Ruby Eyes In Remnant

Chapter 1: Prologue 1


[Author’s Note: I really have few plans, I’m just writing as stuff comes to me. But hey, it is what it is. For now.

I'll really only write as I have time and each chapter takes a good amount of time to recheck and shit, but I'll definitely get some done.]

Character Communication Key:




Time Stuff



Third POV On Madara

In the void, between various worlds' heavens and hells, a soul awakens. Blue, with blots of crimson, 3 tomoe revolving.

Unsurprisingly, Madara feels rage. Rage for Zetsu's betrayal and manipulation and his clan's destruction, indirectly through his actions.

But more than that, he feels... remorse. For what he had done under the guise of worldly peace. So he accepted his fate.











Until a humble god named Masashi Kishimoto notices Madara’s soul. With all of Madara’s past experiences in battle culminating to this point, he feels his presence in space being pulled away, into a realm overpowering in aspects of judgement.

More than that, he feels hidden power, unbridled in the Japanese man in the distance.

Suddenly, Madara felt himself teleporting to the man. Shockingly enough, without a hint of chakra.

Madara thought, ‘That’s impossible, I should be able to feel his chakra. All I feel is an aura of divinity, far higher than that of Kaguya, but even she used chakra. Are my sensor skills getting rusty?’

Stunning Madara and his naturally stoic face, Kishimoto stated, ”No, I’m just not using chakra.”

That mind reading sentence, along with the feeling of divinity, told Madara everything he needed to know. More than that, “power triumphs over all”. This principle reigned in Madara’s life until Zetsu’s betrayal and his ascent to higher realms.

Madara figured, “So, I assume you’re the god of sorts, maybe this universe?”

Humoring the soul for his list of achievements, Kishimoto replied, ”Correct, now let’s see where I’ll place you. Nice cause, terribly stupid execution. Got it, I’ll place you in limbo for a century or so. In the end, you caused pure destruction. Maybe in your next life, you can become like a hero in the tales of old, fighting for good against evil. But for now, repent."

And with that sentence, Madara thought out his next life’s purpose, ’A hero of old after my cycle in Samsara, huh? I'd like that. Sounds filled with fierce battle.’ He was tired of manipulation, only wishing to act first. Save and protect above all, despite his stubbornly analytical and cold mindset.

But with those thoughts of repentance, Kishimoto proposed an offer,"...Tell me: given such a chance, would you go forth and become a hero?"

Kishimoto quite liked Madara’s unyielding personality, despite his other… less desirable traits.

What Madara said next confirmed the change in the soul, "I'd like to say sorry to Hashirama first. I did use him and maybe ruined our friendship. But... yes."

‘Hahaha~, Oum will owe me quite a lot! I’m giving him two of my most terrifying creations, after all.’ schemed Kishimoto.

"I'm sure you'll find a way. For now, your new life in Remnant is getting started."

Feeling another divinity appear, Madara looks to the only other person in the shinobi world to naturally awaken the Rinnegan, Hagoromo.

Hagoromo, appearing, instantly locked onto the only other presence in the plane, ”Madara’s soul, huh? Truly a blind fool, despite what his many eyes may indicate. So you’re planning on sending him to Remnant, a favor to Oum perhaps?”

“Yep. Two favors, actually.”

Hagoromo speculated further, ”Ahhh, I see. The primordial ‘Tree Hugger’ as they say in the elemental nations, heh~.”

‘Hold the fuck on, what? Let me prepare or something.’

Madara was wholly unprepared and made it apparent, ”Hold on, I need to prepare. And who is coming with me? Do you know how many other manipulative yet peace loving idiots are in Konoha? Unless it’s… HASHI-”

“Alrighty, off you go.”

And so Madara was pulled away by numerous white hands, spiraling into the realms that is Remnant with no qualms about his current situation.


No Qualms at all. I think.









Appearing in a weirdly placed and disheveled cabin on the edges of Vale, a soul emerged and was sent into a nearby, cleanly prepared body. Even prepped with warm, freshly dried clothes resembling that of a mix between a futon and a kimono.

