Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 37: Mera’s Return

A carriage entered the gates to the Wisterian capital city of Serene. It was not a plain carriage commonly found traveling around the place. It even had a group of soldiers escorting it. This carriage was transporting a daughter of a noble, a beautiful young lady wearing a graceful dress. She was the personal maid of the princess.

From inside the carriage, the lone passenger, Mera, looked at the ruined city with a horrified expression. She placed a hand on her chest as she took in a heavy breath. The buildings were heavily damaged, wrecked or burned. People had already started the repair, but considering the scale, it would take a tremendous amount of time to fix everything. Soldiers were also patrolling the streets, with a few also helping with the reconstructions.

What happened here?

She had just returned from her break. The time with her family was enjoyable. The affairs in their territory were going smoothly, so she had nothing to worry about. But to come back to this? It pained her heart to see all the destruction.

As they went through the street, Mera felt pity for the people. They all looked so sad and exhausted. She even saw a lone child sitting at the front door of a broken building. Was that perhaps the child’s home?

Mera took in a shaky breath.

The city was attacked? What about the palace? The princess?

Thinking about the potential danger the princess could have faced, Mera had grown restless and impatient.

I hope she’s alright…

Her thoughts were mostly centered on the safety of the princess. There was no way she was harmed, at least, that was she was hoping so deeply. Mera glanced back outside. People were staring at her carriage and looking at her. She didn’t want to see those struggling expressions of theirs, it was hard, and thus she looked away, avoiding anyone’s eye.

If only this carriage would hurry.

With every passing second and moment, the more she grew restless for the princess’s wellbeing. The time to reach the palace felt longer than what it was supposed to be. As she got closer to the palace, she saw wreckage on the green plains. They must be some sort of contraptions. There were also a few knights there.

A short while later, she arrived at the gates. The carriage was stopped. Several knights were posted outside. One of the people guarding her got off his steed and went to talk with one of the knights. A moment later, the knights approached Mera’s carriage.

“Pardon me, milady. But will you please exit the carriage?”

They’re stricter with security.

But such a thing was to be expected. Mera didn’t complain and complied with the request. She exited the carriage nervously. She then noticed the main gate was damaged, and people were currently working to repair it.

“Um, I’m the princess’s personal maid, Mera Sylvares.”

The knights looked at each other and nodded, confirming her identity. Mera wasn’t too worried about it though, the knights knew her and her position.

“I apologize, but we do not allow carriages to go inside for the time being. You will have to enter alone.”

“I understand.”

“Please, follow me.”

The knight began walking to the side entrance. But before she followed, she faced one of her guards that spoke with the knights. It was a middle-aged muscular man with short hair and a beard. He was one of the trusted men serving Mera’s family.

Mera smiled. “I’ll be going then.”

“Take care, milady.” He smiled back and bowed his head.

“You too. Be careful on the way back.”

“Yes. But should we leave so soon? Things don't look so good.”

“... I think I will be fine.”

“How about we stay in the city for a couple of days? If we don’t hear from you, we’ll head straight back.”

“Alright. But please send someone to tell my family. They might get concerned if your arrival is delayed.”

“I understand.” He turned towards a knight. “Can we ask what happened here?”

“You are a noble’s soldier, yes? If so, it is best to wait until the palace gives an official announcement.”

The soldier frowned and turned towards Mera. “We’ll be going then, milady. Perhaps we’ll also try getting information to tell your father.”

With a nod, Mera walked towards the side entrance. Inside, she was feeling a bit nervous about the tense atmosphere the knights were exuding. But she gathered up the courage to ask a question that had been bugging her mind.

“Um, excuse me,” she called out to the knight in front of her. “What happened?”

The knight paused. “We were attacked by the Empire.”

The knight told her, despite denying the soldier from earlier. Likely because Mera herself was from the palace, so he deemed it was safe to tell.

“The Empire…? Um, is the princess I serve alright? She was not harmed, right?”

Suddenly, the room dropped silent, giving off a strange feeling. Mera was confused on why they were acting this way.

The knight placed a hand behind his head. “Um, I think you should ask the higher-ups about it. We can’t just divulge that information.”

“Can’t divulge? Why? W-What happened? Tell me.”

“Please, proceed.”

The knight opened the door and held out his hand towards the outside, indicating for Mera to proceed. Mera was hesitant for a second because of her confusion. But she realized these knights were not intending on answering her, so she gave a brief nod and continued on.

When she felt the fresh breeze again, and under the light of the sun, she froze when she saw what had become of the palace. Her eyes widened in shock, placing a hand on her lips. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was in ruins. The top floor was basically nonexistent. The people had already started rebuilding, but she could imagine it would take a long, long time to restore it to its former glory.

Seeing all the destruction, Mera only grew more anxious. The floor that was destroyed, it was where the princess's room was located. She shook her head, to shake away all the negative thoughts building up inside her mind. Surely the dear princess was not harmed.

