Saharan Successor

Chapter 158 – Vol 3. – Chapter 23

Chapter 158 - Vol 3. - Chapter 23


Mathias talks with Lady Ann about some small things, seeming to be complaining a bit about how much work he has, but at the same time making fun of himself for wanting to eat from too many cakes at once.

"Young Mathias, you have to set your targets in stone. One by one, instead of moving in all sorts of directions, which will make you like a ball of linen that starts getting entangled. You start from a set place, but end up entangled in other targets you've placed upon your shoulders."

"Listen to this old hag, she has experienced many in her life and can tell failure from success from a single glance. You can achieve many things you wish, but that's if you do it step by step. Slowly. This Empire was not built overnight, so you can understand what I am referring."

Still, the old lady encourages Mathias, seeing him like a grandson and son, and tells him that everything will be fine, since he settled down all the business strategies at a splendid level, that even surprised her, at how precise each estimation of his was.

"Mhm, I will be careful, granma. Only a fool wouldn't be able to see that, and a fool I am not. For now, with the Workshop getting in shape, I can wander my mind toward another target of mine, that of becoming a Red Knight."

"Good, good. Grandma is glad to hear you have a map in your mind about what steps you'll take. However, if you want a piece of advice from an elderly woman, don't hesitate to ask me, especially now that you've me the powers of taking care of the Workshop."

"I will remember this. If I feel troubled by something, I will not hesitate, so rest assured and just try to relax yourself."

"Also, it seems my time for departure has finally arrived."

"Understood, son. Take care of yourself, and don't allow yourself to get hurt just because you can return back from the unthinkable."

Nodding at the kind, old lady, he moved to give her a hug while patting her back in a gentle manner, and without making a scene with the kids, he went off into his adventure.

He departs out of the city, under the cover of the night, and the first thing on his list was to check his supplies which were full as if he was prepared from before logging out and moving back home.

On his way out of the city, he encounters a group that was surrounding a man with the name of Corvus and seeing this scene out of instinct knowing the capabilities of his first mentor he keeps his distance from the group.

Nevertheless, curiosity still haunted him badly and he decided to watch how the conflict would settle down, and it was a territorial dispute settled between the Elite NPCs whose level overshadowed the tiny player, with the opposite party having 3 guys with levels around 285 and 295 while Corvus was the one with the highest level he saw in the game, being an person with level 324.

"I don't want to want to hear your guys bullshit. So you better don't open your mouth. You think that because you are the leaders of the Underworld inside Toulmount that it gives you the arrogance to come demand things from me?"

"Do you peasants, really wish to die so badly and never found out how?"

"Lord Corvus, please. We can settle this rather easily. Money for territory. Simple as it sound, but the money in play will satisfy."

"Ohh really? Then why don't you try your luck with Clark? Or that snake Irenaeus? I heard he is into money, maybe you can find a host in that shit. As for me, not interested."

"Lord, our deal will be satisfying."

"Piss off before you anger me."

From the conversation going on, Mathias learned that the group of 3 Elite NPCs were formed by 3 Underworld leaders of Toulmount City, Duchess Basara's territory. They wanted to offer the sea and the salt, but the man who gave the appearance of a beggar didn't even flinch at their angry looks.

He was looking interested in the display, as Corvus didn't back down from his territory, not even a set, and overall hearing their conversation reminded him of the dark reality of the Satisfy World.

Similar to outside, even in such a place there existed a veil of mystery, and like a twin sister to the realm world, the Satisfy world was confronting with something similar when it came to the Underworld Influences and Gangs lurking deep, causing havoc without even being noticed.

Actions wrapped into such a toxic form, that only the most secretive people could know about those groups, and such it was similar for the Satisfy.

'So, those guys are out for territory grabs and are looking for some easy targets. Heh, and you thought Corvus was someone easy to talk to? Give me a break, you can only talk with fists with that bastard.'

He remained hidden, placing his emotions under wrap and having a chilling calm the whole period of time he was eavesdropping on the conversation of those elite "Thugs".

Without being noticed by those high-level guys who were far above him in level and power, but thanks to his Arcane Spell, he made his presence vanish, using the versatility [Isolation] spell that was the spell he became the most proficient out of necessity.

Seeing him pull his [Isolation] spell, an old voice inside his mind couldn't help but remark finding it funny, how good his schemes were.

