Ruby Eyes In Remnant

Chapter 8: Oooh~! New Targets!


[Author’s Note: So it’s come to a common consensus of using a Scythe that can extend into a Kusarigama, and the blade part can extend to form a Gunbai. I don’t really know how to fit a sword in there, but I might just have that as a secondary, because people clearly like the idea. Also, comment the name, and I’ll pick between the most liked or most interesting. My idea is stuck between the “Sweet Release” and the “Mitama Shinigami.”]


Character Communication Key:




Time Stuff




Third POV With Excited Madara


Madara jumped up and down, her ear twitching every so often while her eyes shined. She was finally going to get enrolled into Signal academy. 


The classes she decided on destroying were Close Combat, Geography, Tactics, Grimm Studies, Vale History, and Huntsmen History. 


She had little need nor any reason to improve or use her mathematics or english, as the gods seemingly gave her a full understanding of english and she had already gotten to a highschool level of mathematics.


She already felt confident to show off her prowess in Close Combat and Tactics, and she could easily study for the rest of the classes with her Sharingan.


What Madara was aiming for was a relaxing year of being called a prodigy and messing with both students and teachers until she is given the option to skip grades, to which she will agree and destroy the test.


As for the rest of the classes, she already had enough of an understanding, as the other classes mostly consisted of something she wouldn’t use, isn’t required to be a huntsman, or is something she already aced. For instance, forgery.


Well, more like Ruby has been nagging to make her weapon once she enrolls into Signal in two years and she doesn’t want to make her sad by being disgustingly bad at forging.


Yes, Madara has tried to forge with Ruby and learned that she has no patience, nor any talent for such a thing, lest she use her Sharingan to forge a suspiciously similar weapon to Ruby’s. 


In the end, Madara relented to getting a basic version of her ideal scythe, kusarigama, gunbai combination weapon, meaning no cool decorations, dust modifications, or strong materials.


Walking out of “Nine Nine’s Weapon Shop,” Madara skipped down to the doors of Signal with a bland looking scythe in one hand and a simple bag in the other.


[A/N: Imma need y'all to send design ideas for the scythe. Pictures are cool, but descriptions also work. As for the people on Royal Road or Web Novel? Umm, I dunno, I’ll write out a description for y’all in the next chapter.]


Stopping by the scan station, she swiped the pass she was sent on her scroll. The doors slid open and the cold air of the A/C rolled out in waves as if it were a supermarket. She noted the kids rushing past her in the hallways to get to their classes.


[A/N: Ok, weird comparison, I know. Shut up.]


Checking her schedule, she also noted that her class was across the school.




The various other rushing students looked at her with degrees of pity and understanding. That is, until she began flickering and appearing entire classrooms away, to which some of the students also added, “HOLY SHIT!”


Managing to make it half a minute early, she appeared in her seat out of nowhere, startling some of the surrounding children out of their seats, as well as the teacher.


Huffing and resting to get her chakra back, she sighed. “Well that was close.”


Glancing at the surrounding classroom, she noted the large room size for the 30 student class, as well as the attention on her.


“What? Why are you all looking at me like that?”


One of the closer students who had admiration in his eyes asked, “Was that your semblance? Are you the new transfer?”


Quickly thinking up an excuse, she answered hastily. “Um yeah, part of my semblance. And, yeah, I’m the new transfer.”


Standing from the desk, the instructor firmly stated, “Everyone else has already been tested except the transfer. Let’s have a slow spar to get a grasp on your abilities, then we’ll go over basics with partners.”


A Couple Classes Later


Nearing the end of the day, the teachers of Close Combat and Tactics entered the Headmaster’s office. The old woman looked up from her scroll at the two.


“Eh? What’s wrong?”


Both teachers glanced at one another and realized what the other had come for.


“I guess I’ll explain. I tested her in close combat and she landed far more hits on me than I did her, even when I began trying. While in the basics warm up, she then proceeded to also demolish the students without aura, while berating everyone for their lack of technique. They started crying. Frankly, she shouldn’t even be placed into my class. Maybe a higher grade. I’m assuming you have the same problem with her, Georgie Bobson?”


[A/N: I don’t have the brain capacity to think of good names and I’m not about to call him Mr. Tactics. Though that would be an interesting name.]


Sitting down in a nearby seat, the old veteran simply gave the Headmaster the new and improved Tactics lesson 1.1 that Madara had engineered for new students and dummies.


“... okay, I’ll get the paperwork for her class advancement.”


Meanwhile, Madara was standing outside of the office, eavesdropping on the two. ‘I guess I should study up with my Sharingan these next few weeks. 22 more classes total and it should be pretty easy to ace the final exam.’


Snickering on her way out the door, she thought of how many children she could terrify before she was kicked to graduation.


She’d also go on to prank other students relentlessly, but that would always be near Qrow to blame his semblance, which wasn’t entirely false.


Arriving Back Home For Training And Cookies(Mainly Cookies)


Thinking about her training plans, Madara paced around the front yard. She planned on going with Qrow for small missions, training in chakra control and nature transformations, and her academics.


[A/N: Use shadow clones, dummy.]


“Shadow clones! That’s right! Wait, who said that? Meh, whatever~.”


‘I don’t really have much mental fortitude and many clear memories anymore, so I guess I’ll start with only three. Once I organize my shit and grow older, I guess I’ll add one per year.’


Forming various hand signs, three extra Madara’s popped out. 


Clone 1 simply took the bag of folders and materials and began walking inside. “See ya later, big guy. I’ll deal with your classwork and study shit.”


The other two clones faced each other and began a game of rock-paper-scissors. Clone 3 lost, sighed, and sat down on a rock with a leaf, wind forming around her hand. Clone 2 began hyper-actively running into the forest, trying to run on the bark. 


Original Madara searched on her scroll for nearby Grimm populations, and messaged Qrow to take her out on a simple mission.


Feeling accomplished despite doing absolutely nothing, she smirked at the clones and followed clone 1 inside to get head patted by Yang while taking a nap.





[Author’s Note: Bruh, I don’t know why, but I decided to enroll myself in 5 AP’s this year. Also, gonna make bomb ass mac and cheese tomorrow.]


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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