Saharan Successor

Chapter 170 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 35

Chapter 170 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 35


The day in the Romanian countryside started with a lot of snow, as it was generally in this winter season, the sound of a V8 engine made the atmosphere a bit better for the one who was revving the dark-blue four-wheeled beast, which resulted in the reaction of an old man who got inside the car.

"It might be 11:20 AM, but this doesn't mean you can just rev the car for no reason."

"Meh, I was just warming up the engine so we got the car warm. What? Do you want me to let you freeze on the road?"

"Whatever, just don't crush the car."

"All set?"  asked Mathias who was playing with the acceleration pedal, giving some gas to the Mustang old Augustine gifted him so casually that even now he thought he was kidding about the whole situation.

"Yeah everything is in check. I've placed some of the gifts and my clothes. Also locked the house, so you better don't nag me like your mother." replied old Augustine who took out his winter coat, which he placed on the back seats, while Mathias was wearing his good clothes that he came with.

Hearing his response, Mathias stopped playing with the gas pedal, and after checking the AC temperature, and his mirrors, he took off moving at the legal speed for the winter conditions for each section of the road.

There were some slopes along the road that required Mathias to go with extra care so he would drift, losing control of the sports car, and old Augustine even remarked on how carefully Mathias was driving the car.

"Surprisingly, you are doing actually great with this part of the road that is similar to the mountains. You are ready to take your future girlfriend to the mountain resort and enjoy some sweet nights."

"Too busy to think about girls." replied Mathias to his grandfather, who smirked, throwing him another question as he was driving, moving slowly behind another person driving ahead of him with the beginner's signs on his windows.

"But you got someone in mind right? You can't let some small failure in your personal life eat your future. Having someone to care for, not referring here to your little brothers, but a woman, it gives you another feeling."

"Yes, I know. Is a bit complicated in that regard, that's why I don't want to wrap my head in that."

"Heh, you are still young, only 21. Plenty of time since kids nowadays are starting their families in their late 20s. Haha, not that I am different from you kids."

Mathias was holding a casual discussion on his way home, thinking about where the portion of the road that allowed him to overtake this slow beginner drive which made him drive with 20-30 km/h. Not that he minded, but he felt sorry for this blue beast that could catch speeds up to 320 km/h.

"In about 2 kilometers you have that section of the road where you have space to overtake. Still, no need to hurry, the gas price has been the same for 20 years since the electric cars took over the gas cars." commented Augustine in a sarcastic tone, as if to tell Mathias's "Tranquilo, we got gas".

"It's fine. Do you see me want to rush somewhere?"

Then after about 2 kilometers, he saw a door to overtake where he wouldn't be at risk of messing up, and from there on he started increasing his speed, and from there on he cleared the road that looked to be similar to a mountain road, getting on the normal roads.

About 20 minutes after they started, Mathias reached closer to the city, and once he got inside the main boulevard noticing that people were walking around, the old man said with a cheeky tone.

"Rev it up a bit. There are some beauties over there."

Ignoring that remark, he still downshifted, from 4th gear to 3rd gear, slowing the Mustang, and in doing so increasing the rev of the car, making it sound so loudly that it spooked the girls Augustine mentioned they were passing.

"That's how you use a Sports Car, Matei. By flexing to the peasants." joked Augustine as he turned his head at the beautiful girls on the streets, smiling at them before adding to Mathias who did a small smile.

"Can you do this with those shitty EVs? No. And this is why those old sports cars are worth a fortune. Thank your old man for buying this Mustang for cheap back then."

"Sure, sure, a smart investment. But if we overdo it, we might get in trouble." chuckle Mathias, passing by the sector of the city where Shopping Malls and various shops were located, moving toward the central part where his family apartment was located.

However, what Mathias failed to notice in this small play with the car, was that the group of girls he passed, two of them were his ex-girlfriend friends, who instantly took notice of the Supercar passing next to them.

"Wow, look at that car. Isn't that like those cars the boys kept dreaming about?" asked one of the girls, who looked at the dark-blue beast, passing by.

"Whoever drives that car must be rich to afford one of those in this age where only lame EV's exist."

Then one of Alexandra's friends managed to take a look at who was driving the car, and looked with shocked eyes, mumbling with a "No way."

