Royal Princess of Blood

Vol. 4 Chapter 8: Protect (Part 1)

Shit shit shit. Fucking fireworks, those were pretty once! Now it’s not. Fuck fireworks! They’re shitty and loud, anyway. Currently back in my room, I quickly slipped into my true combat outfit.

I grabbed my secret stash and pulled out all my daggers. I locked them tight in my straps, my thighs and waist now had daggers around them. My favorite beautiful dagger sheathed behind my waist. I sat down on the bed and tightened my boots.

Crap, I’ve never been in an outright war, or an assault, or fought against an army. I’m an assassin for fuck’s sake. Killing individual targets was way easier than this crap. But here I am, can’t do anything about it but face it. Where I could basically die. Too dangerous.

‘Estelia, you're in a war, stop complaining already.’

S-Shut up a-already, okay?! Let me rant, fuck. I-I mean, never did I imagine something like this. Wisteria wasn’t ready, I’m not ready yet. Now that stupid and dick sucking empire just threw the damn bombs on us. So let me rant!

I tied my extraordinarily long hair quickly, rounding it up and putting hair sticks to keep them in place. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure my outfit was set up correctly. My dark, fit clothes looked fine. Satisfied, I grabbed and wore the detachable hood included for my outfit, but kept it down. I tightened my gloves and heaved a sigh.

As I was about to go out, I stopped. My brown cloak came to mind. I looked down on my getup, I was fully geared, sharp knives tied all over me. I would look completely different, deadly, very strange. How would my family react if they saw me like this?

My plans didn’t mainly include exposing myself like this. The Wisterian army was supposed to be the main people to deal with the war, while I stay back most of the time. I glanced at the locked door. If I go out like this… I dread to think how my family would react… and how they would look at me…

Feeling hesitant, I rubbed my fingers. And after some brief thinking, I heaved a sigh.

I grabbed out my cloak and wrapped it around me. Making sure my body was completely covered and hidden.

Guess it’s better like this.

After a tug on my cloak, I walked towards the door. Outside, I was greeted by two of my servants. Vernon in his combat gear, a piece of chest armor going all the way to his back, shoulder armor, metal paddings on his forearms, and protection on his legs. Rogan, who had just arrived, was already in his full set of armor, helm, and all. Even had his favored spear in hand. 

How lucky of Mera to not be here. She must be having a good night’s sleep out there in the far regions of the kingdom. Lucky, lucky.

“Princess, you should go to safety,” Vernon said.

I scowled at him. “There’s no safety here, they could even hit the palace from a vast distance.”

“At least let’s go to the first floor.”

Yeah well, still have to think about the floors above you, could also collapse. But well, at least we have plenty of time to respond with that, I can shield myself. As long as no arrow like before hits me, we should be fine.

“Have you seen my family on the way here? Where are they?”

“Not sure, but we can expect them in the lobby.”

After hearing that, we immediately rushed to the main lobby. By the stairs, we came across Eleden who was wearing light leather armor, better to have something than nothing. With him was Lucious in his casual outfit.

“Estelia, you should get to safety,” my brother said.

“I will not.”

He frowned. “Well, you should.”

“I’ll be fine! Never mind me, where’s Father?”

“Still changing to his armor.”

“And Estevan?”

“Already outside, setting up defenses.”

That’s good. I imagine we have an hour at least before the enemy gets here. If they don’t move fast. Considering what they’ve been after these past few months, they’ll be going for the palace as soon as possible to kill the ruling monarchs. Or going after me…

“Where's Mother?”

“With our father.”

“I see. You should get to safety with our mother.”

“What? No, I can help wherever.”

“Brother,” I stepped closer to him. “You’re the Crown Prince. Your safety is important.”

His face contorted into utter refusal. “And what about you, huh? You’re my little sister.”

“He’s right, Estelia, you need to stay safe,” Lucious added.

How much I would like to just stay back, but there’s no luxury for that. If I don’t fight and everyone else fails, then, it would be pointless keeping myself safe.

“Evacuate the staff, use the wall’s small side pathway. You need to get as far away from here as possible. Bring Mother with you.”

The enemy will surely assault the palace to kill everyone inside. With the weapons they have shown us, it will be more dangerous to stay here, they’ll try to strike and smash this place like glass. Sneaking outside, there should be a better chance of survival, even more if people get to move before the enemy gets here. There were dozens of staff in the palace, it will take some time, but we should have plenty for that. And I know my family well enough that they won’t leave them behind so easily.

“You’re coming with us.”

I took a deep breath. I should really be running away in this kind of dangerous situation. But why was it that I wanted to stay here and defend? I guess I just didn’t want to do nothing. I have power, I have to use it. I have the power to contribute. I value this place, I want to protect it, I suppose…

“My answer is final, brother.”

It was then my father and mother arrived together. The former was already in his full gear, while the latter was already in an outfit easy to move around. 

Mother, in particular, looked so worried.

