Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 14: A Knight’s Duty & Loyalty

Rogan and the elf’s spears clashed, the sheer power of the impact sent sparks in the air, and magic bursting out. The knight swung his weapon diagonally, and the elf blocked it. The latter thrust his spear forward, but Rogan skillfully blocked it as well. One stepped back, while the other stepped forward, but as such, would change a moment later.

The speed for each of their attacks was so swift that not even any average knights could easily keep up. Even the elf was quite surprised that the human knight was keeping up with him. And indeed, Rogan was not holding back at all. He used as much Physical Enhancement as he could to strengthen his legs and arms, and poured the most magical power into his weapon. His focus was the sharpest he had even been since what felt like forever.

They ran around the area while sending their strikes at their opponent, all trying to get the upper hand. Rogan waved his spear, sending an arc of lightning, and the elf sent a slash of wind to intercept it. At the same time, the knight leaped forward in an instant, his spear pointed outward. The elf grimaced and instantly flipped his spear, using the pole to push Rogan’s spear slightly away. Enough for the elf to take a side step for evasion, while at the same time twisting his body all the round and using the momentum to swing his magic coated spear.

Rogan pointed a finger towards the elf, casting a bludgeoning spell to stagger the enemy back. The enemy’s spear failed to reach him. Rogan took a swing at him. But the elf kept his momentum, putting a hand on the ground and flipped backward, missing Rogan’s spear by an inch. He used his arm to push himself in the air, to make a distance between them.

Rogan spun his spear several times, sending several electrical slashes towards the elf. The latter forcefully moved his body mid air while using his spear to block off other attacks. The moment he landed back on the ground, Rogan charged towards him.

Their weapons clashed, swinging at each other while shooting magic slashes of their own element — one lightning, the other the wind. Seeking to overpower the other. With every deflection or parry, the magical slashes were thrown everywhere else.


“What the hell!”

“Watch out!”

The knights around them, whether from Wisteria or the Empire, scrambled away from the stray magic attacks.

The elf swung down his spear, and Rogan blocked it with the pole of his weapon.

“How are you this strong?” the elf asked with a powerful and annoyed glare.

“I practice a lot.”

Rogan felt quite pleased to see an elf shocked by his strength. Although he had to admit, he was becoming quite tired. He could feel his mana quickly burning away. If it gets worse, he might have to reduce his use of magic and opt for raw skills to catch up. But how long could he hold up with that alone? Elves were naturally stronger in other, or rather, most aspects.

Rogan jumped back and took a few deep breaths. He tried thinking about how to really proceed with this.

He charged at his opponent again. Their weapons clashed a few times before Rogan gave a lot of strength into parrying the enemy’s spear. Instantly, Rogan flipped his weapon to keep the momentum, and then using the bottom tip of his spear, he vigorously jabbed it into the elf’s stomach.

The elf briefly wheezed, and Rogan kicked him in the stomach again with the bottom of his boot, sending him flying and crashing into the palace wall. Rogan quickly lunged at the enemy, thrusting the spear forward. But the elf moved aside in time, where simultaneously, he landed a punch on the side of Rogan’s head.

Rogan quickly stepped back as he felt dizzy after that powerful and booming hit. The world wobbled around him. He noticed the enemy about to swing down at him, and he held his spear on both ends, raising it to block the blow. His spear clanged loudly as it bended at the sheer weight of the attack.

“Just die already, human. I have a job to do.”

“Screw you! You’re not getting her.”

There was no way he'd let this elf go to try to kill the princess. He would rather die trying than let that happen.

Rogan slid off the enemy’s spear with a push. He rapidly swung and thrust his spear, and the elf moved to keep up with the attacks. Rogan managed to make a wide cut to the elf’s chest. But it was shallow, far from fatal. The elf, seemingly irritated, clicked his tongue and forcefully parried Rogan’s spear before moving back.

“How dare you?” the elf muttered with a hateful glare.

Rogan grinned. “You’re surprisingly not that strong as an elf. I expected more, to be honest.”

The elf’s face contorted. He was about to lunge at the knight, however a large armored figure suddenly came in and charged towards Rogan.

