Royal Road

Chapter 12

Chapter 11 Back home

When on the road again, the convoy moved much faster. All the injury numbers were crowded into the empty carts, Liang Feng also told A Liang not to begrudge him. The convoy no longer has the ability to resist another attack. Returning to Liang’s Mansion as soon as possible is the surefire way.

Yi Yan walked beside the bullock cart without a word. There was a long stick and a dagger on his waist. The long stick was given to him by Aliang, and it was considered a weapon. And that overly gorgeous dagger was given to him by the man in the car. Yi Yan already knew the identity of that person, Tinghou, whose surname was Liang, but didn’t know what his name was. Of course, the other party’s name is not what he can call. For the humble Jiehu, this is a noble man in the clouds, which is definitely beyond his reach.

But Yi Yan didn’t care. It seemed that a call to the lord would settle down the commotion in his chest and be satisfied. Therefore, his footsteps were very brisk, and he followed the bullock cart firmly. The bamboo curtain on the car has been lowered, but it cannot cover the smell of medicine from inside. Occasionally, the green bamboo will get off the car to decoct the medicine and change the water. Yi Yan wanted to go up and see if his new lord was safe. But Lu Zhu obviously didn’t want to let a bought Jie Ren approach his Langjun, every time his eyebrows were cold, blocking his sight.

Yi Yan glanced at the carriage, retracted his gaze, and continued to move forward steadily.

It took more than two hours before the convoy stopped on the side of the road, rested for a while, and used some dry food. Yi Yan didn’t go far, and sat cross-legged beside the bullock cart, and took out the bran bread in his pocket. Just as he was about to start, there was suddenly a person nearby, and it was Xun Ji. Because of the injury on his leg, he was also given preferential treatment, and he was able to take turns in the car. He is in good condition now.

With a worried expression on his face, Xun Ji approached Yi Yan and asked in a whisper, “Yi Yan, are you really going to be a part?”

There was nothing to do besides walking along the way, so the news spread quickly. After learning that they were about to be accepted as a part by the Patriarch, Yun Jike couldn’t help it. The trilogy is not a tenant farmer, as long as you farm the land and eat it. That’s a private soldier! Maybe the life is more substantial and there will be a lot of rewards, but life and death is really hard. They used to only farm land, how could they fight? How can you live in a foreign country if you die…

Yi Yan didn’t have this concern. His voice was extremely firm: “It’s a’close body guard’.”

Yi Yan had never heard of this word before. But it is not difficult to understand that it should mean the same thing as “accompanied by”, and it is necessary to personally protect the safety of the owner. After the battle just now, something in his body seemed to wake up. He was not born to be a tenant farmer. What really made him excited and agitated was the battlefield of desperate struggles.

What’s more, he can stay with that person.

Xun Ji had known Yiyan for a long time after what he said, and of course he knew the kid’s temperament. As long as he makes a decision, it is difficult for anyone to dissuade it. After sighing, Xun Ji also took out the cake in his arms and took a bite: “Yes. In this world, if you have a mouthful of food, you just need to eat, how can you manage so much!”

Dangpei has been displaced for hundreds of miles, isn’t it just to eat a meal? As long as the owner’s family can be trusted, it will be worthwhile to give people their lives. This is probably not just Xun Ji’s thoughts, but also in most Jie people’s minds.

Yi Yan didn’t answer, and ate the bran cake in silence.

The people outside were worried, and in the ox cart, Liang Feng’s spirit was much better. It may be that the encounter just now rekindled his will to survive, and the continuous high fever had actually subsided a lot, leaving only a little bit of heat. He may never be able to return to the world he once was, trapped in such an extremely weak and seriously ill body, but at least, he still has the identity of a “gentleman” and the memories of his previous life. In troubled times, this is already a valuable asset.

“Langjun, let’s take two more doses of the medicine. The fever has just subsided, so it’s better to be careful…” By the side of the low couch, the green bamboo was holding the medicine bowl, reluctantly persuading, only to take the bowl and fill it hard.

I don’t know if this girl is thirteen years old this year. In his time, she probably just started junior high school. Pampered by his parents, he doesn’t move anything heavier than a schoolbag. But now, she is clumsy and sleepless at night, waiting for her sick seed for days and nights, and black and blue under her eyes are growing.

Liang Feng sighed softly, took the porcelain bowl, and drank it in one fell swoop. The bitter and sour medicine fills the taste buds and dilutes the last trace of entanglement. In any case, he should live. Live well.

Just hurried all the way, and when the sun fell, the team finally hurried back to Liang’s Mansion. It is on the border of Shangdang County, west of Gaodu. Looking from a distance, I can see a piece of house scattered in the distance. Unlike the houses of later generations, the structure of Liang’s Mansion is more like that of western manor houses. The single-person high and low wall encloses the farms, fruit forests, and the small ridges inside, all of which should be the fields of Liang’s Mansion. Farther away, there is the main house with high walls. It looks a bit like a small Wubao, and you can also vaguely see the pavilion like a watchtower, which should be used for warning.

