
Chapter 192: Homesick – Part 1

AN: I'm still very behind my schedule, partially due to my own fault, so now I need to change my plan. I'll only be releasing two parts every week, but I'll also add another week before the usual break from Rupegia, so there's four weeks before I work on Heretical Magus again.

Let's hope nothing else gets in my way this time.


Today is the 23rd, Ne, Day of Water. A little storm is brewing up as it's raining heavily and the wind is picking up, which means that things will escalate tomorrow as it'll be An, Day of Wind.

Perfect day to leave, to be honest, which starts with the perfect paizuri-job from Ciel as most of my long shaft is hiding between her glorious, juicy tits while she sucks on the pink head peeking out, and I cum so much it spills all over her light chocolate skin.

Belind joins the rest of the girls in licking up the bounty, and one thing leads to another, and then we suddenly have Roxanne and Belind suckling on her dark nipples. Now that I've taken the pixie's first time, the other girls are gradually "integrating" her with the rest of the harem, and she has been very politely receiving them all to the point that I believe she'll obediently eat everyone's pussy if asked, but Hana seems to be getting jealous.

[Bind] tells us that her feelings are still murky and vague, but she's definitely developing something for the pixie princess. One of Hana's "types" is playful women who engage with her boisterous behavior, so Belind's social butterfly nature is starting to affect our fiery barbarian, who always plays along with her.

But Roxanne is a devil who can't help but tease, so she gives Belind a mischievous look as the two suckle on some nice nipples, then suddenly gives the little woman a peck on the cheek. The pixie is such a cheerful girl that she starts giggling happily, releasing the nipple and leaving herself open for another attack, but now on her lips.

Ah, such a wonderful display of femininity.

Almost brings a tear to the eye.

But these games can't last long, for there's actual business to be done today, unlike the last three days, where we just lazed around and fucked until we passed out. Unfortunately, I didn't get any bear pussy in the meantime because Urmeie ran with her non-existent tail between her legs before we could find a "middle ground" that would allow us to fuck.


We call Prince Looklwind to have breakfast with us and also Sainalai because why not? The halfling High Officer has always been very receptive to flirting, but I've never gone too far with it due to her being in a delicate position.

Well, this isn't the most appropriate situation to flirt, but still, it's pleasant to have her around. Her personality is similar to Belind's, so they have a nice, polite talk, even though they have such different backgrounds.

Then I decide it's time to finally say the magical words. You see, asking a noble to do anything for you is like propositioning a woman for sex. You can't be blunt and just ask it straight, or at least not with most women. You have to carefully court them over a long period of time and gradually tease them into the idea.

That is, unless you're a sex god like me, but I'm not trying to have sex with Looklwind, so we've "courted" him over these last three days, which has culminated into this.

I lower my cup of coffee and look over everyone, silencing the ones that don't have [Bind] to hear my thoughts. Then I turn to the blue-haired prince and begin, "Prince Looklwind, after the great work you did with the rifles, I wish to invite you to manage our Research Institute. We need someone of your talent to train our researchers in the scientific method."

He was expecting this, for his reaction is muted, which was expected since that's the whole point of "courting," but then he asks an unexpected question, "What… what is the 'scientific method'?"

Still, I find this sort of talk pleasant, and it allows me to nerd out for a bit. "To put it simply, it's math… because math can be used to explain everything. It's knowledge in its most distilled form. Back in my world, we explained everything with math, and though magic doesn't exist there, anything that obeys any sort of rules can be explained with math."

The dull prince looks down again at his cake, then clenches his fist and lets out two not very energetic chuckles. "Haha… The way you talk about math makes me feel things I never thought possible before."

Okay, that sounds suspiciously gay, and I'm tired of attracting so much gayness toward me.

His sister gives him a sympathetic smile, and we wait for him to continue his wistful confession, "The Dangerous Spinny Balls Research Facility used to be staffed by mathematicians, but it blew up before I was old enough to join them, so I always dreamed about what it'd be like."

Wait… mathema-fucking-ticians blew up a research lab? That's hardcore.

But that means that I have to clarify something for him, "We want to use math to standardize research and allow for any sort of predictions to be calculated, which will increase safety before experiments. You likely won't be doing any research yourself as I want you to administrate and organize the researchers."

He nods slowly in understanding, then shrugs. "Still, it isn't like this will be a lifelong job."

And Yunia follows up, "Indeed. If you raise a successor, you'll be free to become a researcher yourself."