"No way, what, girl?"

"The guy who was driving that blue car was that guy … Mathias."

"NO WAY! That boring guy who broke up with Alex is back in town? He was driving that car?"

"I might be wrong, but since meeting him again 3 days ago, I can't be wrong." replied that girl looking at Mathias's Mustang that got stopped by the Red Lights, having to respect the law.

"Could it be, he has become a rich guy since moving?"  asked another girl from the group who didn't meet Mathias, instead only knew him from word of mouth.

They were all wondering, how Mathias could get his hands on such a car, and it didn't take long for the Mustang to get lost in the traffic, and the one who noticed Mathias took out her phone, and gave a message to someone who cared more than showed about this young man.

#Julia: You might not believe what I saw.

#Alexandra: What happened? I am kind of busy, preparing for the News Eve food with my mom.

#Julia: Don't freak out what I will say, but I saw Mathias driving a sports car. He even passed past me and the girls by accelerating the car, as if to spook us.

#Alexandra: I don't believe you.

#Julia: Girl, I tell you what I saw, maybe I am wrong.

#Alexandra: Not that, about him doing that to mock you. It was him greeting you, most likely. I am sure about that. I know him the best.

#Julia: Okay, okay, let's say it is just as you say. But can you explain to me how he got money to buy such a car? Did he strike luck by playing at the lottery? Or had something else planned? Maybe because he started training? Is he a fighter?

#Alexandra: No, it's something else. He probably earned money from playing this new game, Satisfy, which has become really popular lately. I heard from the people who discussed about this game that anything is possible inside, and earning money was actually something one could achieve by investing their time.

#Julia: Not interested in that. Anyway, what are you doing at night? Will you go to the club?

#Alexandra: No, I have to help home with the preparations.

#Julia: You said that for 3 days straight. Since you've met Mathias again, it was as if it changed you this encounter that you declined tagging along to the parties.

There was deep silence since she typed this comment with regard to her friend's sudden change, and while she was walking toward the shopping mall, it gave the impression she was stuck to the phone, being guided by her friends to reach safely inside.

"Girl, what are you doing? Are you fishing out a guy that you look to be trying so hard? Ohh, could it be, that you are hitting on that Mathias guy?

He must have changed a lot since 2 years ago."

"Me? Talking with that arrogant guy? Not my cup of coffee, I like my guy's sweat. That Mathias turned cold and arrogant. However, Alex is still feeling for that guy after all those years, since she right now doesn't even want to reply to my comment about her swift change."

"She dropped that low?"

"Yep, she dropped that low. You should have seen her face after that guy took off, it is as if she ate the bitterest lemon you could imagine. We tried to talk her off, and even mention some sweet guys that we can introduce to her, who have decent money and are even decent looking."


"She rejected, saying that no one could be better than that guy." said one of Alexandra's "friends" who started mocking her friends behind her back, turning this into authentic gossip between bitches.

"No way, Alex dropped so low. I always viewed her like an Ice Queen."

"Hah, you view her too bright. I even asked her if she wants to join this night's gathering at the club. Rejected. Again. All of a sudden she transformed into a housewife, staying at home and helping her family for the Christmas and News Eve cooking."

"Hahaha, the Housewife. Well, let's forget about it."

"A second girl, she responded. … She rejected."

*Laughing* "Let's not bother with her. What matters is that we have some fun."




Meanwhile, in a medium-sized apartment, a young woman wearing simple clothes with her blouse having the sleeves rolled up. She had a beautiful black hair that she kept tied in a simple ponytail, while her face which had zero make-up on, looked impeccable without any imperfection she should hide.

Next to her was a middle-aged woman that had gray hair, preparing some vegetables while behind the black-haired woman a large pot had some boiled meatballs inside, and she noticed that her daughter's expression shifted a little bit, with a small smile after exchanging messages with someone on the phone.

"Got invited to another of those parties?"

"Mhm? Yes, but I rejected it."

"You still haven't told me what happened to you. After three days, it's as if I can see my little girl again, helping me out with the cooking and cleaning the house along with me."

"Nothing important. I just want a new change for the year 2070."