What a good deal~! He was transmigrated AND he got to keep his original body!

“Why am I a female? Is this a genjutsu? No, there’s no chakra, just a weird spiritual version. WHY DO I HAVE FOX EARS?”

Just kidding. It’s just as I expected.

Sorry, I meant to say, "Just kidding, his new body. Or should I say, 'her'.” Got a little confused with my new role as a narrator, teehee~. 

Thus, her new journey begins in Remnant, beginning in Vale, at the tender new age of 13.

Third POV On Kishimoto

Kishimoto, lazing around to avoid the work of dealing with souls, looks to Hagoromo, ”Did you have to make him that new body?”

Retorting the overworked god, Hagoromo proudly stated, ”Of course, Ku-chan requested some revenge, after all~! Plus you can’t deny the genetics I gave her won’t make her look amazing once she’s older. Besides, the last body is merged with mom, remember?”

Suddenly, a spatial tear appeared with Oum emerging, ”Yo, thanks for the new apostles. My son’s apostles were pretty shit idiots. Does this mean I owe you?”


“Of course. Wait, Hagi. Those are my favors only.”

Continuing on, Oum gave the two a pearly smile and a thumbs up along with one comment, ”Nice taste.” And left.



A revelation suddenly struck Kishimoto, “Nee~ Hagi. Did you ever regulate what Oum did once he was in the Shinobi world with his indestructible travel version of a mortal body?”

Of course, lounging around in the afterlife as a free soul was Hagoromo’s hobby…




So no…

“I think he had sex with some strong women. Why’d you ask?”

Kishimoto, realizing a new mistake was afoot, exclaimed, ”Was his body sterile? Lemme guess: no. Did his body have proper chakra to function normally? Lemme guess: no. What did he name his most memorable son? Again, lemme guess: Might Dai.”

Hagoromo, also realizing his mistake, was as carefree as ever, ”Ooooh… well. What’s done is done. I mean, their lineage can’t continue forever. Last I checked, the last I checked, there were only a few pearly whites.”

And Kishimoto, remembering his overdue work, also decided to be carefree, ”Yep, whatever.”

Meanwhile, Third POV With Madara

Sniffling from a young girl could be heard in the abandoned cabin, ”Did they have to give me girl hormones too? *sniffle* Meanies… I don’t even have my rinnegan... stupid gods bullying me…”

Madara, decisively keeping her name, hugged her fluffy fox tail. She had finished testing out which abilities the lazy gods felt encouraged enough to give her: an adjusted Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Ninjutsu, Mokuton, past battle experience, Genjutsu, even a Gunbai with a scythe, which she was only faintly experienced with due to her experience with kusarigamas! But with her new hormones afflicting her tiny, adorable Fox Faunus body, she felt more aggrieved than ever.

Continuing on, Madara kept her sniffles ongoing and her complaints ever increasing, ”I don’t even have Izanagi or Izanami… *whimper*... I just wanted to say sorry to Hashi-chan.”

Faintly, her whimpers continued, not without a passing, old “Qrow” picking up on the noises.

Meanwhile, Third POV With A Young, Brown haired Tree Hugger

“Where the hell am I? Did the newer generations get out okay? Who the fuck was that old, pale eyeball man with the balls and why did he literally drop me here?”

The young human questioned aloud to himself on the Island of the Menagerie. Forming a humongous tree under him with hand signs, a younger, 13 year old Hashirama emerged from the crater, observing the large, poverty riddled settlement in the distance.

With what little information he held, he continued on.


“Man, I wonder if I can find and bother Madara while I’m here.”

Well that was nice, maybe I'll narrate again once I'm done finishing some of Kishimoto work and dealing with past regrets. Tobi hopes you all thought he was a good boy!


A/N: I know it ain't a fox but I thought it was cute and had to share Madara Neko V1. Also this is on Royalroad, Scribblehub, Webnovel, and Wattpad.



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