Rwby: Battle For Remnant

A Forced Retreat/Invasion of Hallona

Hello, fellow spacers. DragoonMatrixgong here and welcome to the second chapter of Rwby: Battle For Remnant. I hope you all liked the first chapter. I appreciate the support given right off the bat. That fills me with confidence to continue all my stories.

The group of sixteen met Tak Ori of the Grimm Empire at the mining facility in the K02 Asteroid Belt while managing to rescue the remaining miners and help them escape. Tak Ori made his escape when he began feeling outmatched. To be fair, it was one versus thirteen. After the rescue and fight, they all say they want to meet again.

I'm happy to write all my stories. If any of you have any ideas of your own that you want to see in this story, please let me know in the comments/reviews or personally PM me.

Currently, a large but quickly diminishing Atlesian Military unit was pinned down just outside a canyon on Onvomia in the Vacuo System. They were being overwhelmed by the Grimm Empire as the Grimm Empire not only had Imperial Grunts and Grimm Drakes. Joining them were Grimm Doomwings, Imperial Shocktroopers, Imperial Assault Troopers, Beowolves, and Grimm Slicers in this assault.

The Atlesian Military Grunts, Atlesian Military "Wolf" class Light Tanks, Atlesian Military Snipers, Atlesian Military Mortar Troopers, and Atlesian Military Paratroopers weren't faring so well in this fight. If they killed a Grimm Drake in the air, two or three more would take the fallen one's place.

"Captain! There are too many! We need to retreat!" A soldier said before being shot directly in the head. Blood immediately started to pool around the very fresh corpse.

"That soldier was right, Captain! We need to fall back and regroup!" Another soldier repeated before being shot in the side. The Captain didn't like having to retreat, but there was no choice. The Grimm Empire were widdling the Atlesian Military forces down and closing in to finish the job.

"Alright, then. All forces! Retreat!" The Captain ordered. The Atlesian forces obeyed rather quickly. However, the Grimm Empire were gunning down the Atlesian forces as they retreated. The remaining Atlesian forces barely made it to their ships to get off Onvomia. When the Atlesian Military forces were seen fleeing, the Imperial soldiers and Grimm roared and cheered in their victory. In one of the landed Grimm Slicers, a person stepped out. This person had fuschia eyes that shimmered in the Onvomian sun, long, flowing purple hair that reached to her middle back, freckles on her cheeks, slightly tan skin, and an Imperial symbol on her left eye wearing a complete Imperial Officer Uniform.

"We've driven the Atlesian forces off this planet, Lady Alaric." An Imperial Grunt informed.

"Very good." Lady Alaric smiled. "This is a good victory to keep continuing our expansion across Remnant. Lieutenant Tylux. Spread out and start building multiple outposts on this planet."

"Yes, Ma'am." Lieutenant Tylux acknowledged from within his personal Grimm Slicer. "Imperial Squadrons one through five, move out!" He commanded. The Imperial Squadrons on the ground followed Lieutenant Tylux.

"Nothing can stop the Grimm Empire." Lady Alaric grinned. She watched the Imperial Troops continue forward with that same grin on her face. Suddenly, she stretched her limbs after realizing she had been standing in the same spot a little long.

On the planet Avellion in the Atlas System, the higher-ups in the Atlesian Military had just received word that the battle on Onvomia was a failure, with most of their forces being killed. It was obvious that they weren't taking it well. Currently, the Atlesian Military High Command were discussing the specific situation.

"Damn the Grimm Empire!" A middle-aged man with dark red hair, jade green eyes, and scars across both his eyes screamed. "General Ironwood! This is a disgrace to our forces!"

"Stand down, General Yeng." General Ironwood ordered. General Yeng reluctantly obeyed and sat back down. After General Ironwood sat down, a woman with flowing black hair tied into a bun, milky white eyes, and strange markings on her arms and neck stood up. This was General Veronica Merai.

"Getting angry doesn't solve anything at this point, General Yeng. We've lost Onvomia to the Grimm Empire. The best we can do is regroup and reassess our strategies." General Merai said calmly.

