RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Love of freedom

Yang pov

From the moment she entered the stage I was sure that i gonna to watch this fight from start to finish. I didn't see her fight in the club because I was busy with my fight but here and now I can watch how the beauty will handle herself in the fight. 

' And it's something beautiful ' 

By the way she moves it's not the full extent of her ability I know that's not all she can do . And I was right as time went on her movements became more brutal and visibly more painful for her oponent . 

Now I could understand the state of Junior's people. One of her blow is capable of  knocking down or kill a person. However, these are not blindly throw punches and grabs from what I can see and from what my experience tells me she has her own savage and brutal fighting style. Whoever taught her this must have had some symptoms of sadism.

 I fight my own way but I am held back by the restraint my father taught me but she, she has no restraint or simply no control over her strength but when I see her fighting I know that is not the crux of the problem . 

'She just likes it rough.'

I think while sipping another beer . 

"Grapples and kicks a good combination with her physique "

Daichi says while watching the fight. 

"She has long legs so she can keep her distance "

I say agreeing. However, my minde start thinking about jiuji-gatame which the monkey right now receive  . 

' This monkey is lucky too I would like to tuck my head between her thighs' 

I think a little jealously. 

" Nevertheless she is not physically weak she just fights like that ".

Coco says while drinking another glass pulling me out of my thoughts . 

"However, she could be more delicate, after all, wouldn't kicking so hard violate some rules?" 

Daichi says. 

"This is a cage, not some martial arts competition leaving someone in a wheelchair or deliberately leaving scars is a mutilation, that's why she fights within the boundaries of the rules". 

"Besides she is delicate for them "

Blake says seriously. 

Then Lappland got hit in the face by a bearhug but even though she flew the whole distance of the ring I had nothing to worry about because I knew Lappland was a tough girl. In the end, one will know his own. In addition, Blake seemed calm the whole time so we continued to drink while watching the fight. 

Then the beauty was caught by a bear who tried to knock her down, but she stopped him and with her small body she looked like a small concrete pillar stopping a speeding truck. 

"These arms and legs really have power." 

I say out loud looking at the scene. 

"She's a faunus she has a different physique to humans her muscles should be denser than normal so it's easy to hide them just like Velvet's legs are lean and long but her kick is capable of cracking a skull." 

Coco said. 

"It's not just that, look at this technique, she leans on her opponent's back so she can press him to the ground as he lifts her to the gore and with her strength it's possible." 

" Also, she is wrestling him with her legs although if she had weak legs it wouldn't work but you can always see a bit of technique in it rather than empty use of force " 

Daichi says analysing. 

" So beauty fights with her head "

I say but at my words Blake looks at me. 

" Rather with experience " 

Says Blake with fatigue in her voice at her words Coco and I look at Blake to continue what she was have in minde . 

" Lappland likes to cause trouble". 

And with these simple words as if they explain everything Blake looks back at the screen. Seeing that she won't say anything more I look at Coco who smiles at me. 

' So Coco also likes girls who get into trouble.' 

Thinking I look at Coco who is apparently thinking the same thing about me . Looking at the monitor I see that a rabbit has joined in trying to restrict Lappland's movements, which I think is a bit unfair, but looking at their situation I don't blame these guys and besides it's a fight so I don't see the problem. 

When Lappland was immobilised the monkey finally did something more useful than jumping around like a fool and delivered the first visible serious blow to Lappland's head. I saw her aura flashed announcing how powerful the blow was since even a bear punch didn't cause it. 

And as I'm into martial arts myself I can see that it was a perfectly executed axe kick. 

' So Mr Monkey wasn't serious in fight either.' 

Although Blake didn't look worried I was a little stressed myself knowing the approximate force behind that blow and knowing that with a head injury with that kind of force if she doesn't have special semblance to dampen the force of the blow like me it's going to be a nasty wound even with aura protection .

Even more so looking at the fact that after that blow Lappland was not moving and even bleeding which this time made worry and even a little fear appear on Blake's always calm face ?. And this time seeing that she was worried I started to worry myself. 

