Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 5: Reunion (Part 3)

“Tina,” Astine quietly said. “I’ll handle this.”

That was the best option, Tina shouldn’t directly involve herself in fighting an elf. Between the two of them, only Astine could keep up with one, based on past experiences. With that in mind, Tina helped in where she could, she cast a personal barrier on her sister.

Astine slowly stepped forward as another golden spear appeared in her other hand. She took subtle deep breaths. Truth be told, she was feeling a bit tense. The elves were somewhat unpredictable, with their strength and the magic they possessed. And worse than that, they weren’t complete idiots. They were one of the most dangerous opponents that Astine could ever face.

The elf’s blades glinted, from what it appeared, he cast some sort of magic. Must be some kind of Armament Magic.

As the tension grew between the two, Tina urged her friends to move away so as to not get in her sister’s way.

“We’re just going to watch?” Dune said, a bit displeased.

“We can’t do anything.” Tina glanced at them. “Don’t you have to save people? Then continue on with it. I’ll help wherever I can.”

Astine and the elf began their attack. Astine used the most of her Physical Enhancement to move at great speed and for better control of her body. While the elf seemed to be naturally swift himself, Astine wasn’t sure if he was even using some type of body enhancement. At any rate, their weapons clashed, Astine’s spears on each hand ground with the enemy’s sword, sparks spewing at every slide.

She suddenly retracted one to swing another, but the elf quickly blocked the attack with ease. Astine stepped back and did a wide swing attack before thrusting with her other spear. But then again, she failed to reach his skin.

She continued her attack with no relent, doing all she could to damage the enemy. Her successive attacks caused some tension to the elf, her speed and strength were surprising. He parried one spear, then the other, and slid a stab to Astine’s head. But the latter shifted her head to the side, evading the blade.

Astine waved her spear, and a wave of ice emerged from the floor, coming at the enemy. The enemy promptly leaped back, and Astine lunged at him. The elf stepped to the side to evade, and afterwards caught an opening to her defense, he swung his sword at her. Upon the successful hit, Astine’s shield instantly shattered, and she quickly leaped back to a safe distance.

“What a feeble protection,” said the elf.

But then Tina quickly cast another protection spell on Astine. Seeing that, the elf frowned. What he did was basically rendered pointless. And now with restored protection, Astine charged at the elf, continuing her attacks.

Tina and the others could only watch in awe at the intensifying combat between the two. They leaped and moved all around the area at incredible speed, sending dust and blows of wind with their strikes. Astine’s attacks were both savage and graceful. While the elf was smooth and regal. Despite all that, they seemed to be fighting equally.

Not even the two warriors, Dune and Iruyu, could clearly follow the attacks they threw at each other. How they evade, block, and respond to attacks, were all awe-inspiring. And the way Tina’s sister, Astine, used her physical attacks and ice magic together, was incredible. Even Dune felt like an idiot thinking he could fight her in the past. If he did, he’ll be kicked around like a puppy.

Astine parried the enemy’s sword, and she conjured an ice spear from the floor, hurling it at the enemy, hitting and throwing him into a burning building. Before the dust and smoke even got to settle, the elf swung his blade, cutting the smoke apart. With a glare, he ran towards Astine and he swung both his swords, sending a pair of swirling sharp winds.

Astine quickly blocked the swift winds with her magic spears. But at the same time, the elf moved the tip of his sword right before her, pointing upward. Wind had already gathered, swirling around it. Before Astine could shift both her spears and body, a powerful blast of wind crashed against her chest. That attack sent her away, blasting her upward for several meters in the air.

“Astine!” Tina shouted.

The elf leaped up and cast a wave of wind against her, blowing her into the distance.

The elf chased after her, running and jumping on rooftops. As Astine descended, the elf leaped towards her, swinging both his weapons. Astine defended herself, only to get blown away in another direction, further away. She quickly landed on an upcoming rooftop, and the elf jumped on another. He sent a wide and powerful slash of wind.

Astine raised her hand as the spears dissipated. Once the wind got closer, a greatsword of golden light formed in her hands, and she swung heavily down with great strength, cleaving through the deadly sharp wind. Her hair and outfit waved and whipped in the split wind’s passing.

As the air came to rest, she glared at the enemy, expecting another attack. But the elf just stared at her. And he spoke.

“You’re a rare human.”


“You’re strong. I fought a few humans at your level in the world below.”

Astine frowned behind the mask. “World below?” He was talking nonsense.

“But in the end, I’ve killed the humans who opposed me.” His blades glinted. “Not even you can defeat me.”

Astine dispelled her greatsword and returned to using dual spears. Truth be told, he was indeed strong, Astine acknowledged that. At her current strength, perhaps she could have fought toe to toe with the elves she faced before. However, this one was different, he was definitely stronger. Was she just that unlucky?

If she were to win this battle, she had to be extra careful. There was no backup, the rest of the church fighters were busy fighting their own battles. She was saved earlier by Tina’s shield, but now Tina was not here. Certainly the elf wanted it this way. Still, considering Tina, she should be coming. Perhaps, if Astine holds out long enough, she’ll meet Tina pretty soon.

How irritating.

How much she disliked struggling in a fight. Things just couldn’t get easy.

Astine charged towards the elf. The latter sent a wide slash of wind, and Astine promptly leaped above it, landing on the next building the elf was standing on. Their weapons met.


But then Astine noticed that the elf’s blade was cutting through her holy weapon. She was shocked, never in her entire life did something like this happen. It was absolutely absurd, hard to believe. She couldn’t tell how he was doing it. Astine stepped back and stomped her foot, erecting a group of ice spears intending on piercing the elf. However, he jumped away and thrust his sword towards her. A blast of wind obliterated the rooftop, but not before Astine could jump to another.