"I am pleased to see that you've finally awakened to reality. That life isn't all about parties and spending the night with the girls." "Do you agree now with me, that those girls were a bad influence on you?" Alexandra who was cleaning some potatoes, sighed to herself, and nodded, agreeing with what her mother just said.

"It all started when you got in 12th grade in Highschool that you started changing and is probably if not for certain because you've met those 2 spoiled girls."


"Sigh, I am really glad that you finally got to taste those bitter experiences this early and not later on when you started a family."


Alexandra could only agree with whatever her mother was saying, but what she asked next made her place the peeler and the potato and look at her.

"I really miss those years where Matei's family and our family would gather for the News Eve. I can't even bring myself to ask Cristina about Matei. How has he been doing? Did you have any contact with him?"

"He went to Bucharest after graduating Highschool, that's what little Chris told me. However, he returned back home after one year there, something that little Chris told me."

"I see, so you've met him. Don't try to hide it from me, I know my little girl pretty well." mentioned the gray-haired lady, to Alexandra whose lips started trembling a bit.


"So, he probably told you something that opened your eyes. Sigh, that young man since you brought him inside our house showed that he was intelligent, very humble, and well raised."

"Mhm, it's as you say mom." *Sniff* "And I hurt him." said Alexandra while tearing up, with her lips trembling up, to which her mother also stopped what she was doing, taking her in a hug.

"It's okay, you two are still young. While you did something stupid, at least you learned a harsh life lesson, and this will make you stronger. Similar to Matei, while you hurt him a lot, a lot that if I wasn't your mother, I would grab you by the hair and nag you until I feel satisfied, he will become more careful in selecting his future partner."

"Have you at least apologized for what you've done?"

"When he found out and confronted me. After that, I was far too afraid to contact him, especially when that playboy played me for a fool. Too afraid to face him, I tried to forget him, but I simply can't do it. All 3 years we were together, I simply can't forget him."

She started crying harder, feeling this pent-up anger on herself, boiling up and she lashed to herself.

"And, what's your impression on Matei, after you've seen him since back then? Did you feel something when you met?"

"Shame, fear, and also sorry for what I've done to him. He changed a lot, I think he grew a bit more, and lost his weight."

"Ahhh, he lost his puffy cheeks?" asked the mother, in a joking manner, which had Alexandra laugh a bit between her crying.

"Yes, he lost his adorable chubby cheeks. But, he now seems to take care of his image and grew his hair longer. Mom, if you ever meet Matei on the streets, you'll not even be able to recognize him."

"I doubt Matei can fool this old lady's eyes. And, it is not like I need to approach him first, Cristina raised a respectful boy."

"I don't know what to do, mom." mentioned Alexandra while she was looking at her mother's face with sad, crying eyes.

"Silly girl, you really love this boy this much, but you also hurt him. Don't despair and let your emotions affect you, try to take things slowly and show some dignity. No man wants to deal with clingy and pathetic women, especially after being the type of break-up you two had."

"So gather your spirits, since this isn't the end of the road. You have to take it slowly, and start it a new, the Mathias you've met in highschool is no longer that shy boy, but turned fastly into a man."

"The life in the big city, also might have changed him, so if you want to win his heart, again, you have to start by getting in touch with him and reconnect with him, but in an amicable manner.

This means you will not go all pathetic, and ask him about his personal life, instead, go slowly."

"I will try, mom."

"Good, now go wash your face with some cold water and take a nap. You've stressed yourself too much."

Seeing her daughter move out from the kitchen, the gray-haired lady sighed to herself, and while she resumed preparing the vegetables, thought to herself.

'I should help this girl a little bit, by getting in contact with Cristina, this is the least I can do for my daughter.'



On the other hand, Mathias and old Augustine arrived safely in front of the apartment block, making it rather strange for the young man who got off from the car, being stared at with big eyes by a group of kids from the neighborhood playing with snow, who were awe-struck by the dark-blue Mustang.

"Mister, how fast can your car go? Does it go as fast as dad's car that is as silent as a wall?"

"Of course, it is faster than your father's car. Did you hear the roars of the car?"

Augustine started chuckling when seeing Mathias being surrounded by those kids, and cracked in laughter when he gazed at the boy who had a snowball sticking on his head as if he was bullseye by the other kids.