“Don’t mind if I join in!”

It was an imperial knight wielding a lance, and a sword hung on his back.

“What?!” Rogan frantically retreated and deflected the incoming lance from the sudden interloper.

Rogan did a brief spear thrust to release a blast of lightning at the enemy. Electricity engulfed the enemy knight and he paused as Rogan made some distance between them. The imperial knight grinned at him as the crackling electricity around his body dissipated.

“Who are you?” Rogan asked, pointing his spear at the enemy.

“You can call me Orven.”

“Are you such a prick that you’d just jump into a fight that isn’t yours?”

“Is that such a problem? Hehe. We can always help an ally.”

Rogan glanced at the elf slowly moving into position.

“Ganging up on me, huh? That’s just not fair.”

“War is never fair, is it?”

What a bunch of assholes.

Rogan took a deep breath. He watched his two opponents closely, and he glanced at a corpse nearby.

Crap. Guess I’m doing this.

He had no idea who this Orvern was or how strong he was. And that made it more difficult than it already was. Always better to be aware of another’s strength than to be ignorant. In the end, he had to assume he was as strong as that elf.

The three glared at each other for a moment, and then, the first to move was Rogan. Where at the same time, both Orven and the elf stepped in to attack. Rogan, as he rushed to the nearby corpse, moved his spear in a sweeping motion towards the elf, hurling a powerful wave of electricity. The elf quickly moved to block the incoming attack.

At the same time, Rogan blocked the incoming lance with the bottom part of his spear, pushing it upwards. But the lance was suddenly pulled down as it came swinging down at him. Rogan used his gauntlet to block the blunt attack, and he gritted his teeth as the shockwave of the impact crawled up his arm.

“Impressive, kid. You have potential!”

Rogan stepped back to retreat, where at the same time, a spear came at him. He tilted his body backwards, evading the deadly weapon from hitting his face. As he rushed backward, he grabbed the sword beside the corpse, holding it in his left hand.

Both enemies came at both sides, and Rogan spread out his arms to parry both enemies using each weapon. His spear against the elf, his sword against the imperial knight’s lance. He felt his arms strain at the weight he had to take, but Rogan endured it.

He poured magic into his weapons, and they crackled with lightning. With a spin, he leaped forward. His attack cut the elf at the side of the body, and the knight’s armor was crawling with electricity. But the latter turned around, enduring the pain as if it was nothing.

“So persistent. You really love your country, huh?” Orven said.

“I’m not only fighting for the country.”


“Unlike you, I honor and fulfill my duty with a full heart.”

“Your duty?”

Rogan readied his weapons. “I am the Pure Princess’s knight. And I will defeat her enemies, even if it costs me my life.”

Orven grinned. “I see. So that’s what you are. But you’re wrong about something. I also fulfill my duty with a full heart.” Magic coated his lance. “To exterminate the Empire’s enemies and take what it desires.”

The elf groaned beside him, but he still raised his spear.

Rogan glanced at the swirling magic at the tip of Orven’s lance. He had a bad feeling about it. He guessed it would be best to avoid it.

The enemies rushed towards him. Rogan met both their weapons, parrying and deflecting them. He moved around with fast steps, evading any attacks that may seem dangerous. Especially Orven’s lance, Rogan was doing everything to keep it from being pointed at him at a certain distance. He even had to deflect it with his spear just so he wouldn’t need to get closer.

Rogan diagonally waved both his weapons, releasing two large waves of lightning. The elf spawned a wind barrier, while the imperial knight cast a shield. Once the lightning crashed against them, their protective spells weakened, and Rogan took the chance to lunge at the elf. He swung both his weapons, breaking what remained of the wind barrier. He pushed off the enemy spear, and was about to hit the elf with his other weapon. However, Rogan had to retreat a bit as Orven jumped in.

As they attacked him at the same time, he continued driving off both their attacks, and finding the chance to strike again. His heart throbbed so quickly and heavily. His mana was almost depleted. His body ached so much. He was becoming so tired.

This sucks!