Then his wistful air fades as he becomes cautiously serious. "But what about pay? I'm still a prince, after all."

We've thought of this, and we don't think that money would be attractive to a gnome, so we came up with this idea that I share, "How about we share discoveries and inventions with Gnomeria while you're in charge? Though that means that we'll also monitor the situation to ensure that you're training your successor."

Gnomes are very reserved and protective of their knowledge, so no matter what we share with them, it won't spread very far.

"That's very blunt," Belind interjects, her tone calm and crystal clear to show that she didn't like how we said that.

But I flash a kind smile at her to show that I understand her concern, then explain myself, "We must make our intentions clear, especially since the gun isn't the last of the creations I want to bring from Earth."

And Looklwind follows up, "Very well. I already believe this deal favors Gnomeria too much, so there's no reason to take offense at this."

Which finishes appeasing the cute pixie.

"Do you wish for time to think about your decision?" Yunia politely questions.

But the prince waves the concern away. "No… there's no need. I accept, though I need time to deal with my princely duties before I can join you."

"We'll be waiting for you," Lina affably hums.

And he nods, looking like he's embarrassedly excited about it.

Sainalai doesn't really understand the conversation, but she stays quiet and then returns to cheerfully talking to Belind once we're done.


Unfortunately, we follow up this sappy mood with something grim. Now that we've got everything we could from the Throat, it's time to end this.

"{How do you want this to go}?" I soberly ask in Reo.

The large and stupidly handsome bald man turns around and then aggressively advances towards the thick, spell-proof wall of reinforced glass, making the golems go on high alert, but he suddenly stops himself. From his strained expression, it seems that he's struggling against his monster instincts to fight us to the death, but his pride as a "civilized" monster is just as powerful.

After a couple of tense moments, his face starts to relax as his civilized side wins the battle. Then he readjusts his robes and haughtily demands, "Put me to sleep."

I nod and add, "{Any last words}?"

And he smiles wistfully. "{Glory to the Endless Fields}."

I think that's the name of their nation. Rather fitting, considering the bullshit number of "levels" I was forced to fly through.

Still, it feels sad to be forced to end such a vast civilization. Who knows how long they've been in the Broken Skies, slowly growing and preparing for this moment. But hundreds of thousands of years were wasted because the Gods sent five cheaters to deal with them… well, six with Brett.

I feel like I want the Titan exiles to grow, even without the promise to the Throat.


After that, we aren't in the mood to do much, so we laze about until lunchtime, then have one last meal with the Hau-Hou. But before we eat, we have a few words for each other.

"May our friendship last," King Temamana says as he offers his hand.

"And may the Gods watch over us," I reply as I take it and firmly shake it. The rhino-headed king may be big, but my hand is larger than normal, and my claws make up for the rest of the difference, so it doesn't feel like a child sharing a handshake with one of their parents.

Then we let go and raise our glasses of Eia towards the crystal light, showing everyone a pretty show of lights that displays the high quality of the drink. After pausing for a couple of seconds to let everyone become mesmerized by it, we down our Eia at the same time and cheer.

But my words were secretly a threat. Someone here likely fucked with us, and since we're so deeply favored by the Gods, they better start praying divine retribution will show them a modicum of mercy. We won't forgive and won't forget the theft of the golem.

"Your presence has brought immeasurable benefits to the Sky Lands," Princess Haotawa follows up, obviously trying to improve her position by cheerleading for us. It's a pity that I couldn't court her for longer because I'm almost certain that I would've eventually been able to get my Cock inside her deliciously tight light-blue deer pussy.

"We owe it all to our saviors!" Hekeman hastily adds, forced to do so because he's the Chosen Descendant and shouldn't let the First Princess get ahead of him.

Then I finally say it, "But all good things must come to an end. It's time to return home." And I immediately start to become excited about it.

"You'll always have a second home here, no matter what," Queen Patika kindly states, and I think she actually means it. We did save their nation, after all.

"We'll remember that," Yunia replies in kind. She knows the value of honest allies.


The meal lasts for a long time because etiquette demands it, and then there's also the goodbyes, but my eyes start to blur as the homesickness flares. Before I know it, it's time to leave, but there are two tasks in the capital that I, personally, must complete before we can return home, and the girls decide to wait for me so that we can all receive our family at the same time.

We also need more of the crystal orbs that we use to boost our mana circulation training, so Roxanne goes to the market to buy a few crates. And as for my first task, I definitely need Alissa with me because we're visiting Vanea.

