
Chapter 191: Going Home – Part 1

"How are you feeling?" I gently ask the resting pixie as I caress her head with my humanized hands.

"I can't feel my legs…" she mumbles drowsily, her throat a bit hoarse.

And I soothingly reassure her, "It'll come back soon. Anything else?"

She tries to raise her head, but she can barely move her neck, let alone her chest or wings, so she just drops her head back onto the bed cushion (that's on the bed) and snorts. "Why does everything hurt…?"

Well, it's obvious why, but it feels like it'd be mean to point it out after everything she went through, so I just put my hand on her little chest and cast a spell. "Here's a [Heal], and I'll cast [Regeneration] next. The orgasm was just so powerful that all your muscles contracted too hard, and now they hurt."

"Wow…" she mutters in awe, just like every other woman who's had a taste of my Cock, but also, yeah, I agree.


Then I chuckle softly and offer as I caress her head again, "Now, is there anything you want? A [Massage]? A potion?"

She clears her throat as it's just been [Heal]ed of the damage from all the previous screaming. Then she hesitantly requests, "My wings are fine, but an MP potion bath would be nice…" And I detect embarrassment in her tone, making me confused.

"A potion bath?" I repeat with a soothing tone to not worsen her predicament.

She averts her eyes and taps her index fingers together in a refreshingly girly way. "It's… a bit indulgent, but it feels soo~ goo~d…" Then she hits me with puppy eyes.

I'm not sure which part is real and which is her being playful, but I don't care. It's all in good fun.

"Alright, you deserve a bit of indulgence after surviving the Cock," I magnanimously declare and pat her cheek.

She instantly gets over her embarrassment as she gives me a concerned side-eye. "Is that… an actual name for it?"

Oops, I almost creeped her out.

I chuckle heartily and smugly explain, "Not really, more like a Title. You know, the Cock, or The Cock."

And she sighs as she shakes her head. "Men…"

"Still can't live without us," banter back as I stand up.

Then a bit of real embarrassment creeps into her tone again as she confesses, "It's mostly just you… I've never been that attracted… to gnomes."

Hm… I smell a bit of "divine guidance" here…

"This princess was too easy, yes," Roxanne banters with a snort.

"She's rather slutty," Yunia adds, and she knows how much worse she is compared to Belind in both ways, though this thought of mine makes the pale slut feel competitive.

Anyway, since Ted is here, I have her help me mold a pixie-sized bathtub while I start pulling out Roxanne's mana potions. Normally, the alchemist succubus would complain about the waste of the valuable, high-quality, blue glowing liquid, but given that a delicious woman will be bathing in it, the aggressively gay whore salivates at the idea.

It takes only a minute for us to finish it, and then Ted starts pouring in the bottles while I scoop up the little fairy like a baby.

"Thank you…" she softly hums and kisses my chest.

"Everything for you, my dear," I huskily answer.

And she chuckles and moans in delight, then does it again as I lower her into the tub.

Now I can properly focus on managing the girls while I bathe Belind, and the cumshots have cleared my mind, allowing me to focus on the little lead we've got. Lina has noticed that a pair of nobles are keeping their distance from us, so we have Alissa strategically position herself closer to them, and the fishing line starts to tug.

The music suddenly distracts me though, as it feels oddly familiar. It's being magically broadcast throughout the room, so it isn't loud enough to block Alissa's hearing, no matter how close she is to the band.

"♪ The lady dragonkin was as fair as the sun. ♪"

"♪ And her kisses were warmer than spring. ♪"

"Are we not going to greet them?" Alissa overhears an antelope-headed woman whispering to her supposed husband. She has very long black horns pointing up, technically making her the tallest person here, which is why Lina managed to notice them.

"♪ But the dragonkin's blade was made of black steel. ♪"

"♪ And its kiss was a terrible thing. ♪"

"Better not. Let them forget our faces," a rather short (by that, I mean slightly taller than me) tiger-headed man grunts, trying to sound quiet, but his voice is too powerful.