"Oh, great observation, General Merai. I would never have figured that out myself!" General Yeng yelled.

"General Yeng! Restrain yourself!" General Ironwood shouted. Just then, another General walked in with a data pad in hand. This Atlesian General was bald with lime green eyes and lizard scales on his arms. "Ah. General Quaid Zander. What are the reports?" General Ironwood asked.

"Not good, I'm afraid." General Zander grimaced. "We lost two-hundred soldiers on Onvomia, along with thirty-four "Wolf" class Light Tanks. There was no chance. We were overwhelmed." He finished.

"Damn it..." General Yeng cursed under his breath.

"This is not good. If we lost Onvomia, we'll have to work harder to protect our other forward bases in the Vacuo System." General Merai stated.

"Regardless, we mustn't let this loss get out into the general public. Who knows what this could do for the Atlesian Military's reputation throughout Remnant." General Yeng said more calmly.

"You're correct on that front." General Ironwood agreed.

"We should start reinforcing our other forward bases immediately." General Merai voiced.

"We shall start at once." General Zander said. With that, the four Atlesian Military Generals left the room.

Back on Onvomia, Lady Alaric and Lieutenant Tylux had built five outposts on the planet. They were quite pleased with their success. Currently, the two were in a tent preparing to transmit back to Imperial Command. A man with pink hair, sky blue eyes, a mark on his chin with a robotic left arm which was wielding an Asheron Systems TB-43 Plasma Shotgun wearing an Imperial Officer uniform walked into the tent. "Ah. Captain Mason Vala." Lady Alaric said. "Any resistance?" She asked.

"None so far, Ma'am. We're continuing to built outposts on Onvomia." Captain Vala reported.

"Excellent. We're just about to report our success to Imperial Command." Lady Alaric said.

"No doubt they'll be pleased with our success." Lieutenant Tylux smiled. Suddenly, a holographic person popped up. "High Colonel Bolt." The trio said.

"What have you three to report?" High Colonel Bolt asked.

"Sir, we have successfully taken Onvomia in the Vacuo System. We have met no resistance and we are continuing to build multiple outposts on the planet." Captain Vala reported.

"Excellent, Captain Vala." High Colonel Bolt smiled in the hologram. "Lady Alaric. Take some of your forces and head to the planet Hallona which is also in the Vacuo System. There are resources there we can use."

"We will leave immediately, Sir." Lady Alaric bowed. The hologram disappeared. "We have our orders, you two. We're heading to Hallona." She said.

"Yes, Ma'am." The two said. A Grimm Shadowbeak showed up. When it opened up, Lady Alaric, Lieutenant Tylux, and Captain Vala entered the vehicle. The Grimm Shadowbeak along with twenty Grimm Drakes and fifteen Grimm Doomwings joined it in space. They met no resistance while traveling to Hallona. However, when they got close to Hallona's space, they saw an Atlesian Military "Sol Draco" Battle Cruiser blocking their path in Hallona's orbit.

"I'm guessing the Atlesian Military are here trying to defend Hallona from us." Lieutenant Tylux deadpanned.

"They won't succeed." Captain Vala smirked.

The battlecruiser launched many Schnee Industries 3200 "Dactyl" Fighters to fight off the invading Grimm Empire. "Aren't those Schnee Industries fighters?" Captain Vala asked.

"Yes, they are. Unfortunately for our enemies, that means nothing to us." Lady Alaric grinned. "All fighters intercept the enemy!" She commanded. The fighters obeyed as they all went ahead of the Grimm Shadowbeak to combat the enemy fighters.

The "Dactyl" Fighters were fast and maneuvered around the Imperial forces. Even though the Imperial Fighters were able to match the maneuvers of the enemy fighters, the "Dactyl" Fighters managed to take down at least ten of the Grimm Drakes and seven Grimm Doomwings. Things didn't seem to be going well for the Grimm Empire. Inside the "Dactyl" Fighters, the pilots were no doubt smirking, conversing with each other, and cheering themselves and each other on. They continued to fight and destroy the Imperial Fighters.