"I'm honored that the 'Saviors of the Sky Lands' have decided to visit me," the slutty not-princess greets with her eyes down after opening the door to her office in Rabanara's embassy. She's wearing a semi-transparent white princess dress, but her delicious bits are covered in small, skin-colored underwear, giving the impression that you could see them if only you stared hard enough. A true trap for the eyes.

"You have ears everywhere, don't you?" I wryly ask, then lower my eyes to her nice little tits. I've already seen her nipples before, but seeing them in person is another thing entirely, and her underwear makes the pointy bits very obvious.

She jumps in place twice to make her breasts jiggle, and my eyes perfectly follow their every move. "Of course, I do," she hums, but then her tone starts to get a bit edgy. "And I also heard about how some certain 'Saviors' have been allowed to do as they please in the Imperial [Eternal Gate] Network in the name of the Ryders. I expected something a bit more… strict. It's almost like you don't want to put your cock inside me." And she finishes with a coy pout.

I raise my eyes and soberly state, "I'm not chaining the earthlings to my will, Vanea. You'll need to find another way."

She finally looks me in the eye and gives me a frustrated glare, but her magically piercing eyes barely do anything aside from annoying the dragon. "No, you need to find another way to get inside me. I actually do want to be fucked by you, and I get very frustrated when I don't get the cock I want."

But things are getting dangerously spicy. "I didn't come here to discuss this, Vanea."

"Fine. A bit of denial is fun, anyway," she haughtily replies, then turns and walks into her office. "Come in, please, Your Highnesses, but don't mind the two as this is merely a bit of 'exercise.'"

And once we follow, we see that by the window, there's a big lionfolk man with his cock out, gripping the waist of a cute little dark-haired dwarf girl in a cute pink dress as he tries to slide her ass down his long shaft. But then I see the hint of cock and balls hanging between the "girl's" legs.

I remember him, that's Grosnok, and we fought together once. But we don't remember the "girl," though her face is familiar…

Alissa is very interested in this, so I let her stare while the girls touch themselves to the gay sex and share the pleasure with each other. The cock doesn't seem to be very well-lubed, though, which shows in both of their expressions, but the girl still reaches under her dress and starts stroking her cock… so I guess they're enjoying it…?

Anyway, Alissa and I take our seats. But then I sigh and just produce a tentacle dick that I use to fuck her because she's getting very, very excited.

"Now, how may I help you, Your Highnesses?" Vanea politely asks, then decides to happily stare at Alissa getting fucked because why not?

"What do you know of the Rankiaiwhai noble family in the Sky Lands?" I go directly to the point.

She raises her thin eyebrows as she glances at me and chuckles girlishly. "My, you've actually managed to surprise me, which I find very arousing. I don't remember that name, but I do have a compendium on every noble house, if you'll allow me a moment to peruse through it."

"Sure," I hum and focus on torturing Alissa's clit while Vanea pulls a big heavy book out of her [Item Box] with a *poof* and then casually flips through the pages. The words are all in code, so it's useless to try to read them.

After a happy minute, the silence broken only by the two dudes fucking by the window and Alissa's soft, growing moans, Vanea finds the entry.

"Here, Rankiaiwhai. Nothing noteworthy, just another noble family who values money more than honor," she remarks with a shrug.

"That's exactly the question. We want to know everything about them," I answer fiercely, getting a hard-on from Alissa's cute sounds.

"Why?" Vanea inquires curiously.

But I just hum, "That's a secret."

And she snorts, then snobbishly turns her nose away. "Then I won't tell you anything."

We thought she'd likely say something like this, so I calmly continue the "negotiation," "You'll trade our reason for your help?"

"Perhaps," she hums as she gives me a side-eye, then stops being cutesy and stares at me straight-on. "If it'll help me in the future, I might do it for free. It never pays off in the long run to extort the Blessed, so I'll be fair, I promise."

"You sound like you have experience with extortion," I wryly remark. I'm already too used to her to feel appalled.

"And divine retribution," she adds with a nod, and now that makes us worried.

But it's also the perfect hook, so I promptly follow up, "It's precisely because we want to impart retribution that we're curious about this family. We want to find the ones who stole the golem."

Now the levity is gone from her pretty face as she becomes interested. "Oh… that. Even I haven't heard much aside from that there was an attack on your workshop, but to think that someone actually managed to steal a golem is huge."

"Indeed, and this time, we'll be even less merciful than we were with Katasko," I happily reply. The dragon is going to savor this revenge.