"♪ The lady dragon would sing as she bathed. ♪"

"♪ In a voice that was sweet as a peach. ♪"

Now we have Aoi turn her large head to face them, and Lina doesn't miss their little jump along with a hand twitch. They're definitely very suspicious.

"♪ But the dragonkin's blade had a song of its own. ♪"

"♪ And a bite sharp and cold as a leech. ♪"

And then the last two lines are repeated in the chorus.

Yunia goes to the overly-talkative and gossiping, old, badger noblewoman, and the Queen puts on her [Mask] so that she can make the sweetest smile her facial muscles can hold, which would normally be impossible for the proud bitch. And then she sweetly asks, "Say, do you know who the pair of nobles by the right side of the throne are? I've forgotten their names, and at this point, it'd be too embarrassing to ask."

The chatterbox brightens up as her victim has willingly returned to her, and she immediately launches into an explanation, "Oh, they're the Rankiaiwhai. They don't stand out too much, so that's understandable. I believe they're more merchants than nobles, really, so you shouldn't worry too much about them. They deal in general goods, but nothing that would hurt if you end up offending them. Someone of your position shouldn't be concerned with them."

It's actually nice that everyone is using Andraste here, as it shows that they really respect us.

And now the song moves on to a more melancholic tone.

"♪ As he lay on the ground with the darkness around. ♪"

"♪ And the taste of his blood on his tongue. ♪"

"Merchants?" Yunia calmly repeats, now not feeling as annoyed since the woman is being useful. "Well, we do a lot of trade ourselves. My husband, King Wolf, has a habit of collecting ingredients from all over the world as he's quite the gourmet."

"♪ His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer. ♪"

"♪ And he smiled and he laughed and he sang. ♪"

But the woman sweetly reassures her. "I wouldn't say they deal with ingredients. They prefer higher cost goods, like gems, but not too high, like enchanted items."


"♪ Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done. ♪"

"♪ The scorned lady hath taken my life. ♪"

And Yunia milks her for all the information she has, "I'm also curious about why they're so distant. We don't want to make a habit out of making enemies if we can avoid it."

"♪ But what does it matter, for all men must die. ♪"

"♪ And I've tasted the crazy lady 'kin'…! ♪"

The badger woman leans forward and lowers her tone. "Well, it's like I said; they're becoming more merchants than nobles, and so they might be distancing themselves from us to not cause an incident. You're too illustrious for them now, so let them bother you, I beg you."

Sure, they have an excuse to keep away from us, so the "let them forget our faces" isn't damning, but it is very suspicious. It doesn't make sense for them to want to be forgotten unless they have something to hide.

We'll need information, and thankfully, we have one "acquaintance" who has a special spy network just about everywhere, as ours still hasn't taken off yet.

"I blame our isolationism…" Yunia remarks through [Bind]. Indeed, her parents had the time and resources for it, but why would they when they literally didn't give a shit about anything outside the elven lands?

Still, we're not completely at that person's mercy. We'll lay out a trap for the bastards, then absolutely destroy them the moment they think of peeking their heads out.

"Are you 'coordinating' again?" Belind curiously asks as she looks up at me.

I absentmindedly hum and smile at her as my hands move on their own, "Hm? Oh, yes, I am. How could you tell?"

"Your eyes lost focus, as if you'd turned into a soulless painting," she answers with a good tone, and I'm unsure if she thinks that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"Interesting choice of words," I wryly reply.

Then she shows me her back. "Can you rub my wings? They got a bit bent after… uh, yes, after what we did." And I can tell she's blushing from her tone.

"Sure, but I know nothing about pixie wings," I happily agree.

"It's like a bone or brittle metal. Just gently bend them straight again." And she presses the wings against each other, which makes me notice that they really are a little bent.

"How do you sleep? Don't your wings get in the way?" I curiously ask as I gently grab them both and press them together so that they straighten out.

