Saga of Astral Mysteries

Chapter 3 – Plenty of Loot

It didn't take him long to find another group of Goblins, and this time, as he saw it, he was in luck because there were several of them, and it seemed that they were transporting some goods with them. 

Ordinary goblins stoop between 1 meter tall to maximally 1,2 meters tall and withered something between 18 kg to 25 kg on average.

They had flat faces, sloped back foreheads, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs, and their eyes varied in color from red to yellow. Their skin color ranged from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red, though they also came in shades of green.

All members of the same tribe normally share the same skin color. Goblins typically dressed in dark leathers soiled by poor hygiene and colored in a similar range of tones to their skin.

'There around nine of them, rather relaxed or just unruly, it is always pretty hard to tell what is going on in the heads of the goblins...'

He observed the goblins from a distance for some time because he already had some experience with the creatures as he was hunting them even before he became Beyonder.

Right now, hunting goblins was probably his sole source of income, as many of their body parts were rather precious; if he was lucky, he could obtain some of their Extraordinary Cores, which were equal to the Beyonder Characteristics. 

But they were very, very rare, and till now, he managed to obtain only one when he killed a severely injured Goblin Chief after he came across an almost destroyed Goblin Tribe. One of the Extraordinary Cores sold for several hundred Golden Dragons, and for the money, he was able to buy all the ingredients for the Beyonder Potion for the Sequence 7 Warrior.

As he saw the nine goblins carrying several bags of things with them, he followed after them, sneaking past rocks and hiding behind the terrain until the goblins decided to rest for some time, for whatever reason, which was his time to act. 

He strongly gripped his sword as he rushed towards the goblins that were putting all of their loot in one place and stabbed one of the goblins from behind. Other goblins reacted almost immediately when they saw that one of theirs was killed and attacked the Valyrian human with newfound ferocity. 

The hatred between the Valyrians and goblinoids of the Paintain Mountains was deeply seeded.

Like other goblinoids, goblins often had a short temper, and were more easily provoked than individuals of most other races. Goblins, especially among the goblinoids, were known to be especially stupid and greedy; they were extremely easily angered and acted purely on emotion. 

Using the Juyo Style against the goblins was proving to be especially effective, because with the strong, powerful and fast attacks, the goblins were soon enough decimated. As the weakest species among the goblinoids, they were not particularly powerful because even regular people could beat them. 

Average goblins were not really that powerful, and it required the ordinary trained soldier to beat a few of them, as their physical prowess wasn't really great.

For Beyonders, the goblins were basically the easiest prey, though some of the Goblins, especially the Goblin Shamans or Chieftains of Tribes, were a match for Sequence 7 Beyonders, and sometimes they were even stronger than the Sequence 7 Beyonder, depending on the Pathway of the Beyonder.

As the last head of the goblin rolled on the ground, Valkorion swung his sword as he got rid of the blood from the sword, before he returned the sword back to the sheath.

Now that the goblins were dead, he felt that the digestion rate of his Warrior Potion was speeding up a little bit, which was to be expected as it was the result of the last fight, as that was the best Acting Method for the Warrior.

After every goblin was dead, he started going through the things that the goblins were attempting to transport because seeing nine goblins carrying something was rather a rare sight. 

Unfortunately for Valkorion, most of the things that goblins were carrying were just trash, some random things that they picked up after the battle, most probably after they ambushed some travelers or unlucky adventurers. 

On the bright side, he managed to gather something around two hundred Golden Dragons from the bags and some pieces of jewelry, several rings, necklaces, and armbands that could be sold for a nice sum of money. 

It was very well known that the goblins were famous for collecting shiny things, even though they were more often unaware of the real value of the things that they were collecting. After he went through the goblin loot, another thing were the corpses of the golbins. 

As the Extraordinary Creatures, several parts of their bodies were rather valuable, enough to fetch him several tens of Golden Dragon Coins from one corpse. The most valuable body parts was the heart, ears and eyes. 

As he was butchering through the corpses of the goblins, he was mildly disappointed that there was no Extraordinary Core, but that was to be expected, as this goblin group consisted of rather young and weak goblins, so none of them would have something like Extraordinary Core.

When everything was finished, he put all of the things into the bags that he prepared for the Beyodner Ingredients and also put away all the valuables. Noticing the amount of loot that he gained from this trip into the Painted Mountain, it was time to return back to the nearest town and cash out the resources. 


Cartharys was a city located down to the Painted Mountains and served as the first line of defense against the goblinoids living in the Painted Mountains or the Dorthraki Khalasars that attempted to attack the Freehold in case of their madness.

It was more of a fortress than of a city, and the population was just in a few tens of thousands; most of them were just soldiers of the Freehold Army, adventures, and, of course, many, many slaves that were living in the Cartharys. 

Often shipped directly from the cities of Astapor, Mereen or Yunkai of the Slaver Bay.

It looked like a typical Valyrian City; most of the buildings were in the grandiose architectural style with plenty of reminiscent of the Dragons. Of course, the most notable feature was the fabled Black Walls made with the Valyrian techniques, which were considered unpenetrable and indestructible...

As he approached the gates of the fortress city, he was stopped by the guards that were clad in the Valyrian Steel Armor from toe to head, as they were elite members of the Freehold Legions. 

When he gave them his adventurer card that served as verification of his identity, they let him pass. It was rather interesting because the Valyrian Freehold was rather advanced, much more than the nations of the known world that he remembered from the books of the ASOIAF.


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