Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 43: Punishment (Part 1)

Morning came, and Estelia could feel the sway of the ship. Truth be told, she didn’t really have a good sleep, not only because of the rockings. She stretched her body and headed for the window to draw open the curtain. The sun was still barely up. There was the issue of time zones, but considering that they were only going south, she shouldn’t really overthink it.

But she did know she didn’t have a long time of sleep. She heaved a long sigh, indeed she was still feeling out of it. Fatigued and a bit weak. Rubbing her eyes, she made her way outside the room. The morning breeze on the ocean should be a good thing to experience. And when she stepped out, the splashes of the water on the boat became more audible, and with it was a refreshing and cool air.

Estelia slowly walked to the side and leaned at the edge. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again to watch the sea. Small fishes swam beneath the water. Aside from those, it was silent and peaceful. And Estelia appreciated it.

There were a couple of people on the deck, but she ignored them as they didn’t disturb her as well. At least, that was until a bronze haired man walked up to her with a wide grin.

“Hey! Looking slightly better.”

Estelia frowned deeply, feeling displeased. She shifted her eyes towards him. And she felt a bit annoyed to see that he didn’t even seem to realize he disturbed her — no, it was more like he didn’t care.

“And now I feel worse.”

He casually leaned his back on the railing. “Getting annoyed already?”

“And why are you talking to me first thing in the morning?”

He shrugged. “How are we going to become friends if we don’t talk?”

“... Why would you want to become friends? Do you want something from me?”

“So skeptical. I wouldn’t be surprised if you think the fish swimming in the water is just gonna jump and try to kill you.” He chuckled in amusement.

“I don’t know you. Would you really trust someone you just met?”

“Nope. But I don’t want anything from you, don’t worry. Rather, it’s what I can get from you.”

Estelia narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“You’re quite famous, you know. Being a goddess and all.”

Estelia sighed. “How famous?”

“Famous enough that everyone wants a piece of you.”

“... Do you know why?”

“Anyone divine is a big deal. But you are a bigger deal. You are a daughter of Rulers.”


“Eh, basically among the highest ranks of gods. Embodiments of different important aspects of this world. By which you originate from the title of blood, apparent from your appearance. The River of Life.”

“That’s annoying.”

“Really? Don’t you find it exhilarating to know that you are not just some normal girl in this world?”

Estelia had always thought she was special. She was the most beautiful, the most precious. But she would have preferred it if it didn’t bring all these troubles.

“I don’t really care about gods and prophecies. I just want them to leave me alone.”

“Ah yes, prophecies. That is my main reason I want to be friends with you.”

“Are you one of the inhumans? That’s why you want to be friends, so I would spare you?”

“Inhumans…? You mean the mystic race? I’m not one of them at all. As you can clearly see.” He held out his hand to present his body. “And inhumans? Not gonna use their proper term?”

“It’s easier to mouth Inhumans. Besides, they’re enemies, and they are not humans,” she said with a hint of disdain in her voice.

“Hmmm. You’re pretty angry, I see. Anyway, the reason I want to be friends is because we’ll be together for a long time.”

“What is it you want?”

“To just come with you. I want the prophecy to happen.”

Estelia looked away in annoyance. She disliked the mention of the prophecy, even more so if people wanted it to happen. Because of that stupid prophecy that she ended up in this situation. “I will not let some prophecy dictate my fate.”

“Be that as it may, you cannot run from it. In the end, it will happen.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“That’s just how it is. Prophecies are absolute.”

“You people of this world really are a bunch of sheep, aren’t you?”

It wasn’t just the inhumans that believed the prophecies were absolute, even the people in the palace were worried about it. Like they believed it. Rogan, Vernon, and Mera didn’t seem to deny the prophecy. It was like they believed it was not something to be shrugged aside and felt that such a thing would happen if it was foretold. And the mystic race’s fanaticism to it only made them believe it more.

“You hear it’s all absolute and you throw away your free will. Only you give absolution to the absolute.”

Taneva was surprised for a moment before forming a wide grin.

“You really deny it. Sheltered princess, that is the truth. Fate is real in this world.”

Lightning crackled in Estelia’s hand, and she waved her hand to the sea, towards the fishes swimming in the water. The lightning struck, the ones hit were killed. “Did fate dictate that I would use my magic to slay those fish? No, it was my own will. They died because I wanted them to die.”

