Ruby Eyes In Remnant

Chapter 3: A Whole New World


[Author’s Note: miscellaneous whatever]


Character Communication Key:




Time Stuff




Third POV with Little Sis Madara


Over the past week, Madara has taken to, more accurately, was subjected to three main things: settling into the Taiyang household along with some new furniture and Qrow’s things (He was going to be visiting much more often), learning about her new world, and running away from Ruby’s fawning and Yang’s hands of god.


Trust me, they’re terrifying. Though, I think Madara took secret solace in the comforting pats and hugs.


Anyways, with her bedroom set up, Madara had finally become free to fully invest in learning about Remnant. Maybe some bonding with Qrow, but she never really liked talking about what she did in her past life. While she had been a steel trap, it was weakening with how their pasts had been so different, yet held many similarities.


Qrow also left his clan, but while he held hatred for their way of life, he found himself moving forward and ejected whatever happened to them from his mind while he enjoyed life. He moved forward to take on responsibility and freedom as a huntsman, hero to the commonplace.


Something Madara once felt before, and something she was feeling more of ever since her untimely death. The influence of the family was undeniable.


While she kept her secrets and a mostly emotionless face most of the time, Ruby and Yang would catch her grinning to herself in the bathroom every now and again, something they heavily teased her for.


Due to her lack of knowledge and locations, the protective Qrow assumed she lived in a small village away from civilization, though Madara’s definition for the population of a village was blown out of proportion for her current world. 


Thus, Qrow made sure she learned of main locations, how to find cardinal directions from anywhere, landmarks, and how to use a scroll.


His way of quizzing was a bit rude. However, I will admit it seems fun.


Currently, Madara was taking a shower, not thinking about the fact that she was in a female body and focusing on getting clean. Outside, she could hear the voice of a dusty old crow, “What’s the four names of the kingdoms and their general locations?”


Suddenly, a cleanly built wooden kunai managed to somehow make its way through the wooden door and past Qrow’s head.




“...Are you gonna answer?”


Taking a deep sign, Madara simply said, ”Vale on the east side of Sanus, Vacuo on the west, Atlas on the south side of Solitas and Mistral generally on Anima.”


“Okay, I’ll quiz you on other things later, haha~!”


“FUCK YOU! LET ME SHOWER IN PEACE!” Her new life was going splendidly, as you can see. 


Madara exited the shower, drying herself off with a towel and blow drying her hair after giving herself a good shake. One thing she gleefully kept from her past life was her silky soft, black hair. She even got more of it in the form of a fox tail! 


While she often vocalized her anger at the gods at night, she liked her new appendage. It gave her something to hug while napping and sleeping, though she would never confess her true feelings about the tail or the fawning she experienced.


Outside of the door, she sensed three presences. While she could no longer sense chakra in her vicinity due to the lack thereof, she found that aura was eerily similar to the spiritual part of chakra, to the point where she tried a genjutsu of showing naked old men on Qrow a few days ago and it almost failed to get past the aura.


Had she not made her chakra denser and had she not been determined to get back at him, his new trauma would have been forfeit. 


Back to aura, Madara found that while one couldn’t use aura like yin release or as chakra, it still was somewhat similar in boosting physical attributes and protecting thyself. 


It seemed that illusions were less effective unless one made an illusion purely through vision in the physical world instead of affecting the brain, and she never really learned of genjutsu like illusions in the real world, lest she delve into ninjutsus. 


She never bothered to learn the unique shadow manipulation of the Nara clan either, so she couldn’t use them for such a purpose. Thus, she resigned herself to using clones for pranking her new family instead. She never focused all that much on intricate deception through clones, enjoying the thrill of battle and fast paced genjutsus along with taijutsu.


Semblances were also strange, like modified Kekkei Genkai unique to individuals instead, with some exceptions like the lineage of glyphs from the Schnee family. 


Ruby’s Petal Burst could be used multiple ways: traveling through small openings, increasing momentum and velocity, dodging through unavoidable projectiles, etc. For a kid, her use was fine but integration into combat at a moment’s notice with seamless transitions was a must.


Yang’s semblance was more niche, much more dangerous due to its nature influencing Yang to take more hits she could easily avoid in favor of beatdowns. Her taijutsu would need serious work, something Madara would relish in, as punishment for her damn god’s hands.


Walking out of the bathroom in a white fox onesie, modified for faunus, she let herself be captured by Ruby and Yang while Qrow watched.


Keeping up her act, Madara yelled at the trio, ”Dammit, let me go! I wanna eat cookies and go to sleep!” Her face turned into one of arrogant anger. Of course, that act of hers never deterred the two, despite how convincing it was with her experience with being arrogant.


“C’mon kiddo, I’ll teach you how to use that scythe of yours along with Ruby.”


Madara was having other thoughts. ‘ Isn’t it 9pm? Why is he teaching me now? I have to get up early and make him take me out to get a chain to turn it into a kusarigama anyways.’


“I’m not planning on using a scythe, I need to chop off part of the handle. Besides, I already got my Gunbai.”


Of course, being that Qrow used a scythe and Ruby used a scythe, this wasn’t the first time they had bugged her, nor will it be the last.


“I got you into cookies and I can get you into scythes too!” Ruby was ever unwavering, valiantly looking off into the distance(despite being in a cabin), wind blowing through her hair(Again, they’re in a cabin), attempting to imitate a heroic and awespiring pose.


Madara took a deep breath, ‘Haaaah, I wonder if I can summon the dead through dimensions. They did say I’d find a way to say sorry to Hashi-chan. And maybe I can get him into cookies too.’


Third POV With Aforementioned Hashi-chan


Wiping the nonexistent sweat of his forehead, he took in the sight of the improved houses. With his wood release, he had been creating houses and making a name for himself.

His cheerful and helpful demeanor as well as the rumored story that the humans abandoned him for being delusional aided in creating a reputation as a kind person who helped those in need. 


Even more so when he broke up a fight, becoming known for being a peace maker, despite his idiotic past of bijuus as gifts for peace.


Taking out the spicy lunch he was given, he devoured the weirdly seasoned sandwich. Thinking to wash off the paprika from his hands later, he noted the presence of Ghira coming over.


Ghira walked next to the 5”2 healthy young man, and thanked him, “It’s been much easier dealing with the heat and population with your help. Your semblance has been a miracle for everyone.”


“What’s a semblance? I’m pretty sure it isn’t, though.”


‘Damn, he’s really out of it, huh. Maybe he’s more of an idiot than delusional, I’ll make sure to properly educate him later.’


Ghira looked down at the teen with a pitying expression while Hashirama looked up with a blank smile. 


“What? Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?” Hashirama proceeded to pat down his face, forgetting he had paprika on his hands.




Noting to allocate more budget for education sectors for children, Ghira sighed and walked Hashirama to the shack next to his house where he had taken up residence.


“Definitely more idiot than delusional.”



[A/N: Note that in my story, Hashirama is going to be the cheerful idiot to Madara’s angy little personality. I get the feeling Madara’s personality won’t change all that much in the next few years, just like her size.]



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