Mera walked to the palace entrance with a quickened pace. She wanted the answer of what happened now. When she arrived at the entrance, no one was getting in her way, so it must be safe to get inside the building.

When she stepped inside the main lobby, she looked around, looking for someone she knew. Her first thoughts may have been the princess, but she also didn’t forget the other maids, which were also her roommates, on the same floor.

There were knights and other servants in the lobby, but it would seem the hard part of the cleaning was already mostly done. At least in this part of the palace. She didn’t know where to start searching.

I should search for the princess first.

She was about to do such, but then she noticed two maids coming out of the hallway.

“Ellie! Macey!” Mera called out to them with a joyful smile.

The two maids turned to Mera with a surprised expression.

“Mera!” Ellie shouted.

“You’re here!” Macey smiled with teary eyes.

The three maids ran at each other and hugged together tightly.

“Thank the gods you two are fine!” Mera said.

“You too,” answered Ellie. “But it’s good you were not here when it happened.”

Macey sniffed. “It was so scary…! I thought we were going to die.”

Mera stared at Macey for a moment, seeing how scared she was recalling what happened.

“It, it was that bad?”

“It was too terrible…” Macey rubbed the tear rolling down her cheek.

Mera lowered her head, there must have been so many that died.

“It’s good that you’re here,” Mera said. “Now I’m relieved to see you’re alive. Have you messaged your families yet?”

Macey nodded. “Yes, but the palace still needs servants to clean things up.”

“It will be some time before we get to return home to rest. At least until the funeral.”

“... Funeral… whose funeral…?” She was scared to ask that question.

Macey had a sad expression on her face. “The queen is dead.”

“What…?” Mera took a step back with a heavy heart. She was shocked to hear it. A royal was dead. The queen. She had never imagined something like this would happen. For something like this to happen in the capital city. Mera placed a hand on her mouth. “Oh no…”

For their queen to die, it was too terrible. She was a gentle and kind ruler. She was an extremely respected person. It was too terrible of a feeling to realize that her queen had died. But, it would be even worse for the princess.

“H-How did this happen?”

“... I heard one of the Empire’s soldiers killed her,” Macey answered.

“Those fucking bastards,” Ellie remarked.

The princess loved her own mother so much. It must be heartbreaking to see her die. The princess must be crying so much.

“The princess,” Mera said. “How is the princess doing?”

Strangely, Macey and Ellie looked at each other, hesitation evident in her eyes. Mera was puzzled on why they were acting that way.

“Mera…” Ellie pursed her lips for a moment. “... Princess Estelia is missing.”

Mera blinked a few times and shook her head. “Missing? Missing how?”

“... We don’t know much…” Macey answered.

“No, no. How can she be missing? What kind of missing? Is she just missing? Is she alive? She’s alive, right? Since when is she missing? How is she not found yet? How…?” Mera’s heart throbbed, and she took in rapid deep breaths. Her thoughts were swirling in chaos.

“Calm down, Mera!” Ellie held Mera’s shoulders, trying to snap Mera out of her panic. But her efforts didn’t seem effective.

“W-Where is she? I-Is she okay? Is she alone? S-She must be alone. Who, who took her?!” she asked Ellie who was directly at her face.

“We don’t know.”

“What kind of people took her…? What if they’re doing something terrible to her? No, no, no! This can’t be happening!”

Mera couldn’t help but imagine things happening to the princess. Without anyone to watch over her, to guard over her, without Mera by her side, she could be in a terrible and scary place. Given the terrible situation, it felt like a terrible nightmare. Something like this had never happened before. The princess never left far from her home.

“Slow and deep breaths, Mera. Calm down. The knights are searching for her, don’t worry.”

“B-But, how long has she been missing? Can they still even find her? What if she is not in the city anymore? What if she’s already far from here?”

Suddenly someone stepped in beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.


The princess’s personal maid turned towards the source of that familiar voice.

“Sir Vernon…”

“Panicking will not do you any good.”


“Can you two ladies please excuse us for the moment? I want to talk with Mera.”

The two maids nodded at each other.

“Understood,” Ellie answered before turning back to Mera. “We’ll be around. Find us if you want.”

With that, Mera’s friends left. Once they were left alone, Vernon gave Mera a sad look.

“Mera, the princess was lost during the assault, likely taken. We are still gathering more information about the situation.”

She stayed silent for a moment, as though she was processing what she had heard. “... Please tell me she’s still alive.”

Vernon sighed. “Considering that there’s no corpse or anything, it is safe to assume she’s still alive.”

“Safe to assume…? So all we have are assumptions?”

Knowing that, Mera couldn’t help but feel frustrated about it. It wasn’t confirmed she was alive, nor was she dead. She started to regret that she even came home. If she was here, perhaps Mera could have done something. Perhaps she could have prevented the princess from being taken. She could have helped, even if she were to sacrifice her own life for the princess. 