“You two,” Father called. “You need to get to safety.”

“Estelia doesn't want to.”

“What?” He narrowed his eyes, puzzled. “Estelia, go with your mother and brother, get to safety.”

“I said I won’t.”

“Dear,” my mother approached and grasped my hand, looking at me with tender eyes. “You don’t have to fight.”

I pulled back my hand and took a step back, shaking my head. “I can fight.”

Father placed a tight hand on my shoulders. “You must go. Help everyone evacuate, go with them. Protect them if you must.”


“That is an order!”

My eyes widened. My father shouted at me…?


An o-order?

I lowered my eyes with trembling lips. That word echoing in my mind, it somewhat felt familiar.


In the end, that was all I could answer.

“Good.” He released me from his hold. “Now go, daughter.”

I clenched my fists. “Yes.”

With that, my father left us to join his knights, leaving me with Eleden and my mother. I glanced at them with a visible frown, I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.

“Estelia, let’s do the job given to us,” Eleden said.

I meekly nodded.

He then faced the nearby knights that were left to us. “Help us evacuate everyone.”

“I’ll take care of the third floor,” I said first.

Mother nodded. “I’ll take care of the second floor.”

“Very well then, the first floor’s on me. I’ll coordinate with the knights we have available. See you in the main lobby.”

Along with a small group of knights, my mother descended the stairs, while Eleden followed thereafter with Lucious. I watched them until they were out of my sight. I was left with my own few knights.

“Vernon,” I said. “Accompany my mother.”

Vernon’s brow wrinkled. “Your Highness, this is the second time. I’m your servant, let me—”

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes. “Do as I command you.”

Vernon paused for a moment and let out a subtle sigh. “... Very well, Princess.”

And there he went to catch up with my mother. At least I’ll be relieved to know that Vernon was with her, he’s a reliable old man. I can trust him with her safety. I shifted my gaze to Rogan, and he flinched slightly.

“You’re going to send me to Prince Eleden again, Princess?” He looked pretty concerned. “Please don’t, it’s more dangerous now. Remember that I’m your knight, so I must stay by your side to protect you. Even if you send me away, I’m afraid I will have to disobey that—”

I held out my hand with a frown. “What are you rambling about? You’re coming with me.”

Both his eyebrows lifted, and he nodded vigorously. “Perfect! That’s a relief.”

Sheesh, I knew he felt terrible that he didn’t get to defend me during the attack on the palace last time. But it’s surprising he’s this worked up at the idea of me sending him away like before. Considering that I was basically a primary target as well, it would be best there would be a guard for me to rely on at this time of invasion. This was unlike what those two dumb imperial princes did. Currently, I am not in control of the situation.

I turned towards the few knights that remained with me.

“Spread out and guide the servants that stay on this floor. Send them to the lobby on the first floor. But leave a couple of knights as protection for me.”

Most here should be from noble households, so they were of higher value than others. Especially the noble ladies serving as maids that stay in a couple of rooms on this floor. They should be pretty scared right now, and it’s up to a royal like myself to calm them down and give them some assurance that they’ll be fine, just to avoid absolute panic.

Fucking hell, I hate saving people.

We began making our way to the maids’ quarter which I was well acquainted, while other knights to some other parts of the floor. We ran towards there as fast as possible. But then we heard sounds and echoes of rumbling. Looking at the window, we saw a streak of blue hit the palace wall in the distance, sending debris flying far in the air. They were like the ones from before.

What the hell is up with those arrows?!

They’re simply ridiculous. How the heck do they even reach this far? Such magical bullshit.

And then, an explosion erupted nearby, and the palace intensely shook. We all paused as we tried to keep our footing. The palace was hit. I can’t tell where precisely. And then, another explosion came, closer than before. I clicked my tongue. 

A couple more explosions followed, all hitting the palace directly somewhere. Not good.

“Let’s keep going.”

As we continued on, suddenly an explosion boomed close to our location. I can imagine the entire palace slowly being decimated. The palace was large, so it would take some time before they completely obliterate it. However, the casualties will be terrible. 

Just then, a flash of light shined ahead of us. We stopped just as the wave of violent magic crashed against the ceiling. After breaking through the roof and upon hitting the floor, it unleashed a powerful magical shockwave. The knights in front of me cast their shields to protect me. Dust clouded our view, while debris was flung and sent our way, hitting the shield.

This was different from the initial piercing arrow I first encountered. Looks like they intend to cause as much damage as possible. A good way to discourage and break our morale. A hint of hopelessness as we watch our palace being gradually destroyed.

Once the dust settled, only the third floor was destroyed from its impact, making a hole to the second floor. But there was something more concerning at the moment, it was awfully close to the maids’ quarters.

“Crap,” muttered Rogan. “We need to check on them quickly.”

More explosions erupted around us, and the palace kept shaking. And then, as we were about to move again, we sensed the roof above us being pierced as blue light leaked through the forming cracks. In less than a second, we’ll be obliterated.