She seems to get a bit twitchy, likely because her wings are sensitive, but she doesn't move. "I can detach them if I want to sleep on my back, but most pixies sleep on their side, and I assume you do too with that big tail coming out of your back."

And I happily answer, "I actually don't. I have a spot on the bed to slot the tail, so I sleep on my back, which allows everyone to grab a limb."

She turns her head around to give me a teasing smile. "I assume your penis is also something they grab onto?"

"Yes," I unashamedly answer.

And she chuckles softly, then sighs. "Men…"

I just smile warmly and finish flattening her wings. Then I notice something and decide to very politely ask about it, "I'm… not sure if it's proper to mention this, but I saw a bit of sparkly dust fall off your wings, and I'm curious about what it is."

But she slowly closes her eyes and groans softly. "It's embarrassing to have it pointed out. It's a bit like scabs or nail clippings, but everyone finds them pretty…"

I look at my claws and frown. "But mine are."

Then she also looks at them and makes a complicated expression. "Well… alright, yours are, but still, it's embarrassing for us."

And I start to deliberate, "Maybe it's because pixies don't interact with other races much, so for you, it's just 'dust,' while for others, it's something new and interesting."

She hums thoughtfully and concedes a bit, "That may make sense, but it doesn't change how I feel."

So I chuckle softly and soothingly remark, "I hope you end up getting used to us seeing your… 'sparkly dust.'"

And there's also a certain succubus who's very interested in the exotic and possibly magical ingredient as it has a rather "legendary" reputation among some less… "mainstream" alchemist Circles of Magi.

"Yes, it'll come… with time," she hums tiredly.

"Now, how do I care for your wings?" I huskily inquire.


The secret seems to be in scraping them gently. The "paint" of her wings (or whatever else it is) is continuously produced throughout her life, so the excess comes off little by little in the form of sparkly dust. Unfortunately, the dust from this bath disappears in the blue glowing potion, so I can't collect any, but I'll definitely have plenty of opportunities in the future.

I notice that the potion is being absorbed by Belind's skin, and the bath has already been reduced by half by the time the Companions finally arrive. They won't get to play with the pixie princess, though, as she has already recovered enough to bathe herself.

But that also means that I can immediately begin the orgy.

The latest casualty was an elven girl, a tall and strong one that exudes the aura of a shy tomboy. She's obviously the first to receive my Blessed Cock, and she forgets all about her death as I make her scream my name.

Then I take a look at each of the other Companions as I think about who's going to be next, but I suddenly pause as I notice a monkey girl who has a green vine arm.

"I apologize if this seems insensitive, but why is your arm green?" I immediately ask as sex takes second place to the gathering of knowledge.

She smiles happily at the attention, her monkey tail waving almost like a cat's, and eagerly answers, "It's not insensitive, Your Highness, but to answer your question, I lost the arm during the last battle, and I didn't want to stay armless while I waited for it to grow back, so the court mages grew a vine one for me."

And I lean in as I inspect it closely. It seems to be an amalgamation of little vines, which is an interesting concept. "Oh, how curious. I assume it's cheaper than [Regrow Limb]?" Then I look up at her.

She nods. "Definitely. The healers are all busy, so this will do for now."

"Understandable," I hum and straighten up.

Then she sultrily adds, "It's a bit awkward, but I'm learning how to control it in… new ways."

Then her fingers fly apart, and her forearm splits into five long green tentacles.

"Now that is interesting…" I suggestively whisper with a wide grin.

And she waggles her eyebrows at me. "I know. I might even keep it for a while longer to make the most of it, if you know what I mean."

I pat her shoulder and solemnly declare, "You'll get Ciel all to yourself tonight."

"Thank you, Your Highness," she answers in kind and bows.

Then I grab my Cock and wave it at her. "Now, turn around and bend over. I'm fucking you next."

Her mouth parts into an excited grin. "Gladly, Your Highness."


"Oh, wait, where did 'Wolfy' go?" Lily suddenly asks out loud.