She nods in understanding and affably replies while averting her eyes again to not annoy me, "Sounds fun. I'll send some spies to listen for anything about them."

"Thank you," I honestly reply with a nod.

And she chuckles darkly. "Thank me by dominating the Gifted. I want you to be extremely powerful so that I can leech off your influence."

Now, that's surprisingly blunt. "I… appreciate the honesty."

She chuckles like a girl again, her change in demeanor so fast that it's jarring. "If I hadn't said that, then your wife Yulania would have soon enough."

But she's right.


Okay, the worst is done, but the not-so-worst part is left: a private meeting with the Emperor. While we talked with Vanea, Yunia arranged that for us while hiding her dripping arousal from watching the lion fuck the dwarf.

We're still made to wait an hour until the Emperor returns from whatever business he had wherever in the Empire. Then I'm called to the tower and allowed into the Main Throne Room, this time by myself, and I even leave Gify with the girls.

The floor, walls, and ceiling have been enchanted to display a "panorama view" of the sky above the capital, making it seem like I'm flying among the clouds on a beautiful sunny day that's about to end as the sun is starting to sink on the horizon. I'm actually envious that Empy has such a nice view while we're limited to our balcony in the castle.

I walk towards the center of the room, stop and kneel at a little square covered in fluffy red velvet, then lower my head and wait. Empy isn't grumpy, for he waits only a mere second before appearing right in front of me, as my [Sense Soul] tells me.

"Lord Wolf," he hums, the deep bass of his voice hitting me so hard that it shakes my bones, but only psychologically.

Well, I've been getting used to being called "King," but I guess this is also fine.

"Greetings, Emperor Ajax," I stoically reply, still looking down. He could at least let me stand up.

"For what purpose did you wish to meet?" he continues, his voice now less painful.

I hold back a sigh and answer, "I have a proposal that should benefit us both."

"Rise," he immediately replies.

Then I do so and stare at the annoyingly handsome and shiny sun-kissed man. He's wearing a blood-red robe, but there's no enchantment making it "fuse" into the floor like the first time we met, so he looks almost normal for a moment.

"What is it?" he hurries me, though that previous thought took only a mere second.

"Someone stole one of my golems, and it possesses the knowledge to make my newest creation: guns," I soberly begin.

And he narrows his eyes suspiciously. "Guns, Gifted, and earthlings. You're bringing them all to your territory and accruing even more power."

I can't help but flash a smile at his caution. Then I calmly soothe the skittish little Empy, "I understand your concern, so I'm willing to give the secret of guns and rifles to you in exchange for information and free rein when someone attempts to sell guns in the open."

He slowly raises an eyebrow to emphasize his level of annoyance. "'Free-rein'? Don't you already practice it at all times?"

I steel myself against his powerful voice and gleefully reply, "Not really. I want to destroy the thieves. Make an even more visible example of them than what we did to Katasko."

He seems to get my intention, for he backs down and reasonably offers, "I could easily outlaw the recreation of guns without your authorization and enforce it even outside the Empire."

So I relay the crux of our plan, "No, we want to lure them out. Pretend that you want to teach me a lesson and allow guns to be sold without paying me tax."

The concept of royalties is very entrenched in Rupegian culture as races are very protective of certain things, like elves with Eia, so these rights are also extended to us, the inventors of guns.

He hums amusedly, mildly impressed. "How devious… You're showing your true colors, Wolf."

I snort back. "Don't exaggerate, Your Radiance. I don't even come close to the bloodthirst of a Punisher."

Then he cautions, "You won't have the cover of the Purification to do as you please. If you go too far, you'll answer to the Temple."

"That's fine. As long as they get exposed, we'll find a way to deal with them," I reassure him.

"But for that, I need to go along with your plan. So how about we start some rumors?" he suggests, and his tone starts to take a turn.

"'Rumors'?" I repeat confusedly.

Then he grins, and I get a really bad feeling about this. "Like how I'm still incensed with you and even caused an altercation."


But then he raises his fist, so I cover my face with my claws, and an unstoppable force meets my very much movable body, and I sense the ground flying away from my feet. Then I crash through something and realize that I'm the one flying instead.

Well… this sucks…

I actually fly for long enough that I can comfortably have that thought. Then I crash against a second set of doors, and this time, I slow down enough to fall down onto the fluffy carpet.

You punch like a bitch.

And I refuse to consider that he might've held back.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord modislaszlo.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble GalacticTNT.

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