Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 22: Distraught (Part 2)

Leodoule felt the strain in his connection with the numerous monsters spreading farther into the city. It was like a rope at its last thread, where one last pull could snap it off completely. His head felt so painful and heavy, like knives being pushed into his skull. He didn’t anticipate it would be five times harder to control them from afar.

One would think the spell that was made for this kind of situation would allow a smooth vast distance control. But apparently not. Perhaps he was doing something wrong, or perhaps, he just wasn’t strong enough. Which he found confusing. He was among the strongest in the kingdom, if he wasn’t strong enough, how strong would he need to be?

Despite the waning control, he saw imperial knights being demolished. And when he saw the elves, he sent his monsters after them. But, surprisingly, they dealt with the monsters too easily despite the increasing number attacking them. And then, perhaps after considering the situation, they began to retreat. Thus, the king had the monsters focus more on thinning out the remaining imperial forces scattered all over the city.

They were able to slay many, and he could see that the Wisterian forces had begun their counter attack.

But as time went on, Leodoule started to breathe heavily. His sweating was intense, blood running down his nose. He could no longer bear it. It was too much, he felt his life being drained away. And thus, he abruptly stopped the spell. He snapped his bloodshot eyes open. However, what he saw when his sight returned was a pair of deep and large violet eyes staring back at him. 

They were not normal eyes, they were almost similar to what Estelia once had. But this one was more extreme. This one had several swirling clouds of stars surrounding its bright points at the center that served as pupils. Countless more stars twinkled all around it. Like the stars in the night became clearer, and its truth more comprehensible. It was a gaze that contained immense power and authority beyond Leodoule’s comprehension.

“Who are you?”

It was a man’s voice, deep and powerful. And it echoed loudly that it was almost deafening. Like thunder after lightning. Leodoule wanted to respond, but somehow he couldn’t.

“You used my power. Why? My land is in danger?”


“Why now? What is happening? I cannot see in here.”

Leodoule tried speaking, but no matter what, he could not speak.

“Who is attacking my kingdom? Why? No… Could it be…?”

It was at that moment that Leodoule’s eyes were forcefully opened, as if their connection was suddenly cut off. This time, he was back to where he was supposed to be. Back to the dark chamber below the palace. He placed his hands on the floor as he coughed out blood. Sharp pain was radiating all over his body. His skin was turning pale in the sickness he was under. The world in his vision was distorting, blurry.

“Haah… Haah…” He breathed heavily, catching up his breath.

What, what was that?

That never happened before when he practiced with the spell. No less have his god talk to him.

He pushed himself to a wall and leaned his back on it. His eyes were half open.

I hope what I did was enough for a fighting chance…

He could feel his consciousness fading away. But he was certain that he was not dying. He would be more than vomiting blood if that was the case. He was just drained of mana and vitality. Even so, he should get out of here and return to the surface. He wouldn’t want to worry everyone, especially that he wouldn’t know how long he would remain passed out.

He rubbed the blood off the side of his mouth and forced himself to stand up. For a moment, he leaned his shoulder on the wall before he began walking to the stairs. Physical Enhancement would have made things easier, but even that he couldn’t do. Regardless, he stepped on to the stairs and climbed up.

His slow footsteps and his heaving breath resonated in the long and dark corridor. His body felt like it was about to give out, but he must return to the surface. He couldn’t let his family worry. He wanted to see them. And as he climbed up, he did not know how much time was passing, but it must have been a little longer than he wanted.

Eventually, he arrived at the end.

“Your Majesty!”

There were already several knights waiting in the throne room. As Leodoule was about to collapse, the closest knight caught him.


“I can heal!”

The knight ran to the king as he was being carefully put down on the floor. The knight cast healing magic, but he did not know what to heal exactly. From the looks of it, the damage that the king suffered must be internal.

“W-What’s the situation?” the king forced himself to ask, fighting against the pain.

“The palace is safe now, Your Majesty. Strange monsters appeared and took care of the enemies.”

“I see. That’s good. Then what about the city?”

“Unfortunately, we have yet to receive any solid news about the city’s situation.”

“I see.”

“... Uh, Your Majesty, the monsters that suddenly appeared. Was it you?”


“As we thought. What were they?”

“Something that is made to help us. That aside, what news about my family?”

“... It’s, we’re still trying to make things clear.”

“... What do you mean?”


“Ensure the surviving imperials are restrained properly. No, bring them to the dungeon.”

Estevan was giving orders to the surviving knights at the palace, urging everyone to move quickly. He pointed at a group of knights.

“Make sure everything around the area is secured and there’s no enemy unaccounted for.”

He then faced another knight.

“Gather those that are still capable. I will bring them with me to the city.”

“Yes, my lord. How many do you need?”

“A dozen should do. I don’t want to take more of the remaining knights for the palace.”


As the knight left, Estevan glanced up at the heavily ruined palace. The third and second floor were now basically nonexistent. And it pained him to see the way it was. There were many memories made in that building. Memories with his family, and especially with his dear little sister.

He let out a long and sad sigh. It was then that a knight came running at him.

“Your Highness!”

“Hm?” He was quite curious to see the knight all agitated. “Have you found my family?”

“Not exactly. We have determined they ran for the tree not far from here. But there’s… um, the landscape on the south side has been… disfigured.”

“Disfigured…?” He didn’t quite understand what that meant, exactly. “I’ll take a look.”

Estevan made his way to the southern wall, over the broken part of it. It was dark, so it was a bit hard to see the entire state of the grassy plane. However, with the few knights walking around the area with torches in hand and with the moon’s illumination, he saw plenty.

