Saharan Successor

Chapter 183 – Vol. 3 – Chapter 48

Chapter 183 - Vol. 3 - Chapter 48


"Those monsters destroyed our daily lives forever."

When hearing that Mathias's expression turned into a sad one, looking at these gnomes with empathy while his body infused those small, skinny, small people with his Red Energy healing their bodies as much as he could.

Taking out from his inventory some of his food supplies, he handed them to each of the gnomes in a calm manner not giving them a second moment of doubt, because he was genuinely trying to help them when seeing in what state they were left, malnourished and traumatized.

"You can eat as much as you want, there's plenty of it."

The eyes of those 9 gnomes showed signs of vitality when noticing the food Mathias was presenting them, and not feeling anything threatening from this tall human, they jumped on the food, devouring the fruits without even spitting the core of the fruits, while the dried meat was looked skeptical, but without another alternative, they also eat the meat.

'Old Hay, are gnomes vegetarians?'

{If I remember correctly … They do eat from nature and are a peaceful subspecies that never harmed my people. In fact, I heard there were even some connections being established with my 5th Knight, Aruisil, who I assigned to watch over the territory from Gravelmark Mountain borders to reaching closer to the border with the Esmaria Kingdom of the Desert Tribesman.}

{Do help them since they are loyal people and will never backstab their friends. Apart from this, they are famous for their brilliant minds.}

'No need to mention it to me. I fully know what Gnomes are all about. If they are as I expect them to be. It will be worthwhile.'

While he was talking with Haycien about the Gnomes, he didn't focus on the small people who had pointy ears akin to Elves while the hair on their body was sprouting in all directions, clearing, requiring some care once the chaos was settled down.

"Kind human, can you … ?" tried to ask one of the gnomes who was the first to face Mathias while the rest were still afraid, a small person who had blond dirty hair, lacking facial hair compared to the 4 of the gnomes who looked older.

'Should be a young gnome by his appearance. Hmm, also he has some muscles on his arms and legs, should be a Warrior of the gnome tribe.'

{Let me check. … Actually, you aren't wrong in your observation, the way this gnome looks at you is different from the others who are scared shitless.}

"Sure thing, little friend. By the way, what is your name?"

"Egeira is my name, human friend. What about you?"

"For now, you can call me Octavian." responded Mathias, beginning to take another batch from his food supply, which he presented to the gnomes who started tearing up from the gesture they received.

"Egeira, do you mind if you tell me what happened to this place? Those goblins … have they taken over your homes?"

"... That monster, we couldn't stop him at all. All the gadgets we have built, all the weapons spewing fire, were useless against that monster." mentioned the blonde gnome, Egeira, while eating slowly on a large piece of cured meat.

"So, are you a warrior of your people? Are the other 8 like yourself?"

"I am the only one of my squad to survive the final clash against the green monsters. As for them, they are people of my tribe who don't know how to fight."

When Egeira mentioned that, the rest of the gnomes, composed of 5 guys and 3 girls, looked down, munching with tears flowing down their small faces as they were eating Mathias's food.

"Citizens aren't required to know how to fight, but … they should at least know how to protect their homes with the small act they could do. But this isn't the point now, go on tell me more if it doesn't bring too bad of memories."

Egeira nodded his head, cleared some of his tears from his eyes, before telling Mathias the story of what happened in that day, which brought the destruction of his home and people, and while Mathias was talking with the gnomes, Sera started having a weird sensation running around her nape, like some abnormal winds.

'What's that? There's an opening that we failed to explore?'

Not staying too much on contemplating her feeling, she took out a torch and lighted the room revealing the 9 gnomes standing in the corner of the small enclosed room with Mathias by their side, talking, while she walked to Trian and the other knights looking around the small room with sharp eyes.

"My Lady?" inquired Trian, noticing the serious expression the brown-haired woman had on her face.

"Something doesn't feel right, Trian. I have this sensation that there's some of the goblins hidden around the Armory. Since they couldn't enter this sealed room, they must have rushed to other places to hide from us."

"Ohh, shouldn't we warn, Lord Octavian?"

"Let's not bother him for now since he began interrogating those gnomes. It is better we keep quiet about this, and move on our own to end the rest of the vermins in hiding."

Trian looked at Mathias who had a warm appearance in those moments as he was talking one-to-one with the gnomes without showing any arrogance or superiority, he, later on, nodded at Sera, agreeing with her request of looking for the remnants of the goblins hiding in the building.

Mathias noticed the group of knights along with her party leaving the small room, but he didn't question their decision, continuing on listening to the intriguing story of the gnome, Egeira, who was painting a vivid image of the cataclysm which hit his home.