The ox cart passed the courtyard gate and moved slowly along the flat road. Someone may have passed it through. At this moment, there is a panic in front of the gate of the main residence of the Liang Palace. After a dozen servants are busy, they are ready to welcome the return of the owner. After stepping out of the bullock cart, Liang Feng saw the Wuyangyang kneeling crowd at a glance, and a little doll made of pink jade was stepping to look here. Obviously only three or four years old, but like a little adult, his face is very serious, but his eyes are faintly with tears and a look of admiration.

Is this the cheap son? Liang Feng raised his eyebrows. He had never raised a child, but this little guy really inherited his father’s good looks. After thinking about it, Liang Feng walked over.

Maybe he didn’t expect his father to notice him, Liang Rong’s figure trembled and his eyes widened in disbelief. The nurse kneeling beside him hurriedly reminded: “Rong’er Xiao Langjun, send greetings to the lord!”

Only then did Liang Rong woke up, and quickly knelt down and said, “My father, my lord.”

In the middle of the night, I don’t know how long I have been waiting outside, and the little guy’s face is almost frozen. Liang Feng stepped forward, reached out and helped him from the ground, holding the fleshy little hand: “Have you waited for a long time? Good, come in.”

Most people in the world have short life spans, so they attach great importance to offspring, and among the clans, there are countless people who dote on their children. But the Liang family was different. Liang Rong’s mother He died of dystocia when he was born, and then his grandmother Gao died of illness. Therefore, Liang Feng has always treated this biological son since he was a child, and he has been well-trained if he didn’t directly reprimand him for life.

Suddenly, let alone Liang Rong, even the maid behind him was shocked. However, after a while, Liang Rong immediately held his father’s big hand tightly and followed him step by step, his small face almost buried in the wide sleeves. After a while, Liang Feng felt a little wetness on his arm, and it was probably the little guy who couldn’t help crying. Holding a hand can provoke Jindouzi. It seems that the original owner is not very concerned about his son. Come on, he survived the serious illness, and it should be too strange for this dad to do something different from before.

Without talking nonsense, he led the little man next to him to the inner courtyard.

Two figures in brocade clothes walked slowly, the candlelight swayed, reflecting long reflections, leaning against each other, and showing warmth and freedom. Yi Yan suddenly felt bored for a while, as if something was about to get out of control and disappear. He couldn’t help it, and hurried two steps. However, before he got close, he was stopped by a servant on the side.

That is the inner courtyard, not everyone can enter, let alone a Jiehu who is obviously of a foreign race. Seeing that the man was about to disappear in the courtyard, Yi Yan suddenly took a step forward and shouted, “Master!”

His voice was loud, loud enough to be rude, penetrated the long corridor, and echoed in the thick night. The servants around were all shocked and wanted to step forward to stop him. Liang Feng stopped, as if he had just remembered these Jie people, turned his head and said: “Take them down to wash up, throw away all the old clothes, clean up head lice and fleas. After the arrangements are made, I will bring you tomorrow. I.”

Parasites are the things that are most susceptible to malignant diseases. Liang Feng is not interested in letting these guys who have been playing outside for an unknown period of time become the source of infection of the epidemic. Do a good job of hygiene, disinfection and deworming first, and put everything else later.

This is too extravagant for the servants. Is it too dirty to dislike these Capricorns? A Liang was stunned for a moment, and immediately bowed and said, “I will take them down now.”

Yi Yan didn’t expect to receive such an order, and the originally shiny gray-blue eyes immediately dimmed. Is it true that the “personal guard” is just a joke, but he takes it seriously? Also, a Tinghou, how could he care about his Jiehu.

Gritting his teeth in embarrassment, he stopped talking, turned his head and followed A Liang and walked out.

A group of Ji Nu, of course, are not qualified to bathe in hot water. Aliang took several people to the river and ordered them to take off their clothes and jump in to wash away the dirt on their bodies. In March, it was warm and cold at first, and the people’s teeth clucked in the freezing river at night, and the whole body was trembling. However, the Patriarch had his life, how could the few Jie people dared to refute, one by one took off their clothes and jumped into the river.

After scrubbing and washing vigorously, Aliang asked them to untie their hair and use a comb to clean up the lice on their heads. The flat-headed people are not so particular, a few Jie people combed their hair tremblingly, and after a while, a layer of lice fell on the ground. A Liang glanced at these filthy people in disgust, and snorted: “When I’m done cleaning up, I’ll go into the water and rinse. This is the lord’s order. If anyone doesn’t take care of it, don’t want to stay there. Liang Mansion.”

Yi Yan did not listen to A Liang’s muttering, cleaned up his hair without saying a word, and braided the braid around his ear. This thing is called “Hairlock”, which is the Zoroastrian tradition that the Jie people believe in. Even if they moved to the Central Plains for several generations, they have not been changed. After doing all this, he walked to the shore, picked up the new clothes, and was about to put them on. A thing rolled down from the cloakroom and fell to the ground with a sound. It was a dagger, the self-defense weapon that Liang Feng gave him before.

Looking at the gorgeous dagger, Yi Yan took a deep breath, picked up the dagger, and carefully put it in his arms. No matter what arrangements the person will make tomorrow, he will not leave Liang’s Mansion. He has already recognized the “Master” and will never give up so easily!

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