Two enemies at once was just absurd, even more so if they were this powerful. But he had to win this battle.

The enemies were relentless. Rogan’s entire body and mind were working at their fullest. He vigorously parried the lance in hopes of getting more time and space. At the same time, the elf swung his spear to send a slash of wind while moving in to swing his very spear.

Rogan frantically moved to block them. And he did. However, he failed to respond to another attack. The imperial knight extended his lance forward.

“Got you.”

Rogan was baffled that the lancer was able to recover so quickly. No, perhaps he was just slow… The imperial knight had his lance now pointed near Rogan’s stomach. And before he could move to deflect it away, there was a loud boom.

And everything went still.

Blood leaked out of Rogan’s mouth while he slowly shifted back with failing steps. He wheezed as he glanced down. His stomach had a large hole in it. He felt his strength leaving him, and he dropped his sword before falling on one knee. But he kept hold of his favored spear.

He took in a deep, fading breath.

“You’re done,” said the imperial knight before him.

Guess so…

He closed his eyes, he couldn’t help but think of recent events. To be precise, the peaceful ones, peaceful and good memories. Was this how it was truly like when dying? For somehow, he felt reminiscent. He couldn’t help but think of the faces of his friends.

Ayana… that beautiful and uptight, strict Ayana… Elson, that old man who always tries to keep them in check. Alan, that amusing little guy. Prince Estevan, he was a fun person to be with, despite his royal standing. Rogan kept thinking of the peaceful time, just training, lying around. Even talking with the common soldiers at whatever corner of the palace grounds he had available.

And come to think of it, in such a time did he truly meet her. She was charming ever since the beginning. Although, a bit too mysterious to be felt safe with. Indeed, she was a bit scary. But she was… a wonderful person. Their banters, their teasings, not to mention the scary training. The way her face turns when she’s angry, and how adorable she was when happy. How beautiful she was when being sincere.

And through her, he met Vernon and Mera, both were very good friends and colleagues.

Thinking back, he couldn’t help but smile in his dying moment.

Sorry, Princess… So much for not dying… But, it was a good ride to be with you, to be in your service…

If only he could see her one last time. Still, just thinking about her brought him peace… and clarity.

The elf began to walk away.

“I’m going.”

“Where?” Orven asked.

“To the princess.”

Rogan clenched his spear and glared at the moving elf. As the latter was about to run, Rogan poured a ton of mana into his spear, lightning cackled. He instantly rose, lifting his spear.

“I won’t let you!” he shouted.

He threw his spear with intense strength, and it pierced through the elf’s chest from behind.

If I’m going out, I’m going out like a badass! 

Perhaps, once she hears of his exploits, she’ll have something to brag about her beloved personal knight. And that will indeed be something.

The elf dropped to the ground, squirming. Rogan picked up the sword. Despite the hole in his body, he stayed on his feet. He glared at Orven, around him were a group of imperial knights. It would seem they have mostly taken control over this area.

Orven frowned. “I have already killed you. Men, you take care of him.”

Orven merely stood at the back, watching as the imperial knights surrounded the princess’s personal knight.

Rogan smirked as he held out his sword firmly. For this was his final stand, and he shall be glorious.

A couple of knights charged at him. Rogan evaded and parried before swinging a slash of light at an enemy. He killed one. Next, he plunged his sword into another. A second group joined and attacked him, he parried and evaded the enemies’ blades. He slit the throat of one, but then he was slashed in the back.

Rogan gritted his teeth to endure the pain, and he continued to slay more of her lady’s enemies. But with every kill, he was struck — the leg, the waist, the shoulder, the stomach. He was bleeding all over. And yet, he remained standing. Even stunning those attempting to kill him.

But despite all his strong willpower, someone as brave and loyal as him wouldn’t last for long. Until, eventually, an enemy knight pierced a blade through his back, then another through his chest. And he paused.

The elite Wisterian knight, and the Personal Knight of Princess Estelia, Rogan Dorien, dropped his sword at last.


😭 It hurts! 

I was procrastination when I wrote this 'cause it hurt so bad.

I will certainly miss him. 😭

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