{I don't know what's your stage with that magic of yours. But to vanish your marks of the outside is akin to one of the best assassination techniques used to lose your tracks when followed by the enemy.}

{If you ask me, I could bet you have the potential of becoming the best assassin in the world if you continue developing those spells to a greater state.}

Clearly, the old emperor still held some interest in the unique magic utilized by Mathias and Fayrene, which reminded him of a certain someone that had something similar, but from his memory looking a bit different, as if missing something critical.

"Since we can't reach an agreement with you Lord Corvus. We will give you some days to think about our offer, and we'll meet in the same place."

"As I said, just go to Clark or Irenaeus for those petty dealings. That's their domain of activity."

Still, as the conversation between the bosses of the Underworld ends, and the group breaking up, Mathias also departed on to his way toward the South Gate, yet as he broke the spell, Corvus noticed his presence and thought it was a rat from the Imperial House, such that he planned to kill him.

However, he stopped abruptly when he noticed the shadow feathers coming off from his feet, which were exactly his signature movement skill, the Raven's Movement. This makes him wonder how Mathias could know his skill, and such that he starts following him out of curiosity until he got to the South Gate where he looks with disgust at the Imperial Guards stationed to watch over the gate.

'This person? Could it be one of my students I didn't bother to remember their faces or names? Should I stop him a bit for some questions on how his progress got?'

The middle-aged beggar had some inner monologue, asking himself how could Mathias know his spells, and seeing the Imperial Guards stopping Mathias, he ceased his plan on following him, and instead returned back to Wallmort District, with the intent of asking, Edmon, the Innkeeper, wishing to get more details about the person who used the Raven's Movement.

The point where Edmon instantly says that it is Mathias, recognizing him as one of the important community members of Wallmort District, which makes Corvus confused.

Yet the Drunk Immortals with Alchem leading them, mention to Corvus how Mathias was the one who brought the wine that put him on his ass, having one among a handful of good periods of sleep in the recent years since the incident with Welf House.

'Someone gave me booze without even mentioning wanting something from me? He is called Mathias?  It doesn't matter what is his name.

I'll have Alchem and his boys follow him around and search for more information. Maybe, I can get a good pawn by helping this person, in assisting me taking down the Saharan House.'



Back to Mathias, he is apprehended by the Imperial Guards who noticed his adventure attire, but once they see his chaperone the Leader of the Group immediately recognized him from the stories of the citizens of Wallmort, and with a casual talk, he asks him what his plan is to adventure out of Titan while the Winter was still on.

Mathias gives a blank response, not bothering himself to entertain a conversation, and wasting his precious time.

The Imperial Guard captain seems a bit offended, and extends his hand while saying "Passage Tax, Lord.", "When was the last time you paid your Passage Tax?"

This makes Mathias look with his crimson eyes deeper at the Imperial Guard Captain, unafraid of the person, looking at him down and up, sizing him up, before taking out from his pocket a small bag of gold that he threw on the soiled ground.

"Last time I remember there wasn't any Passage Tax inquired by the Imperial Watch, but so be it. Spend it on your families."

Saying that, in a detached manner, he brushes past the imperial guards who apprehended him, and to his surprise he had plenty of strength to brush off a Guard with the level of 160 with ease while leaving a small trail of Red Energy that moved like a hidden fragrance along with each step Mathias was taking.

The guards looked with mixed feelings at Mathias as they lowered themselves to quickly fetch the dirty pouch where they found 5 gold coins all made from bronze coins which gave the pouch a heavy touch to it.

The Imperial Guard Captain started cursing out loud for such a blatant act of disrespect, but only the lackeys around him were around him, with the rest of the guards taking a nap or doing something else besides bothering the free citizens of the Empire.

Mathias wasn't even bothered with the Imperial Guard, as if he saw him as a vermin for his corrupt ways of handling his honorable job, that he knew from good sources that it was paid rather decently, one could even say generous if a Guard would be up to take on a risky role, such as guarding the frontiers like the Red Knights who were treated akin to superstars when it came to fame, but like beggars when it came to the rightful money they deserved.

Like this Mathias goes on his journey toward the Gravelmark Mountain, starting by entering Emparr Forest, where he started exploring the forest, beginning to act like a reminiscent old man, taking Haycien to the first place he died, and he starts talking with the old man about some of his failures inside this world, such as when he died for the first time against Iljnoks.