I was about to shield myself, but in that split second, Rogan took me in his arms and cast a shield for the both of us. Then the arrow broke through and exploded, unleashing a powerful wave of magic and shockwave. My eyesight was filled with a blinding blue light. I couldn’t see anything else. But I just realized a violent and powerful pressure crushing in on us.

The floor and walls around us crumbled, gravity pulled us in. The deafening boom in the air’s aggressive movement made my ears ring.

It took a moment before the light disappeared, and the dangerous wave of magic with it. Blinking a few times, my eyes gradually adjusted. I looked around at my ruined surroundings. Stones of debris were all over me, dust filled and colored the air. I heard a pained groan, it was Rogan. He was still holding me.


His armor was damaged all over, and he was bleeding. Debris, big and small, pinned us down, but he took all the major weight.

“P-Princess, you alright?” He breathed roughly.

“Hang on.”

Idiot, you’re the most hurt here.

I cast my ice magic to move all the debris surrounding us, even those pinning on Rogan. Once they were all removed, Rogan slowly shifted aside, panting and groaning in pain as he laid on the rough floor.

I kneeled beside him and removed his helmet. Once he had better air, I held out my hand, a green light shone upon him. He was in a bad state, scratches, scrapes, cuts, he was bleeding all over the place. But nothing too terrible that he would die. A healing spell will do alright to save him.

“Idiot,” I said with a stern gaze. “I could have taken it fine.”

He briefly chuckled. “A-A thank you w-will be fine, Princess.”

I pursed my lips and glanced away. “Thanks…”

“Hehe. There we go,” he said teasingly with a wide grin before wincing in the pain. “Ow.”

I frowned. “Oh stop acting like a baby. This is nothing you can’t take. It’s just some minor injuries.”

He wryly smiled. “N-No I’m, I’m really in pain here, Princess. I might have a few broken bones.”

“Oh yeah, how’d you know?”

“... I feel it?”

“Yeah, right.”

“You’re quite cruel, Princess.”

“I’m healing you, aren’t I?”

He chuckled.

A few seconds later, Rogan raised his hand.

“I think it’s enough, Princess.”

I stopped my healing spell, and he slowly got up. At least the bleeding had stopped, and he was standing alright. There’s nothing to be concerned about now. Hell, if that got him, he wouldn’t be an elite to begin with.

He looked around, as though searching for something. And then, he glanced back at me with a hesitant look.

“By the way, Princess. Um, you’re quite loaded, huh?”

After standing up, I slightly tilted my head. “What?”

“I never knew you would be one to equip things so deadly,” he said in a low voice.

Ah, of course.

“So, what about it?”

“Nothing. Just a little bit confused, is all.”

“A lady can’t have her sharp objects?” I slightly grinned.

“Eh.” He shrugged.

“Just keep quiet about it, okay?” I kindly smiled at him.

He seemed to shiver before wryly smiling. “... Of course, anything you say.”


He casually turned away and looked around the surroundings again. He squinted his eyes and raised his hand to point at something.

“Look, right there.”

I turned my gaze towards the direction he pointed at. It was one of my knight escorts. We carefully approached the knight. He looked too terrible, his wounds were deep and fatal. Rogan checked for a pulse, but he shook his head.

“He’s dead.”

“The other one?” I looked around.

“Must be somewhere in this rubble. Considering that he’s not showing any movement or saying anything…”

“He must be dead, too.”

“Right. Princess, we must continue on to the maids. I don’t know if they made it or not.”

If the knight were alive, he could handle himself better than the defenseless maids. He can push himself out of the rubbles just fine.

“Yeah. I’ll help wherever I can.”

We continued on, jumping back up to the third floor. A moment later, as we got closer, we heard sobbings and whimpers. When we arrived, we discovered that half of their quarters was destroyed, a couple of maids torn apart, while there were a couple of others pinned under the rubble. The rest were wounded.


“Mother… Father…”

The maids looked so miserable.

“She’s stuck! Help me out here.” A familiar maid was trying to remove a large piece of debris, it was Ellie.

“It h-hurts,” said the one pinned down as tears were brimming down her face.

“Hang on, Macey! I’m on it.”

“She’s bleeding! Anyone with healing magic?!” another maid cried as she tended to another maid.

I looked at Rogan. “Help those under the rubble. I handle the wounded.”


Rogan quickly went on the move as I rushed to the wounded.


They looked at me with surprise.

“You’ll be fine, don’t worry,” I said softly as I used healing magic.

The maid’s tears intensified, but she wore a wide smile as she felt relief in the touches of healing magic.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

She looked at me with hope in her eyes.

“Save your energy. We still have a long way to get out of this.”

I looked around. The chaos here. There must be a lot of other servants trapped out there, anywhere in the palace. If we were to save and evacuate the people, then… this will take a while before we can retrieve them. The time we would need…


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