Roxanne chokes on her drink but uses a little bit of magic to clear it up and hides the evidence with [Redirect Mana]. Then she turns to Lily and remarks in disbelief, "Holy shit. You only now noticed that he's gone?"

The loli shrugs. "What? I'm not married to him."

"He went to bang the princess," Hana answers her straight.

Heh… Hana being "straight."

"Which one…?" Lily grunts.

"The pixie."

And her expression turns upside down in disgust, but it's Thant who speaks out loud, "How is he… how is it going to fit?!"

"With a lot of work. She's pretty stretchy," Roxanne teasingly replies.

"Oh, God!" Thant exclaims in horror.

"Holy shit, we really are living in a hentai," Lily grumbles dryly. She's definitely doing this for comedic purposes. She has truly absorbed the "straight man" into her soul.

"Well, isn't that great? We can have a lot of fun," Samkelo makes the obvious follow-up.

"This is reality, not a hentai," Lily replies with a sigh.

"But you just said that we really are living in one!" he exclaims and starts chuckling.

And even Lily struggles to keep her expression straight. "I know what I said, and it wasn't… it was-… UGH…! Why do I care?" she dramatically grunts in disgust, trying really hard to not have fun.

"Yeah, why do you care?" Alissa pointedly asks as she approaches, and the two share a sharp look as their distaste for each other starts to rise.

"Well, if King Wolf has retired, then are we also allowed to?" Chesa suddenly breaks the tension, showing a surprising amount of bravery.

"Yes, you are," Alissa states with a small nod.

"I'm tired. I want to sleep…" the mer girl quietly remarks as she looks down, looking a bit more down than usual.

I don't want to assume since we weren't really paying attention to Chesa until now, but it does seem that her mood turned for the worse when she heard where I went. We were too busy with our operation, and I kinda forgot about her, so it's my fault.

And the gnome jumps off his kiddie chair, then glances at everyone. "Since we're splitting up, I'll go look for an orgy to join. Wanna tag along, Thant?"

"I, uh… I'll pass," the snow cat awkwardly replies.

"He's saving himself for when Wolfy takes him to a brothel," Roxanne teases.

"No, I'm not!" he exclaims with a bit too much energy.

"Then why don't you go with him?" the cheeky woman pokes him again.

But he keeps the spaghetti in his pockets and answers maturely, "I'd rather do it when things are calmer. After almost dying repeatedly for two days straight, I just want to rest."

"You didn't say no," Hana points out and chuckles.

"Holy shit…" he grumbles tiredly and sighs.

"Ah, swears that transcend Realms…" Hana pompously remarks, and everyone gives her a weird look. "What? Wolfy taught me what transcends means."

"You're surprisingly chill, you know?" Samkelo casually states as he looks up at her exposed pussy since she's not wearing panties under her short dress.

"Wolfy tamed me," she huskily replies, then crosses her legs, and he frowns in annoyance, making her wet.

And Lily's right eye twitches. "Of course he-…" -she shakes her head and sighs- "Whatever, I'm also going to bed."

"Sweet dreams," Hana cordially replies.

"You, too," she instantly hums back.

That was cute… I guess there's still hope for Lily to mellow out.


And the party starts to bleed participants as they begin to retire, but then the prostitutes come out, and the mood completely changes. This is a free-for-all kind of orgy, though, so the girls will be in danger of crossfire if they join in, which I won't accept.

It's time for them to enjoy their time with the Companions anyway, so we all return to our bath while we leave Samkelo alone, as even Urmeie doesn't want to participate in the orgy. The Hau-Hou also don't seem to be joining in, so there's no point in me joining in because all I want is a princess or the Queen Venison herself. And while they're trusting me a bit more around their women, they still won't share them.

So the girls arrive while I'm deep into the fifth Companion. I wanted to savor them slowly, but now I shall bury my Cock deep inside the wives while I let the tentacles loose.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord modislaszlo.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble GalacticTNT.

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