Haycien makes fun of him, which instead makes Mathias frown, and seem to stop talking with the old man all-together, ignoring him for the most part of his journey like some young teenage friends.

Nevertheless, it was Haycien who returned some words back when he mentioned how he developed from where he first started to how he become right now, where Mathias could be said to be a true spearman apprentice who understood about the fundamentals of spearplay and other weapon masteries.

Mathias didn't even get attacked inside the forest, as if all the monsters and beasts inside crawled in fear at his sight, yet there was activity in the forest, clearly hearing the Forest Owls cries, and the shouts of some people, who from tonality struggled with the monsters.

Ignoring their cries, he continued his walk, until he heard the owls getting closer and closer to him, with the players, a party of low-level newbies running in his direction, all wounded by the level 18 Owls, numbering a group of 4, all Elites.

They saw Mathias and how his attire was high-level and shouted for his help, and in their mind, it wasn't even a problem that they would receive Mathias's help, yet the truth was different, Mathias simply stared at the group of newbies, all young adults in their 20s, and observing them struggling to survive, he turned around to continue his journey.

The owls cried out immediately when noticing Mathias, slowing down as if they understood they were dead meat once they attacked this man who radiated a hidden crimson-red aura with dark-purple smoke around.


Mathias ignored those guys and didn't even look at the group of guys, shouting for his help, and with the space they gained as they approached him, with the Forest Owls not daring to get closer to him, however, being Elite the monsters who suffered the hardships of winter, requiring food, noticed that Mathias didn't intend to help the humans they wanted to prey on, such that their attack came.

The cries of Owls started getting annoying to Vlad, while the screams of pain from the players and their curses for how he ignored them, also began getting to his nerves.

Taking out Ragnius which gave off an cold air that was about to start forming snowflakes, Mathias, while holding the spear's shaft with his right hand, gave off an dark-purple aura for a couple of seconds, before with a throwing stance unleashed Ragnius on one of the Elite Owls flying on the sky.

[Devastating Hit!]

[You've hit one of the Forest Owls weak spots, puncturing the heart of the creature. As consequences, Forest Owl of the Emparr Forest has been killed]

The players reacted as if they saw a ghost when Mathias unleashed his first attack, and watching the dark sky they could see the dark-purple aura belonging to a rope wrapped around an spear shaft, which moved to attack the second of the elite owls which was taken by surprise, and so it also ended getting itself killed.

"Newbies, this is all the help you'll get from me. Now piss off, and stop wasting my time."

The players saw Mathias retrieve his spear, using the dark-purple rope, and from nowhere no longer being able to follow his silhouette, as if vanishing from this area.

"Gosh, that's the abilities of a High-Ranker for sure. The saying that up the mountain is the place where only the best of the best live inside Saharan, is not a joke." said one of the players amazed by the show of skills given by Mathias.


On another hand, Mathias who used his Phantom Steps which took about 15% of his Stamina, appeared closer to the forest exist, and the path leading to Iljnoks Den, or better said the entrance to Gravelmark Kobold Tribe settlement which was right at the foot of the mountain, reaching underground.

Haycien seeing the progress Mathias made with his Phantom Steps even though were badly executed, draining him of his life energy, was satisfied since he reached a complete activation, while flawed it was nevertheless a success

'[This kid, he actually got the understanding he needs to execute the Steps without hurting himself too much, but he is still only a sprout. I bet it will take him some more years before he understands the technique complenty so he wouldn't get hurt by its activation.]' (A/N: When Haycien thinks to himself, it will be under his version)

Feeling the thrill of jumping at such a high intensity that the human eye could catch his figure, he jumped once again, creating a condensed shockwave on the ground his feet were planted, and he appeared once again somewhere closer to the Kobold Tribe Settlement entrance.



[Phantom Steps] (52/100)

Rating: Ancient

Phantom Steps are an imperative part of the Heaven and Earth Martial Arts which includes movements for attacking, defending, and offsetting the opponent.

This is due to the importance of Phantom Steps in martial arts. They are the base of any attack and movement because the possibility of a successful attack mostly depends on the effective use of the Phantom Steps.

No matter how strong a fist is, if it cannot connect with the opponent then it becomes useless. That is why foot techniques can be seen as some of the most fundamental techniques.

When in use Phantom Steps will create an air pressure upon execution, and will allow the user to jump to distances up to 100 meters. However, the longer the distance the larger the cost for an inexperienced user.