And then Estelia winced as she placed a hand on her head. Afterward, she returned to glare at Taneva again.

“You really risk that just to give an example?” Taneva said.

“Because you are so persistent in believing something so foolish.”

“I’m sorry, but a little magic is not equal to the designs of fate.”

“Fine, if you believe it. But even if it is designed by fate, that doesn’t mean you have to follow it. Do not insult yourselves by following its whims.”

“Color me intrigued. You really want to defy fate. And you don’t seem to realize that you are already a victim of it.”

“And you don’t seem to realize that if you make a victim of me, I’ll make sure to strike back tenfold.” She lowered her head, and she gripped the wooden railing tight, showing her anger. “There will be no forgiveness for what they have done.”

“You are already traversing the path fate has laid out to you.”

“No, this is my own will.”

Taneva chuckled. “I’ll be looking forward to our future together.”

“We’re not friends yet.”

“Hahaha! We already are.” He was about to casually pat her back, but Estelia quickly held out her hand to stop him. Taneva smiled. “I have to say, you’re so different from my observations.”


“I have been observing you for a long time. You are supposed to be the innocent princess. And now… I see none of that. A single bad day wouldn’t change someone that quickly. Everything about you is just different. No, you have been different on some occasions. It’s just… you are not consistent.”

Estelia turned a sharp gaze at him. “It’s pointless thinking about it. So I suggest you set that thought aside.”

He paused for a moment before faintly nodding. “... Of course. I’m just curious. Perhaps you have always been this way…”

“How much have you seen about me?”

“If you want to know if I’ve seen how you kill people, yes, I have seen it.”

Estelia was a bit surprised and baffled to know that he had been watching her without her noticing. He truly was someone not to be underestimated. And indeed, there was no point in patronizing or making an enemy of this man. But that didn’t mean she should fully trust him. But, from what she noticed, he seemed to be quite honest and straightforward, almost like he just didn’t care about how the other would respond. He didn’t fear Estelia.

“So you are a stalker.”

Taneva merely shrugged.

“Why were you even watching me?”

“I told you, you’re famous. I’ve been told to watch over you. Considering the prophecy and all, and how you returned to life where you should be dead. We got worried.”

“... I heard about that.”

“That’s the confusing part of the prophecy. Perhaps it just fails to mention that you’re supposed to die first and return to life.”

“Or maybe I’m just that good at beating fate.”

“Hehehe, if you say so.”

It was then they heard footsteps coming their way. Estelia turned around to see that it was Velar coming to them.

“Your Highness, good morning,” he said with a small smile and he gave a nod to Taneva.

“Velar, you’re up early.”

“I could say the same to you. You look a bit better.”


“... I would like to tell you what happened last night.”

“What is it?”

“Perhaps it’s not best to speak about it here.”

“Hm, let’s talk about it in the captain’s quarters, then.”

Estelia gave Taneva a mere glance before going back inside her room. Velar followed in, and Taneva remained outside.

Estelia sat down in the chair. “So what happened?”

“I mentioned about the unrest of the crew. And managed to persuade them to cooperate with you.”

“Oh?” She was surprised. “How?”

Velar then went on to describe what happened and how they did it. Upon hearing the end of it, Estelia was quite intrigued.

“This poet is quite talented, isn’t he?”

“And so it would appear.”

“And my strength gave them something to rely on in a possible time of danger…”

It was a good way to persuade them. They had seen what she could do. However, there was an issue. She was not at her full potential right now, and she wouldn’t be in days. The more she used her magic, the closer she was to death — small magics were fine, but something strong would be dangerous. If they knew that, it could spell trouble. But there were also Taneva and the two Cursed Children. However, the crew’s faith was in Estelia.

That being the case, then she shouldn’t show weakness. If they were to face just mere pirates though, or any humans, those she could handle just fine. But if they face a demon again, it would be troubling for her to face alone.

“Very well. Good job. But… I think it’s not enough for them to trust me.”

“It’s not? You could make an appearance, interact with them.”

“Yes, but that’s not enough. Action and result would be better.”

Velar pondered for a moment. “Then what should we do?”

Estelia narrowed her eyes at him, studying him.

We, huh…

“Are the traffickers we captured still alive?”

“Yes, they are.”

“Then I’m paying them a visit.”


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