From the day the Gnomes started their invasion, and taking by surprise the gnomes who lived a peaceful life so far in the Gravelmark Mountain, without disturbing anyone or hurting anyone. How the gnomes fought back against the goblins, using their engineering gadgets to blow up the gnomes, and various tunnels to block the advance of the goblins.

Slowly, he was also understanding why he saw in his way various tunnels that remained clogged, with rubble all the eye could see, along with the smell of gunpowder.

'Makes sense now. Truly. Even how the tunnels were dug. Those gnomes aren't backwater people and instead brought some innovation to gunpowder.'

'My, my, what a surprise.'

The more he listened about the fight and what weapons the gnomes were using from bombs to firearms, he barely was able to keep his shock to himself, and for hearing such information which were like music to his ears, he started bringing up the delicious food for Egeira and the other gnomes.

On the other hand, Sera, Bernard, Eric and the Knights went about their search, going from the small room, and moving deeper in the Armory building, looking for what Sera felt awkward. In the process of looking out for the remaining goblins hidden away, they entered into a bigger room which revealed something Trian mentioned.

"Captain!! Aren't those some of our armor pieces?" asked Ellyron to remain close to Trian for the entire time, noticing some of the chainmail pieces that had the symbol of a Silver Eagle engraved on the chest metal plate.

"I can see them. Let's get them back so we aren't a hindrance to Lord Octavian." said Trian who took the first step toward some of his gear, only to be stopped by Sera who was on high alert.

"Wait, you guys better not rush. This might be a last stand for the goblins who set up their trap here."

"Everyone get on your fighting stance and watch each other's back. Also be alert on the sounds over the ceiling since they might jump from there." added Sera who acted just like Mathias in being decisive with her orders, which made Bernard and Eric who were next to her to smile a bit.

Slowly stepping forward, toward the place various items were thrown chaotically on the floor, she used her torch to light the room, but there were some corners where the light didn't touch, some blindspots.

'Hmph, you think I am stupid? Here, let me see if you like this."

She took from her inventory a larger flare that could be used to light the entire room, and with some anger wrapping around herself, she lighted the flare and before it fired-up, she threw it in one of the blindspots which once it fired-up revealed 8 goblins dropping to the ground while screeching in pain.

"Take them down guys. Those should be the remaining bugs hiding from the initial battle."

"Yes, My Lady!" said Trian who charged at the stunned goblins, appearing next to a Goblin Champion where he started cleaving at his flesh.

Trian, Alec, Kalas who were the middle-aged knights, along with Ellyron the youngster who showed to have the highest potential from the younger knights, started the slaughter, not giving Bernard, Eric and Sera any chance of lifting their weapons and attack.

"Bunch of annoying vermin. This time, it will be us who will stand victorious, now that we have Lord Octavian leading us along with Lady Sera." said Ellyron with some arrogance in his voice, before spitting a large phlegm on the head of the Goblin Champion who was turning into Gray Fragments scattering like ash.

Trian nodded at the display his boys put for Sera, and he could notice them growing stronger since leaving their home in the County of Valashar. The constant battle for survival was akin to doing a hot tempering of a sword, constantly quenching it until it was the sharpest sword.

"Lady Sera, do you sense any of the goblins hiding around?"

Sera walked around, and shook her head, giving the boys the free rain in searching for their weapons and armors.

"It seems clear this time. You guys can search for your gear, while me and my friends will be on the guard in case there are goblins who rush here. Which I doubt, but never say never."

She watched as the Knights rushed toward the pile of disorderly placed gear, searching for each other's items, acting like brothers, from the elder ones who were the fatherly figure to the youngsters. Minutes passed, and Alec found himself his level 155 Sword, which scared Bernard when he asked to check the stats of the sword.


[Valashar High-Knight Sword]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 157/265

Attack Power: 421 / Attack Speed: +2% / Critical Chance: +1%

Armor Penetration: 10%

* The skill < A Knight's Courage> will be generated

An item crafted by an advanced blacksmith of the County of Valashar at the request of the Count Kylian von Valashar with the intent of empowering the High-Knights of the County serving under the Count.

User Restrictions: Level: 150 or higher. More than 650 strength. More than 300 agility. Intermediary Sword Mastery level 6 or higher.



Even Sera was surprised a bit when she saw what the stats of the Knight's weapon looked like, after Bernard shared the information of the item with her, she was able to fill the condition of the agility, having required some more than 180 STR points, and also almost 60 levels.

'As for my Sword Mastery. I am only at Beginners level 8, soon to reach the Intermediary stage in regard to my weapon mastery. Hmm, but I think that Octavian guy will be able to fill in the condition of wielding this weapon.'