Resources Consumption: Each step drains the user of 15 STA points



Arriving at the entrance of the Cave, he notices the presence of a group of players, all being level 30-40 entering and exiting the Cave while their expressions were normal, and while eavesdropping on their conversation, he heard about how the "Old Kobold, is stingy", yet "How his rewards are still top-quality for the quests they received."

Walking past the players, he entered the spot where Iljnoks had his layer, preying on the unfortunate players who weren't strong enough to kill him while he was still in its weakest form.

Nonetheless, he too had some complications with that monster, but fortunately he killed the beast before it could grow into a menace to the world.

With himself standing on the center point of the layer, he sees that there were new changes to how it was arranged.

The layer was transformed into something akin to a trading hub, where some kobolds belonging to the Gravelmark Tribe were housing their stalls, with various crafted items, while at their side were the players who studied the items put on display.

The "merchant" kobolds weren't the only ones in this layer, in fact one could see the elite warriors of the tribe, acting as peace-keepers, and to his surprise they also grew in level since the fight with Iljnoks, reaching level 95.

Immediately when the elite warriors saw Mathias, there was a visible reaction which made the players curious, turning to see Mathias having his chaperone hat, covering his hair, but the kobolds still walked forward, and tried to bow their heads when Mathias approached, only to be stopped by his large hand.

"Act normal, as if you never saw me before."

"... But Lord, it will be disrespectful."

"It doesn't bother me, just act as if I am someone returning with important news to the Elder. I got to talk with him about something." told Mathias to one of the Elites he stopped bowing, and swiftly the changes took place, with the Elites acting upon his instructions, giving the normal impression to the players.

"I see, so you finally returned Adventurer! You are expected by the High Elder."

"Please, step forward and follow this path forward."

With a nod, he stepped inside the narrow path, the kobolds still didn't expand, maybe for fear the players would attack them, in Mathias's inner dialogue, he mentions how it is a smart method to keep their distance from the players, but also engaging with them, making them "friendly".

'It seems the old kobold listened to my advice in the letter. It's easy to predict what the attitude of the simpletons could be, if you offer them some benefits, regardless of how small they could be.'

{Lad, you are scary sometimes. To think you would nail this situation to this stage.}

'What can I say, I am a Diviner, I can see things, haha, but yes, overall think about many things.'

{I can tell.}


Slowly getting to the end of the narrow tunnel, he was welcomed by the kobold tribespeople who were surprised to see the one among the small group who saved them, especially their leader.

"PAP, THE CRIMSON LORD HAS RETURNED HOME!" shouted a young kobold who stood on the watch, and like wildfire the news started spreading, making even the Kobolds working in the gallery to stop what they were doing and rush toward the entrance area, only to see the fabled "Crimson Lord".

"Wow, it's as those guys who have seen him. His hair is of the blood color, maybe even deeper." commented a kobold who was absent when the first celebration was made for Mathias and his party.

Hearing the words of those kobolds full of curiosity and interest, he only smiled at them, and when passing by some curious chibi kobolds that looked at him up, as if he was some "GOD", clearly the new generation of kobolds that have been born when he was absent.

Extending his hand that started shining in his Red Energy, initially, it scared the chibi kobolds who knew for no good.

"Young one, don't be scared. Lord Mathias is offering his blessing to you." remarked an old voice from the back of the crowd, gazing with a calm expression at the arrival of the human who helped them a lot, especially on how to deal with the outlanders who infested the mountain just like he predicted.

Mathias only smiled, and caressing the little heads of the kobolds, he passed some percentage of his Energy that he would recover regardless.

'If I can stir their dragon's lineage even so slightly, I am fine with sharing some of my power.'

{The chances are unnoticeable. Even if I understand why you are doing this, it is pointless.}

'No, even if it is pointless as you say. By doing this, I am giving back to the kobolds, that small hope they lost by giving me [Dahlia's Tear]'

"Don't be afraid, little one. My powers will not hurt you at all, in fact, you'll feel a pleasant flame inside your chest that will keep you warm for a period." explained Mathias to a chibi kobold who retreated to his mother's leg, hiding like a cat.

Yet, the parents of those kids, thanks to Elder Morlk's remark, understood that this was something good for their hatchlings.

After he was done parting 50 Red Energy points to those little kobolds, leaving only 10 REp for himself, he greeted the rest of the adult kobolds calmly and moved toward the older kobolds, who started walking toward his mansion.


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