"Mister, mister, can your car do spins?"

Mathias who was assaulted by the questions of the kids, tried not to laugh at the contagious laughter of his old man who was taking his small air-travel bag, filled with his clothes, and in another hand being his bag with gifts for the family.

"Little guy, doing spins is dangerous. Heh, who am I kidding? This car can do a lot of spins."

"Also little snot, this horse of mine can go pretty fast."

Augustine walked toward the apartment block, while Mathias secured the car, and helped him with the bag heavier from the two, letting the kids stare at the Mustang and take pictures of it, as most of the kids in this new age had access to phones.

"I was smart to tell Cristina to buy her apartment here. The best part of the city, and it was even cheap since it was at the collapse of the real estate market."

"Yea, I guess. We are close to the big shops, school, highschool, and even University."

*Knock* *Knock*

"Who are you knocking around? Just get inside, this gift bag is heavy." complained old Augustine who was the first to step inside the house taking by surprise Cristina who was moving to open the door.

"Hey sweetheart, I had changes of plans since this brat wanted to see me spend time with you."

"Dad, please enter. I am glad you arrived home safely." said Cristina while welcoming Augustine, trying to take from his hand the bag with gifts, and before she knew Augustine arrived inside the living room, saying in a sarcastic tone.

"Still on the couch? Still there? You sure have grown lazy, especially when it is Christmas and New Eves."

"Haha, welcome father." said George who was taken off-guard by the sudden arrival of Mathias and Augustine, and getting up from his comfortable couch, he went to shake the hands of the old man, who did a strong shake.

Meanwhile, Mathias who was holding the luggage bag, placing it down while he started taking off his shoes and winter coat, later on moving toward Cristina, taking her in a hug and saying in a warm tone.

"Mother, sorry for the sudden shock, but I and grandfather had a change of plans."

"Don't worry, darling. Is good to have you two back. How was the road? Also, don't tell me, you've come back with that loud car?"

"Yes mom, but no need to worry, I've been driving for 5 years by now. I can handle that car rather easily since I am not a speed demon."

"Sure kid, sure." commented Augustine from the living room, mocking Mathias's attempts at soothing Cristina's heart.

"Grandpa, big brother! You've returned home." said Chris and Alex with happy smiles, not expecting the weird combo of young and old to tag along even in the city, walking toward Augustine, giving him a warm hug.

The old man started ruffling their hair, looking with a warm gaze at them, later on saying to them. "Here, let me show you what grandpa brought you for New Year Eve."

Then from his bag, he took out a fancy-packaged wrapping, with the logo belonging to a well-known clothes brand, which had the boys all worked up, and it was truly a great gift, as they received a pair of jeans that had a high-range price tag, along with a stylish blouse, both received the same type of gift, with except for the colors.

"Those are your favorite colors, yes?"

"Thanks, grandpa." said the boys after they checked the gift, taking the old man again in a hug, having him smiling from ear to ear.

On another hand, for George, Augustine brought the classical gift, a bottle of champagne, while for Cristina, he brought her a bracelet sewed by hand, which had a delicate touch full of details.

"I know you don't like me spending money on expensive gifts, so I gave an order to the company making embroidery items, with a design I created. This is for you, my sweetheart."

"Ahh, dad, there was no need for you to go to such lengths."

"No, this is just something small I can do for my family."

The atmosphere inside the house turned pleasant, where the boys of the house served some wine, the youngest ones included, while later on Mathias helped set up a table where food was spread out.

Things looked to be normal with the family spending their time together and talking about random things, the boys telling the old man about their highschool days, and various impressions they had, whereas Augustine started pocking at both Chris and Alex, inquiring if they had girlfriends.

"I will not bother your eldest, since he did spill the beans to me, and he is naked. But you brats, it's been a while since we talked man to man. So, any luck with a sweet girl?"

Mathias just smiled, not minding those jabs, and as the day passed, when the clock was 4:20 PM, Cristina who was in the kitchen received a call.


'Did something happen to her that she wants to talk about?'

#Cristina: "Hello, Hello?"

#Angela: "Sorry for the call Cristina."

