Ruby Eyes In Remnant

Chapter 6: Back To School!


[Author’s Note: Philly was hella fun. I walked around the art museum with only my friends because we took the train. Don’t worry, while we didn’t have adults, we had the power of cautiousness. I also rubbed my hands towards every single fireplace there. As for the teeth surgery, 7 teeth were taken out. Hurt like a bitch and still does. Pain killers do not work, but hey, I still take them at designated times just to see if they work one day. I also cannot open my mouth more than 1 inch and I can’t really talk.]


Character Communication Key:




Time Stuff




Third POV With Madara


Figuring out the best way to save people as well as have fun ‘dancing’, Madara decided on becoming a huntress, however long that may take.


In the end, there was no question of her qualifications, save for some doubt on her strength. Though, that would rise with time and training. 


The only problem was the council, and her being a faunus certainly didn’t help, thus she would have to rely on Qrow. Coincidentally, Qrow would also have to rely on someone else.


While the process was lengthy and tiring, as long as Madara could obtain the qualifications of a highschool graduate while skipping the years left in highschool, then give her identifications and motivations, and finally prove herself in combat against Grimm and human opponents, this ‘Ozpin’ would help her become a huntress for the sake of humanity.


“So you’re planning on becoming a huntress and a huntsmen teacher in your free time? You do know it would become exponentially harder to become a teacher than a huntress due to far deeper searches in identity. Why do you think even some former bandit raised people like me can become huntsmen, but take years more to become teachers?”


Currently, Madara was reveling in her new height while parading around a nearby town on Qrow’s shoulders. “Well, I’m hoping to maybe get Ozpin to owe me favors. As for how I’ll get those favors, maybe some infiltration or something that requires a young looking huntress? Besides, I want to supervise student missions too, not just teach. I can save other kids and also socialize!”


Qrow’s face deadpanned, though Madara had no way of seeing his face currently. “It’ll take at least a good few years for you to gain identity, reputation, etc to become a teacher even with favors. Y’know this means you’ll have to speed through the normal school curriculum in maybe around 2 years?”


Of course, as arrogantly as ever, Madara simply stated, ”And? It shouldn’t be too hard. Besides, you can teach me about scythes while I blast through the curriculum and train my physical strength. Shouldn’t be too hard.”


Suddenly, from around a corner, Ruby sped towards the duo, dragging Yang and Taiyang along. “Really?! You’ll learn to use scythes with me? Omigosh omigosh, I knew you’d join me!” Ruby’s bright smile radiated upwards towards Madara.


Madara’s face turned red while Taiyang simply smiled wryly. Pouting, Madara retorted, ”I got into scythes because of Qrow and myself. Not because of you.”


Decidingly ignoring the bickering trio of children, Taiyang looked to Qrow, “So what were you guys doing in town?”


“I’m just registering Madara in Signal academy. Then after testing her on combat knowledge, geography, grimm behavior, and so on, she’s going to skip forward and blast through the entire curriculum while lowering the confidence of Signal as a whole.”


Widening his eyes as if he was planning on awakening a bullshit dojutsu, Taiyang whipped his head towards Qrow. “What?! I know she probably is combat experienced, but do you really think Madara can blast through Signal’s curriculum and become a student huntress in less than 4 years? Besides, she still needs to interact with kids her age.”


“Well, I actually tested her on hand to hand combat earlier and she would’ve destroyed me if she had aura. As for socializing… She wants to become a teacher for that.”


“Combat experience and no aura?! How the hell?! Does she even know the qualifications for becoming a teacher? We don’t even have identification papers for her, and she’ll get made fun of if other peers know she’s a teacher at their age.”


Qrow dragged a hand down his face like he was reenacting how much of a drag Naras thought existing was. “Yeah, well I’m gonna pull some favors from Ozpin I saved up for identification papers. Her plan is to speed through Signal’s curriculum and then take on niche missions for favors from Ozpin to become a supervising teacher in student missions.”


Finally reaching Signal’s doors, the trio barged in with two tired dads following them. Yang took her bags and left towards her classroom for orientation. Taiyang and Ruby followed Yang using the power of teacher privilege while Qrow already ended up using one of his sick days to call up Ozpin for his favors. Madara was sitting by a bench with an ice cream cone she had bought with Qrow’s wallet.


Ending the talk, Qrow immediately called up Signal’s director to add in Madara as a late addition prodigy. Of course, with his qualification as one of Signal’s combat teachers, it was easily done.


Finally, Qrow walked towards Madara and placed her on his shoulders.


Madara cutely tilted her head, as it was quickly becoming a habit when she was confused. “Where are we going now?” Even though Qrow couldn’t tell she had tilted her head and flopped her ears, he could tell by the constant cooing of women on the sides of the streets he was walking down.


“To get you school supplies and materials to make your scythe. And in my free time, I’ll take you out to beat up some beowulf or something.”


Madara’s emotionless face was easily toppled once again, a smile trembling it’s way onto her face. If she was being perfectly honest, the stories of ancient grimm giants and hordes blotting out skies being fought back with legions of huntsmen and unique weapons made her reminisce on her thrilling days on the battlefield, one of the few things she had been able to remember from her past life. 


While she hadn’t encountered dark creatures on the levels of legends described, she had fought the nine tails, a being of monumental height, and if the ancient grimm were anything of that size, it would be stimulating to methodically take apart and demolish them as if she was a shining beacon of strength in the long tales of heroes past.


Basically, she wanted to look cool as fuck. While beowulf weren’t ancient grimm, they were still cool looking.


What? That’s not a reason to risk your life to fight? Don’t worry about it.


What matters is that it would be absolutely sick and look kickass. 


One Shopping Montage Of Dragging Qrow Around Later Because I Hate Shopping, Writing and Physical


“And now your scythe. Got any ideas for modifications?”


“Meh. Let’s leave that for later. Besides, my weapon doesn’t have to be a scythe.”


Currently, Madara was sitting on Qrow’s lap, looking through a weapons catalog, while Qrow was waiting for Ozpin to register proper identification and patting her head.


“So, what’s my background going to be?”


Glancing down at the twitching fox ears, Qrow replied, “I made it as truthful as humanly possible without suspicion. A fox faunus kicked out of a combat oriented, off the grid clan that has had minimal criminal activity and highly rated combat experience. Holds a unique kind of semblance lineage. Looking to become a huntress to help people and a teacher to socialize as well as pass on her experience. Young but talented. A short, black haired 13 year old. Now, we get you into Signal in a week.”


“And then I annihilate the curriculum. Muahahaha~!”


Madara’s idle smile morphed into a diabolical smirk. Pointing a finger into the distance, Madara proclaimed to the world, “The students shall know the name of the demon teacher, the god of huntresses, the ghost of the Uchiha huntsmen, Madara Uchiha!” Ignoring the intensified cooing and laughing from surrounding older women, Madara closed her eyes to take a nap while Qrow carried her back home.


‘And the new beginning of the thrilling tale of my life.’



[A/N: Y’all should comment on a weapon type, like if you agree and reply to whatever weapon with modifications you’d like. Like replies of modification if you want that modification.]


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