Yet what she didn't know was that Mathias was only level 84, while she was getting closer to level 94, a big jump in levels since the Adventure with this new mysterious party member began.

With most of the knights finding their gear and weapons, only Trian and Ellyron remained the ones looking empty-handed, still wearing the items given to them by Mathias.

"Lady Sera, it seems me and pops Trian aren't so lucky to find our weapons and chain mails." commented Ellyron who kicked some cheap bronze item hitting on the wall from the frustration he was suffering.

With Alec finding his sword, even Kalas found himself his Two-handed Mace which was an Epic rated item, having Bernard question who this Count Valashar was to be able to afford gearing up those knights with only Epic items.

"No need to get angry. I am sure we will stumble on your items by the time we reach the Goblin Chieftain." added Sera using a calming tone, which made Ellyron who watched this beautiful woman stop acting angry.

"If my lady says so. I will trust in your words. Are you ready, lucky pricks?" mentioned Ellyron turning to look at his partners who all found their items, lucky them.


Meanwhile, in the small enclosed room, Mathias, who listened to the story of the goblins, used his  Arcane Magic to cut the shackles of the gnomes, allowing them to be free.

"Lord Octavian … can I join you?" asked Egeira who recovered some of his breath, after being empowered by the Red Energy and also eating plenty of food, which recovered his HP gauge to 80%.

"... I don't want to endanger your life, young Egeira. It was enough that you managed to survive and protect the other 8. Also, I don't want to have you in my consciousness as some person to be sacrificed on my ascension."

"My Lord, it's my duty as Squadron Leader to guide you to the core of the Tribe. There also might be some of the traps still active which would harm you. The Elders taught me all the locations of the traps, and I can also take you to the core using a faster route."

Mathias studied the body language of his gnome, who was level 160, about the same level as the middle-aged Knights and the promising knight, Ellyron, and his heavy gaze made it slightly uncomfortable for the young gnome, who wanted to offer his help to this Human who looked like the embodiment of a Human Lord from the stories he heard his Elders speak about.

"Please, My Lord. I promise I will not get in trouble and also not get in your way. … I just want to be of use, and see with my eyes first-hand what happened to my people."

Mathias began clicking his tongue, watching this gnome, until he started saying in a playful tone.

"Should I take you, or should I leave you here until I finish killing off all those goblins? Still, what you are saying isn't wrong, it might come in handy knowing where the traps of this cave system are located. Also, having a trustworthy ally to help me suppress those goblins, doesn't sound half-bad."

"Then … can I join you?" asked Egeira with his blue eyes shining with some magical power which had Mathias smile when feeling that this boy's magical potential.

'Interesting. The saying that gnomes have the potential for magic was correct.'

{What saying?}

'Doesn't matter.'

Not wanting to open a rabbit hole where he would have to discuss some hard to digest concepts with Haycien, he stared at the small youngster with keen eyes, letting him boil in his own doubts, until extending his large hand to a "deal".

"Sure, you can join."

Egeira immediately grabbed Mathias's large hand using both of his hands, and after he calmed down, he noticed how Sera and the rest returned wearing new items, and he reconnected it was the former's armor and weapons.

"Lord Octavian, we found our lost weapons and armors. We shall return the equipment you've given us without even battling an eye."

"As I mentioned to you guys, it wasn't really a hard choice. But, sure, when the need comes and I encounter people like you, I will have them wear that equipment."

Trian signaled the boys to start giving the equipment back to Mathias, and while he was getting back his items, he received notifications from the system that he gained 15 affinity points with each of the Knights.

"Hah, you guys are really … Why stress yourself over this small gesture?" asked Mathias all of the Knights who showed their respect in the manner they gazed at him.

"Without you, Lord, we would probably still continue on rotting in that chamber, clearing out the tunnel."

"Ohh, by chance are you talking about the tunnel toward the Section A of the City?" asked Egeira, who showed to be knowledgeable about which tunnel Trian was referring to.

"I don't know, but it was a large tunnel entrance that was blown out with many rubles requiring it to be cleared out."

"Yeah, that's the crossing to Section A of the City. It was destroyed to take in a large army of the goblins, which proved successful."

"Lord? You found out who this little kid is?" asked the middle-aged knight, staring at the blonde boy who was sticking close to Mathias.

"Mhm, his name is Egeira, one of the young leaders of the Gnomes in this Cave System. He is an important combatant in the fight the Gnomes had against the Goblins, and someone who took down hundreds of the goblins with his cunning ideas and courage.

Also, he will join us."