"Lady Alaric! We're losing fighters!" Lieutenant Tylux exclaimed. "At this rate, we'll be slaughtered!" It was evident he was beginning to freak out.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Tylux. I already called for reinforcements." Lady Alaric said calmly.

Lieutenant Tylux was a little confused. "What reinforcements?" He asked.

Suddenly, forty Grimm Doomwings and fifty-four Grimm Drakes came out of hyperspace. The "Dactyl" Fighters were shocked if not scared to see a new fleet of Imperial Fighters appear just as things were going good for them. Within minutes, the second battle in the space in Hallona's orbit had begun. The outnumbered "Dactyl" Fighters continued putting up a valiant fight against the overwhelming Imperial Forces, their valiance would be for naught. The Grimm Doomwings slaughtered the "Dactyl" Fighters quickly while the Grimm Drakes went on to fight the "Sol Draco" Battle Cruiser. The cruiser unleashed all it's weaponry on the incoming Grimm Drakes, but they were too small and fast. Despite this, however, the cruiser was able to take out thirty-seven Grimm Drakes while the others outmaneuvered the cruiser's weapons. The people inside the "Sol Draco" Battle Cruiser were working overtime to try and destroy the Imperial Forces.

"Commander! There are too many Grimm Drakes!" An Atlesian Maintenance Worker shouted.

"Keep it up as best as you can!" The Atlesian Commander shouted back.

"Yes, sir!" The Maintenance Worker said.

However, the Grimm Doomwings appeared soon after. They decimated the Laser Cannons on the battle cruiser. A few minutes later, a Grimm Wyvern showed up, unleashing dozens of Grimm Spores at the Atlesian ship. The Grimm Spores broke through the hull of the ship. Imperial Grunts emerged from the Grimm Spores and began killing the Atlesians on the cruiser. There were soldiers in the cruiser of course who fought back the Imperial Grunts, taking down a few Imperial Grunts, but they were quickly overwhelmed as they were shot down. Scores of holes in the newly made corpses fell to the floor.

"Commander! There are too many Imperials! We have to abandon ship!" A lieutenant exclaimed.

"We can't! We'll lose Hallona!" The commander shouted.

"I don't think it will matter anyway at this point." The lieutenant grimaced. An explosion was heard close to the bridge. The Grimm Empire was inching closer to the bridge. "I don't think we have a choice."

Suddenly, the doors to the bridge exploded. Imperial Grunts poured in and slaughtered everybody. The Atlesian Commander fought back however and took out almost all of the Imperial Grunts in the bridge. He would've taken out all of them if he wasn't shot in the back. The Imperial Grunts shot him multiple times, allowing blood to spill out of the Atlesian's body. With the Atlesians now dead, the Imperial Grunts destroyed the controls, making the ship begin to fall out of orbit.

However, while the ship was starting to fall out of orbit, a few surviving Atlesians fled in escape pods, but one of the escape pods was hit by falling debris from the cruiser and was sent plummeting toward Hallona. The Grimm Empire watched with smiles on their faces as the "Sol Draco" Battle Cruiser fall to Hallona's surface. "Prepare for the invasion." Lady Alaric said darkly. The Imperials obeyed immediately as they made towards the planet's surface, intent on gaining another foothold in the Vacuo System.

The people of Hallona saw the Atlesian ship fall out of the sky and hit the surface, hard. A few went to check out the wreckage for any survivors. While this was happening, the Hallonans heard multiple engines. They looked up and saw Imperial ships descending upon them. When the Imperial ships landed, Lady Alaric walked out of the Grimm Shadowbeak. A couple Hallonans were awestruck at the apparent beauty of Lady Alaric.

"What is the Grimm Empire doing here?" A Hallonan asked gruffly.

"Why the glorious Grimm Empire is on your planet is not your concern." Lady Alaric said. "Just know that we expect your full cooperation. If you do not cooperate with us, we will not hesitate to kill any of you." She finished. When she saw that the Hallonans didn't respond and had gruff expressions on their faces, she sighed. "So be it. Captain Vala, send a message to this planet."

