopped, and Rogan curiously looked at me.

“Princess? What are you doing?”

Projectiles streaked through the sky again, coming towards us. I raised my hand, and dozens upon dozens of barriers emerged from thin air, and they ascended as they assembled into different groups. With only a single glance at the moving projectiles, I have determined their exact trajectory, and I moved my barriers to intercept each one of them. As long as they explode high up in the air, we’ll be mostly safe.

My barriers collided with the explosive projectiles, and they blew up in the air. Their fireworks lit up the night almost like how a normal firework should. Embers and white substances fell to the ground like raindrops.

“Princess?! Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, Rogan.”

I’ll get the damn bastards.

That said, their explosives really pack a punch, huh? So how about a little gamble?

Another round of attack was thrown at us. Suddenly, my father jumped down the wall and ran towards me.

“Estelia! What are you doing? I told you to get out of here.”

I casually waved my hand, and my shields made their move, intercepting the incoming attacks. I looked at my father, who was clearly so worried.

“Stop it, you’ll only hurt yourself!”

“I can take a few beatings.” I smirked.

And then, after successfully blocking the second round of barrage, an arrow suddenly struck one of my barriers.


I grimaced as I poured more power into the shield. However, the arrow was so strong, and my shield shattered. I groaned in annoyance, and I immediately conjured a new group to fill its place. As if breaking one of my lovelies can stop me.

“Princess, you’re straining yourself.”

“Shut it.”

I clasped my hands together and closed my eyes, my concentration at its highest.

“Daughter, what are you doing?”

Around me, numerous magic spells appeared. Twenty-five super powerful fireballs, twenty-five super dangerous ice, and fifty just plain destructive mana. They all filled the entire front yard. I felt a sharp pain within me, conjuring this many magic spells at once and charging them up felt like lifting a large boulder. 

I opened my eyes.

“E-Estelia…” Father strongly gazed into my eyes. He was urging me to stop.

He noticed I was in pain. But I won’t stop.

I poured more power into the spells. I have roughly measured the distance of the enemy artillery. Going that much distance, and to keep them powerful, they need to be stronger. And so I added more power into them as I added five more of each spell.

I noticed the knights and soldiers looking at me in awe, and the number of spells I was making. Not anyone could do something like this.

“Incredible,” Rogan said as he looked at his surroundings with wide eyes.

And my own artillery was ready. I raised my hand, and all of my spells propelled upward with great power and speed. The sheer strength of their launch caused airbursts in the surroundings, making my hair and cloak flutter, and dust scattering. Looking up, my spells filled the night sky. I grinned, feeling proud.

It’s my big fuck you to those little shits.

I couldn’t see the result of my attack as I suddenly felt dizzy, my vision blurred. I became unsteady, and my father quickly caught me on the shoulders. My body was stinging all over. I breathed a bit heavily.

“I told you to stop it.”

I took a few deep breaths before shoving his hands away as I stepped back with a wincing face.

“I-I am fine! I can fight, Father.”

“If you keep doing this, your body clearly won’t be able to handle it.”

I pointed an angry look at him. “I can bear it.”

“No! Keep doing this, and you might die.”

“I won’t!”

So annoying! I know he was just concerned, but I want to fight. It makes me so mad they’re holding me back.

“Let me protect you!” I froze when I said that.

It boggled me that I uttered such a thing. I never imagined the day would come that I get to shout those words so strongly and with genuine sincerity, with such strong conviction. I never used to care about people much. Even I won’t mind much if my allies in the past would die. I wouldn’t go this far to protect anyone. I would usually worry about my own life. In other scenarios, if the situation was this dire, I would have fled.

I looked at my own hands.

For what felt like the first time, I felt horrified. Horrified of myself, of my own change.

How I have fallen…

No… this wasn’t the first time… I have been working to protect my family. But to risk my very own life…? To go this far?

How terrifying…

I killed people who did what I was doing now. They were pathetic…

How pathetic I have become.

“Estelia…” Father grabbed me on the shoulders again. “Look, I can take care of myself. You don’t have to worry about me, okay?”

I slowly looked up at him, staring into his eyes. The soldiers were shouting and cheering in the background. But I disregarded them.

“I’m your father, it’s my job to protect you.” He gently patted my head. “So, please get to safety.”

“B-But Father…”

He removed his helm and softly kissed me on the forehead.

“Don’t worry, my sweet daughter. Have you forgotten what I told you in the past? Wisteria has a secret we can use. So I’ll be fine. Once everything is set up here, I’ll go there, and I’ll also be safe.”



I do remember him mentioning about a gift or something.

I meekly nodded. And then I noticed a pair of blue streaks coming at us. I stepped back away from my father and quickly moved my barriers, blocking the incoming two. However, more and more arrows came flying at us, at the palace. A drop of sweat crawled down my forehead as I swiftly moved my barriers.

I even expanded them. However, there were too many, and they were exploding all over the place. They hit the palace in great numbers, their shockwave larger and more powerful than before. I watched with grief as the arrows gradually destroyed my palace even more, piece by piece. I can’t keep up with an attack at this volume.

And then, being distracted by the amount of arrows, I failed to block one that was falling close to us. And it exploded a few meters away from me. The shockwave blew me away, my spells disappeared, and my father quickly caught me in his arms. We roughly landed on the ground, but my father took all the hits. He was wearing his armor, so he should be fine.

“Daughter, you alright?”


As he stepped back to rise, he paused, looking at me with wide eyes.

“Estelia, what are you… Why do you have those?”

I looked down to see my cloak shifted away, exposing my combat outfit, and the daggers attached to them. My mind went blank.

“Princess! We need to get out of here n— uh.” Rogan looked at me in surprise and glanced worriedly at my father.

I quickly stood up and pulled in my cloak. I didn’t want my father to see that.

“I-It’s for p-protection.”

“Protection?” His face contorted a bit, surprised or disturbed. “Where did you even get those?”

I looked away. I gave no answer.

Suddenly, we noticed a blue light coming at us. Directly at us. I quickly waved my hand to create barriers, however, something moved in the arrow’s way. A dark fog. When the arrow hit it, the fog turned into a humanoid silhouette. He was thrown into the ground a couple of meters away from us. He was completely covered all over, not a skin to be seen. He slowly got up, clutching the bleeding in his belly while groaning in pain.

“You’ve gone too far… We must protect Her Eminence. No longer must she be put in danger. Do you hear me?!”

It was a stranger shouting in space.


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