#Cristina: "Don't worry, Angela. Did something happen? You've rarely called me since last year."

#Angela: "Well, it's a bit complicated, but first let me take this chance to apologize for the bad thing my daughter did to your son."

#Cristina: No need, that's between them. It shouldn't affect our acquaintance.

#Angela: Indeed, it shouldn't affect the two of us, but I still feel weird calling you knowing what happened.

#Cristina: Don't be. How have you been? Has your husband returned from Israel?

#Angela: He didn't get any leave this year. So is me and Alexandra home for this News Year's Eve. I have some sisters that might visit me, but it is rather peaceful at my place. What about you?

#Cristina: All my boys have returned home. Matei, included."

#Angela: I am glad to hear that. And, how is Matei? Been healthy?"

#Cristina: You wouldn't believe how much weight he lost. I almost thought he starved himself in Bucharest, but then I listened to his circumstances and is all good. He's healthy. And, Alexandra?

#Angela: Sigh, she is sleeping.

#Cristina: Sleeping? At this hour? Is she fine?

#Angela: Hah, I don't know how I should tell you. But this girl of mine has been torturing herself over how things ended between herself and Matei. It makes me worried that she might do something unthinkable, so I wanted to ask you for your help in this matter.

#Cristina: You know that I can't get into Matei's life, especially now that he has become independent. How bad did it get?

Mathias by the time Cristina picked up the call, was standing with his plate that he wanted to clean in the hallway, stopping to eavesdrop on the conversation Cristina had with the mother of his ex-girlfriend, Alexandra, and heard about how Alexandra started acting.

Stepping inside the kitchen and placing the plate, he told Cristina calmly.

"Mom, I've heard some of the conversation. Can I talk with aunty Angela?"

"Angela, I'll pass the phone to Matei since he is in the kitchen. I will let you talk with him."

Passing the phone after a brief moment, Mathias heard the familiar voice of the lady who treated him as close to a son, and after getting the briefing of what happened with Alexandra, he sighed and told.

"Aunty, please, no need to apologize for what happened. This isn't because you didn't watch what she was doing. I am fully aware of the reasons for that incident, and she is also aware of why she did what she did.

However, I don't want to give her or you false hopes. Still, this doesn't mean I can simply watch as she destroys herself emotionally."

#Angela: Will you meet her before you depart for Bucharest? You don't have to give her hopes that you'll be together since I am not stupid. However,  I just want you to have a conversation with her, a friendly one at least if possible.

*Sigh* "Aunty, I know. Can you tell her to meet me at the Royal Flower Garden Restaurant at 6:00 PM? I would have gone tonight, but I've drunk some alcohol and can't drive under the influence."

#Angela: It's perfect, thank you a lot Matei, for understanding me as a mother.

"I can feel your pain, and I will do this for this simple reason. However, I can't promise you anything, that she will be better or worse. I will only attempt to talk with her, and that's all."

#Angela: Should I tell her that the meeting is with you?

"Aunty, I really don't care. Is up to you. Anything else you wish to tell me, or I can pass the phone to mom?"

#Angela: Your voice matured a lot, little Matei. When you return home again, do you mind having a meeting with Aunty?"

"My pleasure. I should be home again in April, on the Eastern Holiday. I wish you a pleasant night."

Passing the phone to Cristina, Mathias returned to the living room, getting back to his seat next to Augustine who felt the swing in emotions his eldest grandson was showing, and it was even more evident when he took a glass of wine that he filled to the brim.

"Something's up, little Matei?"

"Nothing big, just some memories that started haunting me again." replied Mathias who downed an entire glass of wine.

Afterward he frowned, making both Chris and Alexandru who could see his expression to be worried if he was truly alright.

'You aren't the only one hurt, woman. Even if I have Fayrene and Jeanne, this is still in Satisfy. I am not a fool to not know the differences. As much as it hurts me to agree, there will be a future where I will have to start a family with a woman.'

'Hahh, damn it for making me remember all those hurtful memories.'


A/N: There will be one chapter of his break and we'll return in action, so I hope you enjoyed this IRL break into Mathias's life. Tried not to make it too boring but also to advance the story forward, and if you ask me what was my opinion of this Winter Break, it was so-so.


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