"At once, Ma'am." Captain Vala obeyed. Several Imperial ships quickly flew overhead the Hallonan people. The native Hallonans watched in utter horror as the Grimm Empire destroyed numerous structures destroyed and/or go up in flames. Some Hallonans ran towards Lady Alaric, but were gunned down by Imperial Grunts. The others saw their friends killed instantly and tears streamed down their faces. Seeing their faces, Lady Alaric smirked as the Grimm Wyvern landed and Imperial Forces marched out of it. The Hallonans began running from the Grimm Empire.

"Alright. We-We'll do as you say." A female Hallonan said with sadness in her voice.

"Excellent. You've made the right decision." Lady Alaric smirked yet again. This was another victory for the Grimm Empire.

Meanwhile, eleven miles from the crash site, the escape pod that was hit by debris had made it to the surface. The pod's door opened and an Atlesian Military soldier with brown hair, plum eyes, and slightly bleeding hobbled out. A tag of the soldier's uniform said Pvt. Ford Triss. Ford looked inside the pod and saw the soldiers with him were all dead. Ford knew he couldn't be found by the Grimm Empire, so he took what he needed from the pod and left, but remained a few feet from it, seeing as it's communications equipment might still be working. Who knows, maybe he could get a signal back to the Atlas System for help.

Hello, eveyone. Hope you all liked the second chapter of Rwby: Battle For Remnant. We finally get a look at a planet in the Vacuo System: Onvomia where the Atlesian Military brutally lost a skirmish with the Grimm Empire, and losing their base on Onvomia in the process. This was a bit of a brutal loss for the Atlesian Military as The Grimm Empire had utterly decimated them. The Grimm Empire then headed to Hallona but was temporarily stopped by the Atlesian Military, resulting in a battle breaking out. At first, it seemed that the Atlesian Forces would win which would've partially made up for the loss at Onvomia, but then many more Imperial Fighters appeared, wiping the Atlesian Forces out, allowing them to invade Hallona. Who knows what this loss will do to the reputation of the Atlesian Military.

More OCs have been introduced into the story. We get Lady Ira Alaric and her personal Lieutenant Kanan Tylux of the Grimm Empire. These two were the ones responsible for driving the Atlesian Forces off Onvomia and proceed to establish multiple outposts on the planet. After five outposts were built, Captain Mason Vala, another of Lady Ira Alaric's personal force reported that no resistance was met. Then, Lady Alaric and her two officers head to the planet Hallona in the same system.

We get a new vehicle on the side of the Grimm Empire: The Grimm Shadowbeak. The Grimm Shadowbeak is a transport of the Grimm Empire. That's all the data for now, but this vehicle will show up more often from this point on.

A vehicle used by the Atlesian Military also shows up, attempting to defend the planet Hallona. This vehicle is an Atlesian Military "Sol Draco" Battle Cruiser. This ship is used by the Atlesian Military to house and move large forces and defend planets from the Grimm Empire, though the one seen in this chapter didn't do that.

We get OCs in Atlesian High Command. We get General Larry Yeng who is shown to be a hothead very quick to anger, General Veronica Merai who is blind but calm, General Quaid Zander who handles data reports and is a Gecko faunus. These are only three of the Atlesian High Command. As they discussed, they were worried about their reputation if the losses at Onvomia gets out into the public. Also, we an a few Atlesian soldiers who escaped the destruction of the "Sol Draco" Battle Cruiser in this chapter. We don't get their names yet, but we will later on. Although, we do get one name: Private Ford Triss who was the sole survivor of his escape pod's crash.

Now, for some info on the planet Hallona. Hallona is one of the few, non-desert planets in the Vacuo System. It has some resources that are apparently useful to the Grimm Empire. Hence, one of the reasons why the Grimm Empire invaded the planet shortly after their victory at Onvomia. This was meant to show that the Grimm Empire was not to be taken lightly.

If anyone has any ideas for this story, please let me know in the comments/reviews or personally PM me.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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