"Pleased to meet you, everyone." greeted Egeira, who looked to have opened up from his former depressed shell thanks to Mathias.

It didn't take long for the knights, Sera, Bernard and Eric to get to know this young blonde gnome, who showed to be spirited by Mathias, and while preparing for the departure, the crimson-haired man turns at the 8 gnomes who looked with worried eyes at him and their brethren.

"You should be safe here now. I gave you plenty of supplies to keep you going for some weeks, so be sparingly with them because I don't know when the fight will end. Today, tomorrow, in one week. Still, I hope we get to the end of this by tomorrow."

"Be careful, Human Lord. We want to cheer for you when you end the Goblin Monster along with the rest of our brothers and sisters." said one of the male gnomes, who opened up to Mathias, receiving a kind smile from the tall man.

"I will be careful, gnome friend. If I encounter any of your people needing help, I will be there for them. For now, stay safe, and don't make too much noise in case you are sniffed out by the goblins."

"Once you and your group leave, we will seal off the room until you return back."

[Affinity with the Gnome, Bim, has increased by 15 points]

"Good choice."

Nodding at the gnomes, he did a final check on the knights, who finished their search for any possible gear, most found success while Trian, Ellyron and other two young knights didn't but then again, the gear Mathias gave them wasn't half-bad as they started getting used to moving in them.

"Egeira, stay close to me, and tell me the path to Section D, that you mentioned is the fastest to reach the City."

"Sure thing. But, we will have to get a bit dirty because Section D passes past the underground river."

"So be it. Guide us there."

With Egeira acting like the perfect guide for the party of humans, they followed the natural path of the Underground System, and experienced a dead silence for the most part, only the sound of the flowing water being able to accompany them as they crouched down in the narrow passage to Section D.

It was clear, without any goblins which made Egeira nod his head, feeling a bit certain that the Elders managed to get the goblins straight to section B and C which were the deadliest, filled with traps after traps.

Nevertheless, their advance continued slowly until the sound of the metal hitting on the rock could be picked, a point where Mathias slowed his walking pace, discussing with the Knights about the situation at hand.

"You did well, Egeira. I never expected that by crouching down on that narrow opening we could get to Section D which was clear of any goblins. However, I think we reached an open chamber, where some people are being held enslaved."

"Mhm, we should be careful, Lord." replied the gnome using a whispering tone barely audible.

"I know, but for now, I want to say the rest of the words. We reached half the way on our journey. We might see certain things we will not want to see, and for which we have to remain calm. From what Egeira told me, the army of the Goblins is larger than I ever envisioned in my head, while their Chieftain is also not a pushover to be killed so easily."

"We understand, Lord Octavian." commented Trian in a whispering tone, keeping it quiet not wanting to alert the enemy, while Mathias closed his crimson eyes, and began murmuring something that no one could understand, but someone deep inside his mind.

Still, he mentioned his worries to the group.

"Hah, I hope I am just imagining things and this doesn't happen. But there should be humans captured by the goblins. If we see any of our brethren deep down here, promise me that you will not be consumed by your emotions and that we will still work together as a whole team."

"... Lord, you can be saying that .." added Ellyron, who remembered how the goblins raided the bordering villages with the mountain, taking in various girls along their retreat.

"We can't be sure of anything with those animals. This is why I hope it's just my imagination. Guys, we have to work together, since this is the only way we can defeat those green bastards, and rescue the Young Lord."

"Understood Lord. We promise you that we will keep fighting."

Nodding his head while patting the shoulders of each valiant knight, fighting relentlessly to rescue their Young Lord, Riannon von Valashar, he started the journey, and as they descended into another chamber that was in a rectangular shape, which visibly was built artificially.

Left and Right, Mathias could see ragged, sick-looking gnomes toils feebly under the directions of goblin enslavers, while one the walls the gnomes were carving the specific zones marked by the goblins. On the walls  there were reddish glowing objects, casting a fitful and gloomy light on the scene.

"Egeira, calm." added Mathias, while he was quick to identify what those reddish glowing objects were, since they belonged to the Fire Beetles that called home such underground places.

It was when the whole party descend on this chamber that the goblins noticed them, and Mathias who always managed to impress the Knights, teleport himself using the <Phantom Steps> and appeared before the Goblin who noticed him, a monster that was level 105 that he killed in One Hit using the Arcane Blast on his brains.

"Don't show any signs of weakness against those rats." ordered Mathias who threw Ragnius like a Javelin that he bound with his Arcane Energy, flying toward another place of the chamber and killing another Goblin in cold blood by activating the option of instant kill by targeting the rare chance of vital point kill.


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