Running Away in Another World: If My Little Sister Finds Me I’m Dead Meat

Prologue: Meeting the Whimsical Shrine Maiden Goddess (final part)

“Yeah. Let’s nicely ask the goddess if there’s another way, like a third option or something. I’m sure—”


“There is not.” 


Seryy-sama flatly said, suddenly appearing before me.


“Bu-but there must be something. You’re a goddess! It’s impossible you can not give her a third option!” 


“Obviously. I can give her as many options as I want because I am the one punishing her. But this is a punishment, not a sentence by the court that you can barter to reduce, or change it, Itsuki-kun. A sinner must be punished. And I have judged this to be the right punishment for her. Now, I could’ve sentenced her to a harsher punishment—like forcing her to watch your journey through the another world without any saybut I did not. ‘Cause that would’ve been a bit boring ‘ya see, fufu~” 


The goddess giggled, making an amused face, like a kid with a new toy. 


I unconsciously took a step back from the goddess while holding Sayuri. A chill ran down my spine as fear gripped my heart. The fear of this goddess. The fear of what she will do to Sayuri, to us. The fear of separation from Sayuri.


This was the first time I felt afraid of this shrine maiden goddess. The kind of fear when you feel death is lurking around you. I didn’t feel this kind of fear when I committed suicide. This felt like I was being crushed from inside and out. 


“Ah, looks like I scared you. Aw, this is your fault Sayuri-chan, you made him afraid of me. I was looking forward to talking to him after we wrapped this up. Haa…. now hurry up and decide already. It may look like we have all the time in the world, even though we do, but I have other important things to attend to, so make a choice. Forget, or kill.” 


“B-but I forgive her! I don’t blame her for anything! I accept what she did to me! You don’t have to punish her.”


“You do not get to decide that Itsuki-kun. Your forgiveness is pointless because that will not erase her sins. She sinned and that is the truth. And it wasn’t some insignificant sin either, you know. She robbed you of your opportunities, your potential to grow. That is unforgivable!” 


“Even so! This is—”


“Please! Please don’t separate Sayuri from Nii-tan! Sayuri can’t live without him. Sayuri…..needs him. Nii-tan is Sayuri’s life. Please! Sayuri will do anything! Ju-just don’t separate Sayuri from Nii-tan. Don’t separate……her feelings for him. Sayuri will die……pl-please…..”


Before I noticed, Sayuri was doing a seiza, her forehead pressing against the floor. She was begging for mercy. It seemed like she was beginning to cry, sobbing in between her words. 


My cheeks felt warm. A slight taste of saltiness on my tongue. 


I lowered on my knees and positioned myself into a seiza too, pressing my forehead on the flood alongside my sister. 


“This is quite troubling. Now I look like an evil goddess. It would’ve been fun to tease Sayuri-chan more since I already predicted this, but now even Itsuki-kun is bowing. Itsuki-kun is really a good big brother. It would’ve been a heart-warming scene if not for all the tears and begging, what a waste. However, I’m not so much of a softie who would melt so easily from the warmth of some fake tears.” 


Wait, what now? 

Did she just say fake tears? As in the saying ‘tears of a crocodile’? 


That can’t be right. I’m sure I heard small sobs from Sayuri. She even did a seiza and begged for forgiveness. It just simply can’t be my imagination…..right?




“My my, how rude.” 


Tch. Seryy-sama should’ve just fallen for my deception and eased up a bit. Couldn’t you have gone a bit easier on a pure girl devotedly taking care of her brother? Isn’t it terrible to ask her to part from her precious feelings of love? Such deeply rooted love that would kill her if uprooted. Sayuri did her best to protect her Nii-tan from bugs, worms, moths, and whatnot. Isn’t it fair that she wanted a reward for all she did? Is it not?”


“It would be fair if you were properly protecting him, although you were not. You were protecting him from his proper growth. That is a crime. That is not protecting. It simply can not be.” 


“Then isn’t it your fault for sowing the seed for these feelings? You gods decide our fate right?” 


“Wrong department. I don’t handle fate and souls. Technically a part of souls but what you’re complaining about is not under me. If you want to complain, go to someone else, not me. And aren’t you being awfully rude of someone being punished? How shameless.” 


“Fine….you just want Sayuri to pick a punishment right? Between the two of them.”




“Alright. I choose—”


“Wait wait wait! What the F**K just happened! Why are you two moving on without letting me react! Shouldn’t I get a turn to speak?? Do I not exist or something? And why did Sayu click her tongue? Were you not crying?”


I looked up with frustration, still on my knees, as I threw out one complaint after another as I wiped the wasted tears from my face. (Btw, Sayuri stood up after she clicked her tongue the first time.) 


“Sorry, Nii-tan. Sayuri just really got annoyed of this shi…goddess. So now she just wants to get this over with. Sayuri has decided what she will pick. Sayuri isn’t sure if Nii-tan will like the choice, but she won’t change it. So sorry for in-advance. Sayuri hopes you won’t hate her too much.” 


She explained while facing me and pressing the tips of her fingers together in a triangle.


“Well, I don’t think I could hate you even if I tried to. You’re my one and only precious little sister. So, what’s your choice?” I said, standing up now. 


“Thank you! I love you so so much Nii-tan! You’re the best!” 


Sayuri jumped on me and hugged me tightly. She wrapped her arms around my sides and pressed her large breasts on me. I returned the hug, but with way less energy.


“Gahh, stop flirting in front of me like a couple! You’re making me really jealous right now! Ugh, I can’t even say anything since you won’t be able to be lovey-dovey like this in the future. Why am I so kind-hearted? Ahh, I want to hug Itsuki-kun too!” 


“Bleeeeh~ Only Sayuri has the special privilege to hug Nii-tan anytime anywhere and however much she wants.” 


“Could you two not try to fry my brain? I can’t keep up at all.” 


Fufu, it’s okay Nii-tan you don’t need to keep up. Everything will be fine in the end. Sayuri will make sure of that. Just leave it to her.” 


Haaa….even I feel like I want to just get this over with.”


“Me too.”




We all sighed together. 


Seriously, what’s going on here?


“Alrighty, Sayuri picks to kill Nii-tan.”


Yeah, I definitely don’t get what’s going on anymore.

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