' Is she ok?' 

' Such a blow can even kill '. 

Even though she still stood and did not fall and both the bear and the kings are apparently pushing all the time to knock her down nevertheless I feel uneasy in my heart but I believe in her .

However, my worry disappeared when she let out that macabre laugh after being kicked so I knew she was alive and probably fine. Looking at the faunus standing on the floors of the prison block in the paronam behind the cage displayed on the monitor screen they seemed disoritated and even some of them strangely frightened because of her strange laughter audible even without sound equipment .

To me personally, her laughter did not seem so frightening it was rather charming and suited her look. Coco must have thought this same  because she did not look frightened either. However, Blake's worry did not disappear and she even showed a little fear on her face .

In this same time despite her condition, Velvet hugged the waist of the now surprised Coco and hug her. 

"Is she all right? "

Asks fox clearly hearing that something is wrong despite the fact that he was already a bit drunk . However, the way he said it made it unclear whether he was talking about Lappland or Velvet.

"She's been hit pretty hard in the head and now she's bleeding so it's not likely she's in good shape ".


Says tipsy Daichi. 

"She's got an aure you've seen don't worry everything's fine with her right Blake? "

Asks Coco stroking Velvet who drunkenly started rubing her head on Coco thigs .

"Yes she's rather fine... physically."

Blake says without breaking eya contact with the monitor.

" What worries me now is that lappland never bleeds from such things ".

Whispers quietly Blake apparently to herself. 

Due to the fact that half the people are already drunk to some degree and Coco is dealing with Velvet I was the only one to hear this whisper. I look at Blake not quite understanding what she means by that. After all, injuries happen, even to people with aura , so it's normal for her to bleed. 

After that Lappland was already off the leash. So in the end I was eable to saw a good exchange between the monkey and Lappland. 

' If the monkey guy had been serious from the start and taken advantage of Lappland's unpreparedness they might have won' 

' But I still don't know if that's all Beauty has to offer if not then I doubt they will ever have a chance to win.' 

Their exchange was quick and by the time I finished my eighth beer beauty had already won by crushing the monkey's face. Now she is standing alone in the cage in the middle of her unconscious opponents to which the medical staff had already rushed to help . 

Standing there she stared at the ceiling as the lights illuminated her body and the faunus screamed in excitement of anger and many other emtions. Just standing there she looked like a wild animal in a cage what at that moment giving her a unique look and atmosphere  . 

 Looking at her I get the feeling that she seems so alone there even though I see her only through a monitor and not face to face. I can't shake the feeling she gives me. Looking at that mask on her head I already know what I felt about her from the very beginning and what I see more clearly now. 

There are many things I like about her . But I didn't know what I could love about her. Now I see what I feel for her and what makes me feel that way about her.

There are many things that are important to me when choosing a partner, from appearance to character traits, I am not that easy, I have never fallen in love or even been close to it with so many bland people passing me by.

However, even with all the criteria it doesn't mean I will fall in love with someone. Lappland you have something I didn't expect or rather didn't think I could find.

' Freedom'

I think while looking at the screen. From the beginning I felt it she is the disposition of freedom now she is like a caged animal showing difrents with her usual self . I want to become a hunter of many one of them is adventure and the search for new sensations and the longer I look at her the more I have the feeling that we are similar.

' Strong, a little bit crazy, good looking, charming'.

The longer I spend with her the more I see that she is crazy enough to go with you to the end of the world, strong enough to not have to worry about her and beautiful enough to please the eye. Free not to look at what she is doing and just enjoy her life even when others tell her what to do she doesn't listen to them .

She is free  and that is the most beautiful thing about her as well as dangerous but so hot for me at the same time . She fits perfectly into my future team as my life partner.

My love at first sight has bought my heart with her uniqueness even though I don't know her I can always change that but for me it took this few hours to know that this is it. She is dangerous, I know that. She's going to cause problems, I'm looking forward to it.

 I want to know her even more because despite everything I " Like " in her personalisty and look .

' I " Love " her for her freedom' 

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