The elf charged at her, and his every strike was more powerful and faster than before. The most worrisome of all, he was damaging her very weapon. 

And eventually, he cut through one of her spears.


The elf took the chance to swing directly at her torso, successfully hitting her. Instantly, her shield shattered. She conjured a short blade, replacing her broken spear, and slashed the elf’s arm. And the two of them immediately backed away.

Astine glanced at the cut in the elf’s arm, it was far from fatal. The elf groaned in annoyance and swiftly resumed his attack. Astine used both her spear and sword to fight back. But she was being forced into a defense.

And then, the elf swung upward. Astine moved her head to dodge, but the enemy’s blade cut through her mask, splitting it in half. Both pieces dropped to the floor, her face laid bare.

“Now I see your face.” The elf grinned.

He cast his wind, violently propelling her backwards, removing her off the roof. And the elf jumped above her. He thrust his sword downward, unleashing the wind wrapped around his blade. Astine used her weapons to protect herself, and she was plunged into the ground. Pain radiated all over her body. The elf was coming down at her to land the finishing blow, and thus she touched the crater she caused. Instantly, numerous ice spears sprang out of the ground to protect her.

To avoid getting hurt, the elf immediately used his slashing winds to destroy the sharp spears below him. Ice fragments scattered in all directions, and he safely landed his feet on the ground. But the Astine had already moved away. She spawned several spears, and as the elf came charging towards her, the spears propelled forward, aimed for the elf.

The elf dodged a few and broke the rest. And he reached her. They exchanged attacks again. However, the elf got the upper-hand, and he cut through her sword, and then swiftly cut through her arm, cleanly severing it.

Astine’s eyes widened, and she gritted her teeth, swinging her spear at him. However, the elf broke her spear, and again, severed her other hand. And without a moment wasted, the elf plunged his blade into her heart.

And everything stood still.


Astine looked down at the blade that pierced through her heart. She took in a wheezing breath. Blood spilled out of her severed limbs, her body was weakening. She never thought this would be the day.

The elf twisted his blade in a full circle, making sure to shred her heart.

“No healing spell for you.”

Astine’s face softened. She took in a shaky breath, but she could feel her strength slipping away.

“That’s enough playing around.” Another elf arrived and stood on a rooftop, looking down at them.

“Oh, Alruwin.” The elf looked up. “I was just about done.”

“Waste no more time, we’re about to assault the palace.”

“Very well.”

The elf pulled out his bloodied blade. Astine limped as she stepped back. No, it was more like she was only forcing herself to stand upright.

“Here ends for you, little human.”

And with that, the elf left her and disappeared into the distance.

Astine collapsed on one knee, hanging on whatever life she remained. Her blood dripped to the floor. She watched it spread, there was no escaping this reality. At the end of her fading life, one face, only one, came to mind.


Her little sister. Not by blood, but her dear little sister, nonetheless. Her precious little sister. A single tear crawled down her cheek. She couldn't help but recall the first moments they met. Tina was not keen on fighting, during training, she was scared, and so small. Of course, Astine was annoyed about it. She couldn’t bear to see her being so feeble.

She tried helping her in the end. From then on, everything just happened. Tina just suddenly called her big sister. Her smile as she said so was so beautiful and adorable. And Astine couldn’t bring herself to refute.

Thinking back to such a wonderful memory made her smile with loving tenderness. Her usual cold demeanor was nowhere to be found. Not anymore.


She heard her little sister’s scared shout from behind, and Astine looked back. Tina was running towards her. Astine looked closely at her face, trying to engrave into her mind her little sister’s face. And as Astine fell, Tina caught her in her arms.

“No no no no. I-I’ll heal you, don’t worry!”

Tina, with tears welling up in her eyes, cast her healing magic. Golden light bathed the warrior priestess.


“Please don’t s-say anything! Save your e-energy!”

Tina used as much mana as she could. She focused on the wound in her older sister’s heart. However…

“W-Why?! Why isn’t it working?!”

“Tina… Listen…” Astine had a loving smile on her face, as tears came out of her eyes.

“S-Sister, please… Don’t leave me.”

“You’re going to be okay, even without me.”

Tina sobbed as she shook her head. “D-Don’t say that! Don’t leave me, please!” She placed a hand on Astine’s cheek.

“I’m s-sorry, little sister. But… your big sister h-has got to go.”

“I-I can still heal you! Just hang in there!” Tina was trembling.

Astine didn’t want to see her this way. To be so sad. It pained her heart. She was strict, she wanted to keep Tina in the church. But all of that was rooted in her love for her. It was dangerous out there, with Astine she was safer. But, perhaps, there was a more selfish reason.

Astine just wanted her little sister beside her.

“Tina, you becoming my little sister… is the best thing that ever happened… in my life.”

“Big sister, please don’t go.”

Astine took a deep breath. “Come closer…”

Tina pursed her lips, and she moved closer. Astine gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, and she whispered…

“Goodbye, little sister.”

Tina’s lips trembled.

“You’re going to be okay without me, right?” Astine asked softly. “Please t-tell me…”

“... Y-Yes… I’m going to be okay…”

Astine smiled in relief. “Good…”

And Astine closed her eyes.

“S-Sister…? No… Please…” More tears streamed down her cheeks. Tina felt an intense pain in her heart, more painful than any loss she had experienced before. Perhaps it was because, despite it all, her big sister was the most valuable person in her life.

Tina slowly hugged her big sister close.

There the priestess wept, her dear sister tightly in her embrace.


😭 It hurts.

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