Tears began welling up in her eyes.

Mera took a deep breath. “... Where is the queen…?”

“... She’s currently in the throne room.”

“I wish to pay my respects.”

“... Very well. I’ll bring you there.”

Mera rubbed her tears off as they began making their way to the throne room. Her steps were heavy, almost felt like she was about to collapse. However, she pushed on.

She arrived at the throne room. In the hall were chairs lined up together. Mera saw some capital nobles sitting down wearing their formal outfits. A heavy and depressing air filled the chamber. At the front of the hall, instead of the thrones, was a single coffin.

It was a coffin made of the highest quality. Emblazoned with gold and silver, made with the finest and polished wood. The upper part of the coffin was open, allowing one to behold the queen’s face once more. The coffin was surrounded by wisteria, and some other colorful and beautiful flowers.

“Do… Do the people in the city know about this…?” Mera asked in curiosity.

“Not yet…”

Mera nodded. And she began walking towards the coffin. On the way, she noticed that the queen’s brother was absent. She expected he would be here. But he might be just so busy right now, especially the chaos the country was currently under.

Mera arrived right beside the coffin. And there she saw the silver haired queen’s face. It was almost like she was peacefully sleeping. She was completely clean and beautiful, like her daughter.

“My queen… may you find peace and paradise in our Lord and Lady’s embrace.” Mera placed a hand on the coffin’s wooden surface. Tears slowly flowed down her face.

I’m sorry about your daughter… Please, wherever she may be, watch over her.

After a moment, Mera turned her back, about to leave. But then she encountered the king.

Mera grew stiff and curtsied.

“Your Majesty.”

“Hello, Mera. I’m glad to see you safe.”

“Y-You too, Your Majesty. And, I am deeply sorry for your loss.”

The king faintly nodded and formed a small smile. “Are you doing alright?”

“... Um…” She didn’t know how to respond.

“I take it you have heard about what happened to Estelia?”


“I see… Don’t worry, we’re doing everything we can to find her.”

“Yes, thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Have you told her about him?” the king asked Vernon.

“... Not yet. But I was about to.”

Mera was puzzled. “Him?”

“Perhaps we should talk outside the room. If you’ll excuse us, Your Majesty.”

“Of course.”

Mera anxiously followed Vernon until they were in the hallway going to the main lobby. Then, Vernon stopped.

“It’s about Rogan.”

“... W-What about Sir Rogan?”

“During the battle, he fought bravely. Unfortunately, he did not survive.”

“W-What?” It felt like her ears rang. “You’re saying he, he’s dead?”


Mera leaned on the wall.

“How…? Why is this happening?”

She took several deep breaths. There was just too much. The princess was lost, the queen perished, and now Rogan too. Her coworker and friend. The princess’s personal knight. The growing weight of the pile, she couldn’t carry them all anymore.

“H-Has Sir Rogan’s family taken his body?”

“No, we will prevent that. He’s in another room, along with the other elite knights that died.”

“… Can I please see him?”

“Of course.”

Vernon led her to a large room. Inside were several coffins lined up. These coffins were by no means cheap, they were so luxurious as well. Vernon stood at a particular coffin, one that Mera assumed to be Rogan’s. Vernon slowly opened the upper lid.

Mera approached and saw Rogan’s face. Mera couldn’t help but lean on the coffin. Her eyes blinked rapidly. Her heart throbbed in pain. It was too much. She couldn’t endure the shock anymore. Seeing him lifeless, his eyes closed, was different from hearing it.


“I can’t believe this…”

“... He fought to his last breath. I heard he took out a lot of the enemies. He died fulfilling his duty. He kept the enemies off the princess.”

Mera took a deep breath. “Of course… He may be annoying sometimes, but he is reliable. With him beside her, I can be relieved to know that he too would protect her with his life.”

And he did.

“May you find peace and paradise in the Lord and Lady’s embrace, my dear friend…” She touched the coffin with respect as she did the queen’s. A moment later, she nodded at Vernon.

Vernon closed the lid.

Mera lowered her head, sobbing, tears falling down on the floor. “Too much is happening… This is too much, Sir Vernon… I can’t… I can’t…” She kept wiping her tears, but another would take their place.

And her knees weakened, she was about to fall but Vernon caught her.

“T-This is too much. Why, why does this have to happen?”

Vernon gave her a gentle embrace and patted her back.

Mera leaned her head on Vernon’s chest, and his cloth was starting to wet in tears.

“I-It’s only the two of u-us left. Sir Rogan is gone. The princess i-is missing…”

“We’ll figure it out, Mera.”


It was then Vernon noticed that she limped.


He tried calling out to her, but her eyes remained closed. It would appear she passed out. Vernon heaved a long, heavy sigh and carried her to a room. She should take a rest. The shock and grief were too much for her to handle.

“I’m sorry, Mera. But you’ll get through this…”

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