The land was carved on a large scale, torn and ripped through, and melted. And the size and length of the damages was mind-boggling.

“What could have caused this?” He asked with wide eyes. The damage was just too great, not even his father could cause something like this.

“We’re still investigating, gathering statements from our knights that could have witnessed what happened.”

“... I see. Tell me when I return. For now, I will be helping clean up the city.”

 As long as he could still fight, there was no point in idling here in the palace. There was no time to rest yet, he couldn’t risk giving the enemy the chance. Wisteria must decisively win this round.

“Oh yes, tell father what I’m planning to do.”


With that, Estevan walked back to the front of the palace, where there were already around a dozen knights waiting for him. They looked tired, but not so exhausted that they couldn’t fight.

“Help me retake full control of the city. I know we already had a terrible fight here, but this fight is not yet over! Ride with me to the city and let us take back our royal capital!”

The knights shouted in unison, expressing their willingness to fight no matter what. Expressing their conviction to save the city and bring victory to Wisteria. And together, they rode their horses to the city. The monsters have disappeared, but the remaining Wisterian forces were still fighting strong.

Estevan led his forces, and with his presence brought a new shining inspiration and encouragement for the people. Because of their numbers being dwindled by the prior monsters, the imperials were outnumbered by the Wisterians. Many of their knights being attacked by multiple people at once, with many of them not even given the chance to properly fight back. Some were either smart or foolish enough to surrender, and were thus apprehended.

Estevan was not mostly wary of the imperial forces, but rather of the elves. However, they were nowhere to be seen, which was strange. They could have already fled. Did they get what they wanted? Didn’t seem to be. Was it because of the monsters wiping out most of their allies? It could be, more plausible.

At any rate, that could only mean that their most dangerous enemies were still out there.

Clean up was done before sunrise, but Estevan decided to stay in the city for the meantime. There were still plenty of important things to do, like what to do with the prisoners, check the damages on the walls, consider the casualties, and give assurance to the fighters and especially to the people that had begun returning to their homes.

As he walked through the city streets, his eyes wavered at the terrible and painful scenery. Civilian corpses lying on the floor, drenched in their own blood. While others were burned that they were unrecognizable. People returned to what were their homes, but now were in pieces, or ashes. Where they wept right at their doorstep. Meanwhile, there were still people trying to put out the fires that remained.

At least there was relief that it was over, at least for now. Estevan was well aware that this was only temporary, but at least they could enjoy where they could. Pretty soon, he surmised the Empire would attack. They might have already started their move on the border and Wisteria had yet to hear of it. 

Amidst his walk, a knight riding horse ran up to him, his face tense. The knight frantically jumped down from his horse and bowed his head to Estevan.

“Your Highness… you need to return to the palace.”

“Right now?”


“... And why is that?”

The knight uncomfortably looked around for a moment.

“It’s about the queen, your mother.”

“... What…? What happened?” He grew anxious, coldness wrapped around him.

“I’m deeply sorry, Your Highness…”

Estevan took a sharp breath and quickly climbed up the horse, riding it at a gallop towards the palace. He didn’t slow down at all, his mind was in a mess. Upon reaching the front yard, he quickly jumped down and grabbed a knight by the collar.

“My mother, where is she?!”

The knight was startled for a moment before he pointed in a particular direction. Without a moment’s delay, Estevan ran towards where his mother should be. He went across numerous corpses lined up on the side of the pathway, their faces covered with cloth. And then he arrived at a courtyard, where a few knights stood, their heads lowered.

His older brother, Eleden, was sitting down on a chair, cradling his head. And then there was their father, sitting down beside a table. Lying on that table was a familiar face, one whose hand that his father was holding.

“Mother…?” Estevan blinked his eyes, unable to believe it. Moist started coming out of the corner of his eyes.

He slowly approached, perhaps because refusing to accept reality. But then, when he finally stood right beside her, he had no choice but to accept it, no matter how painful it was.

“No… Mother…” Estevan fell on both knees, he couldn’t bring himself to stand on weak legs. He leaned his head forward as tears streamed down his cheeks.

It was the very last thing he wanted. Of all people, why his mother? She was a sweet and kind existence. She had not harmed anyone.

She didn’t deserve this…

It should have been him.

It should have been me.

It never should have been his mother. For it didn’t make sense for her to just die like this. She deserved to live. The sweetest and kindest mother in the world. One who loved all of her children so dearly. One so gentle and caring.

Why? Why oh gods?

Why did she have to die? It wasn’t fair.

His father gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

Estevan took a deep breath and rubbed his face with his hand before standing up with swollen eyes.

“Estelia… Where is Estelia?”

Estelia was not here. Estevan faced a nearby knight.

“Where is she?”

“She’s, she’s missing.”

Estevan’s eyes widened. “M-Missing? What do you mean missing?!” he shouted, unable to contain his emotion.

The knight lowered his head. “We’re still figuring it out.”

“Find her! Start searching for her now!”

I will not lose another family member! I can’t… There’s no way Estelia is also dead. Missing, meaning they haven’t found a body, so there’s hope she’s alive. I can’t lose her too… I can’t.

He was deeply hoping that nothing bad had happened to her. She shouldn’t have gone far, she should still be in the region.

“W-We have already sent search parties, my lord.”

“Then send more! Send all our men! FIND HER!”

“Estevan.” His father called out. “Settle down. That won’t solve anything…”

Estevan paused and slowly lowered his head.

“... Yes…”

“We’ll find her.”


Estevan clenched his fist tightly.

Where are you, Estel…?

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